/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/i2c/test/tpmddtest.H $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __TPMDDTEST_H #define __TPMDDTEST_H /** * @file tpmddtest.H * * @brief Test cases for the tpm dd code */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "i2ctest.H" #include "../tpmdd.H" #include "../../secureboot/trusted/trustedTypes.H" extern trace_desc_t* g_trac_tpmdd; // NOTE: TRACUCOMP defined/controlled in i2ctest.H using namespace TARGETING; using namespace TPMDD; class TPMDDTest: public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: /** * @brief Retrieve a TPM target to test with */ TARGETING::Target* getTestTarget() { TARGETING::Target* testTarget = NULL; TARGETING::TargetHandleList tpmList; TARGETING::getAllChips(tpmList, TARGETING::TYPE_TPM, true); // only functional if (tpmList.size() > 0) { testTarget = tpmList[0]; TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "getTestTarget tpm tgt=0x%08X", TARGETING::get_huid(testTarget)); // Let's see if the requested chip is functional tpm_info_t tpmInfo; memset(&tpmInfo, 0, sizeof(tpm_info_t)); errlHndl_t err = tpmReadAttributes (testTarget, tpmInfo, TPM_LOCALITY_0); if (NULL != err) { testTarget = NULL; delete err; err = NULL; } else if (!tpmInfo.tpmEnabled) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "getTestTarget - " "Chip not enabled"); testTarget = NULL; } else { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "getTestTarget - " "Chip enabled"); } } return testTarget; } /** * @brief TPM Read VendorID Test */ void testTPMReadVendorID ( void ) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; int64_t fails = 0, num_ops = 0; uint32_t data = 0x0; size_t dataSize = sizeof(data); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMReadVendorID - Start" ); do { // Get a TPM Target TARGETING::Target* testTarget = getTestTarget(); if (NULL == testTarget) { continue; } num_ops++; err = deviceRead(testTarget, &data, dataSize, DEVICE_TPM_ADDRESS( TPM_OP_READVENDORID, 0, TPM_LOCALITY_0) ); if( NULL != err ) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMReadVendorID - Error detected" ); errlCommit( err, TPMDD_COMP_ID ); delete err; err = NULL; continue; } else if ((data & TPMDD::TPM_VENDORID_MASK) != TPMDD::TPM_VENDORID) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMReadVendorID - Failed to read " "correct vendor id ID=0x%X", data); continue; } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMReadVendorID - " "VendorID returned as expected. ID=0x%X", data); continue; } } while( 0 ); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMReadVendorID - End: %d/%d fails", fails, num_ops ); } /** * @brief TPM Invalid Operation Test * This test will pass in an invalid Operation type. It * is expected that an error log is to be returned. */ void testTPMInvalidOperation ( void ) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; int64_t fails = 0, num_ops = 0; uint64_t data = 0x0ull; size_t dataSize = 0; TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMInvalidOperation - Start" ); do { // Get a TPM Target TARGETING::Target* testTarget = getTestTarget(); if (NULL == testTarget) { continue; } num_ops++; err = deviceRead(testTarget, &data, dataSize, DEVICE_TPM_ADDRESS( TPM_OP_LASTOP, 0, TPM_LOCALITY_0) ); if( NULL == err ) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMInvalidOperation - Error should've " " resulted in Operation type of TPM_OP_LASTOP!" ); } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMInvalidOperation - " "TPM_OP_LASTOP : Error log returned as expected. " "RC=0x%X", err->reasonCode() ); delete err; err = NULL; } num_ops++; err = deviceOp( DeviceFW::LAST_OP_TYPE, testTarget, &data, dataSize, DEVICE_TPM_ADDRESS( TPM_OP_READVENDORID, 0, TPM_LOCALITY_0) ); if( NULL == err ) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMInvalidOperation - Error should've " " resulted in Operation type of LAST_OP_TYPE!" ); } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMInvalidOperation - " "DevFW::LastOp : Error log returned as expected. " "RC=0x%X", err->reasonCode() ); delete err; err = NULL; } } while( 0 ); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMInvalidOperation - End: %d/%d fails", fails, num_ops ); } /** * @brief TPM Overflow Test * This test will pass in a read length too long for the * device. It is expected that an error log is to be * returned. */ void testTPMOverflow ( void ) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; int64_t fails = 0, num_ops = 0; uint64_t data = 0x0ull; size_t dataSize = 0; TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMOverflow - Start" ); do { // Get a TPM Target TARGETING::Target* testTarget = getTestTarget(); if (NULL == testTarget) { continue; } // Set max length dataSize = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; num_ops++; err = deviceRead(testTarget, &data, dataSize, DEVICE_TPM_ADDRESS( TPM_OP_READVENDORID, 0, TPM_LOCALITY_0) ); if( NULL == err || err->reasonCode() != TPM_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMOverflow - ReadVendorId: Error should've " "resulted from overflow length: " "length = 0x%x", dataSize); } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMOverflow - " "ReadVendorId: Error log returned as expected. " "RC=0x%X", err->reasonCode() ); delete err; err = NULL; } } while( 0 ); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMOverflow - End: %d/%d fails", fails, num_ops ); } /** * @brief TPM Presence Test */ void testTPMPresence ( void ) { int64_t fails = 0, num_ops = 0; bool presence = false; TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMPresence - Start" ); do { // Get a processor Target instead of a tpm target TARGETING::TargetService& tS = TARGETING::targetService(); TARGETING::Target* testTarget = NULL; tS.masterProcChipTargetHandle( testTarget ); assert(testTarget != NULL); // Skip this target if target is non-functional if(!testTarget->getAttr() .functional) { continue; } num_ops++; // Test with invalid proc target presence = TPMDD::tpmPresence(testTarget); if( presence == true ) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMPresence - ProcTarget: Error when " "using processor target, false presence!" ); } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMPresence - " "ProcTarget: False returned as expected. "); } testTarget = getTestTarget(); if (NULL != testTarget) { // Now test with valid primary target num_ops++; presence = TPMDD::tpmPresence(testTarget); if( presence == false ) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMPresence - TPMPrimary: true should've " "resulted in using backup TPM!" ); } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMPresence - " "TPMPrimary: true returned as expected. "); } } } while( 0 ); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMPresence - End: %d/%d fails", fails, num_ops ); } /** * @brief TPM Transmit Test */ void testTPMTransmit ( void ) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; int64_t fails = 0, num_ops = 0; uint8_t data[256]; size_t dataSize = sizeof(data); size_t cmdSize = 0; TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMTransmit - Start" ); do { // Get a TPM Target TARGETING::Target* testTarget = getTestTarget(); if (NULL == testTarget) { continue; } // Build our command block for a get capability dataSize = sizeof(data); memset(data, 0xFE, sizeof(data)); TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM2_GetCapabilityIn* cmd = reinterpret_cast (data); cmd->base.commandSize = sizeof (TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM2_GetCapabilityIn); cmd->base.tag = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_ST_NO_SESSIONS; cmd->base.commandCode = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_CC_GetCapability; cmd->capability = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_CAP_TPM_PROPERTIES; cmd->property = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER; cmd->propertyCount = 1; cmdSize = cmd->base.commandSize; num_ops++; err = deviceRead(testTarget, &data, dataSize, DEVICE_TPM_ADDRESS( TPM_OP_TRANSMIT, cmdSize, TPM_LOCALITY_0) ); TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM2_BaseOut* resp = reinterpret_cast(data); if( NULL != err ) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMTransmit - GetCap : Error detected" ); errlCommit( err, TPMDD_COMP_ID ); delete err; err = NULL; continue; } else if (TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_SUCCESS != resp->responseCode) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMTransmit - GetCap : " "TPM return non-success : %d", resp->responseCode); continue; } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMTransmit - GetCap : " "Transmit returned as expected. len=%d", dataSize); } } while( 0 ); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMTransmit - End: %d/%d fails", fails, num_ops ); } /** * @brief TPM Transmit Over/Under flow Test */ void testTPMTransmitOverUnder ( void ) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; int64_t fails = 0, num_ops = 0; uint8_t data[256]; size_t dataSize = sizeof(data); size_t cmdSize = 0; TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMTransmitOverUnder - Start" ); do { // Get a TPM Target TARGETING::Target* testTarget = getTestTarget(); if (NULL == testTarget) { continue; } dataSize = sizeof(data); memset(data, 0xFE, sizeof(data)); // Test a TPM data overflow TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM2_GetCapabilityIn* cmd = reinterpret_cast(data); cmd->base.tag = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_ST_NO_SESSIONS; cmd->base.commandSize = sizeof (TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM2_GetCapabilityIn); cmd->base.commandCode = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_CC_GetCapability; cmd->capability = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_CAP_TPM_PROPERTIES; cmd->property = TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER; cmd->propertyCount = 1; cmdSize = cmd->base.commandSize; num_ops++; // Force datasize to be too small dataSize = sizeof(TRUSTEDBOOT::TPM2_BaseOut); err = deviceRead(testTarget, &data, dataSize, DEVICE_TPM_ADDRESS(TPM_OP_TRANSMIT, cmdSize, TPM_LOCALITY_0) ); if( NULL == err || err->reasonCode() != TPM_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { fails++; TS_FAIL( "testTPMTransmitOverUnder - Error " "data overflow not detected" ); errlCommit( err, TPMDD_COMP_ID ); delete err; err = NULL; } else { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMTransmitOverUnder - " "DataOver Transmit returned as expected. len=%d", dataSize); } } while( 0 ); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_tpmdd, "testTPMTransmitOverUnder - End: %d/%d fails", fails, num_ops ); } }; #endif