/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * $Source: src/usr/hwpf/ifcompiler/initScom.C $ * * IBM CONFIDENTIAL * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010-2012 * * p1 * * Object Code Only (OCO) source materials * Licensed Internal Code Source Materials * IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code * * The source code for this program is not published or other- * wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has * been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. * * Origin: 30 * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ // Change Log ************************************************************************************* // // Flag Track Userid Date Description // ----- -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- // D754106 dgilbert 06/14/10 Create // dg001 D774126 dgilbert 09/30/10 Check that colname EXPR is last column in spytable // dg002 SW039868 dgilbert 10/15/10 Add support to filter unneeded inits by EC // dg003 SW047506 dgilbert 12/09/10 More filtering enhancements // andrewg 05/24/11 Port over for VPL/PgP // andrewg 09/19/11 Updates based on review // andrewg 11/09/11 Multi-dimensional array and move to common fapi include // mjjones 11/17/11 Output attribute listing // camvanng 12/12/11 Support multiple address ranges within a SCOM address // Use strtoull vs strtoul for 32-bit platforms // camvanng 12/15/11 Support for multiple duplicate addresses setting different bits // camvanng 01/20/12 Support for using a range of indexes for array attributes // camvanng 02/14/12 Support binary and hex scom addresses // Support for array at beginning of scom address // Fix bug in string size when converting decimal to hex string // camvanng 05/07/12 Support for associated target attributes // camvanng 05/22/12 Ability to do simple operations on attributes // in the scom_data column // SW146714 camvanng 06/08/12 Use two bytes to store row rpn sequence byte count // Handle case where after row_optimize(), there's no Scom to write // camvanng 06/27/12 Improve error and debug tracing // End Change Log ********************************************************************************* /** * @file initSpy.C * @brief Definition of the initScom Class. Represents the information parsed from an initfile scom * statement. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern void yyerror(const char * s); extern init::ScomList * yyscomlist; // only use this during parsing std::map yytarget; //generic target name & corresponding real name namespace init { extern ostringstream dbg; // debug output }; using namespace init; Scom::WHEN_SUBTYPE_MAP Scom::cv_when_subtypes; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scom::Scom(BINSEQ::const_iterator & bli, Symbols * i_symbols): iv_symbols(i_symbols), iv_when(NONE), iv_scom_length(0), iv_scom_offset(0), iv_when_rpn(i_symbols) { iv_scom_length = Rpn::extract16(bli); iv_scom_offset = Rpn::extract16(bli); uint32_t id = Rpn::extract16(bli); uint32_t numcols = Rpn::extract16(bli); uint32_t numrows = Rpn::extract16(bli); numcols &= ~SUBTYPE_MASK; // Get our SCOM address uint32_t l_addr_size = 0; iv_scom_addr_hex = iv_symbols->get_numeric_data(iv_symbols->get_rpn_id(id),l_addr_size); if( iv_scom_length != 0 && iv_scom_length != 0xffff) // most common values { if(iv_scom_length < 65) // max scom len is 64 bits { for(size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) add_bit_range(iv_scom_offset, iv_scom_offset + iv_scom_length - 1); } else // What's this? { ostringstream errs; errs << "ERROR: Scom::Scom: Invalid scom bit length [" << iv_scom_length << "]" << endl; throw range_error(errs.str()); } } for(size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) { uint8_t length = *bli++; // first byte is length of rpn sequence //printf("Creating scom data rpn, length %u\n", length); Rpn rpn(iv_symbols); // blank RPNs rpn.bin_read(bli, length); // read rpn sequence iv_scom_rpn.push_back(rpn); } if(numcols) { for(size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) iv_row_rpn.push_back(Rpn(iv_symbols)); // blank RPNs // Read col heads for(size_t i = 0; i < numcols; ++i) { Rpn col_name_rpn(iv_symbols); // blank RPNs col_name_rpn.bin_read_one_id(bli); iv_col_vars.push_back(col_name_rpn); iv_cols_rpn.push_back(iv_row_rpn); // copy in blank row RPNs for this column } for(size_t row_n = 0; row_n < numrows; ++row_n) { COL_LIST::iterator cli = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); // *cli is list of row rpns for col RPN_LIST::iterator rpi = (*cli).begin() + row_n; // *rpi is current row rpn for first col // The next len bytes belong to this row uint16_t rpn_byte_count = (*bli++ << 8) + (*bli++); // length of rpn sequece //printf("Create scom from binseq: rpn byte count: %u\n", rpn_byte_count); BINSEQ::const_iterator bli_end = bli + rpn_byte_count; // end of rpn in bin seq // Simple cols are divided by OPs // LIST op has two additional bytes (len,op) while(bli < bli_end) { // Last col rpn is not limited to one op if it's "expr" - it gets the rest of the RPN if(cli == (iv_cols_rpn.end() - 1)) { while(bli < bli_end) bli = rpi->bin_read_one_op(bli); break; } bli = rpi->bin_read_one_op(bli); ++cli; rpi = (*cli).begin() + row_n; } } } else ++bli; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::set_when(const string * when_str) { string s(*when_str); for(string::iterator c = s.begin(); c != s.end(); ++c) *c = toupper(*c); if(s.size()) { size_t i = 0; for(size_t i = 1; i < sizeof(when_char)/sizeof(when_char[0]); ++i) { if(s[0] == when_char[i]) { set_when((SCOM_WHEN)i); break; } } if(i == sizeof(when_char)/sizeof(when_char[0])) { string errs("Illegal when="); errs.append(s); yyerror(errs.c_str()); } s.erase(0,1); if(s.size()) { WHEN_SUBTYPE_MAP::const_iterator i = cv_when_subtypes.find(s); if(i != cv_when_subtypes.end()) { set_sub_when(i->second); } else { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Illegal 'when=' subvalue: [" << s << ']'; yyerror(oss.str().c_str()); } } } else { yyerror("Missing 'when =' value"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::add_col(const string & i_colname) { string s(i_colname); for(string::iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) *i = toupper(*i); Rpn col_rpn(s,iv_symbols); // = iv_symbols->use_symbol(s); // add check - Can't add any more cols after EXPR column dg001a if(iv_col_vars.size()) { Rpn exp_rpn("EXPR",iv_symbols); if(exp_rpn == iv_col_vars.back()) // expr col already added - can't add any more cols { if (s == "EXPR") { yyerror("Scom:: add_col: Multiple EXPR columns specified."); } else { yyerror("Scom:: add_col: EXPR must be the last column"); } } } // if the entire column is unconditionally true it can be left out // This check will be done later as this scom might be split by bit-ranges. iv_col_vars.push_back(col_rpn); iv_cols_rpn.push_back(iv_row_rpn); // add the collected row RPNs iv_row_rpn.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::add_row_rpn(Rpn * i_rpn) { // The row gets parsed before the col name // So collect the row RPNs and apply them when the col name gets added // Replace the Rpn "ANY" EQ with TRUE dg003a Rpn any_rpn("ANY",iv_symbols); Rpn true_rpn(iv_symbols); true_rpn.push_op(TRUE_OP); // The column EXPR can have an lone "ANY" rpn - so add EQ. if(any_rpn == (*i_rpn)) i_rpn->push_op(EQ); any_rpn.push_op(EQ); if(any_rpn == (*i_rpn)) iv_row_rpn.push_back(true_rpn); // Replace col == ANY with TRUE else { iv_row_rpn.push_back(*i_rpn); } delete i_rpn; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::add_bit_range(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { // make sure they are added in order dbg << "Add bit range " << dec << start << " to " << end << endl; iv_range_list.push_back(RANGE(start,end)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Range gets parsed before the target symbol (k,n,p,c) - so save it void Scom::add_target_range(uint32_t r1, uint32_t r2) { if(r1 > r2) { uint32_t rt = r1; r1 = r2; r2 = rt; } iv_target_ranges.push_back(RANGE(r1,r2)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::make_target(const char * i_symbol) { string s(i_symbol); Rpn r(iv_symbols); size_t rsize = iv_target_ranges.size(); if(rsize == 0) { yyerror("Target given w/o a range"); } // if more than one target - use list else { for(RANGE_LIST::iterator iter = iv_target_ranges.begin(); iter != iv_target_ranges.end(); ++iter) { for(uint32_t v = iter->first; v <= iter->second; ++v) { r.push_int(v); } } if(rsize > 1) r.push_op(LIST); // if more than one target r.push_op(EQ); } iv_row_rpn.push_back(r); add_col(s); iv_target_ranges.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Scom::list_one(RANGE range) { ostringstream oss; uint32_t numcols = iv_col_vars.size() | (iv_when & SUBTYPE_MASK); // WHEN subtype goes in numcols uint32_t bitlen = range.second + 1 - range.first; if (bitlen) { iv_scom_length = bitlen; // don't overwrite iv_scom_length if bitlen == 0 iv_scom_offset = range.first; // don't overwrite iv_scom_offset if bitlen == 0 } uint32_t allrows = 0; uint32_t numrows = 0; if(iv_cols_rpn.size()) allrows = iv_cols_rpn.front().size(); if (allrows == 0) allrows = 1; // If there is a bit range we need to select only the rows that apply to this spyname if(bitlen) { for(RANGE_LIST::iterator r = iv_range_list.begin(); r != iv_range_list.end(); ++r) { if((*r) == range) ++numrows; } } else numrows = allrows; // else select all the rows oss << hex << setfill('0'); oss << "------------"; oss << " Scom Address: 0x" << setw(16) << iv_scom_addr_hex; dbg << " Scom Address: 0x" << hex << setfill('0') << setw(16) << iv_scom_addr_hex << endl; if(bitlen) { oss << '~' << dec << range.first; if(range.first != range.second) oss << ':' << range.second; oss << hex; } oss << ' ' << "------------" << endl << "When= " << (iv_when & WHEN_MASK) << endl; oss << "0x" << setw(4) << iv_scom_length << "\t\t" << "Scom length" << endl << "0x" << setw(4) << iv_scom_offset << "\t\t" << "Scom offset" << endl; //oss << "0x" << setw(8) << iv_symbols->get_spy_id(spyname) << '\t'; oss << "0x" << setw(4) << numcols << "\t\t" << "Number of columns" << endl << "0x" << setw(4) << numrows << "\t\t" << "Number of rows" << endl; // If there is a bit range we need to select only the spyv rows that apply to this spyname if(bitlen) { RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_rpn.begin(); for(RANGE_LIST::iterator r = iv_range_list.begin(); r != iv_range_list.end(); ++r,++i) { if ((*r) == range) { oss << i->listing("Length of rpn for spyv",Rpn::cv_empty_str,true); } } } else // get all rows { for(RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_rpn.begin(); i != iv_scom_rpn.end(); ++i) { oss << i->listing("Length of rpn for spyv",Rpn::cv_empty_str,true); } } oss << endl; // list the column names that are really CINI VARS for(RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_col_vars.begin(); i != iv_col_vars.end(); ++i) { oss << i->listing("",Rpn::cv_empty_str,true); //Rpn col_rpn = *i; //string desc = iv_symbols->find_name(rpn_id); //if(desc.size() == 0) desc = "Variable not found!"; //oss << "0x" << setw(4) << iv_symbols->get_tag(*i) << "\t\t" << desc << endl; } oss << endl << endl; uint32_t usedrows = 0; if(iv_cols_rpn.size() == 0) { oss << "ROW " << 1 << "\n0x00" << "\t\t" << "0 BYTES" << endl; } else { for(size_t n = 0; n < allrows; ++n) { Rpn rpn(iv_symbols); if(bitlen) // only get rows that match the current bitrange { if(iv_range_list[n] != range) continue; } ++usedrows; oss << "ROW " << usedrows << endl; // Build up the row Rpn for row n for(COL_LIST::iterator i = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); i != iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++i) { rpn.append(i->at(n)); } oss << rpn.listing(NULL,Rpn::cv_empty_str,true) << endl; } } return oss.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Scom::listing() { ostringstream oss; set ranges; ranges.insert(iv_range_list.begin(),iv_range_list.end()); //oss << list_one(RANGE(1,0)) << endl; if(ranges.size()) { for(set::iterator r = ranges.begin(); r != ranges.end(); ++r) { oss << list_one(*r) << endl; } } else { oss << list_one(RANGE(1,0)) << endl; } return oss.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t Scom::bin_listing(BINSEQ & blist) { set ranges; uint32_t scom_count = 0; uint32_t addr_num = 0; row_optimize(); // delete any rows that are unconditionally false. + merge rows //printf("bin_listing: iv_scom_rpn size = %u\n", iv_scom_rpn.size()); //Skip this scom if after row_optimize, there's no scom data to write if (iv_scom_rpn.size()) { ranges.insert(iv_range_list.begin(),iv_range_list.end()); SCOM_ADDR::iterator i = iv_scom_addr.begin(); for(; i != iv_scom_addr.end(); ++i, ++addr_num) { dbg << "SCOM::bin_listing: SCOM[" << dec << scom_count << "] Address: " << hex << *i << endl; if(ranges.size()) { for(set::iterator r = ranges.begin(); r != ranges.end(); ++r) { ++scom_count; //bin_list_one(blist,*i,*r); // The following sequence will optimize the bytecode for this spy // - Compile the spy into bytecode for a range of bits // - Recreate the spy from the bytecode // - Compile the recreated spy back into bytecode. BINSEQ temp; bin_list_one(temp,strtoull((*i).c_str(),NULL,16), addr_num, *r); BINSEQ::const_iterator bi = temp.begin(); Scom s(bi,iv_symbols); s.bin_list_one(blist,strtoull((*i).c_str(),NULL,16), addr_num, RANGE(1,0)); } } else { ++scom_count; bin_list_one(blist,strtoull((*i).c_str(),NULL,16), addr_num, RANGE(1,0)); } } } return scom_count; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::bin_list_one(BINSEQ & blist,uint64_t i_addr, uint32_t i_addr_num, RANGE range) { uint32_t numaddrs = iv_scom_addr.size(); //Number of Scom addresses for this Scom uint32_t numcols = iv_col_vars.size() | (iv_when & SUBTYPE_MASK); // WHEN subtype goes in numcols // No range support uint32_t bitlen = range.second + 1 - range.first; if (bitlen) { iv_scom_length = bitlen; // don't overwrite iv_scom_length if bitlen == 0 iv_scom_offset = range.first; // don't overwrite iv_scom_offset if bitlen == 0 } uint32_t allrows = 0; uint32_t numrows = 0; if(iv_cols_rpn.size()) allrows = iv_cols_rpn.front().size(); if (allrows == 0) allrows = 1; // If there is a bit range we need to select only the rows that apply to this spyname if(bitlen) { for(RANGE_LIST::iterator r = iv_range_list.begin(); r != iv_range_list.end(); ++r) { if((*r) == range) ++numrows; } } else numrows = allrows; // else select all the rows // If every row rpn in a column is unconditionally true then remove the col. if(iv_col_vars.size()) { vector< pair > deletes; RPN_LIST::iterator cv = iv_col_vars.begin(); // -> column header Rpn COL_LIST::iterator cr = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); // -> RPN list of row segments for the column for(; cv != iv_col_vars.end(); ++cv,++cr) { bool remove_it = true; for(RPN_LIST::const_iterator r = cr->begin(); r != cr->end(); ++r) { if(!(r->isTrue())) { remove_it = false; break; } } if(remove_it) { deletes.push_back( pair(cv,cr) ); } } while(deletes.size()) { pair p = deletes.back(); deletes.pop_back(); dbg << "COL is unconditionally true. Removing column " << (p.first)->symbol_names() << endl; iv_col_vars.erase(p.first); iv_cols_rpn.erase(p.second); --numcols; } } Rpn::set16(blist,(uint16_t)iv_scom_length); Rpn::set16(blist,(uint16_t)iv_scom_offset); // Just put the SCOM address in place of the spy id //uint32_t id = iv_symbols->get_spy_id(spyname); //Rpn::set32(blist,id); // TODO - Probably need to get scom address id here //Rpn::set32(blist,(uint32_t)iv_address); Rpn *l_scom_addr = new init::Rpn(i_addr,yyscomlist->get_symbols()); l_scom_addr->bin_str(blist,numaddrs,i_addr_num,false); delete l_scom_addr; Rpn::set16(blist,(uint16_t)numcols); Rpn::set16(blist,(uint16_t)numrows); // If there is a bit range we need to select only the spyv rows that apply to this spyname if(bitlen) { RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_rpn.begin(); for(RANGE_LIST::iterator r = iv_range_list.begin(); r != iv_range_list.end(); ++r,++i) { if ((*r) == range) { i->bin_str(blist,numaddrs,i_addr_num,true,true); //Add length to blist } } } else // get all rows { for(RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_rpn.begin(); i != iv_scom_rpn.end(); ++i) { i->bin_str(blist,numaddrs,i_addr_num,true,true); //Add length to blist } } // list the column names that are really CINI VARS for(RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_col_vars.begin(); i != iv_col_vars.end(); ++i) { i->bin_str(blist,numaddrs,i_addr_num,false); // false means don't prepend an RPN byte count to the binary rpn appended. //uint16_t tag = iv_symbols->get_tag(*i); //blist.push_back((uint8_t)(tag >> 8)); //blist.push_back((uint8_t) tag); } if(iv_cols_rpn.size() == 0) blist.push_back(0); else { for(size_t n = 0; n < allrows; ++n) { Rpn rpn(iv_symbols); if(bitlen) // only get rows that match the current bitrange { if(iv_range_list[n] != range) continue; } // Build up the row Rpn for row n for(COL_LIST::iterator i = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); i != iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++i) { rpn.append(i->at(n)); } rpn.bin_str(blist,numaddrs,i_addr_num,true); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delete any rows that are unconditionally false // Merge rows that can be merged // void Scom::row_optimize() //dg003a { size_t row = 0; if (iv_cols_rpn.size()) row = iv_cols_rpn.front().size(); if(row == 0) return; // Look for false rows do { bool remove_me = false; --row; for(COL_LIST::iterator i = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); i != iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++i) { if (i->at(row).isFalse()) { remove_me = true; break; } } if(remove_me) { iv_scom_rpn.erase(iv_scom_rpn.begin() + row); //remove spyv if (0 == iv_scom_rpn.size()) { iv_col_vars.clear(); iv_cols_rpn.clear(); if(iv_range_list.size()) { iv_range_list.clear(); } } else { //Need to remove rpn row segment from each iv_cols_rpn rpn list for(COL_LIST::iterator i = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); i != iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++i) { i->erase(i->begin() + row); } if(iv_range_list.size()) iv_range_list.erase(iv_range_list.begin() + row); } dbg << "initScom: row_optimize: ROW is unconditionally false. Removing row " << row+1 << endl; dbg << "initScom: row_optimize: iv_scom_rpn size " << iv_scom_rpn.size() << endl; } } while (row); // now look for rows to merge // for now limit to spies with EXPR as the only column // Because the interpreter looks down the rows until it finds one that's "true" then stops, the order // of rows cant't be modified. This means only rows next to each other can be merged. // This makes for very large Rpn strings - turn on later when we have better redundancy reduction in RPNs #if defined(__LATER__) Rpn r_expr("EXPR", iv_symbols); row = iv_spyv_rpn.size(); if ((row > 1) && (iv_col_vars.size() == 1) && (iv_col_vars.front() == r_expr)) { --row; do { size_t row1 = row - 1; if (iv_spyv_rpn.at(row) == iv_spyv_rpn.at(row1)) { if (iv_range_list.size() == 0 || (iv_range_list.at(row) == iv_range_list.at(row1))) { // merge Rpn * rp = new Rpn(iv_cols_rpn.back().at(row)); iv_cols_rpn.back().at(row1).push_merge(rp, Rpn::OR); // this will delete rp iv_spyv_rpn.erase(iv_spyv_rpn.begin() + row); if (iv_range_list.size()) iv_range_list.erase(iv_range_list.begin() + row); for (COL_LIST::iterator i = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); i != iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++i) { i->erase(i->begin() + row); } dbg << "ROW " << row+1 << " and " << row1+1 << " have been merged in " << get_key_name() << endl; } } } while (--row); } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Scom::compare(Scom & that) { bool result = false; //true; // TODO #if 0 ostringstream oss; oss << hex << setfill('0'); // spyname(s) should have already been tested oss << get_key_name() << endl; if(iv_spy_type != that.iv_spy_type || iv_when != that.iv_when || iv_spy_length != that.iv_spy_length || iv_spy_offset != that.iv_spy_offset || iv_array_addr != that.iv_array_addr) { result = false; oss << "type: " << setw(8) << iv_spy_type << ' ' << that.iv_spy_type << endl; oss << "when: " << setw(8) << iv_when << ' ' << that.iv_when << endl; oss << "len: " << setw(8) << iv_spy_length << ' ' << that.iv_spy_length << endl; oss << "offset: " << setw(8) << iv_spy_offset << ' ' << that.iv_spy_offset << endl; oss << "array: " << setw(8) << iv_array_addr << ' ' << that.iv_array_addr << endl; } // need to expand all Rpns to verify resolution of vars and lits // when Rpn string rpn1 = iv_when_rpn.listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false); string rpn2 = that.iv_when_rpn.listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false); if(rpn1 != rpn2) { result = false; oss << "this when Rpn:" << endl << rpn1 << endl; oss << "that when Rpn:" << endl << rpn2 << endl; } // spyv Rpn if(iv_spyv_rpn.size() != that.iv_spyv_rpn.size()) { result = false; oss << "this spyv Rpn(s):" << endl; for(RPN_LIST::iterator r1 = iv_spyv_rpn.begin(); r1 != iv_spyv_rpn.end(); ++r1) oss << r1->listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false) << endl; oss << "that spyv Rpn(s):" << endl; for(RPN_LIST::iterator r1 = that.iv_spyv_rpn.begin(); r1 != that.iv_spyv_rpn.end(); ++r1) oss << r1->listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false) << endl; } else { RPN_LIST::iterator r1 = iv_spyv_rpn.begin(); RPN_LIST::iterator r2 = that.iv_spyv_rpn.begin(); for(; r1 != iv_spyv_rpn.end(); ++r1, ++r2) { rpn1 = r1->listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false); rpn2 = r2->listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false); if(rpn1 != rpn2) { result = false; oss << "this spyv Rpn:" << endl << rpn1 << endl; oss << "that spyv Rpn:" << endl << rpn2 << endl; } } } // column names if(iv_col_vars.size() != that.iv_col_vars.size()) { result = false; oss << "this col names:" << endl; for(RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_col_vars.begin(); i != iv_col_vars.end(); ++i) { oss << i->symbol_names() << endl; } oss << "that col names:" << endl; for(RPN_LIST::iterator i = that.iv_col_vars.begin(); i != that.iv_col_vars.end(); ++i) { oss << i->symbol_names() << endl; } } else { RPN_LIST::iterator i = iv_col_vars.begin(); RPN_LIST::iterator j = that.iv_col_vars.begin(); for(;i != iv_col_vars.end(); ++i, ++j) { //string s1 = iv_symbols->find_name(*i); //string s2 = that.iv_symbols->find_name(*j); if((*i) != (*j)) { result = false; oss << "this col name: " << i->symbol_names() << endl; oss << "that col name: " << j->symbol_names() << endl; } } } // row Rpns Rpn r1(iv_symbols); Rpn r2(that.iv_symbols); for(COL_LIST::iterator c = iv_cols_rpn.begin(); c != iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++c) { for(RPN_LIST::iterator r = c->begin(); r != c->end(); ++r) { r1.append(*r); } } for(COL_LIST::iterator c = that.iv_cols_rpn.begin(); c != that.iv_cols_rpn.end(); ++c) { for(RPN_LIST::iterator r = c->begin(); r != c->end(); ++r) { r2.append(*r); } } rpn1 = r1.listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false); rpn2 = r2.listing("",iv_spy_names.front(),false); if(rpn1 != rpn2) { result = false; oss << "this row/col rpn:" << endl; oss << rpn1 << endl; oss << "that row/col rpn:" << endl; oss << rpn2 << endl; } if(!result) cout << oss.str(); #endif return result; } //================================================================================================= // SpyList Class definitions //================================================================================================= ScomList::ScomList(const string & initfile, FILELIST & defines, ostream & stats, uint32_t i_ec) : iv_syntax_version(0), iv_symbols(new Symbols(defines)), iv_stats(stats), iv_ec(i_ec) { yyscomlist = this; // What type of input? text(*.initfile) or binary(*.if) ? size_t pos = initfile.rfind('.'); string type; if(pos != string::npos) { type = initfile.substr(pos+1); } if(type.compare(0,8,"initfile") == 0) // source is text *.initfile { char line[100]; string first_line; yyin = fopen(initfile.c_str(), "r"); if(!yyin) { string ers("ERROR: ScomList::ScomList: Could not open initfile: "); ers.append(initfile); throw invalid_argument(ers); } // In Syntax version 1 the first or second line contains the CVS version fgets(line,100,yyin); first_line = line; fgets(line,100,yyin); first_line.append(line); yyline = 3; dbg << "======================= Begin Parse ========================" << endl; yyparse(); // Parse the initfile dbg << "======================= End Parse ==========================" << endl; if(iv_syntax_version == 1) { // example pattern ..... $Id: galaxy.initfile,v 5.0 ...... size_t pos = first_line.find("$Id:"); if(pos != string::npos) { istringstream iss(first_line.substr(pos+4)); string tok; iss >> tok; // ex. galaxy.initfile,v iss >> tok; // ex. 5.0 iv_cvs_versions = tok; // just want the version number - eg '5.0' } } iv_stats << '*' << setw(20) << "lines:" << setw(6) << yyline-1 << endl; iv_stats << '*' << setw(20) << "Scom statements:" << setw(6) << iv_scom_list.size() << endl; // TODO num var/lits num lits found } else if(type.compare(0,2,"if") == 0) // source is binary *.if file { // TODO - No support for this currently #if 0 dbg << "======================= Begin Uncompiling ========================" << endl; BINSEQ bin_seq; ifstream ifs(initfile.c_str(), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); if(!ifs) { string msg("ERROR: SpyList::Could not open "); msg.append(initfile); throw invalid_argument(msg); } while(1) { int ch = ifs.get(); if (!(ifs.good())) break; bin_seq.push_back(ch); } ifs.close(); // Turn this back into a list of spies BINSEQ::const_iterator bli = bin_seq.begin(); BINSEQ::const_iterator b; iv_syntax_version = Rpn::extract32(bli); bli += 8; if(iv_syntax_version == 1) { for(b = bli-8; (b != bli) && (*b); ++b) { iv_cvs_versions.push_back(*b); } } else { // offset to CVS sub version section b = bin_seq.begin() + Rpn::extract32(bli); size_t size = Rpn::extract16(b); while(size--) iv_cvs_versions.push_back(*b++); } b = bin_seq.begin() + Rpn::extract32(bli); iv_symbols->restore_var_bseq(b); b = bin_seq.begin() + Rpn::extract32(bli); iv_symbols->restore_lit_bseq(b); size_t section_count = Rpn::extract32(bli); if(section_count > LAST_WHEN_TYPE) { throw range_error("ERROR: SpyList::SpyList - Inalid # of sections"); } for(size_t i = 0; i < section_count; ++i) { size_t spy_type = Rpn::extract32(bli); // type size_t offset = Rpn::extract32(bli); // offset size_t count = Rpn::extract32(bli); // Number of spies b = bin_seq.begin() + offset; if(!(b < bin_seq.end())) { throw overflow_error("ERROR: SpyList::SpyList - iterator overflowed sequence"); } if(spy_type > LAST_WHEN_TYPE || spy_type == 0) { throw range_error("ERROR: SpyList::SpyList - when= type out of range"); } while(count--) { Scom * s = new Scom(b,iv_symbols); insert(s); s->set_when((SPY_WHEN)spy_type); } } #endif dbg << "======================= End Uncompiling ========================" << endl; } else { ostringstream ess; ess << "ERROR: SpyList::SpyList Invalid file type: " << type; ess << "\n source: " << initfile; throw invalid_argument(ess.str()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScomList::~ScomList() { delete iv_symbols; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScomList::clear() { for(SCOM_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_list.begin(); i != iv_scom_list.end(); ++i) delete i->second; iv_scom_list.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScomList::set_syntax_version(uint32_t v) { if(v != 1 && v != 2) yyerror("ScomList:: set_syntax_version: Invalid Syntax Version"); iv_syntax_version = v; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScomList::compile(BINSEQ & bin_seq) { uint32_t count_s = 0; uint32_t section_count = 0; size_t offset = 0; BINSEQ blist_v; // vars BINSEQ blist_i; // lits BINSEQ blist_l; // when=L spies BINSEQ blist_s; // when=S spies BINSEQ blist_c; // when=C spies BINSEQ blist_d; // when=D spies // Make the BINSEQs big enough to hopefully never have to resize blist_v.reserve(0x00400); blist_i.reserve(0x02000); blist_l.reserve(0x30000); blist_s.reserve(0x03000); blist_c.reserve(0x03000); blist_d.reserve(0x03000); dbg << "======================== Begin compile ============================" << endl; Rpn::set32(bin_seq,iv_syntax_version); // bytes[0:3] // bytes [4:12] if(iv_syntax_version == 2) { const char * s = "SEE SUBV"; for(; *s != 0; ++s) bin_seq.push_back(*s); istringstream iss(iv_cvs_versions); string vers; while(iss >> vers) { stats << '*' << setw(20) << "Version:" << " " << vers << endl; } } else if (iv_syntax_version == 1) { if(iv_cvs_versions.size()) { size_t len = iv_cvs_versions.size(); if(len > 8) { iv_cvs_versions.erase(9); len = 8; } for(string::const_iterator s = iv_cvs_versions.begin(); s != iv_cvs_versions.end(); ++s) { bin_seq.push_back(*s); } while(len < 8) { bin_seq.push_back(0); ++len; } stats << '*' << setw(20) << "Version:" << setw(6) << iv_cvs_versions << endl; } else { throw range_error("ERROR: ScomList::compile: No CVS version(s) specified"); } } else // syntax version already validated to be 1 or 2 - so if we get here it was never set. { throw range_error("ERROR: ScomList::compile: No syntax version specified!"); } stats << '*' << setw(20) << "Syntax Version:" << setw(6) << iv_syntax_version << endl; // Determine the number of scoms in each section for(SCOM_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_list.begin(); i != iv_scom_list.end(); ++i) { // Filter out filtered spies dg003a if(!(i->second->valid_when(dbg,iv_ec))) { continue; } count_s += i->second->bin_listing(blist_s); } if(count_s) ++section_count; // 28 bytes of File Header Data offset = 28; stats << '*' << setw(20) << "Sections:" << setw(6) << section_count << endl; // for verion 2 add offset to CVS versions section if(iv_syntax_version == 2) { offset += 4; Rpn::set32(bin_seq,offset); offset += iv_cvs_versions.length() + 2; } // offset now points to start of Var Symbol Table iv_symbols->bin_vars(blist_v); // get Var table iv_symbols->bin_lits(blist_i); // Get Lit table Rpn::set32(bin_seq,offset); // Offset to Variable Symbol Table offset += blist_v.size(); // offset += var table byte size Rpn::set32(bin_seq,offset); // Offset to Literal Symbol Table offset += blist_i.size(); // offset += lit table byte size //if(count_s) //Need to write this either way { Rpn::set32(bin_seq,offset); // SCOM Section offset Rpn::set32(bin_seq,count_s); // Number of SCOM's } if(iv_syntax_version == 2) // Add Sub-version section { Rpn::set16(bin_seq,(uint16_t)iv_cvs_versions.length()); // Length of Sub version bin_seq.insert(bin_seq.end(), iv_cvs_versions.begin(), iv_cvs_versions.end()); } bin_seq.insert(bin_seq.end(), blist_v.begin(), blist_v.end()); // add var table section bin_seq.insert(bin_seq.end(), blist_i.begin(), blist_i.end()); // add lit table section if(count_s) { bin_seq.insert(bin_seq.end(), blist_s.begin(), blist_s.end()); // add SCOM section } stats << '*' << setw(20) << "S scoms:" << setw(6) << count_s << endl; dbg << "======================== End compile ============================" << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Scom::valid_when(ostream & msg, uint32_t i_ec) //dg002a dg003c { bool result = true; // unconditional state was determined earlier if( iv_when_rpn.isTrue()) // unconditionally true - Rpn is not needed. iv_when_rpn.clear(); else if( iv_when_rpn.isFalse()) //unconditionally false result = false; else if(i_ec != 0xffffffff) { if(iv_when_rpn.resolve_ec(i_ec) == false) result = false; } #if 0 if(result == false) { msg << hex; SPY_NAMES::iterator i = iv_spy_names.begin(); // if more than one spyname, the first is just the stem of the name - skip it if(iv_spy_names.size() > 1) ++i; for(; i != iv_spy_names.end(); ++i) { if(i_ec != 0xffffffff) msg << "For EC " << i_ec << ": "; msg << "Removing spy " << *i << endl; } msg << iv_when_rpn.listing("WHEN RPN","",true) << endl; } #endif return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScomList::listing(BINSEQ & bin_seq,ostream & olist) { dbg << "======================= Begin Listing ========================" << endl; BINSEQ::const_iterator bli = bin_seq.begin(); BINSEQ::const_iterator b; uint32_t syntax_version = Rpn::extract32(bli); string cvs_versions; olist << hex << setfill('0'); olist << "--------------- FILE HEADER ------------------------\n\n"; olist << fmt8(syntax_version) << "[Syntax Version]\n" << "0x"; bli += 8; for(b = bli-8; b != bli; ++b) olist << setw(2) << (uint32_t)(*b); olist << " ["; for(b = bli-8; b != bli; ++b) if((*b) != 0) olist << (char)(*b); olist << "]\t[CVS Version]\n"; if(syntax_version == 2) { size_t offset = Rpn::extract32(bli); olist << fmt8(offset) << "[Offset to Sub-Version Section]\n"; } uint32_t var_table_offset = Rpn::extract32(bli); uint32_t lit_table_offset = Rpn::extract32(bli); olist << fmt8(var_table_offset) << "[Offset to Attribute Symbol Table]\n"; olist << fmt8(lit_table_offset) << "[Offset to Literal Symbol Table]\n"; b = bin_seq.begin() + var_table_offset; iv_symbols->restore_var_bseq(b); b = bin_seq.begin() + lit_table_offset; iv_symbols->restore_lit_bseq(b); b = bli; // save size_t offset = Rpn::extract32(bli); // offset size_t count = Rpn::extract32(bli); // Number of spies olist << fmt8(offset) << "[Scom Section Offset]\n"; olist << fmt8(count) << "[Number of scoms]\n"; olist << endl; if(syntax_version == 2) { olist << "--------------- Sub Version Section ---------------\n\n"; uint16_t len = Rpn::extract16(bli); olist << "0x" << setw(4) << len << "\t\t" << "Length of Sub Version Section\n\n"; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) olist << (char)(*bli++); olist << endl; } if (yytarget.size()) { olist << "------------------- TARGET MAPPING ------------------------\n\n" << endl; std::map::iterator i; for (i = yytarget.begin(); i != yytarget.end(); i++) { olist << i->first << setfill(' ') << setw(30 - i->first.length()) << " = " << i->second << endl; } } olist << iv_symbols->listing() << endl; if (count) { olist << "------------------- SCOM TABLES ------------------------\n\n" << endl; bli = b; // restore olist << "------------ Scoms -----------\n\n"; b = bin_seq.begin() + offset; if(!(b < bin_seq.end())) { throw overflow_error("ERROR: ScomList::listing: iterator overflowed sequence"); } SCOM_LIST l_scom_list; SCOM_LIST::const_iterator i; pair ret; while (count --) { Scom * s = new Scom(b,iv_symbols); olist << s->listing() << endl; uint64_t l_addr = s->get_address_hex(); //cout << "ScomList::listing: iv_scom_address_hex 0x" << hex << l_addr << endl; //Check for duplicate scom statements bool l_dup_scoms = false; ret = l_scom_list.equal_range(l_addr); if (ret.first != ret.second) { //cout << "ScomList::listing: Duplicate scom addresses found" << endl; uint32_t l_length = s->get_scom_length(); //If writing all bits if (l_length == 0) { l_dup_scoms = true; } else { uint32_t l_start = s->get_scom_offset(); //start bit uint32_t l_end = l_start + l_length - 1; //end bit //cout << "ScomList::listing: offset " << dec << l_start // << " end " << l_end << " length " << l_length << endl; //loop through all the matches and check for duplicate bits for (i = ret.first; i != ret.second; ++i) { uint32_t l_length2 = i->second->get_scom_length(); //If writing all bits if (l_length2 == 0) { l_dup_scoms = true; break; } uint32_t l_start2 = i->second->get_scom_offset(); //start bit uint32_t l_end2 = l_start2 + l_length2 - 1; //end bit //cout << "ScomList::listing: offset2 " << l_start2 // << " end2 " << l_end2 << " length2 " << l_length2 << endl; // check for duplicate bits if ((l_start <= l_end2) && (l_start2 <= l_end)) { // ranges overlap l_dup_scoms = true; break; } } } } if (false == l_dup_scoms) { l_scom_list.insert(pair(l_addr, s)); //cout << "ScomList::listing: l_scom_list size " << l_scom_list.size() << endl; } else { ostringstream oss; oss << "ScomList::listing: Duplicate scom statements found: " "Address 0x" << hex << l_addr << endl; throw invalid_argument(oss.str()); } } //Free memory for (i = l_scom_list.begin(); i != l_scom_list.end(); ++i) { delete i->second; } l_scom_list.clear(); } dbg << "======================= End Listing ========================" << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScomList::attr_listing(BINSEQ & bin_seq,ostream & olist) { olist << iv_symbols->attr_listing(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string ScomList::fmt8(uint32_t val) { ostringstream oss; oss << setfill('0'); oss << "0x" << hex << setw(8) << val << "\t " << '[' << dec << val << ']' << '\t'; if(val < 1000) oss << '\t'; return oss.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScomList::insert(Scom * i_scom) { uint64_t l_addr = i_scom->get_address(); iv_scom_list.insert(pair(l_addr, i_scom)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ScomList::compare(ScomList & that) { bool result = true; dbg << "======================= Begin Compare ========================" << endl; if(iv_scom_list.size() != that.iv_scom_list.size()) { cout << "E> Lists are not the same size" << endl; result = false; } // check each spy section for(SCOM_LIST::iterator i = iv_scom_list.begin(); i != iv_scom_list.end(); ++i) { // The name checks spyname, arrayaddr (if array), bitrange(s) (if any) uint64_t l_addr = i->second->get_address(); SCOM_LIST::iterator j = that.iv_scom_list.find(l_addr); if(j == that.iv_scom_list.end()) { cout << "E> " << l_addr << " not found in both lists!" << endl; result = false; continue; } if(i->second->compare(*(j->second)) == false) { cout << "E> Spy: " << l_addr << " does not match!" << endl; result = false; } } // check for spies in that that are not in this for(SCOM_LIST::iterator i = that.iv_scom_list.begin(); i != that.iv_scom_list.end(); ++i) { uint64_t l_addr = i->second->get_address(); SCOM_LIST::iterator j = iv_scom_list.find(l_addr); if(j == iv_scom_list.end()) { cout << "E> " << l_addr << " not found in both lists!" << endl; result = false; } } dbg << "======================= End Compare ========================" << endl; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::set_scom_address(const string & i_scom_addr) { if(iv_scom_addr.size()) { yyerror("Scom::set_scom_address: SCOM Address already set!"); } else { iv_scom_addr.push_back(i_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_address: " << i_scom_addr << " is the output string!" << endl; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::dup_scom_address(const string & i_scom_addr) { // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address: "<< i_scom_addr << " is the output string!" << endl; //If we have a range of values size_t l_pos = i_scom_addr.find(".."); if (l_pos != string::npos) { // Convert the range specified to decimal values and check for valid range uint64_t l_num1 = strtoull((i_scom_addr.substr(0,l_pos)).c_str(), NULL, 16); uint64_t l_num2 = strtoull((i_scom_addr.substr(l_pos + 2)).c_str(), NULL, 16); // cout << "I>Scom:dup_scom_address: " << l_num1 << " - " << l_num2 << endl; if (l_num1 >= l_num2) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Scom::dup_scom_address: Invalid scom address range: " << i_scom_addr; yyerror(oss.str().c_str()); } for (uint64_t num = l_num1; num <= l_num2; num++) { // For each value within the range, create a hex string of the correct size string l_scom_addr = dec2hexString(num, l_pos); if (iv_scom_addr.size() == 0) { // If there are no base address, create the duplicate addresses by pushing back // each value within the range iv_dup_scom_addr.push_back(l_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address: iv_dup_scom_addr" << iv_dup_scom_addr.back() << endl; } else { // If there are base addresses, create the dupicate addresses by appending each // value within the range to the base addresses. for (size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr.size(); i++) { iv_dup_scom_addr.push_back(iv_scom_addr.at(i) + l_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address: iv_dup_scom_addr " << iv_dup_scom_addr.back() << endl; } } } } // Else we have a single value else { // If there are no base address, create the duplicate address by pushing back the specified // value if (iv_scom_addr.size() == 0) { iv_dup_scom_addr.push_back(i_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address: iv_dup_scom_addr " << iv_dup_scom_addr.back() << endl; } else { // If there are base addresses, create the dupicate addresses by appending the // specified value to the base addresses. for (size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr.size(); i++) { iv_dup_scom_addr.push_back(iv_scom_addr.at(i) + i_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address: iv_dup_scom_addr " << iv_dup_scom_addr.back() << endl; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::copy_dup_scom_address() { // cout << "I>Scom::copy_dup_scom_address: iv_scom_addr size "<< iv_scom_addr.size() // << " iv_dup_scom_addr size " << iv_dup_scom_addr.size() << endl; iv_scom_addr.clear(); iv_scom_addr = iv_dup_scom_addr; iv_dup_scom_addr.clear(); // cout << "I>Scom::copy_dup_scom_address: iv_scom_addr size "<< iv_scom_addr.size() // << " iv_dup_scom_addr size " << iv_dup_scom_addr.size() << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::set_scom_suffix(const string & i_scom_addr) { if(iv_scom_addr.size() == 0) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Scom::set_scom_suffix: No base scom address to append suffix " << i_scom_addr; yyerror(oss.str().c_str()); } else { // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_suffix: iv_scom_addr size " << iv_scom_addr.size() << endl; for(size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr.size(); ++i) { // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_suffix: iv_scom_addr " << iv_scom_addr.at(i) << endl; iv_scom_addr.at(i) = iv_scom_addr.at(i) + i_scom_addr; // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_suffix: iv_scom_addr appended " << iv_scom_addr.at(i) << endl; } } // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_suffix: "<< i_scom_addr << " is the output string!" << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::set_scom_address_bin(const string & i_scom_addr) { if(iv_scom_addr_bin.size()) { yyerror("Scom::set_scom_address_bin: Binary SCOM Address already set!"); } else { iv_scom_addr_bin.push_back(i_scom_addr); } // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_address_bin: " << i_scom_addr << " is the output string!" << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::dup_scom_address_bin(const string & i_scom_addr) { // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address_bin: "<< i_scom_addr << " is the output string!" << endl; //If we have a range of values size_t l_pos = i_scom_addr.find(".."); if (l_pos != string::npos) { // Convert the range specified to decimal values and check for valid range uint64_t l_num1 = strtoull((i_scom_addr.substr(0,l_pos)).c_str(), NULL, 2); uint64_t l_num2 = strtoull((i_scom_addr.substr(l_pos + 2)).c_str(), NULL, 2); // cout << "I>Scom:dup_scom_address_bin: " << l_num1 << " - " << l_num2 << endl; if (l_num1 >= l_num2) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Scom::dup_scom_address_bin: Invalid binary scom address range: " << i_scom_addr; yyerror(oss.str().c_str()); } for (uint64_t num = l_num1; num <= l_num2; num++) { // For each value within the range, create a binary string of the correct size string l_scom_addr = dec2binString(num, l_pos); if (iv_scom_addr_bin.size() == 0) { // If there are no base address, create the duplicate addresses by pushing back // each value within the range iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.push_back(l_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address_bin: iv_dup_scom_addr_bin " << iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.back() << endl; } else { // If there are base addresses, create the dupicate addresses by appending each // value within the range to the base addresses. for (size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr_bin.size(); i++) { iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.push_back(iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i) + l_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address_bin: iv_dup_scom_addr_bin " << iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.back() << endl; } } } } // Else we have a single value else { // If there are no base address, create the duplicate address by pushing back the specified // value if (iv_scom_addr_bin.size() == 0) { iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.push_back(i_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address_bin: iv_dup_scom_addr_bin " << iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.back() << endl; } else { // If there are base addresses, create the dupicate addresses by appending the // specified value to the base addresses. for (size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr_bin.size(); i++) { iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.push_back(iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i) + i_scom_addr); // cout << "I>Scom::dup_scom_address_bin: iv_dup_scom_addr_bin " << iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.back() << endl; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::copy_dup_scom_address_bin() { // cout << "I>Scom::copy_dup_scom_address_bin: iv_scom_addr_bin size "<< iv_scom_addr_bin.size() // << " iv_dup_scom_addr_bin size " << iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.size() << endl; iv_scom_addr_bin.clear(); iv_scom_addr_bin = iv_dup_scom_addr_bin; iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.clear(); // cout << "I>Scom::copy_dup_scom_address_bin: iv_scom_addr_bin size "<< iv_scom_addr_bin.size() // << " iv_dup_scom_addr_bin size " << iv_dup_scom_addr_bin.size() << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::set_scom_suffix_bin(const string & i_scom_addr) { if(iv_scom_addr_bin.size() == 0) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Scom::set_scom_suffix_bin: No base binary scom address to append suffix " << i_scom_addr; yyerror(oss.str().c_str()); } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr_bin.size(); ++i) { iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i) = iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i) + i_scom_addr; } } // cout << "I>Scom::set_scom_suffix_bin: "<< i_scom_addr << " is the output string!" << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scom::append_scom_address_bin() { for (size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr_bin.size(); i++) { if (0 != (iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i).size() % 4)) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Scom::append_scom_address_bin: Binary scom address " << iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i) << " is a partial hex!"; yyerror(oss.str().c_str()); break; } else { // Duplicate the scom addresses uint64_t l_num = strtoull(iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i).c_str(), NULL, 2); string l_scom_addr = dec2hexString(l_num, iv_scom_addr_bin.at(i).size() / 4); dup_scom_address(l_scom_addr); } } if (iv_dup_scom_addr.size()) { // Copy duplicate scom addresses to the base scom addresses copy_dup_scom_address(); iv_scom_addr_bin.clear(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Scom::dec2hexString(uint64_t i_num, size_t i_str_size) { stringstream l_ss; l_ss.width(i_str_size); // Set string width l_ss.fill('0'); // Prefill with '0' l_ss << hex << i_num; return l_ss.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Scom::dec2binString(uint64_t i_num, size_t i_str_size) { size_t l_size = sizeof(i_num) * 8; char l_buf[l_size]; size_t l_idx = l_size; do { l_buf[--l_idx] = '0' + (i_num & 1); i_num >>= 1; } while (--i_str_size); return string(l_buf + l_idx, l_buf + l_size); } string Scom::addr_listing() { std::stringstream l_ss; l_ss << "\t\t\tSCOM Addresses" << endl; //l_ss << std::hex << std::setfill('0'); for (size_t i = 0; i < iv_scom_addr.size(); i++) { //l_ss << "0x" << std::setw(16) << op_id << "\t\t" << OP_TXT[op_id] << std::endl; l_ss << iv_scom_addr.at(i) << endl; } return l_ss.str(); }