/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/ipmiext/ipmifruinvprvt.H $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2018 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __IPMI_IPMIFRUINVPRVT_H #define __IPMI_IMPIFRUINVPRVT_H namespace IPMIFRUINV { enum recordFields { //Storage Definition Headers will use version 1.2 SPEC_VERSION = 1, RECORD_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT = 8, //size in bytes CHECKSUM_SIZE = 1, //size in bytes RECORD_NOT_PRESENT = 0, ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_CODE = 0, TYPELENGTH_BYTE_NULL = 0, TYPELENGTH_BYTE_ASCII = 0xC0, END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS = 0xC1, COMMON_HEADER_FORMAT_SIZE = 8, //size in bytes DEFAULT_CHASSIS_TYPE = 0x05, DEFAULT_FRU_OFFSET = 0, TYPELENGTH_SIZE_MASK = 0x3F, //bits 5:0 define num data bytes MAX_ASCII_FIELD_SIZE = 0x3F, //size in bytes MAX_RECORD_SIZE = 0xFF, //size in bytes }; enum commonHeaderEntryOffsets { HEADER_FORMART_VERSION = 0, PRODUCT_INFO_AREA = 4, }; }; //Parent Class Contains all common functions to build up, format, // and send IPMI Fru Inventory Record Data //The parent Class also defines pure virtual functions so the child // is responsible to build up the individual record sections // as the data for those is specific to each child. class IpmiFruInv { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from */ IpmiFruInv(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target); /** * @brief Default Destructor */ virtual ~IpmiFruInv(); /** * @brief Factory Pattern Creator function * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from * @param[in] isUpdate, Indicator if the code is updating * existing data, or setting base data. */ static IpmiFruInv *Factory(TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_targets, bool i_isUpdate); /** * @brief Package and send the IPMI FRU Data * * @param[in] uint8_t, IPMI Fru Device ID */ void sendFruData(uint8_t i_deviceId); /** * @brief Gather and Format relevant IPMI Fru Inventory Data * * @param[in] void * @param[out] errlHndl_t, error encountered getting data */ errlHndl_t buildFruInvRecord(void); protected: //The target to build an IPMI fru inventory record for TARGETING::TargetHandle_t iv_target; //The overall IPMI Fru Inventory record to send std::vector iv_record_data; /** * @brief Format Beginning of Individual IPMI Fru Data Section * * @param[in/out] data, Data to be updated with formatting + header * @param[in] i_setLanguagCode, Indicator to set/not set Language Code */ void preFormatProcessing(std::vector& io_data, bool i_setLanguageCode); /** * @brief Format End of Individual IPMI Fru Data Section * * @param[in/out] data, Data container to be updated with formatting */ void postFormatProcessing(std::vector& io_data); /** * @brief Complete + Set size of Data Section * * @param[in/out] data, Data container with size to be updated * @param[in] offset, Indicate where to update size of data section */ void setAreaSize(std::vector& io_data, uint8_t i_offset); /** * @brief Add inputted data to overall IPMI Fru Record * * @param[in] data, Data container to be added to overall record */ void addDataToRecord(const std::vector& i_data); /** * @brief Format inpuuted data to hex data that contains build date info * * @param[in] mfgDateData, MFG date data container from VPD * @param[out] mfgDate, MFG date data value in minutes */ errlHndl_t formatMfgData(std::vector i_mfgDateData, uint32_t& o_mfgDate); /** * @brief Add product build date to IPMI fru record * * @param[in/out] data, The container to put build date in * @param[in] mfgDateData, MFG date data container from VPD */ void setMfgData(std::vector &io_data, std::vector &i_mfgDateData); /** * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put intenral use area data in */ virtual errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector &io_data)=0; /** * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in */ virtual errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector &io_data)=0; /** * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in */ virtual errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector &io_data)=0; /** * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in */ virtual errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector &io_data)=0; /** * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in */ virtual errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea( std::vector &io_data)=0; /** * @brief Builds a standard data section that is empty * @param[in] data, The container to put the data in */ virtual errlHndl_t buildEmptyArea(std::vector &i_data); /** * @brief Debug function to print data to console * @param[in] data, The data to be printed */ void printRecordDebugData(const std::vector &i_data); /** * @brief Adds ECID attribute data * @param[in] target, The target to get the Sensor Number from * @param[in] ecid_info, The ECID attribute data * @param[in/out] data, The container to put ECID attribute data in */ void addEcidData(const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target, const TARGETING::ATTR_ECID_type& i_ecidInfo, std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Adds EC attribute data * @param[in] target, The target to get the Sensor Number from * @param[in] ecInfo, The EC attribute data * @param[in/out] data, The container to put EC attribute data in */ void addECData(const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target, const TARGETING::ATTR_EC_type& i_ecInfo, std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Adds Ecid and EC attribute data from extra targets as custom data * @param[in] TargetHandleList, Handle to list of extra * targets associated with this FRU Record * @param[in/out] data, The container to put ECID attribute data in */ void customData(TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets, std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Retrieve vpd record keyword and add to IPMI Fru Inventory record * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @param[in] access, Indicates vpd module to access (MVPD,PVPD,CPVD) * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not */ errlHndl_t addCommonVpdData( const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target, std::vector &io_data, DeviceFW::AccessType i_accessType, uint8_t i_record, uint8_t i_keyword, bool i_ascii, bool i_typeLengthByte); /** * @brief Add attribute data to IPMI Fru Inventory record * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @param[in] attrData, Pointer to attribute data * @param[in] length, Length of data to add */ void addCommonAttrData( std::vector &io_data, uint8_t * i_pAttrData, size_t i_length); // The ATTR_SERIAL_NUMBER and ATTR_PART_NUMBER are 18 bytes but the // vpd data size is only 16. Only want to add the vpd data, not the pad. enum vpdSize { VPD_SN_PN_VPD_SIZE = 16, }; // Store number of days in a each month for computation of build date const uint8_t daysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; private: /** * @brief Compute and Add data checsum to data record * * @param[in/out] data, Data to be updated with checsum */ void addDataChecksum(std::vector& io_data); /** * @brief Pad data section to proper size * * @param[in/out] data, Data to be padded */ void padData(std::vector& io_data); /** * @brief Builds a section of the common header * * @param[in/out] data, Common Header section data container * @param[in] section_data, Data from one particular record section * @param[in/out] cur_offset, Current offset for data in overall record */ void buildCommonHeaderSection(std::vector& io_out_data, uint32_t i_section_data, uint32_t &io_cur_offset); /** * @brief Sets IPMI Fru Spec Revision Header Format Value * * @param[in/out] data, data to add format value to */ void addHeaderFormat(std::vector& io_data); /** * @brief Builds the common header data in iv_record * * @param[in] internal_use_data, IPMI internal use section data * @param[in] chassis_data, IPMI chassis section data * @param[in] board_data, IPMI board section data * @param[in] product_data, IPMI product section data * @param[in] multirecord_data, IPMI multirecord section data * @param[out] void */ void buildCommonHeader( const std::vector &i_internal_use_data, const std::vector &i_chassis_data, const std::vector &i_board_data, const std::vector &i_product_data, const std::vector &i_multirecord_data ); /** * @brief Complete entire record by combining all data parts * * @param[in] internal_use_data, IPMI internal use section data * @param[in] chassis_data, IPMI chassis section data * @param[in] board_data, IPMI board section data * @param[in] product_data, IPMI product section data * @param[in] multirecord_data, IPMI multirecord section data */ void completeRecord(const std::vector &i_internal_use_data, const std::vector &i_chassis_data, const std::vector &i_board_data, const std::vector &i_product_data, const std::vector &i_multirecord_data); }; //Child class for building up ISDimm Fru Inventory Record Data class isdimmIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from */ isdimmIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target); /** * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put internal use area data in */ errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); private: /** * @brief Adds the specified VPD data to the data to build up a given * record * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @param[in] keyword, Indicates where in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not */ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector &io_data, uint8_t i_keyword, bool i_ascii=false); /** * @brief Add manufacturer name of memory module into IPMI message buffer. * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @return errlHndl_t, Error handle, NULL if operation was completed * successfully */ errlHndl_t addSpdManufacturer(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Add detailed description of memory module into IPMI message buffer. * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @return errlHndl_t, Error handle, NULL if operation was completed * successfully */ errlHndl_t addSpdDetails(std::vector &io_data); }; //Child class for building up Processor Fru Inventory Record Data class procIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from * @param[in] isUpdate, Indicator if the code is updating * existing data, or setting base data. */ procIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target, bool i_isUpdate ); /** * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put internal use area data in */ errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); protected: //Indicator if a data update is happening. //True - means we are solely updating certain data //False - means we are doing the initial 'base' data set bool iv_isUpdate; private: /** * @brief Adds the specified VPD data to the data to build up a given * IPMI Fru Inventory record * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not * @param[in] typeLengthBtye, Indicates whether type length to be added. */ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector &io_data, uint8_t i_record, uint8_t i_keyword, bool i_ascii=false, bool i_typeLengthByte=true); }; //Child class for building up backplane Fru Inventory Record Data class backplaneIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from * @param[in] TargetHandleList, Handle to list of extra * targets associated with this FRU Record * @param[in] isUpdate, Indicator if the code is updating * existing data, or setting base data. */ backplaneIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target, TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets, bool i_isUpdate ); /** * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put internal use area data in */ errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector& io_data); /** * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector& io_data); protected: //Indicator if a data update is happening. //True - means we are solely updating certain data //False - means we are doing the initial 'base' data set bool iv_isUpdate; //The list of Extra Targets if multiple targets are //associated with one FRU_ID TARGETING::TargetHandleList iv_extraTargets; private: /** * @brief Adds the specified VPD data to the data to build up a given * IPMI Fru Inventory record * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not * @param[in] typeLengthBtye, Indicates whether type length to be added. */ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector &io_data, uint8_t i_record, uint8_t i_keyword, bool i_ascii=false, bool i_typeLengthByte=true); }; //Child class for building up System Firwmare Fru Inventory Record Data class systemFwIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from */ systemFwIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target); /** * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put internal use area data in */ errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); }; //Child class for building up membuf Fru Inventory Record Data. For example, //for a memory riser card Fru. class membufIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from * @param[in] TargetHandleList, Handle to list of extra * targets associated with this FRU Record * @param[in] isUpdate, Indicator if the code is updating * existing data, or setting base data. */ membufIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target, TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets, bool i_isUpdate ); /** * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put internal use area data in */ errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector &io_data); /** * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector& io_data); /** * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in */ errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector& io_data); protected: //Indicator if a data update is happening. //True - means we are solely updating certain data //False - means we are doing the initial 'base' data set bool iv_isUpdate; //The list of Extra Targets if multiple targets are //associated with one FRU_ID TARGETING::TargetHandleList iv_extraTargets; private: /** * @brief Adds the specified VPD data to the data to build up a given * IPMI Fru Inventory record * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not * @param[in] typeLengthBtye, Indicates whether type length to be added. */ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector &io_data, uint8_t i_record, uint8_t i_keyword, bool i_ascii=false, bool i_typeLengthByte=true); }; #endif