#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/hwpf/fapi/fapiParseErrorInfo.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2012 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # Purpose: This perl script will parse HWP Error XML files and create required # FAPI code. The FAPI files created are: # # 1/ fapiHwpReturnCodes.H - HwpReturnCode enumeration # 2/ fapiHwpErrorInfo.H - Error Information macros # # Author: CamVan Nguyen and Mike Jones # # Change Log ********************************************************** # # Flag Track# Userid Date Description # ---- -------- -------- -------- ----------- # camvanng 06/03/11 Created # mjjones 06/06/11 Minor updates for integration # mjjones 06/10/11 Added "use strict;" # mjjones 07/05/11 Take output dir as parameter # mjjones 08/08/11 Large update to create more code # mjjones 08/24/11 Parse GARD info # mjjones 09/22/11 New Error Info Design # camvanng 10/20/11 Fix bug # mjjones 12/16/11 Improved usage statement # mjjones 02/10/12 Allow err file with one element # mjjones 03/22/12 Generate hash values for enums # mjjones 05/15/12 Detect duplicate error rcs # mjjones 05/21/12 Detect duplicate ids/hashes across files # mjjones 06/27/12 Add assembler output for SBE usage # mjjones 09/19/12 Generate FFDC ID enumeration # Generate fapiCollectRegFfdc.C file # mjjones 10/23/12 Minor fix for Cronus compile failure # mjjones 11/09/12 Generate fapiSetSbeError.H # # End Change Log ****************************************************** # # Usage: # fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ... use strict; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify perl modules to use #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use XML::Simple; my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]); # Uncomment to enable debug output #use Data::Dumper; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print Command Line Help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if ($numArgs < 2) { print ("Usage: fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ...\n"); print (" This perl script will parse HWP Error XML files and create\n"); print (" the following files:\n"); print (" - fapiHwpReturnCodes.H. HwpReturnCode enumeration (HWP generated errors)\n"); print (" - fapiHwpErrorInfo.H. Error information (used by FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR\n"); print (" when a HWP generates an error)\n"); print (" - fapiCollectRegFfdc.C. Function to collect register FFDC\n"); print (" - fapiSetSbeError.H. Macro to create an SBE error\n"); exit(1); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hashes containing error names/enum-values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %errNameToValueHash; my %errValuePresentHash; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hashes containing ffdc names/enum-values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %ffdcNameToValueHash; my %ffdcValuePresentHash; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that checks if an entry exists in an array. If it doesn't exist # then it is added. The index of the entry within the array is returned #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub addEntryToArray { my ($arrayref, $entry ) = @_; my $match = 0; my $index = 0; foreach my $element (@$arrayref) { if ($element eq $entry) { $match = 1; last; } else { $index++; } } if (!($match)) { push(@$arrayref, $entry); } return $index; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that figures out an error enum value from an error name and stores # it in global hashes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setErrorEnumValue { my $name = $_[0]; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the error name is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($errNameToValueHash{$name})) { # Two different errors with the same name! print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate error name ", $name, "\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out the error enum-value. This is a hash value generated from # the error name. A hash is used for Cronus so that if a HWP is not # recompiled against a new eCMD/Cronus version where the errors have # changed then there will not be a mismatch in error values. # This is a 24bit hash value because FAPI has a requirement that the # top byte of the 32 bit error value be zero to store flags indicating # the creator of the error #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $errHash128Bit = md5_hex($name); my $errHash24Bit = substr($errHash128Bit, 0, 6); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the error enum-value is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($errValuePresentHash{$errHash24Bit})) { # Two different errors generate the same hash-value! print ("fapiParseAttributeInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate error hash value\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update the hashes with the error name and ID #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $errValuePresentHash{$errHash24Bit} = 1; $errNameToValueHash{$name} = $errHash24Bit; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that figures out an FFDC enum value from an FFDC name and stores # it in global hashes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setFfdcEnumValue { my $name = $_[0]; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the FFDC name is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($ffdcNameToValueHash{$name})) { # Two different FFDCs with the same name! print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate FFDC name ", $name, "\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out the FFDC enum-value. This is a hash value generated from # the FFDC name. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $ffdcHash128Bit = md5_hex($name); my $ffdcHash32Bit = substr($ffdcHash128Bit, 0, 8); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the error enum-value is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($ffdcValuePresentHash{$ffdcHash32Bit})) { # Two different FFDCs generate the same hash-value! print ("fapiParseAttributeInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate FFDC hash value\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update the hashes with the error name and ID #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ffdcValuePresentHash{$ffdcHash32Bit} = 1; $ffdcNameToValueHash{$name} = $ffdcHash32Bit; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open output files for writing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $rcFile = $ARGV[0]; $rcFile .= "/"; $rcFile .= "fapiHwpReturnCodes.H"; open(RCFILE, ">", $rcFile); my $eiFile = $ARGV[0]; $eiFile .= "/"; $eiFile .= "fapiHwpErrorInfo.H"; open(EIFILE, ">", $eiFile); my $crFile = $ARGV[0]; $crFile .= "/"; $crFile .= "fapiCollectRegFfdc.C"; open(CRFILE, ">", $crFile); my $sbFile = $ARGV[0]; $sbFile .= "/"; $sbFile .= "fapiSetSbeError.H"; open(SBFILE, ">", $sbFile); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to fapiHwpErrorInfo.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print EIFILE "// fapiHwpErrorInfo.H\n"; print EIFILE "// This file is generated by perl script fapiParseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print EIFILE "#ifndef FAPIHWPERRORINFO_H_\n"; print EIFILE "#define FAPIHWPERRORINFO_H_\n\n"; print EIFILE "/**\n"; print EIFILE " * \@brief Error Information macros and HwpFfdcId enumeration\n"; print EIFILE " *\/\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to fapiCollectRegFfdc.C #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print CRFILE "// fapiCollectRegFfdc.C\n"; print CRFILE "// This file is generated by perl script fapiParseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n\n"; print CRFILE "namespace fapi\n"; print CRFILE "{\n"; print CRFILE "void fapiCollectRegFfdc(const fapi::Target & i_target,\n"; print CRFILE " const fapi::HwpFfdcId i_ffdcId,\n"; print CRFILE " fapi::ReturnCode & o_rc)\n"; print CRFILE "{\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_INF(\"fapiCollectRegFfdc. FFDC ID: 0x%x\", i_ffdcId);\n"; print CRFILE " fapi::ReturnCode l_rc;\n"; print CRFILE " ecmdDataBufferBase l_buf;\n"; print CRFILE " uint32_t l_cfamData = 0;\n"; print CRFILE " uint64_t l_scomData = 0;\n"; print CRFILE " std::vector l_cfamAddresses;\n"; print CRFILE " std::vector l_scomAddresses;\n"; print CRFILE " uint32_t l_ffdcSize = 0;\n\n"; print CRFILE " switch (i_ffdcId)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to fapiSetSbeError.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print SBFILE "// fapiSetSbeError.H\n"; print SBFILE "// This file is generated by perl script fapiParseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print SBFILE "// When SBE code creates an error, it produces an error value\n"; print SBFILE "// that matches a value in the HwpReturnCode enum in\n"; print SBFILE "// fapiHwpReturnCodes.H. The SBE uses the __ASSEMBLER__\n"; print SBFILE "// primitives in fapiHwpReturnCodes.H to do this. The function\n"; print SBFILE "// that extracts the error value from the SBE needs to call\n"; print SBFILE "// FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR to create the error and get all the\n"; print SBFILE "// actions in the error XML file performed, but that macro can\n"; print SBFILE "// only be called with the enumerator, not the value. This\n"; print SBFILE "// FAPI_SET_SBE_ERROR macro can be called instead, it calls\n"; print SBFILE "// FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR with the correct error enumerator.\n"; print SBFILE "// Errors containing in their XML are supported\n"; print SBFILE "// in this macro.\n\n"; print SBFILE "// Note that it is expected that this macro will be called\n"; print SBFILE "// in one place (the function that extracts the error from\n"; print SBFILE "// the SBE), if this changes and it is called in multiple\n"; print SBFILE "// places then the macro could be turned into a function to\n"; print SBFILE "// avoid the code size increase of expanding the macro in\n"; print SBFILE "// multiple places. The function approach is slightly more\n"; print SBFILE "// complicated, there is an extra C file and the function\n"; print SBFILE "// must take a parameter for the generic chip ID in the error\n"; print SBFILE "// XML.\n\n"; print SBFILE "#ifndef FAPISETSBEERROR_H_\n"; print SBFILE "#define FAPISETSBEERROR_H_\n\n"; print SBFILE "#define FAPI_SET_SBE_ERROR(RC, ERRVAL)\\\n"; print SBFILE "switch (ERRVAL)\\\n"; print SBFILE "{\\\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # For each XML file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ foreach my $argnum (1 .. $#ARGV) { my $infile = $ARGV[$argnum]; my $count = 0; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read XML file. The ForceArray option ensures that there is an array of # elements even if there is only one element #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $errors = $xml->XMLin($infile, ForceArray => ['hwpError', 'collectFfdc', 'ffdc', 'callout', 'deconfigure', 'gard', 'registerFfdc', 'collectRegisterFfdc', 'cfamRegister', 'scomRegister']); # Uncomment to get debug output of all errors #print "\nFile: ", $infile, "\n", Dumper($errors), "\n"; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each Error #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $err (@{$errors->{hwpError}}) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that expected fields are present #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! exists $err->{rc}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. rc missing\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $err->{description}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. description missing\n"); exit(1); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the error enum value in a global hash #--------------------------------------------------------------------- setErrorEnumValue($err->{rc}); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this is an SBE error, add it to fapiSetSbeError.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists $err->{sbeError}) { print SBFILE " case fapi::$err->{rc}:\\\n"; print SBFILE " FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(RC, $err->{rc});\\\n"; print SBFILE " break;\\\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_FFDC macro to fapiHwpErrorInfo.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print EIFILE "#define $err->{rc}_CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_FFDC(RC) "; $count = 0; foreach my $collectFfdc (@{$err->{collectFfdc}}) { if ($count == 0) { print EIFILE "{ fapi::ReturnCode l_tempRc; "; } $count++; print EIFILE "FAPI_EXEC_HWP(l_tempRc, $collectFfdc, RC); "; } if ($count > 0) { print EIFILE "}"; } print EIFILE "\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_REG_FFDC macro to fapiHwpErrorInfo.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print EIFILE "#define $err->{rc}_CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_REG_FFDC(RC) "; foreach my $collectRegisterFfdc (@{$err->{collectRegisterFfdc}}) { #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check that expected fields are present #------------------------------------------------------------------ if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{id}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. id missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{target}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. target missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } print EIFILE "fapiCollectRegFfdc($collectRegisterFfdc->{target}, "; print EIFILE "fapi::$collectRegisterFfdc->{id}, RC); "; } print EIFILE "\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the ADD_ERROR_INFO macro to fapiHwpErrorInfo.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print EIFILE "#define $err->{rc}_ADD_ERROR_INFO(RC) "; # Array of EI Objects my @eiObjects; my $eiObjectStr = "const void * l_objects[] = {"; my $eiEntryStr = "fapi::ReturnCode::ErrorInfoEntry l_entries[] = {"; my $eiEntryCount = 0; # Local FFDC foreach my $ffdc (@{$err->{ffdc}}) { # Set the FFDC enum value in a global hash. The name is _ my $ffdcName = $err->{rc} . "_"; $ffdcName = $ffdcName . $ffdc; setFfdcEnumValue($ffdcName); # Add the FFDC data to the EI Object array if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $ffdc); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr. if ($eiEntryCount > 0) { $eiEntryStr .= ", "; } $eiEntryStr .= "{fapi::ReturnCode::EI_TYPE_FFDC, $objNum, fapi::ReturnCodeFfdc::getErrorInfoFfdcSize($ffdc), fapi::$ffdcName}"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Target callouts foreach my $callout (@{$err->{callout}}) { if (! exists $callout->{target}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Callout target missing\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $callout->{priority}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Callout priority missing\n"); exit(1); } # Check the type print EIFILE "fapi::fapiCheckType(&$callout->{target}); "; # Add the Target to the objectlist if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $callout->{target}); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr if ($eiEntryCount > 0) { $eiEntryStr .= ", "; } $eiEntryStr .= "{fapi::ReturnCode::EI_TYPE_CALLOUT, $objNum, fapi::PRI_$callout->{priority}, 0}"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Target deconfigures foreach my $deconfigure (@{$err->{deconfigure}}) { if (! exists $deconfigure->{target}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Deconfigure target missing\n"); exit(1); } # Check the type print EIFILE "fapi::fapiCheckType(&$deconfigure->{target}); "; # Add the Target to the objectlist if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $deconfigure->{target}); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr if ($eiEntryCount > 0) { $eiEntryStr .= ", "; } $eiEntryStr .= "{fapi::ReturnCode::EI_TYPE_DECONF, $objNum, 0, 0}"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Target Gards foreach my $gard (@{$err->{gard}}) { if (! exists $gard->{target}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Gard target missing\n"); exit(1); } # Check the type print EIFILE "fapi::fapiCheckType(&$gard->{target}); "; # Add the Target to the objectlist if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $gard->{target}); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr if ($eiEntryCount > 0) { $eiEntryStr .= ", "; } $eiEntryStr .= "{fapi::ReturnCode::EI_TYPE_GARD, $objNum, 0, 0}"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Complete $eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= "};"; # Add all objects to $eiObjectStr my $objCount = 0; foreach my $eiObject (@eiObjects) { if ($objCount > 0) { $eiObjectStr .= ", "; } $eiObjectStr .= "&$eiObject"; $objCount++; } $eiObjectStr .= "};"; # Print info to file if ($eiEntryCount > 0) { print EIFILE "{$eiObjectStr $eiEntryStr "; print EIFILE "RC.addErrorInfo(l_objects, l_entries, $eiEntryCount);}"; } print EIFILE "\n\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each registerFfdc. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $registerFfdc (@{$errors->{registerFfdc}}) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that expected fields are present #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! exists $registerFfdc->{id}) { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. id missing from registerFfdc\n"); exit(1); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the FFDC enum value in a global hash #---------------------------------------------------------------------- setFfdcEnumValue($registerFfdc->{id}); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate code to capture the registers in fapiCollectRegFfdc.C #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " case $registerFfdc->{id}:\n"; # Look for CFAM Register addresses foreach my $cfamRegister (@{$registerFfdc->{cfamRegister}}) { # Extract the address if ($cfamRegister =~ m/(0x\d+)/) { print CRFILE " l_cfamAddresses.push_back($1);\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_cfamData);\n"; } else { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. CFAM address bad: $cfamRegister\n"); exit(1); } } # Look for SCOM Register addresses foreach my $scomRegister (@{$registerFfdc->{scomRegister}}) { # Extract the address if ($scomRegister =~ m/(0x[\dA-Za-z]+)/) { print CRFILE " l_scomAddresses.push_back($1);\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_scomData);\n"; } else { print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. SCOM address bad: $scomRegister\n"); exit(1); } } print CRFILE " break;\n"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to fapiCollectRegFfdc.C #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print CRFILE " default:\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"fapiCollectRegFfdc.C: Invalid FFDC ID 0x%x\", "; print CRFILE "i_ffdcId);\n"; print CRFILE " return;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; print CRFILE " uint8_t * l_pBuf = new uint8_t[l_ffdcSize];\n"; print CRFILE " uint8_t * l_pData = l_pBuf;\n\n"; print CRFILE " for (uint32_t i = 0; i < l_cfamAddresses.size(); i++)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetCfamRegister(i_target, l_cfamAddresses[i], l_buf);\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"fapiCollectRegFfdc.C: CFAM error for 0x%x\","; print CRFILE "l_cfamAddresses[i]);\n"; print CRFILE " l_cfamData = 0xbaddbadd;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_cfamData = l_buf.getWord(0);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " *(reinterpret_cast(l_pData)) = l_cfamData;\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData += sizeof(l_cfamData);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; print CRFILE " for (uint32_t i = 0; i < l_scomAddresses.size(); i++)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, l_scomAddresses[i], l_buf);\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"fapiCollectRegFfdc.C: SCOM error for 0x%llx\","; print CRFILE "l_scomAddresses[i]);\n"; print CRFILE " l_scomData = 0xbaddbaddbaddbaddULL;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_scomData = l_buf.getDoubleWord(0);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " *(reinterpret_cast(l_pData)) = l_scomData;\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData += sizeof(l_scomData);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; print CRFILE " o_rc.addEIFfdc(i_ffdcId, l_pBuf, l_ffdcSize);\n"; print CRFILE " delete [] l_pBuf;\n"; print CRFILE "}\n"; print CRFILE "}\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print the fapiHwpReturnCodes.H file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print RCFILE "// fapiHwpReturnCodes.H\n"; print RCFILE "// This file is generated by perl script fapiParseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print RCFILE "#ifndef FAPIHWPRETURNCODES_H_\n"; print RCFILE "#define FAPIHWPRETURNCODES_H_\n\n"; print RCFILE "#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__\n"; print RCFILE "namespace fapi\n"; print RCFILE "{\n\n"; print RCFILE "/**\n"; print RCFILE " * \@brief Enumeration of HWP return codes\n"; print RCFILE " *\/\n"; print RCFILE "enum HwpReturnCode\n"; print RCFILE "{\n"; foreach my $key (keys %errNameToValueHash) { print RCFILE " $key = 0x$errNameToValueHash{$key},\n"; } print RCFILE "};\n\n"; print RCFILE "}\n\n"; print RCFILE "#else\n"; foreach my $key (keys %errNameToValueHash) { print RCFILE " .set $key, 0x$errNameToValueHash{$key}\n"; } print RCFILE "#endif\n"; print RCFILE "#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print the HwpFfdcId enumeration to fapiHwpErrorInfo.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print EIFILE "namespace fapi\n"; print EIFILE "{\n\n"; print EIFILE "/**\n"; print EIFILE " * \@brief Enumeration of FFDC identifiers\n"; print EIFILE " *\/\n"; print EIFILE "enum HwpFfdcId\n"; print EIFILE "{\n"; foreach my $key (keys %ffdcNameToValueHash) { print EIFILE " $key = 0x$ffdcNameToValueHash{$key},\n"; } print EIFILE "};\n\n"; print EIFILE "}\n\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to fapiHwpErrorInfo.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print EIFILE "\n\n#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to fapiSetSbeError.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print SBFILE " default:\\\n"; print SBFILE " RC.setFapiError(fapi::FAPI_RC_UNRECOGNIZED_SBE_ERROR);\\\n"; print SBFILE " RC.addEIFfdc(0, &ERRVAL, sizeof(ERRVAL));\\\n"; print SBFILE " break;\\\n"; print SBFILE "}\n\n"; print SBFILE "#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Close output files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ close(RCFILE); close(EIFILE); close(CRFILE); close(SBFILE);