/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/i2c/i2c.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __I2C_H #define __I2C_H /** * @file i2c.H * * @brief Provides the interfaces for the i2c device driver * */ // ---------------------------------------------- // Includes // ---------------------------------------------- #include namespace I2C { /** * @brief FIFO size (width) in bytes. This dictates how many bytes * we can read/write in one FIFO access. */ #define I2C_FIFO_SIZE 4 /** * @brief FIFO capacity in bytes. This dictates the maximum number * of bytes that the FIFO can hold. */ #define I2C_MAX_FIFO_CAPACITY 8 /** * @brief I2C Clock setting values * * The clock divisors are found by using a 600Mhz local bus, using the * equation that was given in the I2C Master Spec. * */ #define I2C_MAX_BUS_SPEED 400 #define I2C_CLOCK_DIVISOR_100KHZ 1499 // 0x5DB #define I2C_CLOCK_DIVISOR_400KHZ 374 // 0x176 /** * @brief I2C Clock delay polling values * * The first macro returns an interval to sleep, based on the clock speed. * The macro and values were determined by examples provided from the prism * hardware team. * * Poll interval = clock divisor / 37 * @100KHz = 40uS * @400KHz = 10uS * * Poll count = 5000 / Poll interval * @100KHz = 125 * @400KHz = 500 */ #define I2C_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL( i_clockSpeed ) ( i_clockSpeed / 37 ) #define I2C_TIMEOUT_COUNT( i_interval ) ( 5000 / i_interval ) /** * @brief I2C Master Base Addresses * * These addresses will not be needed once there is some solution in * the attribute code that can be queried to get the chip base * addresses. */ #define I2C_MASTER_BASE_ADDR 0xA0000 /** * @brief I2C Master Offset Addresses */ #define I2C_MASTER0_OFFSET 0x00 #define I2C_MASTER1_OFFSET 0x20 #define I2C_MASTER2_OFFSET 0x40 /** * @brief I2C Master Addresses */ #define I2C_MASTER0_ADDR (I2C_MASTER_BASE_ADDR | I2C_MASTER0_OFFSET) #define I2C_MASTER1_ADDR (I2C_MASTER_BASE_ADDR | I2C_MASTER1_OFFSET) #define I2C_MASTER2_ADDR (I2C_MASTER_BASE_ADDR | I2C_MASTER2_OFFSET) /** * @brief I2C Master register structure and address definition */ typedef struct { uint64_t fifo; uint64_t command; uint64_t mode; uint64_t intmask; // Not Currently used uint64_t interrupt; uint64_t status; uint64_t reset; } i2c_addrs_t; // Addresses for each of the registers in each engine. static i2c_addrs_t masterAddrs[] = { { /* Master 0 */ I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0x4, // FIFO I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0x5, // Command Register I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0x6, // Mode Register I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0x8, // Interrupt Mask Register I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0xA, // Interrupt Register I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0xB, // Status Register (Read) I2C_MASTER0_ADDR | 0xB, // Reset (Write) }, { /* Master 1 */ I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0x4, // FIFO I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0x5, // Command Register I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0x6, // Mode Register I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0x8, // Interrupt Mask Register I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0xA, // Interrupt Register I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0xB, // Status Register (Read) I2C_MASTER1_ADDR | 0xB, // Reset (Write) }, { /* Master 2 */ I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0x4, // FIFO I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0x5, // Command Register I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0x6, // Mode Register I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0x8, // Interrupt Mask Register I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0xA, // Interrupt Register I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0xB, // Status Register (Read) I2C_MASTER2_ADDR | 0xB, // Reset (Write) } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: Addressing listed below is from the PIB I2C Master Addressing // scheme from the I2C Master specification. Only the Legacy // registers are being implemented. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief I2C FIFO register definition * Address 0x04 */ union fiforeg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t byte_0 : 8; uint64_t padding : 56; } PACKED; } fifo_reg_t; /** * @brief I2C Command register definition * Address 0x05 */ union cmdreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t with_start : 1; uint64_t with_addr : 1; uint64_t read_continue : 1; // Not Supported at this time uint64_t with_stop : 1; uint64_t reserved : 4; uint64_t device_addr : 7; uint64_t read_not_write : 1; uint64_t length_b : 16; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } command_reg_t; /** * @brief I2C Mode register definition * Address 0x06 */ union modereg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t bit_rate_div : 16; uint64_t port_num : 6; uint64_t reserved : 6; uint64_t enhanced_mode : 1; uint64_t diag_mode : 1; uint64_t pacing_allow_mode : 1; uint64_t wrap_mode : 1; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } mode_reg_t; /** * @brief Watermark register definition * Address 0x07 */ union watermarkreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t reserved0 : 16; uint64_t high : 4; uint64_t reserved1 : 4; uint64_t low : 4; uint64_t reserved2 : 4; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } watermark_reg_t; /** * @brief Interrupt Mask register definition * Address 0x08 */ union intmaskreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t reserved0 : 16; uint64_t invalid_cmd : 1; uint64_t lbus_parity_error : 1; uint64_t backend_overrun_error : 1; uint64_t backend_access_error : 1; uint64_t arbitration_lost_error : 1; uint64_t nack_received_error : 1; uint64_t data_request : 1; uint64_t command_complete : 1; uint64_t stop_error : 1; uint64_t i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t not_i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t reserved1 : 1; uint64_t scl_eq_1 : 1; uint64_t scl_eq_0 : 1; uint64_t sda_eq_1 : 1; uint64_t sda_eq_0 : 1; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } interrupt_mask_reg_t; /** * @brief Interrupt Condition register definition * Address 0x09 */ union intcondreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t reserved0 : 16; uint64_t invalid_cmd : 1; uint64_t lbus_parity_error : 1; uint64_t backend_overrun_error : 1; uint64_t backend_access_error : 1; uint64_t arbitration_lost_error : 1; uint64_t nack_received_error : 1; uint64_t data_request : 1; uint64_t command_complete : 1; uint64_t stop_error : 1; uint64_t i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t not_i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t reserved1 : 1; uint64_t scl_eq_1 : 1; uint64_t scl_eq_0 : 1; uint64_t sda_eq_1 : 1; uint64_t sda_eq_0 : 1; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } interrupt_cond_reg_t; /** * @brief Interrupt register definition * Address 0x0A */ union interruptreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t reserved0 : 16; uint64_t invalid_cmd : 1; uint64_t lbus_parity_error : 1; uint64_t backend_overrun_error : 1; uint64_t backend_access_error : 1; uint64_t arbitration_lost_error : 1; uint64_t nack_received_error : 1; uint64_t data_request : 1; uint64_t command_complete : 1; uint64_t stop_error : 1; uint64_t i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t not_i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t reserved1 : 1; uint64_t scl_eq_1 : 1; uint64_t scl_eq_0 : 1; uint64_t sda_eq_1 : 1; uint64_t sda_eq_0 : 1; uint64_t padding: 32; } PACKED; } interrupt_reg_t; /** * @brief Status register definition * Address 0x0B */ union statusreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t invalid_cmd : 1; uint64_t lbus_parity_error : 1; uint64_t backend_overrun_error : 1; uint64_t backend_access_error : 1; uint64_t arbitration_lost_error : 1; uint64_t nack_received : 1; uint64_t data_request : 1; uint64_t command_complete : 1; uint64_t stop_error : 1; uint64_t upper_threshold : 7; uint64_t any_i2c_interrupt : 1; uint64_t reserved0 : 2; uint64_t i2c_port_history_busy : 1; uint64_t scl_input_level : 1; uint64_t sda_inupt_level : 1; uint64_t i2c_port_busy : 1; uint64_t i2c_interface_busy : 1; uint64_t fifo_entry_count : 8; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } status_reg_t; /** * @brief Extended Status register definition * Address 0x0C */ union extstatusreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t fifo_size : 8; uint64_t reserved0 : 3; uint64_t msm_current_state : 5; uint64_t scl_in_syn : 1; uint64_t sda_in_syn : 1; uint64_t s_scl : 1; uint64_t s_sda : 1; uint64_t m_scl : 1; uint64_t m_sda : 1; uint64_t high_water : 1; uint64_t low_water : 1; uint64_t i2c_busy : 1; uint64_t self_busy : 1; uint64_t reserved1 : 1; uint64_t i2c_version : 5; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } extended_status_reg_t; /** * @brief Residual Front/Back end length register definition * Address 0x0D */ union residuallengthreg { uint64_t value; struct { uint64_t front_end_length : 16; uint64_t back_end_length : 16; uint64_t padding : 32; } PACKED; } residual_length_reg_t; typedef struct { uint64_t port; uint64_t engine; uint64_t devAddr; } input_args_t; /** * * @brief Perform an I2C access operation. It follows a pre-defined * prototype function in order to be registered with the device * driver framework. * * @param[in] i_opType - Operation Type - See DeviceFW::OperationType in * driververif.H * * @param[in] i_target - I2C Master Target device * * @param [in/out] io_buffer * INPUT: Pointer to the data that will be written to the target * device. * OUTPUT: Pointer to the data that was read from the target device. * * @param [in/out] io_buflen * INPUT: Length of the buffer to be written to target device. * OUTPUT: Length of buffer that was written, or length of buffer * to be read from target device. * * @param [in] i_accessType - Access Type - See DeviceFW::AccessType in * usrif.H * * @param [in] i_args - This is an argument list for the device driver * framework. This list of arguments consists of the I2C Master * engine, which port from the I2C master to use, and the slave's * device address. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to the * error log. * */ errlHndl_t i2cPerformOp( DeviceFW::OperationType i_opType, TARGETING::Target * i_target, void * io_buffer, size_t & io_buflen, int64_t i_accessType, va_list i_args ); /** * @brief This function will do the real work of reading from the I2C * device. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master to source the read to the slave. * * @param[out] o_buffer - The buffer to place the retrieved data. * * @param[in] i_buflen - The size of the data to read and place in the * buffer. * * @param[in] i_skipModeSetup - true if mode register setup needs to be * skipped * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cRead ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, void * o_buffer, size_t & i_buflen, bool & i_skipModeSetup, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will do the real work of writinging to the I2C * device. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master to source the write to the slave. * * @param[in] i_buffer - The buffer containing the data to be written * to the target device. * * @param[in/out] io_buflen - INPUT: The size of the data to write to the * target device. OUTPUT: The size of the data buffer written. * * @param[in] i_withStop - true if with_stop bit is to be set on operation; * otherwise, with_stop bit will be set to zero. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cWrite ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, void * i_buffer, size_t & io_buflen, bool & i_withStop, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will do the I2C setup of the Address/Command registers * before issuing the 'go' on the I2C bus. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master. * * @param[in] i_buflen - The size of the data that will be read/written. * * @param[in] i_readNotWrite - true if doing a read operation, false if * doing a write operation. * * @param[in] i_withStop - true if with_stop bit is to be set, otherwise * with_stop will be set to zero. * * @param[in] i_skipModeSetup - true if mode register setup needs to be * skipped * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cSetup ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, size_t & i_buflen, bool i_readNotWrite, bool i_withStop, bool i_skipModeSetup, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will wait for the command to be complete or * timeout waiting before returning. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cWaitForCmdComp ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will read the I2C Master engine status register * and perform all required steps after reading it. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @param[out] o_statusReg - The value of the status register read. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cReadStatusReg ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args, statusreg & o_statusReg ); /** * @brief This function will check for errors in the status register * value that is read out. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @param[in] i_statusVal - The value of the Status Register. * * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cCheckForErrors ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args, statusreg i_statusVal ); /** * @brief This function will read the status register and not return * until there is room in the FIFO for data to be written. An * error will be returned if it times out waiting for space in * the FIFO. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cWaitForFifoSpace ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will reset the I2C Master engine specified * by the args. It will also then initiate a Stop cmd to the * slave device. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cReset ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will send the Stop command to the slave device * defined by the args passed in. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @return errHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cSendSlaveStop ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args ); /** * @brief This function will read the interrupt register and return the * value. * * @param[in] i_target - The I2C master target. * * @param[in] i_args - Structure containing arguments needed for a command * transaction. * * @param[out] o_intRegValue - The value of the Interrupt register that * was read. * * @return errHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to * the error log. */ errlHndl_t i2cGetInterrupts ( TARGETING::Target * i_target, input_args_t i_args, uint64_t & o_intRegValue ); }; // end I2C namespace #endif // __I2C_H