/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * $Source: src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatMvpdAccess.C $ * * IBM CONFIDENTIAL * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 * * p1 * * Object Code Only (OCO) source materials * Licensed Internal Code Source Materials * IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code * * The source code for this program is not published or other- * wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has * been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. * * Origin: 30 * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** * @file fapiPlatMvpdAccess.C * * @brief Implements the fapiMvpdAccess.H functions */ #include #include // fapi support #include #include // MVPD #include #include namespace fapi { //****************************************************************************** // MvpdRecordXlate // Translates a FAPI MVPD Record enumerator into a Hostboot MVPD Record // enumerator //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode MvpdRecordXlate(const fapi::MvpdRecord i_fapiRecord, MVPD::mvpdRecord & o_hbRecord) { // Create a lookup table for converting a FAPI MVPD record enumerator to a // Hostboot MVPD record enumerator. This is a simple array and relies on // the FAPI record enumerators starting at zero and incrementing. const uint8_t NUM_MVPD_RECORDS = 0x1c; static const MVPD::mvpdRecord mvpdFapiRecordToHbRecord[NUM_MVPD_RECORDS] = { MVPD::CRP0, MVPD::CP00, MVPD::VINI, MVPD::LRP0, MVPD::LRP1, MVPD::LRP2, MVPD::LRP3, MVPD::LRP4, MVPD::LRP5, MVPD::LRP6, MVPD::LRP7, MVPD::LRP8, MVPD::LRP9, MVPD::LRPA, MVPD::LRPB, MVPD::LWP0, MVPD::LWP1, MVPD::LWP2, MVPD::LWP3, MVPD::LWP4, MVPD::LWP5, MVPD::LWP6, MVPD::LWP7, MVPD::LWP8, MVPD::LWP9, MVPD::LWPA, MVPD::LWPB, MVPD::VWML, }; fapi::ReturnCode l_rc; uint8_t l_index = static_cast(i_fapiRecord); if (l_index >= NUM_MVPD_RECORDS) { FAPI_ERR("MvpdRecordXlate: Invalid MVPD Record: 0x%x", i_fapiRecord); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid MOD_MVPD_ACCESS * @reasoncode RC_INVALID_RECORD * @userdata1 Record enumerator * @devdesc Attempt to read an MVPD field using an invalid record */ errlHndl_t l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry( ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi::MOD_MVPD_ACCESS, fapi::RC_INVALID_RECORD, i_fapiRecord); // Add the error log pointer as data to the ReturnCode l_rc.setPlatError(reinterpret_cast (l_errl)); } else { o_hbRecord = mvpdFapiRecordToHbRecord[l_index]; } return l_rc; } //****************************************************************************** // MvpdKeywordXlate // Translates a FAPI MVPD Keyword enumerator into a Hostboot MVPD Keyword // enumerator //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode MvpdKeywordXlate(const fapi::MvpdKeyword i_fapiKeyword, MVPD::mvpdKeyword & o_hbKeyword) { // Create a lookup table for converting a FAPI MVPD keyword enumerator to a // Hostboot MVPD keyword enumerator. This is a simple array and relies on // the FAPI record enumerators starting at zero and incrementing. const uint8_t NUM_MVPD_KEYWORDS = 0x1f; static const MVPD::mvpdKeyword mvpdFapiKeywordToHbKeyword[NUM_MVPD_KEYWORDS] = { MVPD::VD, MVPD::ED, MVPD::TE, MVPD::DD, MVPD::pdP, MVPD::ST, MVPD::DN, MVPD::PG, MVPD::PK, MVPD::pdR, MVPD::pdV, MVPD::pdH, MVPD::SB, MVPD::DR, MVPD::VZ, MVPD::CC, MVPD::CE, MVPD::FN, MVPD::PN, MVPD::SN, MVPD::PR, MVPD::HE, MVPD::CT, MVPD::HW, MVPD::pdM, MVPD::IN, MVPD::pd2, MVPD::pd3, MVPD::OC, MVPD::FO, MVPD::pdI, }; fapi::ReturnCode l_rc; uint8_t l_index = static_cast(i_fapiKeyword); if (l_index >= NUM_MVPD_KEYWORDS) { FAPI_ERR("MvpdKeywordXlate: Invalid MVPD Keyword: 0x%x", i_fapiKeyword); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid MOD_MVPD_ACCESS * @reasoncode RC_INVALID_KEYWORD * @userdata1 Keyword enumerator * @devdesc Attempt to read an MVPD field using an invalid keyword */ errlHndl_t l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry( ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi::MOD_MVPD_ACCESS, fapi::RC_INVALID_KEYWORD, i_fapiKeyword); // Add the error log pointer as data to the ReturnCode l_rc.setPlatError(reinterpret_cast (l_errl)); } else { o_hbKeyword = mvpdFapiKeywordToHbKeyword[l_index]; } return l_rc; } } extern "C" { //****************************************************************************** // fapiGetMvpdField //****************************************************************************** fapi::ReturnCode fapiGetMvpdField(const fapi::MvpdRecord i_record, const fapi::MvpdKeyword i_keyword, const fapi::Target &i_procTarget, uint8_t * const i_pBuffer, uint32_t &io_fieldSize) { fapi::ReturnCode l_rc; FAPI_DBG("fapiGetMvpdField entry"); do { // Translate the FAPI record to a Hostboot record MVPD::mvpdRecord l_hbRecord = MVPD::MVPD_INVALID_RECORD; l_rc = fapi::MvpdRecordXlate(i_record, l_hbRecord); if (l_rc) { break; } // Translate the FAPI keyword to a Hostboot keyword MVPD::mvpdKeyword l_hbKeyword = MVPD::INVALID_MVPD_KEYWORD; l_rc = fapi::MvpdKeywordXlate(i_keyword, l_hbKeyword); if (l_rc) { break; } // Similarly to this function, deviceRead will return the size of the // field if the pointer is NULL size_t l_fieldLen = io_fieldSize; errlHndl_t l_errl = deviceRead( reinterpret_cast< TARGETING::Target*>(i_procTarget.get()), i_pBuffer, l_fieldLen, DEVICE_MVPD_ADDRESS(l_hbRecord, l_hbKeyword)); if (l_errl) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetMvpdField: ERROR: deviceRead : errorlog PLID=0x%x", l_errl->plid()); // Add the error log pointer as data to the ReturnCode l_rc.setPlatError(reinterpret_cast (l_errl)); break; } // Success, update callers io_fieldSize for the case where the pointer // is NULL and deviceRead returned the actual size io_fieldSize = l_fieldLen; FAPI_DBG("fapiGetMvpdField: returning field len=0x%x", io_fieldSize); } while(0); FAPI_DBG( "fapiGetMvpdField: exit" ); return l_rc; } } // extern "C"