/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * $Source: src/usr/hwpf/ifcompiler/initCompiler.y $ * * IBM CONFIDENTIAL * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010-2012 * * p1 * * Object Code Only (OCO) source materials * Licensed Internal Code Source Materials * IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code * * The source code for this program is not published or other- * wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has * been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. * * Origin: 30 * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ // Change Log ************************************************************************************* // // Flag Track Userid Date Description // ---- -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- // D754106 dgilbert 06/14/10 Create // D774126 dgilbert 09/30/10 Add ERROR: to yyerror message // andrewg 09/19/11 Updates based on review // camvanng 11/08/11 Added support for attribute enums // andrewg 11/09/11 Refactor to use common include with hwp framework. // camvanng 12/12/11 Support multiple address ranges within a SCOM address // camvanng 01/20/12 Support for using a range indexes for array attributes // camvanng 02/14/12 Support binary and hex scom addresses // Support for array at beginning of scom address // camvanng 04/16/12 Support defines for SCOM address // Support defines for bits, scom_data and attribute columns // Delete obsolete code for defines support // camvanng 05/22/12 Ability to do simple operations on attributes // in the scom_data column // camvanng 06/11/12 Ability to do logical operations with attribute columns // Fix shift/reduce warnings from yacc // camvanng 06/15/12 Ability to do bitwise OR and AND operations // camvanng 06/27/12 Improve error and debug tracing // End Change Log ********************************************************************************* /** * @file initCompiler.y * @brief Contains the yacc/bison code for parsing an initfile. * * This code runs as part of the build process to generate a * byte-coded representation of an initfile */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include init::Scom * current_scom = NULL; extern int yylex(); void yyerror(const char * s); int scom; %} /* Union for the yylval variable in lex or $$ variables in bsion code. * Used to store the data associated with a parsed token. */ %union{ uint32_t integer; uint64_t uint64; std::string * str_ptr; init::Rpn * rpn_ptr; } /* indicates the name for the start symbol */ %start input /* Define terminal symbols and the union type * associated with each. */ %token INIT_INTEGER %token INIT_INT64 %token INIT_INT64_STR %token INIT_SCOM_ADDR %token INIT_SCOM_SUFFIX %token INIT_BINARY_STR %token INIT_SCOM_ADDR_BIN %token INIT_SCOM_SUFFIX_BIN %token INIT_SCOM_DATA %token INIT_ID %token INIT_VERSIONS %token ATTRIBUTE_INDEX %token ATTRIBUTE_ENUM /* Define terminal symbols that don't have any associated data */ %token INIT_VERSION %token INIT_ENDINITFILE %token INIT_BITS %token INIT_EXPR %token INIT_TARG %token INIT_EQ %token INIT_NE %token INIT_LE %token INIT_GE %token INIT_SCANINIT %token INIT_SCOMINIT %token INIT_SCOM %token INIT_SCOMD /* non-terminal tokens and the union data-type associated with them */ %type bitsrows %type expr id_colexpr id_col num_list scomdexpr /* top is lowest precedent - done last */ %left INIT_LOGIC_OR %left INIT_LOGIC_AND %left '|' /* bitwise OR */ %left '^' /* bitwise XOR */ %left '&' /* bitwise AND */ %left INIT_EQ INIT_NE %left INIT_LE INIT_GE '<' '>' %left INIT_SHIFT_RIGHT INIT_SHIFT_LEFT %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '!' '~' /* logic negation bitwise complement*/ %left ATTRIBUTE_INDEX /* highest precedence */ /* bottom is highest precedent - done first */ %% /* Grammars */ /* the 'input' is simply all the lines */ input: | input line ; line: scom | cvs_versions | syntax_version | INIT_ENDINITFILE {} ; cvs_versions: INIT_VERSIONS { yyscomlist->set_cvs_versions($1); delete $1; } ; syntax_version: INIT_VERSION '=' INIT_INTEGER { yyscomlist->set_syntax_version($3); } ; scom: INIT_SCOM {current_scom = new init::Scom(yyscomlist->get_symbols(),yyline);} | scom scomaddr '{' scombody '}' { /* printf("Found an INIT_SCOM!\n"); */ /* current_scom = new init::Scom(yyscomlist->get_symbols(),yyline); */ yyscomlist->insert(current_scom); init::dbg << current_scom->addr_listing() << std::endl; } ; scomaddr: scomaddr_hex { /*printf("Found a hex scom address\n");*/ } | scomaddr_bin { /*printf("Found a binary scom address\n");*/ current_scom->append_scom_address_bin(); } | scomaddr '.' scomaddr_hex { /*printf("Found a hex scom address 2\n");*/ } | scomaddr '.' scomaddr_bin { /*printf("Append binary scom address 2\n");*/ current_scom->append_scom_address_bin(); } ; scomaddr_hex: INIT_SCOM_ADDR { /*printf("Found an INIT_SCOM_ADDR %s\n", (*($1)).c_str());*/ current_scom->set_scom_address(*($1)); delete $1; } | scom_list { current_scom->copy_dup_scom_address(); } | INIT_SCOM_SUFFIX { current_scom->set_scom_suffix(*($1)); delete $1; } | scomaddr_hex scom_list { /*printf("Found a scom_list 2\n");*/ current_scom->copy_dup_scom_address(); } | scomaddr_hex INIT_SCOM_SUFFIX { /*printf("Found a scom suffix %s\n", (*($2)).c_str());*/ current_scom->set_scom_suffix(*($2)); delete $2;} ; scom_list: INIT_INT64_STR { current_scom->dup_scom_address(*($1));delete $1;} | scom_list ',' INIT_INT64_STR { current_scom->dup_scom_address(*($3));delete $3;} ; scomaddr_bin: INIT_SCOM_ADDR_BIN { /*printf("Found an INIT_SCOM_ADDR_BIN %s\n", (*($1)).c_str());*/ current_scom->set_scom_address_bin(*($1)); delete $1; } | scom_bin_list { /*printf("Found a scom_bin_list\n");*/ current_scom->copy_dup_scom_address_bin(); } | scomaddr_bin INIT_SCOM_ADDR_BIN { /*printf("Found an INIT_SCOM_ADDR_BIN 2 %s\n", (*($2)).c_str());*/ current_scom->set_scom_suffix_bin(*($2)); delete $2;} | scomaddr_bin scom_bin_list { /*printf("Found a scom_bin_list 2\n");*/ current_scom->copy_dup_scom_address_bin(); } | scomaddr_bin INIT_SCOM_SUFFIX_BIN { /*printf("Found a scom binary suffix %s\n", (*($2)).c_str());*/ current_scom->set_scom_suffix_bin(*($2)); delete $2;} ; scom_bin_list: INIT_BINARY_STR { current_scom->dup_scom_address_bin(*($1));delete $1; } | scom_bin_list ',' INIT_BINARY_STR { current_scom->dup_scom_address_bin(*($3));delete $3; } ; /* The scombody was reformatted by the scanner * colname1 , row1 , row 2, ... , row n ; * colname2 , row1 , row 2, ... , row n ; */ scombody: scombodyline ';' {} | scombody scombodyline ';' {} ; scombodyline: INIT_SCOMD ',' scomdrows {} | INIT_BITS ',' bitsrows {} | INIT_EXPR ',' exprrows { init::dbg << "Add col EXPR" << endl; current_scom->add_col("EXPR"); } | INIT_ID ',' idrows { current_scom->add_col(*($1)); init::dbg << "Add col " << *($1) << endl; delete $1; } ; scomdrows: scomdexpr { /* printf("\n\nscomdrows - RPN Address:0x%X\n\n\n",$1); */ init::dbg << $1->listing("Length scom RPN"); current_scom->add_scom_rpn($1); } | scomdrows ',' scomdexpr { init::dbg << $3->listing("Length scom RPN"); current_scom->add_scom_rpn($3); } ; scomdexpr: INIT_INTEGER { $$= new init::Rpn($1,yyscomlist->get_symbols());} | INIT_ID { $$= new init::Rpn(*($1),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); delete $1;} | ATTRIBUTE_ENUM { $$= new init::Rpn((yyscomlist->get_symbols())->get_attr_enum_val(*($1)),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); delete $1; } | INIT_INT64 { $$=new init::Rpn($1,yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } | scomdexpr ATTRIBUTE_INDEX { $1->push_array_index(*($2)); delete $2; } | scomdexpr INIT_SHIFT_RIGHT scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,SHIFTRIGHT); } | scomdexpr INIT_SHIFT_LEFT scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,SHIFTLEFT); } | scomdexpr '+' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,PLUS); } | scomdexpr '-' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,MINUS); } | scomdexpr '*' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,MULT); } | scomdexpr '/' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,DIVIDE); } | scomdexpr '%' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,MOD); } | scomdexpr '&' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,BITWISEAND); } | scomdexpr '|' scomdexpr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,BITWISEOR); } | '!' scomdexpr { $$ = $2->push_op(NOT); } | '(' scomdexpr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; bitsrows: bitrange {} | bitsrows ',' bitrange {} ; bitrange: INIT_INTEGER { current_scom->add_bit_range($1,$1); } | INIT_INTEGER ':' INIT_INTEGER { current_scom->add_bit_range($1,$3); } ; exprrows: expr { init::dbg << $1->listing(NULL); current_scom->add_row_rpn($1); } | exprrows ',' expr { init::dbg << $3->listing(NULL); current_scom->add_row_rpn($3); } ; idrows: id_colexpr { init::dbg << $1->listing(NULL); current_scom->add_row_rpn($1); } | idrows ',' id_colexpr { init::dbg << $3->listing(NULL); current_scom->add_row_rpn($3); } ; // TODO num_list could be VARs,LITs, or even ranges eg {1,2..5,7} id_colexpr: id_col { $1->push_op(EQ); } | INIT_EQ id_col { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(EQ); } | INIT_NE id_col { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(NE); } | INIT_LE id_col { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(LE); } | INIT_GE id_col { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(GE); } | '<' id_col { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(LT); } | '>' id_col { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(GT); } ; id_col: INIT_ID { $$ = new init::Rpn(*($1),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); delete $1; } | INIT_INTEGER { $$ = new init::Rpn($1,yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } | '{' num_list '}' { $$ = $2; $2->push_op(LIST); } | ATTRIBUTE_ENUM { $$ = new init::Rpn((yyscomlist->get_symbols())->get_attr_enum_val(*($1)),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); delete $1; } ; num_list: INIT_INTEGER { $$ = new init::Rpn($1,yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } | INIT_ID { $$ = new init::Rpn(*($1),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } | num_list ',' INIT_INTEGER { $$ = $1; $1->merge(new init::Rpn($3,yyscomlist->get_symbols())); } | num_list ',' INIT_ID { $$ = $1; $1->merge(new init::Rpn(*($3),yyscomlist->get_symbols())); } | ATTRIBUTE_ENUM { $$ = new init::Rpn((yyscomlist->get_symbols())->get_attr_enum_val(*($1)),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } ; /* expr should return an RPN string of some kind */ expr: INIT_INTEGER { $$= new init::Rpn($1,yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } | INIT_ID { $$= new init::Rpn(*($1),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); delete $1; } | ATTRIBUTE_ENUM { $$= new init::Rpn((yyscomlist->get_symbols())->get_attr_enum_val(*($1)),yyscomlist->get_symbols()); delete $1; } | INIT_INT64 { $$=new init::Rpn($1,yyscomlist->get_symbols()); } | expr ATTRIBUTE_INDEX { $1->push_array_index(*($2)); delete $2; } | expr INIT_LOGIC_OR expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,OR); } | expr INIT_LOGIC_AND expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,AND); } | expr INIT_EQ expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,EQ); } | expr INIT_NE expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,NE); } | expr INIT_LE expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,LE); } | expr INIT_GE expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,GE); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,LT); } | expr '>' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,GT); } | expr INIT_SHIFT_RIGHT expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,SHIFTRIGHT); } | expr INIT_SHIFT_LEFT expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,SHIFTLEFT); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,PLUS); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,MINUS); } | expr '*' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,MULT); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,DIVIDE); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,MOD); } | expr '&' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,BITWISEAND); } | expr '|' expr { $$ = $1->push_merge($3,BITWISEOR); } | '!' expr { $$ = $2->push_op(NOT); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; %% void yyerror(const char * s) { //dump dbg stringstream to file init::capture_dbg(dbg_fname); init::erros << setfill('-') << setw(80) << '-' << endl; init::erros << setfill('0'); init::erros << "Parse Error: " << yyfname.back().c_str() << ", line " << dec << setw(4) << yyline << ": yychar = " << dec << (uint32_t) yychar << " = 0x" << hex << (uint32_t) yychar << " = '"; if(isprint(yychar)) init::erros << (char)yychar; else init::erros << ' '; init::erros << "' yylval = " << hex << "0x" << setw(16) << yylval.uint64 << endl; init::erros << "ERROR: " << s << endl; init::erros << setfill('-') << setw(80) << '-' << endl << endl; cout << init::erros.str() << endl; }