RC_PROC_SLWB_INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE_MESS Supplied max image size is too small or image too large. DATA_IMG_SIZE_INP DATA_IMG_SIZE_MAX CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_IMG_PTR_ERROR Supplied image ptrs are the same. This is not allowed. DATA_BUF1_PTR DATA_BUF2_PTR CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_BUF_PTR_ERROR Supplied buffer(s) is invalid. Either it (they) does not exist or they are the same. This is not allowed. DATA_BUF1_PTR DATA_BUF2_PTR CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_BUF_SIZE_NOT_FIXED Supplied buffer size(s) differs from agreed upon fixed ring buffer size. DATA_BUF1_SIZE DATA_BUF2_SIZE DATA_BUF_SIZE_FIXED CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_IMAGE_SIZE_NOT_FIXED Supplied max output image size differs from agreed upon fixed SLW image size. DATA_IMG_SIZE_MAX DATA_IMG_SIZE_FIXED CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_IMAGE_SIZE_MISMATCH Supplied image size differs from size in image header. DATA_IMG_SIZE_INP DATA_IMG_SIZE CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_MS_IMAGE_SIZE_MISMATCH Supplied image size differs from size in mainstore image header. DATA_IMG_SIZE_INP DATA_IMG_SIZE CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_RING_BLOCK_TOO_LARGE Ring block is too large. DATA_RING_BLOCK_SIZEOFTHIS DATA_SIZE_OF_BUF1 CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_RING_BLOCK_ALIGN_ERROR Problem with WF ring block alignment. DATA_RING_BLOCK_ENTRYOFFSET DATA_RING_BLOCK_SIZEOFTHIS CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_IMGBUILD_ERROR Local IMGBUILD_xyz error from non-FAPI routine. Check rc code in p8_delta_scan_rw.h. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED Estimated image size exceeds max allowed size. DATA_IMG_SIZE_OLD DATA_IMG_SIZE_EST DATA_IMG_SIZE_MAX CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_INTERNAL_IMAGE_ERR Unable to obtain either image size or to validate image. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_MS_INTERNAL_IMAGE_ERR Unable to obtain either image size or to validate image in mainstore. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_DELETE_IMAGE_SECTION_ERROR Error associated with deleting an image section. SBE_XIP_SECTION RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_RING_RETRIEVAL_ERROR Error associated with retrieving RS4 ring from image. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_RS4_DECOMPRESSION_ERROR RS4 decompression failed. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_L3_FUNC_OVERLAY_ERROR Existing ring has 1-bits in overlay locations. DATA_FAIL_BYTE_NO DATA_EXISTING_RING_BYTE DATA_OVERLAY_RING_BYTE CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_L2_FARY_OVERLAY_ERROR Existing ring has 1-bits in overlay locations. DATA_FAIL_BYTE_NO DATA_EXISTING_RING_BYTE DATA_OVERLAY_RING_BYTE CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_SLEEP_PROCESSING_ERROR Unsupported chip type/EC combination found in sleep procesing code. CT EC CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_WF_CREATION_ERROR Wiggle-flip programming failed. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_IMAGE_UPDATE_ERROR Error associated with updating mainstore image. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_APPEND_SLW_SECTION_ERROR Error associated with adding empty SLW section for ramming table. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_CREATE_FIXED_IMAGE_ERROR Error associated with creating and initializing fixed image and fixed .slw and .ffdc sections. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND_ERROR A keyword in the XIP image was not found. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_UNKNOWN_XIP_ERROR Unknown XIP error, except it's not an _ITEM_NOT_FOUND error. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown error. (Shouldn't be in this code section.) RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_BAD_CODE_OR_PARM Shouldn't be in this code section or invalid parm. MODE_BUILD CODE HIGH RC_PROC_SLWB_MEMORY_ERROR Memory allocation error. RC_LOCAL CODE HIGH