/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/hwpf/hwp/occ/p8_pmc_force_vsafe.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2014 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ // $Id: p8_pmc_force_vsafe.C,v 1.18 2014/04/24 16:54:18 daviddu Exp $ // $Source: /afs/awd/projects/eclipz/KnowledgeBase/.cvsroot/eclipz/chips/p8/working/procedures/ipl/fapi/p8_pmc_force_vsafe.C,v $ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // *! All Rights Reserved -- Property of IBM // *! *** *** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // *! OWNER NAME: Joe Procwriter Email: asmartpersion@xx.ibm.com // *! // *! General Description: Forces the PMC to VSAFE mode // *! // *! The purpose of this procedure is to ...... // *! // *! High-level procedure flow: // *! o Do thing 1 // *! o Do thing 2 // *! o Do thing 3 // *! o Check if all went well // *! o If so celebrate // *! o Else write logs, set bad return code // *! // *! Procedure Prereq: // *! o System clocks are running // *! // buildfapiprcd -e ../../xml/error_info/p8_force_vsafe_errors.xml,../../xml/error_info/p8_pstate_registers.xml p8_pmc_force_vsafe.C // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write a voltage value into // PVSAFE - PMC_PARAMETER_REG1 // Actually, this value will be been written outside this procedure by the OCC pstate installation routine after the p8_build_pstate runs to build // the Pstate superstructure. We had identified a HWP ATTR (ATTR_PM_PVSAFE_PSTATE) to be used by p8_pmc_init to set this up originally but we're // going away from that approach so that we have all things about Pstates being done in one place (the OCC pstate installation routine). // So, this step should not exist in the p8_pmc_force_vsafe procedure; rather, you should write a value into the hardware with a script that // represents what the OCC pstate install routine would have done // ------------------ // | Procedure Starts | // ------------------ // | // | // V // Write into PMC_OCC_HEARTBEAT_REG // PMC_OCC_HEARTBEAT_TIME - Write the field to 0 to cause an immediate heartbeat loss. // PMC_OCC_HEARTBEAT_EN - this bit needs to be 1 to acually cause the 0 time value to trigger the heartbeat loss. // | // | // V // POLL PMC_STATUS_REG (8) // VOLT_CHG_ONGOING (bit 8) Yes... this bit needs to be 0 to indicate that the voltage controller is at its target. // 1.3V Turbo to 0.8V (most of the supported range) in 25mV steps (the eVRM step size with iVRMs enabled) is 20 steps which, at 12.5mV/5us rate // (a modest time), yields 8us. Given this an error case, we need a conservative time. So let's set the timeout at 100us for the lab. // To test the timeout, clear PMC.PMC_MODE_REG (3) (with a script) so that the PMC won't respond. // Check that the other bits in PMC_STATUS_REG do not indicate errors (eg they should be all zeros). If any are 1 // | ^ // | | // V | // timeout ------ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flowchart Ends // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "p8_scom_addresses.H" extern "C" { using namespace fapi; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constant definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function prototypes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // function: xxx /// \param[in] i_target Chip target // returns: ECMD_SUCCESS if something good happens, // BAD_RETURN_CODE otherwise fapi::ReturnCode p8_pmc_force_vsafe( const fapi::Target& i_target, const fapi::Target& i_dcm_target) { fapi::ReturnCode rc; ecmdDataBufferBase data(64); ecmdDataBufferBase pmcstatusreg(64); uint32_t e_rc = 0; // maximum number of status poll attempts to make before giving up const uint32_t MAX_POLL_ATTEMPTS = 0x200; uint32_t count = 0; uint16_t pvsafe = 0; bool l_set; uint16_t pstate_target = 0; uint16_t pstate_step_target = 0; uint16_t pstate_actual = 0; uint8_t DONE_FLAG = 0; uint8_t pmc_error = 0; uint8_t intchp_error = 0; uint8_t any_error = 0; uint8_t any_ongoing = 0; uint8_t dummy = 0; FAPI_INF("p8_pmc_force_vsafe start to primary target %s", i_target.toEcmdString()); do { // ****************************************************************** // - PMC_MODE_REG checking // ****************************************************************** rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_MODE_REG_0x00062000, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_MODE_REG_0x00062000) failed."); break; } if ( (data.isBitClear(0) && data.isBitClear(1) )) { FAPI_INF("PMC is not in HARDWARE or FIRMWARE AUCTION MODE so hardware mechanism cannot be used."); break; } if ( ( data.isBitClear(3) )) { FAPI_ERR("PMC is disabled for Voltage changes"); const fapi::Target & CHIP = i_target; const uint64_t & PMCMODE = data.getDoubleWord(0); FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(rc, RC_PROCPM_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_MODE_ERR); break; } if ( ( !data.isBitClear(5) )) { FAPI_ERR("PMC is disabled PMC_MASTER_SEQUENCER"); const fapi::Target & CHIP = i_target; const uint64_t & PMCMODE = data.getDoubleWord(0); FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(rc, RC_PROCPM_MST_SEQUENCER_STATE_ERR); break; } // **************************************************************************** // - PMC_STATE_MONITOR_AND_CTRL_REG PMC_PARAMETER_REG1 before the psafe // **************************************************************************** rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_PARAMETER_REG1_0x00062006, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_PARAMETER_REG1_0x00062006) failed."); break; } e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pvsafe,22,8); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_PSTATE_MONITOR_AND_CTRL_REG_0x00062002, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_PSTATE_MONITOR_AND_CTRL_REG_0x00062002) failed."); break; } e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pstate_target,0,8); e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pstate_step_target,8,8); e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pstate_actual,16,8); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } FAPI_INF(" voltage values before the hearbeat loss " ); FAPI_INF(" pvsafe => %x , ptarget => %x , pstarget => %x ,pactual => %x " , pvsafe , pstate_target ,pstate_step_target , pstate_actual); // ****************************************************************** // - SEE PMC_STATUS_REG if debug_mode ==1 // ****************************************************************** rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_STATUS_REG_0x00062009, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_STATUS_REG_0x00062009) failed."); break; } FAPI_DBG(" debug_mode : status_b4_heartbeat_loss => 0x%16llx", data.getDoubleWord(0)); l_set = data.isBitSet(0); FAPI_DBG(" pstate_processing_is_susp => %x ", l_set ) ; l_set = data.isBitSet(1); FAPI_DBG(" gpsa_bdcst_error => %x ", l_set ); e_rc = data.extractToRight( &dummy,2,3); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } FAPI_DBG(" gpsa_bdcst_resp_info => %x ", dummy ); l_set = data.isBitSet(5); FAPI_DBG(" gpsa_vchg_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(6); FAPI_DBG(" gpsa_timeout_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(7); FAPI_DBG(" gpsa_chg_ongoing => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(8); FAPI_DBG(" volt_chg_ongoing => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(9); FAPI_DBG(" brd_cst_ongoing => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(10); FAPI_DBG(" gpsa_table_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(11); FAPI_DBG(" pstate_interchip_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = data.isBitSet(12); FAPI_DBG(" istate_processing_is_susp => %x ", l_set ); // ****************************************************************** // - PMC_OCC_HEARTBEAT_REG // ****************************************************************** FAPI_INF("Forcing PMC Heartbeat loss "); e_rc |= data.flushTo0(); e_rc |= data.setBit(16); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } rc = fapiPutScom(i_target, PMC_OCC_HEARTBEAT_REG_0x00062066, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiPutScom(PMC_OCC_HEARTBEAT_REG_0x00062066) failed."); break; } // delay to reduce number of polling loops rc = fapiDelay(1000, 1000); // ****************************************************************** // POLL for PMC_STATUS_REG --> BIT_8 to go to 0 or any errors // ****************************************************************** FAPI_DBG("Start polling for ongoing to go low ... "); // Loop only if count is less thean poll attempts and DONE_FLAG = 0 and no error for(count=0; ((count<=MAX_POLL_ATTEMPTS) && (DONE_FLAG == 0) && (any_error == 0)); count++) { rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_STATUS_REG_0x00062009, pmcstatusreg ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_STATUS_REG_0x00062009) failed."); break; } FAPI_DBG(" PMC Status poll => 0x%16llx", pmcstatusreg.getDoubleWord(0)); pmc_error = ( pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(1) || // GPSA_BDCST_ERROR pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(5) || // GPSA_VCHG_ERROR pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(6) || // GPSA_TIMEOUT_ERROR pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(10) || // GPS_TABLE_ERROR pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(12) ); // ISTATE_PROCESSING_IS_SUSPENDED any_ongoing = ( pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(7) || // GPSA_CHG_ONGOING pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(8) || // VOLT_CHG_ONGOING pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(9) ); // BRD_CST_ONGOING // If there is an interchip error, determine if it is expected or not // Unexpected: gpsa_timeout or ECC UE error if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(11)) // PSTATE_INTERCHIP_ERROR { rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_INTCHP_STATUS_REG_0x00062013, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_STATUS_REG_0x00062009) failed."); break; } intchp_error = (data.isBitSet(18) || // GPSA_TIMEOUT_ERROR data.isBitSet(19) ); // ECC UE ERROR } any_error = (pmc_error || intchp_error); // log status if voltage change has any error // Due to SW258130 // This block only dumps any detected hw error status // without taking out an error log and stop the reset flow. // Since this procedure is only used by p8_pm_prep_for_reset // we will and should be able to recover from such hardware errors // by going through occ reset flow, thus no FAPI error logged. // Also since if hardware error occurs, there is no need to check // for pstate ongoing or pstate equals to pvsafe due to possible // hardware stuck; therefore, this if/else logic remains. if (any_error) { // dump individual error status FAPI_INF(" PMC_STATUS_REG upon Error"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(0)) FAPI_INF(" pstate_processing_is_susp active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(1)) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_bdcst_error active"); e_rc = pmcstatusreg.extractToRight( &dummy,2,3); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } if (dummy) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_bdcst_resp_info is non-zero => %x ", dummy ); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(5)) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_vchg_error active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(6)) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_timeout_error active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(7)) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_chg_ongoing active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(8)) FAPI_INF(" volt_chg_ongoing active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(9)) FAPI_INF(" brd_cst_ongoing active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(10)) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_table_error active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(11)) FAPI_INF(" pstate_interchip_error active"); if (pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(12)) FAPI_INF(" istate_processing_is_susp active"); FAPI_INF("Status dumpped with PMC on-going deassertion during safe voltage movement, now continue on reset"); } // end of status log if else if (any_ongoing == 0) { // Voltage change done (not on-going) and not errors FAPI_INF("PMC completed performing safe mode transition"); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(0); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" pstate_processing_is_susp => %x ", l_set ) ; l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(1); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_bdcst_error => %x ", l_set ); e_rc = pmcstatusreg.extractToRight( &dummy,2,3); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_bdcst_resp_info => %x ", dummy ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(5); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_vchg_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(6); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_timeout_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(7); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_chg_ongoing => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(8); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" volt_chg_ongoing => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(9); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" brd_cst_ongoing => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(10); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" gpsa_table_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(11); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" pstate_interchip_error => %x ", l_set ); l_set = pmcstatusreg.isBitSet(12); if (l_set) FAPI_INF(" istate_processing_is_susp => %x ", l_set ); rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_PARAMETER_REG1_0x00062006, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_PARAMETER_REG1_0x00062006) failed."); break; } e_rc = data.extractToRight( &pvsafe,22,8); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, PMC_PSTATE_MONITOR_AND_CTRL_REG_0x00062002, data ); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapiGetScom(PMC_PSTATE_MONITOR_AND_CTRL_REG_0x00062002) failed."); break; } e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pstate_target,0,8); e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pstate_step_target,8,8); e_rc |= data.extractToRight( &pstate_actual,16,8); if (e_rc) { rc.setEcmdError(e_rc); break; } FAPI_INF(" pvsafe => %x , ptarget => %x , pstarget => %x ,pactual => %x " , pvsafe , pstate_target ,pstate_step_target , pstate_actual); // Check that PVSAFE Pstate (in PMC Parameter Reg1) is the value // in the voltage stepper in the following fields of // PMC_STATE_MONITOR_AND_CRTL_REG // 0:7 - Global Pstate Target // 8:15 - Global Pstate Step Target // 16:23 - Global Pstate Actual // if the above do not match, post an error if (pstate_target != pvsafe || pstate_step_target != pvsafe || pstate_actual != pvsafe ) { FAPI_ERR("Pstate monitor and control register targets did not match"); const fapi::Target & THISCHIP = i_target; const fapi::Target & DCMCHIP = i_dcm_target; const uint64_t & PSTATETARGET = (uint64_t)pstate_target; const uint64_t & PSTATESTEPTARGET = (uint64_t)pstate_step_target; const uint64_t & PSTATEACTUAL = (uint64_t)pstate_actual; FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(rc, RC_PROCPM_PSTATE_MONITOR_ERR); break; } DONE_FLAG = 1; } else // voltage change is ongoing so wait and then poll again { // wait for 1 millisecond in hardware rc = fapiDelay(1000*1000, 20000000); if (rc) { FAPI_ERR("fapi delay ends up with error"); break; } } } // For loop // Inner loop error check if (!rc.ok()) { break; } // Check if the above loop timed out if (count>=MAX_POLL_ATTEMPTS) { FAPI_ERR("Timed out wait for voltage change on-going to drop"); const uint64_t & PSTATETARGET = (uint64_t)pstate_target; const uint64_t & PSTATESTEPTARGET = (uint64_t)pstate_step_target; const uint64_t & PSTATEACTUAL = (uint64_t)pstate_actual; const fapi::Target & THISCHIP = i_target; const fapi::Target & DCMCHIP = i_dcm_target; FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(rc, RC_PROCPM_VLT_TIMEOUT); break; } } while(0); FAPI_INF("p8_pmc_force_vsafe end ...."); return rc ; } // Procedure } //end extern C