/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/hwpf/hwp/thread_activate/thread_activate.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** * @file thread_activate.C * * Support file to start non-primary threads * * HWP_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK * */ /******************************************************************************/ // Includes /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // targeting support #include #include // fapi support #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace THREAD_ACTIVATE { /** * @brief This function will query MVPD and figure out if the master * core has a fully configured cache or not.. * * @param[in] i_masterCoreId - Core number of the core we're running on. * * * @return bool - Indicates if half of cache is deconfigured or not. * true - half cache deconfigured, only 4MB available * false -> No Cache deconfigured, 8MB available. */ bool getCacheDeconfig(uint64_t i_masterCoreId) { TRACFCOMP( g_fapiImpTd, "Entering getCacheDeconfig, i_masterCoreId=0x%.8X", i_masterCoreId); //CH Keyword in LPRx Record of MVPD contains the Cache Deconfig State //the x in LPRx is the core number. errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; bool cacheDeconfig = true; uint64_t theRecord = 0x0; uint64_t theKeyword = MVPD::CH; uint8_t * theData = NULL; size_t theSize = 0; TARGETING::Target* l_procTarget = NULL; do { // Target: Find the Master processor TARGETING::targetService().masterProcChipTargetHandle(l_procTarget); assert(l_procTarget != NULL); //Convert core number to LPRx Record ID. //TODO: use a common utility function for conversion. RTC: 60552 switch (i_masterCoreId) { case 0x0: theRecord = MVPD::LRP0; break; case 0x1: theRecord = MVPD::LRP1; break; case 0x2: theRecord = MVPD::LRP2; break; case 0x3: theRecord = MVPD::LRP3; break; case 0x4: theRecord = MVPD::LRP4; break; case 0x5: theRecord = MVPD::LRP5; break; case 0x6: theRecord = MVPD::LRP6; break; case 0x7: theRecord = MVPD::LRP7; break; case 0x8: theRecord = MVPD::LRP8; break; case 0x9: theRecord = MVPD::LRP9; break; case 0xA: theRecord = MVPD::LRPA; break; case 0xB: theRecord = MVPD::LRPB; break; case 0xC: theRecord = MVPD::LRPC; break; case 0xD: theRecord = MVPD::LRPD; break; case 0xE: theRecord = MVPD::LRPE; break; default: TRACFCOMP( g_fapiImpTd, "getCacheDeconfig: No MVPD Record for core 0x%.8X", i_masterCoreId); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid fapi::MOD_GET_CACHE_DECONFIG * @reasoncode fapi::RC_INVALID_RECORD * @userdata1 Master Core Number * @userdata2 Master processor chip huid * @devdesc getCacheDeconfig> Master core is not mapped * to a LRPx Module VPD Record. */ l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi::MOD_GET_CACHE_DECONFIG, fapi::RC_INVALID_RECORD, i_masterCoreId, TARGETING::get_huid(l_procTarget)); break; } //First call is just to get the Record size. l_errl = deviceRead(l_procTarget, NULL, theSize, DEVICE_MVPD_ADDRESS( theRecord, theKeyword ) ); if( l_errl ) { break; } if(theSize != 1) { /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid fapi::MOD_GET_CACHE_DECONFIG * @reasoncode fapi::RC_INCORRECT_KEWORD_SIZE * @userdata1 Master Core Number * @userdata2 CH Keyword Size * @devdesc getCacheDeconfig> LRPx Record, CH keyword * is incorrect size */ l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi::MOD_GET_CACHE_DECONFIG, fapi::RC_INCORRECT_KEWORD_SIZE, i_masterCoreId, theSize); break; } theData = static_cast(malloc( theSize )); //2nd call is to get the actual data. l_errl = deviceRead(l_procTarget, theData, theSize, DEVICE_MVPD_ADDRESS( theRecord, theKeyword ) ); if( l_errl ) { break; } if(0 == theData[0]) { cacheDeconfig = false; } } while(0); if(NULL != theData) { free(theData); } if(NULL != l_errl) { //TODO: We may not be able to run with only 4MB // in the long run so need to revist this after // we no longer have to deal with parital good // bringup chips. RTC: 60620 //Not worth taking the system down, just assume //we only have half the cache available. errlCommit(l_errl,HWPF_COMP_ID); cacheDeconfig = true; } return cacheDeconfig; } void activate_threads( errlHndl_t& io_rtaskRetErrl ) { errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; TRACFCOMP( g_fapiTd, "activate_threads entry" ); // get the master processor target TARGETING::Target* l_masterProc = NULL; TARGETING::targetService().masterProcChipTargetHandle( l_masterProc ); if( l_masterProc == NULL ) { TRACFCOMP( g_fapiImpTd, "Could not find master proc!!!" ); assert(false); } // get the list of core targets for this proc chip TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_coreTargetList; TARGETING::getChildChiplets( l_coreTargetList, l_masterProc, TARGETING::TYPE_EX, false); // find the core/thread we're running on task_affinity_pin(); task_affinity_migrate_to_master(); //just in case... uint64_t cpuid = task_getcpuid(); task_affinity_unpin(); //NNNCCCPPPPTTT uint64_t l_masterCoreID = (cpuid & 0x0078)>>3; uint64_t l_masterThreadID = (cpuid & 0x0007); const TARGETING::Target* l_masterCore = NULL; for( TARGETING::TargetHandleList::const_iterator core_it = l_coreTargetList.begin(); core_it != l_coreTargetList.end(); ++core_it ) { TARGETING::ATTR_CHIP_UNIT_type l_coreId = (*core_it)->getAttr(); if( l_coreId == l_masterCoreID ) { l_masterCore = (*core_it); break; } } if( l_masterCore == NULL ) { TRACFCOMP( g_fapiImpTd, "Could not find a target for core %d", l_masterCoreID ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid fapi::MOD_THREAD_ACTIVATE * @reasoncode fapi::RC_NO_MASTER_CORE_TARGET * @userdata1 Master cpu id (NNNCCCPPPPTTT) * @userdata2 Master processor chip huid * @devdesc activate_threads> Could not find a target * for the master core */ l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi::MOD_THREAD_ACTIVATE, fapi::RC_NO_MASTER_CORE_TARGET, cpuid, TARGETING::get_huid(l_masterProc)); l_errl->collectTrace("TARG",256); l_errl->collectTrace(FAPI_TRACE_NAME,256); l_errl->collectTrace(FAPI_IMP_TRACE_NAME,256); io_rtaskRetErrl = l_errl; return; } TRACFCOMP( g_fapiTd, "Master CPU : c%d t%d (HUID=%.8X)", l_masterCoreID, l_masterThreadID, TARGETING::get_huid(l_masterCore) ); // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target. const fapi::Target l_fapiCore( fapi::TARGET_TYPE_EX_CHIPLET, (const_cast(l_masterCore))); // AVPs might enable a subset of the available threads uint64_t max_threads = cpu_thread_count(); TARGETING::Target* sys = NULL; TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget(sys); assert( sys != NULL ); uint64_t en_threads = sys->getAttr(); for( uint64_t thread = 0; thread < max_threads; thread++ ) { // Skip the thread that we're running on if( thread == l_masterThreadID ) { continue; } // Skip threads that we shouldn't be starting if( !(en_threads & (0x8000000000000000>>thread)) ) { continue; } // send a magic instruction for PHYP Simics to work... MAGIC_INSTRUCTION(MAGIC_SIMICS_CORESTATESAVE); // parameters: i_target => core target // i_thread => thread (0..7) // i_command => // PTC_CMD_SRESET => initiate sreset thread command // PTC_CMD_START => initiate start thread command // PTC_CMD_STOP => initiate stop thread command // PTC_CMD_STEP => initiate step thread command // PTC_CMD_QUERY => query and return thread state // return data in o_ras_status // i_warncheck => convert pre/post checks errors to warnings // o_ras_status => output: complete RAS status register // o_state => output: thread state info // see proc_thread_control.H // for bit enumerations: // THREAD_STATE_* ecmdDataBufferBase l_ras_status; uint64_t l_thread_state; FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, proc_thread_control, l_fapiCore, //i_target thread, //i_thread PTC_CMD_SRESET, //i_command false, //i_warncheck l_ras_status, //o_ras_status l_thread_state); //o_state if ( l_errl != NULL ) { TRACFCOMP( g_fapiImpTd, "ERROR: 0x%.8X : proc_thread_control HWP( cpu %d, thread %d, " "ras status 0x%.16X, thread state 0x%.16X )", l_errl->reasonCode(), l_masterCoreID, thread, l_ras_status.getDoubleWord(0), l_thread_state ); l_errl->collectTrace(FAPI_TRACE_NAME,256); l_errl->collectTrace(FAPI_IMP_TRACE_NAME,256); // if 1 thread fails it is unlikely that other threads will work // so we'll just jump out now break; } else { TRACFCOMP( g_fapiTd, "SUCCESS: proc_thread_control HWP( cpu %d, thread %d, " "ras status 0x%.16X,thread state 0x%.16X )", l_masterCoreID, thread, l_ras_status.getDoubleWord(0), l_thread_state ); } TRACFCOMP( g_fapiTd, "SUCCESS: Thread c%d t%d started", l_masterCoreID, thread ); } // Reclaim remainder of L3 cache if available. if ((!PNOR::usingL3Cache()) && (!getCacheDeconfig(l_masterCoreID))) { TRACFCOMP( g_fapiTd, "activate_threads: Extending cache to 8MB" ); mm_extend(MM_EXTEND_FULL_CACHE); } TRACFCOMP( g_fapiTd, "activate_threads exit" ); io_rtaskRetErrl = l_errl; return; } }; // end namespace /** * @brief set up _start() task entry procedure for PNOR daemon */ TASK_ENTRY_MACRO( THREAD_ACTIVATE::activate_threads );