/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * $Source: src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatUtil.C $ * * IBM CONFIDENTIAL * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011-2012 * * p1 * * Object Code Only (OCO) source materials * Licensed Internal Code Source Materials * IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code * * The source code for this program is not published or other- * wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has * been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. * * Origin: 30 * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** * @file fapiPlatUtil.C * * @brief Implements the fapiUtil.H utility functions. * * Note that platform code must provide the implementation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //****************************************************************************** // Trace descriptors //****************************************************************************** trace_desc_t* g_fapiTd; trace_desc_t* g_fapiImpTd; trace_desc_t* g_fapiScanTd; //****************************************************************************** // Global TracInit objects. Construction will initialize the trace buffer //****************************************************************************** TRAC_INIT(&g_fapiTd, FAPI_TRACE_NAME, 4096); TRAC_INIT(&g_fapiImpTd, FAPI_IMP_TRACE_NAME, 4096); TRAC_INIT(&g_fapiScanTd, FAPI_SCAN_TRACE_NAME, 4096); extern "C" { //****************************************************************************** // fapiAssert //****************************************************************************** void fapiAssert(bool i_expression) { assert(i_expression); } //****************************************************************************** // fapiDelay // // At the present time, VBU runs hostboot without a Simics // front end. If a HW procedure wants to delay, we just make the // syscall nanosleep(). In the syscall, the kernel will continue to consume // clock cycles as it looks for a runnable task. When the sleep time expires, // the calling task will resume running. // // In the future there could be a Simics front end to hostboot VBU. Then // a possible implementation will be to use the Simics magic instruction // to trigger a Simics hap. The Simics hap handler can call the simdispatcher // client/server API to tell the Awan to advance some number of cycles. // // Monte 4 Aug 2011 //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode fapiDelay(uint64_t i_nanoSeconds, uint64_t i_simCycles) { FAPI_DBG( INFO_MRK "delay %lld nanosec", i_nanoSeconds ); nanosleep( 0, i_nanoSeconds ); return fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS; } //****************************************************************************** // fapiLogError //****************************************************************************** void fapiLogError(fapi::ReturnCode & io_rc) { errlHndl_t l_pError = NULL; bool l_unitTestError = false; FAPI_ERR("fapiLogError: logging error"); if (fapi::RC_TEST_ERROR_A == static_cast(io_rc)) { l_unitTestError = true; } // Convert the return code to an error log. // This will set the return code to FAPI_RC_SUCCESS and clear any PLAT Data, // HWP FFDC data, and Error Target associated with it. l_pError = fapiRcToErrl(io_rc); // Commit the error log. This will delete the error log and set the handle // to NULL. if (l_unitTestError) { errlCommit(l_pError, CXXTEST_COMP_ID); } else { errlCommit(l_pError, HWPF_COMP_ID); } } //**************************************************************************** // platform-level implementation bool platIsScanTraceEnabled() { // TODO: Get the answer from g_fapiScanTd conditional trace buffer. Camvan // has not pushed the code yet. return 1; } //**************************************************************************** // platform-level implementation void platSetScanTrace(bool i_enable) { // TODO: enable or disable scan trace via the SCAN trace buffer. Camvan // has not pushed the code yet. return; } //****************************************************************************** // fapiLoadInitFile //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode fapiLoadInitFile(const fapi::Target & i_Target, const char * i_file, const char *& o_addr, size_t & o_size) { fapi::ReturnCode l_rc = fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS; errlHndl_t l_pError = NULL; o_size = 0; o_addr = NULL; FAPI_INF("fapiLoadInitFile: %s", i_file); l_pError = VFS::module_load(i_file); if(l_pError) { // Add the error log pointer as data to the ReturnCode FAPI_ERR("fapiLoadInitFile: module_load failed"); l_rc.setPlatError(reinterpret_cast (l_pError)); } else { l_pError = VFS::module_address(i_file, o_addr, o_size); if(l_pError) { // Add the error log pointer as data to the ReturnCode FAPI_ERR("fapiLoadInitFile: module_address failed"); l_rc.setPlatError(reinterpret_cast (l_pError)); } else { FAPI_DBG("fapiLoadInitFile: data module addr = %p, size = %ld", o_addr, o_size); FAPI_DBG("fapiLoadInitFile: *addr = 0x%llX", *(reinterpret_cast(o_addr))); } } return l_rc; } //****************************************************************************** // fapiUnloadInitFile //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode fapiUnloadInitFile(const char * i_file, const char *& io_addr, size_t & io_size) { fapi::ReturnCode l_rc = fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS; errlHndl_t l_pError = NULL; FAPI_INF("fapiUnloadInitFile: %s", i_file); l_pError = VFS::module_unload(i_file); if(l_pError) { // Add the error log pointer as data to the ReturnCode FAPI_ERR("fapiUnloadInitFile: module_unload failed %s", i_file); l_rc.setPlatError(reinterpret_cast (l_pError)); } else { io_addr = NULL; io_size = 0; } return l_rc; } //****************************************************************************** // fapiBreakPoint //****************************************************************************** void fapiBreakPoint( uint32_t i_info) { INITSERVICE::iStepBreakPoint( i_info ); } //****************************************************************************** // fapiSpecialWakeup //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode fapiSpecialWakeup(const fapi::Target & i_target, const bool i_enable) { // On Hostboot, processor cores cannot sleep so return success to the // fapiSpecialWakeup enable/disable calls return fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS; } }