/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/hwpf/hwp/tod_init/TodProc.H $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef TODPROC_H #define TODPROC_H /** * @file TodProc.H * * @brief Contains TodProc class declaration * TodProc class encapsulates a proc chip target with other attributes * that are necessary to define the proc chip in a TOD topology * * HWP_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK * */ #include "proc_tod_utils.H" #include "TodTypes.H" #include "TodSvcUtil.H" namespace TOD { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Forward declarations //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct TodChipData; class TodDrawer; class TodProc; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Typedefs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef std::list TodProcContainer; typedef std::list TodTopologyNodeContainer; /** * @class TodProc * * @brief TodProc class encapsulates a proc chip target with other * attributes that helps to identify the position of proc chip in a * TOD netwok and also define its connection with other proc chips */ class TodProc { public: //Specify proc master type : //TOD master/drawer master enum ProcMasterType { NOT_MASTER = 0x00, TOD_MASTER = 0x01, DRAWER_MASTER = 0x02 }; /** * @brief Constructor * * @param[in] i_procTarget * Pointer to proc target * * @param[in] i_parentDrawer * Pointer to TOD drawer in which this proc is contained */ TodProc(const TARGETING::Target* i_procTarget, const TodDrawer* i_parentDrawer); /** * @brief Destructor */ ~TodProc(); /** * @brief The method will try to connect TodProc object, for which the * method has been called to the TodProc object specificed in * destination argument. * * @par Detailed Description: * While creating the TOD topology TodTopologyManager will connect * TodProc objects to the topology if they * physically connect over A/X bus, to a TodProc object * that is already part of the topology and also valid candidate for * connecting the TodProc object under consideration. * * The process of connecting processors starts with MDMT and will * continue till all the processors are connected. * At each step TodTopologyManager will make call to connect * method. This method will check if processor chip owned by * TodProc object (for which the method is called ) is physically * connected to the destination (passed as argument), over the bus type * specified in argument to the method. * * If they connect then the i_bus_rx and i_bus_tx members of * iv_tod_node_data will be filled up for the destination object * such that * i_bus_rx == The bus on destination object that connects to the * this proc * i_bus_tx == The bus on this proc that connects to the * destination * * @param[in] i_destination, Pointer to destination TodProc object * that has to be connected. * * @param[in] i_busChipUnitType, Type of the bus (A/X) for which connection * has to be determined * * @param[out] o_isConnected, this parameter will be set to true if * source and destination connect over the specified bus type. Before * looking for o_isConnected the caller should check for returned error * log handle and only if it is NULL o_isConnected should be considered. * * @return Error log handle, indicates status of request * @retval NULL indicates that connect method's algorithm executed * successfully, however in order to know if two processor objects * connect over the specified bus or not o_isConnected has to be * examined. * @retval !NULL indicates that method connect could not be completed * successfully. In this case o_isConnected should be ignored. * * Error log handle points to a valid error log object whose primary * SRC reason code (pError->getSRC()->reasonCode()) indicates the type * of error. * * @note It is up to the caller to change the severity of the * returned error based on what it decides to do with it. By default * any returned error created by this function will be a non-reported * tracing event error log. */ errlHndl_t connect( TodProc* i_destination, const TARGETING::TYPE i_busChipUnitType, bool& o_isConnected); /** * @brief This is a helper method for connect, that will pick a value * from proc_tod_setup_bus enum corresponding to the bus type and * the port specified as argument * * @param[in] i_busChipUnitType , This will indicate A/X bus type * * @param[in] i_busPort , The port of the bus * * @param[out] o_busId , proc_tod_setup_bus enum member corresponding to * the bus type and bus port specified as parameter. Before looking for * o_busId caller should look for returned error handle and only if it * is NULL, o_busId should be considered. * * @return Error log handle, indicates status of request * @retval NULL, indicates o_busId was successfully found * @retval !NULL, indicates that o_busId could not be found possibly * because specified bus type and port combination is not supported * * Error log handle points to a valid error log object whose primary * SRC reason code (pError->getSRC()->reasonCode()) indicates the type * of error. * * @note It is up to the caller to change the severity of the * returned error based on what it decides to do with it. By default * any returned error created by this function will be a non-reported * tracing event error log. */ errlHndl_t getBusPort( const TARGETING::TYPE i_busChipUnitType, const uint32_t i_busPort, proc_tod_setup_bus& o_busId) const; /** * @brief Method to create an errlHndl_t object for * TOD_UNSUPPORTED_BUSTYPE * * @par Detailed Description: * This error will be logged by a method if it finds that a particular * bus type is not supported on TOD topology. * * @param[in] i_busChipUnitType, Type of bus that is not supported * * @param[out] io_errHdl * On input this parameter will be either NULL or pointing to * an existing error handle. * On output this parameter will either have a newly created handle * assigned to it ( If input parameter was NULL ) or a new SRC will be * appened to existing error handle ( If the input was not NULL ) * * @return N/A */ void logUnsupportedBusType(const int32_t i_busChipUnitType, errlHndl_t& io_errHdl) const; /** * @brief Method to create an errlHndl_t object for * TOD_UNSUPPORTED_BUSPORT * * @par Detailed Description: * This error will be logged by getBusPort if it finds that the input * bus port is not supported for a specified bus type, from * TOD topology point of view. * * @param[in] i_busPort , Type of bus that is not currently supported. * * @param[out] io_errHdl * On input this parameter will be either NULL or pointing to * an existing error handle. * On output this parameter will either have a newly created handle * assigned to it ( If input parameter was NULL ) or a new SRC will be * appened to existing error handle ( If the input was not NULL ) * * @return N/A */ void logUnsupportedBusPort( const int32_t i_busPort, const int32_t i_busChipUnitType, errlHndl_t& io_errHdl) const; /** * @brief Add a child TodProc to this (adds to iv_childrenList). * Added child will receive TOD signal from the processor * represented by this TodProc object. * * @param[in] i_child * Pointer to child TodProc * * @return N/A */ void addChild(TodProc* i_child); /** * @brief Setter method for iv_masterType * * @param[in] i_masterType * Parameter to indicate the master type * * @return N/A */ void setMasterType(const ProcMasterType i_masterType); /** * @brief Getter method for iv_masterType * * @return ProcMasterType, value of iv_masterType */ ProcMasterType getMasterType() const ; /** * @brief Getter for TOD registers for this proc * Check proc_tod_utils.H : proc_tod_setup_conf_regs for the list of * registers. The registers are updated by the TOD HWP. * * @param[out] o_todRegs * container of TOD registers * * @return N/A */ void getTodRegs(proc_tod_setup_conf_regs& o_todRegs) const; /** * @brief This method will populate the TodChipData object passed as * input with the TOD register values of the this proc. * * @param[out] o_todChipData * The TodChipData object in which data has to be output * * @return NA * */ void setTodChipData(TodChipData& o_todChipData) const; /** * @brief Getter method for iv_tod_node_data * * @return tod_topology_node*, pointer to this proc's topology * node structure */ tod_topology_node* getTopologyNode() { return iv_tod_node_data; } /** * @brief Getter method for iv_parentDrawer * * @return TodDrawer*, pointer to this proc's containing TOD drawer */ const TodDrawer* getParentDrawer() const { return iv_parentDrawer; } /** * @brief Getter method for tod_topology_node::i_bus_rx data member , * i_bus_rx is the fabric bus over which current processor receives * signals from its parent * * @return proc_tod_setup_bus bus type and port */ proc_tod_setup_bus getBusIn() const { return iv_tod_node_data->i_bus_rx; } /** * @brief Getter method for tod_topology_node::i_bus_tx data member , * i_bus_tx is the bus over which signal is transmitted by the * parent of this processor * * @return proc_tod_setup_bus bus type and port */ proc_tod_setup_bus getBusOut() const { return iv_tod_node_data->i_bus_tx; } /** * @brief Getter method for iv_procTarget * * @return Target pointer for this proc */ const TARGETING::Target* getTarget() const { return iv_procTarget; } /** * @brief Getter method for iv_childrenList. * see also addChild * * @param[out] o_childrenList * List of pointers to children TodProc * * @return N/A */ void getChildren(TodProcContainer& o_childrenList) const { o_childrenList = iv_childrenList; } /** * @brief Sets bus in and bus out * * @return N/A */ void setConnections(const proc_tod_setup_bus i_parentBusOut, const proc_tod_setup_bus i_thisBusIn) { iv_tod_node_data->i_bus_tx = i_parentBusOut; iv_tod_node_data->i_bus_rx = i_thisBusIn; } private: /* * @brief Helper method to initialize the bus parameters * (iv_xbusTargetList and iv_abusTargetList) and iv_tod_node_data, for * this object. * It will be called from the constructor. * * @return N/A */ void init(); //Target pointer to the processor chip, that is been encapsulated in //the TodProc object const TARGETING::Target* iv_procTarget; //Pointer to the parent TodDrawer object to which this processor //belong const TodDrawer * iv_parentDrawer; //List of X bus targets for this processor TARGETING::TargetHandleList iv_xbusTargetList; //List of A bus targets for this processor TARGETING::TargetHandleList iv_abusTargetList; //List of children that will receive TOD signal from this processor belongs TodProcContainer iv_childrenList; //Pointer to the tod_topology_node object that defines TOD specific //attributes for this processor chip, the reason this has been kept //seperate is this data structure is shared across HB and HW procedure tod_topology_node* iv_tod_node_data; //Data member to indicate if this processor is either a TOD_MASTER or //DRAWER_MASTER ProcMasterType iv_masterType; }; }//end of namespace #endif // TODPROC_H