// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiTargetTest.C $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END /** * @file fapitargetTest.C * * @brief Implements Target class unit test functions. */ /* * Change Log ****************************************************************** * Flag Defect/Feature User Date Description * ------ -------------- ---------- ----------- ---------------------------- * mjjones 04/13/2011 Created. * mjjones 09/23/2011 Added Success traces * */ #include namespace fapi { //****************************************************************************** // targetTest1 //****************************************************************************** uint32_t targetTest1() { uint32_t l_result = 0; // Create Target using default constructor Target l_target; // Ensure that the handle pointer is NULL void * l_pHandle = l_target.get(); if (l_pHandle != NULL) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest1. Handle is not NULL"); l_result = 1; } else { // Ensure that the type is TARGET_TYPE_NONE TargetType l_type = l_target.getType(); if (l_type != TARGET_TYPE_NONE) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest1. Type is 0x%x, expected NONE", l_type); l_result = 2; } else { FAPI_INF("targetTest1. Success!"); } } return l_result; } //****************************************************************************** // targetTest2 //****************************************************************************** uint32_t targetTest2() { uint32_t l_result = 0; uint8_t l_handle = 7; void * l_pHandle = reinterpret_cast(&l_handle); // Create Target Target l_target(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM, l_pHandle); // Ensure that the handle pointer is as expected void * l_pHandleCheck = l_target.get(); if (l_pHandleCheck != l_pHandle) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest2. Handle is not as expected"); l_result = 1; } else { // Ensure that the type is TARGET_TYPE_DIMM TargetType l_type = l_target.getType(); if (l_type != TARGET_TYPE_DIMM) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest2. Type is 0x%x, expected DIMM", l_type); l_result = 2; } else { FAPI_INF("targetTest2. Success!"); } } // Set the handle pointer to NULL to prevent any problem on destruction l_target.set(NULL); return l_result; } //****************************************************************************** // targetTest3 //****************************************************************************** uint32_t targetTest3() { uint32_t l_result = 0; // Create Target using default constructor Target l_target; // Set the handle uint8_t l_handle = 7; void * l_pHandle = reinterpret_cast(&l_handle); l_target.set(l_pHandle); // Ensure that the handle pointer is as expected void * l_pHandleCheck = l_target.get(); if (l_pHandleCheck != l_pHandle) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest3. Handle is not as expected"); l_result = 1; } else { // Set the type l_target.setType(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM); // Ensure that the type is TARGET_TYPE_DIMM TargetType l_type = l_target.getType(); if (l_type != TARGET_TYPE_DIMM) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest3. Type is 0x%x, expected DIMM", l_type); l_result = 2; } else { FAPI_INF("targetTest3. Success!"); } } return l_result; } //****************************************************************************** // targetTest4 //****************************************************************************** uint32_t targetTest4() { uint32_t l_result = 0; // Create Target uint8_t l_handle = 7; void * l_pHandle = reinterpret_cast(&l_handle); Target l_target(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM, l_pHandle); // Create Target using copy constructor Target l_target2(l_target); // Ensure that the target types are the same TargetType l_type = l_target.getType(); TargetType l_type2 = l_target2.getType(); if (l_type != l_type2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest4. Types are not the same (0x%x, 0x%x)", l_type, l_type2); l_result = 1; } else { // Ensure that the handles are the same void * l_han1 = l_target.get(); void * l_han2 = l_target2.get(); if (l_han1 != l_han2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest4. Handles are not the same"); l_result = 2; } else { FAPI_INF("targetTest4. Success!"); } } return l_result; } //****************************************************************************** // targetTest5 //****************************************************************************** uint32_t targetTest5() { uint32_t l_result = 0; // Create Target uint8_t l_handle = 7; void * l_pHandle = reinterpret_cast(&l_handle); Target l_target(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM, l_pHandle); // Create Target using assignment operator Target l_target2; l_target2 = l_target; // Ensure that the target types are the same TargetType l_type = l_target.getType(); TargetType l_type2 = l_target2.getType(); if (l_type != l_type2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest5. Types are not the same (0x%x, 0x%x)", l_type, l_type2); l_result = 1; } else { // Ensure that the handles are the same void * l_han1 = l_target.get(); void * l_han2 = l_target2.get(); if (l_han1 != l_han2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest5. Handles are not the same"); l_result = 2; } else { FAPI_INF("targetTest5. Success!"); } } return l_result; } //****************************************************************************** // targetTest6 //****************************************************************************** uint32_t targetTest6() { uint32_t l_result = 0; // Create similar Targets uint8_t l_handle = 7; void * l_pHandle = reinterpret_cast(&l_handle); Target l_target(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM, l_pHandle); Target l_target2(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM, l_pHandle); // Ensure that the equality comparison returns true if (!(l_target == l_target2)) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest6. 1. Equality comparison false"); l_result = 1; } else { // Ensure that the inequality comparison returns false if (l_target != l_target2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest6. 2. Inequality comparison true"); l_result = 2; } else { // Change the target type of l_target2 (void)l_target2.setType(TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP); // Ensure that the equality comparison returns false if (l_target == l_target2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest6. 3. Equality comparison true"); l_result = 3; } else { // Ensure that the inequality comparison returns true if (!(l_target != l_target2)) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest6. 4. Inequality comparison false"); l_result = 4; } else { // Reset the target type of l_target2 (void)l_target2.setType(TARGET_TYPE_DIMM); // Change the handle of l_target uint8_t l_handle2 = 7; void * l_pHandle2 = reinterpret_cast(&l_handle2); (void)l_target.set(l_pHandle2); // Ensure that the equality comparison returns false if (l_target == l_target2) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest6. 5. Equality comparison true"); l_result = 5; } else { // Ensure that the inequality comparison returns true if (!(l_target != l_target2)) { FAPI_ERR("targetTest6. 6. Inequality comparison " "false"); l_result = 6; } else { FAPI_INF("targetTest6. Success!"); } } } } } } return l_result; } }