RC_SLW_UNDEFINED_SV This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that an invalid start vector was detected in the EXE_TRIGGER (ETR) register when kicking off an idle transition. The start vector is in ETR(8:11). CHIP HIGH CODE LOW CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_PFET_VDD_TIMEOUT_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_poweronoff and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the VDD PFET sequencer(s) to complete. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_PFET_VCS_TIMEOUT_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_poweronoff and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the VCS PFET sequencer(s) to complete. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_PFET_DECODE_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_poweronoff and indicates that an invalid PFET decode was detected. This is an SLW firmware issue. CHIP LOW CODE HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_IVRM_BS_SLEEP_ENTRY_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the internal VRM babystepper to synchronize the idle transition command during sleep entry. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_IVRM_BS_WINKLE_ENTRY_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the internal VRM babystepper to synchronize the idle transition command during winkle entry. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_IVRM_BS_EXIT_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the internal VRM babystepper to synchronize the idle transition command during a fast exit. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_IVRM_CAL_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured while polling for the iVRM calibration to complete. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_IVRM_CAL_BS_EXIT_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the internal VRM babystepper to synchronize the idle transition command during a deep exit after iVRM calibration. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_IVRM_FORCESM_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured waiting for the internal VRM force safe mode to take effect. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_RAM_THREAD_CHECK_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_ram and indicates that a timeout occured waiting the RAM hardware to accept the instruction given to it.. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_RAM_THREAD_QUIESCE_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_ram and indicates that a timeout occured waiting the RAM hardware to quiesce. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_RAM_CONTROL_EXCEPTION_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_ram and indicates that RAM controller indicates recovery is inprogress or an exception has occured.. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_RAM_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_ram and indicates that a timeout occured looking for good status from the RAM Controller. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_GOTO_TIMEOUT_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_base and indicates that a timeout occured looking for the proper PCBS-PM state before issuing a PCBS-PM "GOTO" command. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_ERRINJ_NEVER_REACH_HALT This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image updated the PMC status reg but never reached the subsequent halt op. PMC SLW Timeouts will be indicated without further FIR bits. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_ERRINJ_SIMPLE_HALT This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image executed the simple halt error injection. PMC SLW Timeouts will be indicated without further FIR bits. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_ERRINJ_INVALID_INSTR This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image enabled invalid instruction error injection occured. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_ERRINJ_INVALID_OCI_ADDRESS This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image enabled invalid OCI address error injection occured. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_ERRINJ_INVALID_PIB_ADDRESS This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image enabled invalid PIB address error injection occured. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_ERRINJ_PC_UNDERFLOW This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image enabled PC underflow error injection occured. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_ERRINJ_PC_OVERRFLOW This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image enabled PC overflow error injection occured. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_ERRINJ_TIMEOUT_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_pro_epi_log and indicates that the image enabled timeout error injection occured. CHIP HIGH RC_SLW_EH_PIB_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_error_handler upon a detected error 0 event (non-masked PIB error code). CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_EH_OCI_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_error_handler upon a detected error 1 event (non-masked OCI error code). CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_EH_INSTRUCTION_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_error_handler upon a detected error 2 event (instruction fetch or decode). CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_EH_INTERNAL_DATA_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_error_handler upon a detected error 3 event (internal data error). CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_EH_ERROR_ON_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_error_handler upon a detected error 4 event (an error was detected upon an error). CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_PMGP1_ENABLE_CONFIG_ERROR This error is signalled by proc_slw_base code when the multicast read AND and the multicast read OR of the PMGP1 register for the chiplets represented in the EXE Trigger register do not match. This could be caused by a configuration error with the Deep Sleep power up and/or down bits or Deep Winkle power up bit. If these bits match, then a hardware fault is the next most probable. CHIP HIGH CODE LOW CHIP CHIP SLW_RC_ILLEGAL_WINKLE_ENTRY_POWER_DOWN This error is signalled by proc_slw_base code (poweronoff portion) and indicates that the PMGP1 bit for WINKLE_POWER_DOWN when WINKLE_POWER_OFF_SEL is set to 1 (eg a Deep Winkle) has been detected. This is an illegal configuration as it causes the loss of the High Availability Log Write pointer in the L3 before it could be saved for restoration upon Deep Winkle Exit. CHIP LOW CODE HIGH CHIP CHIP SLW_RC_OHA_SPWUP_TIMEOUT This error is signalled by proc_slw_base code when the polling for OHA AISS achieving the special wake-up state after hitting the PCBS GOTO operation to complete deep sleep exit. CHIP HIGH CHIP CHIP RC_SLW_CPM_SPWKUP_NOT_SET This error is signalled by proc_slw_occ_cpm code when it is detected that special wake-up override isnt enabled which it must be prior to calling any of the CPM install or enable routines. CHIP LOW CODE HIGH CHIP CHIP