#!/usr/bin/perl -w # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/hwpf/fapi/fapiCreatePllRingAttrVals.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # $Id: fapiCreatePllRingAttrVals.pl,v 1.4 2014/01/13 15:49:47 dedahle Exp $ # # Purpose: This perl script will parse HWP Attribute XML files # and add attribute information to a file called fapiAttributeIds.H # # Author: Kahn Evans # Last Updated: 09/16/2013 # # Version: 1.0 # # Change Log ********************************************************** # # Flag Track# Userid Date Description # ---- -------- -------- -------- ----------- # dpeterso 09/16/13 Modified Kahn Evans/John Farrugia script to gen .H # # # End Change Log ****************************************************** use strict; use Cwd 'chdir'; use Env; sub help; my $ProgName = "fapicreatePllRingAttrVals.pl"; my @args = @ARGV; my $Arg = ""; #my $ekbPathHead = "/cronus/ekb"; my $ekbPathHead = "."; my $kbPath = "$ekbPathHead/eclipz/chips/"; #my $kbPath = "/cronus/ekb/eclipz/chips/"; my $pllFile; my $callingPwd; my $DEBUG = 0; my $VERBOSE = 0; my $chip = ""; my $capChip = ""; my $ec = ""; my $fileName = "fapiPllRingAttr.H"; my %cronusNameToFapi = ( ATTR_MSS_FREQ => "MEMB_MEM_FREQ", ATTR_FREQ_X_mem => "MEMB_NEST_FREQ", ATTR_FREQ_A => "PU_ABUS_FREQ", ATTR_FREQ_PB => "PU_DMI_FREQ", ATTR_NEST_FREQ_MHZ => "PU_NEST_FREQ", ATTR_FREQ_PCIE => "PU_PCIE_FREQ", ATTR_NO_FAPI_ATTR_ALWAYS_100 => "PU_PCIE_REF_CLOCK", ATTR_FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK => "PU_REF_CLOCK", ATTR_FREQ_X => "PU_XBUS_FREQ", ); # Frequencies to query for each attribute type # NOTE: For each attribute the frequencies must be listed in alphabetical order my %attrToFreqs = ( ATTR_PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL => [ "ATTR_FREQ_A" ], ATTR_PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL_FOR_DCCAL => [ "ATTR_FREQ_A" ], ATTR_PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL_FOR_RUNTIME => [ "ATTR_FREQ_A" ], ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL => [ "ATTR_FREQ_PB" ], ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_FOR_DCCAL => [ "ATTR_FREQ_PB" ], ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_FOR_RUNTIME => [ "ATTR_FREQ_PB" ], ATTR_PROC_PCI_BNDY_PLL => [ "ATTR_FREQ_PCIE" ], ATTR_PROC_PERV_BNDY_PLL => [ "ATTR_NEST_FREQ_MHZ", "ATTR_NO_FAPI_ATTR_ALWAYS_100", "ATTR_FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK", "ATTR_FREQ_X" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_FOR_DCCAL => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_FOR_RUNTIME => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4000_MEM1066 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4000_MEM1333 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4000_MEM1600 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4000_MEM1866 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4800_MEM1066 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4800_MEM1333 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4800_MEM1600 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_NEST4800_MEM1866 => [ "ATTR_MSS_FREQ", "ATTR_FREQ_X_mem" ], ); # Get the path the script was called from so we can get back to it later $callingPwd = $ARGV[0]; $callingPwd .= "/"; my $fileString = ""; #Pull out the args passed in &parseArgs; #Full path of the file $pllFile = "$kbPath" . "$chip\/" . "working\/ec_" . "$ec\/" . "$chip" . "_" . "$ec" . "_pll_ring.attributes"; #output file path and name if ($chip ne ""){ $capChip = ucfirst($chip); $fileName = $capChip . "Ec" . "$ec" . "Pll.H"; } my $outputFile = "$callingPwd" . "$fileName"; my $line = ""; # Start to generate header file. open (OUTFILE, ">$outputFile") or die "Couldn't open $outputFile for output. \n"; #Initial data types and definitions here print OUTFILE "// fapiPllRingAttr.H\n"; print OUTFILE "// This file is generated by perl script fapiCreatePllRingAttrVals.pl\n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; print OUTFILE "#ifndef FAPIPLLRINGATTR_H_\n"; print OUTFILE "#define FAPIPLLRINGATTR_H_\n"; print OUTFILE "//----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OUTFILE "// Includes\n"; print OUTFILE "//----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OUTFILE "#include \n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; print OUTFILE "#include \n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; print OUTFILE "using namespace fapi;\n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; print OUTFILE "#define MAX_PLL_RING_SIZE_BYTES 256\n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; # Create array structures for PLL attributes based on the number of keys my %freqCountHash = (); foreach my $val (sort (values %attrToFreqs)) { my $numKeys = scalar @$val; if (!$freqCountHash{$numKeys}) { $freqCountHash{$numKeys} = 1; print OUTFILE "struct PLL_RING_ATTR_WITH_" . $numKeys . "_KEYS {\n"; for (my $i=1; $i <= $numKeys; $i++) { print OUTFILE " uint32_t l_freq_" . $i . ";\n"; } print OUTFILE " uint16_t l_ATTR_PLL_RING_BIT_LENGTH;\n"; print OUTFILE " uint8_t l_ATTR_PLL_RING_BYTE_LENGTH;\n"; print OUTFILE " uint8_t l_ATTR_PLL_RING_DATA [MAX_PLL_RING_SIZE_BYTES];\n"; print OUTFILE " uint8_t l_ATTR_PLL_RING_FLUSH [MAX_PLL_RING_SIZE_BYTES];\n"; print OUTFILE "};\n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; } } print OUTFILE "\n"; $fileString = "ls -1 $fileString |"; open(ALLFILES, "$fileString") or die die "$ProgName ERROR : Couldn't open list of files $fileString\n"; # Loop over all attribute files found while (defined($line = )) { $pllFile = $line; if ($pllFile =~ m"\S+/(\S+?)_(\d+?)_pll_ring.attributes") { $chip = $1; $capChip = ucfirst($chip); $ec = $2; } else { die "$ProgName ERROR : Couldn't parse chip type and ec from file $pllFile \n\n"; } my $count = 0; my @envType ; my @freqVals; my @freqType; my @uniqFreqType; my $uniqFreqTypeCount = 0; my @pllDataName; my @pllFlushName; my @pllDataArrayNames; my @pllDataArrayVals; my @pllFlushArrayNames; my @pllFlushArrayVals; my @pllRingLength; my @pllDataSize; my @pllFlushSize; my @freqValSize; my @uniqAttrs; my @uniqAttrSize; my @uniqFlushAttrs; my @uniqFlushAttrSize; my $uniqAttrCount = 0; my $uniqFlushAttrCount = 0; my $freqCount = 0; my $dataCount = 0; my $flushCount = 0; my $haveHwVals = 0; # open the pll attribute file open (FILE, "$pllFile") or die "Couldn't open $pllFile for input.\n"; if (($DEBUG) || ($VERBOSE)) { print "Chip: $chip \n"; print "EC: $ec \n"; print "File: $pllFile \n"; print "Output File: $outputFile\n"; } while () { # Each section we are interested in begins with ===BEGIN and ends with ===END if (/\===BEGIN/../\===END/) { # Keep track of how many instances we have in the file and reset some sub-counters. if (/\===BEGIN/) { $count++; $freqCount = 0; $dataCount = 0; $flushCount = 0; } # Determine if we are dealing with SIM or HW and store it in an array if (m/\#ENV\=/) { my $env = $_; chomp $env; $env =~ tr/\#ENV\=//d ; push(@envType,$env); if ($env eq "HW") { $haveHwVals = 1; } } # Determine any frequency dependent values and store them in arrays # Also keep track of the size. if ((m/\#PU_/) || (m/\#MEMB_/)) { $freqCount++; my $freq = $_; chomp $freq; ($freqType[$count - 1][$freqCount - 1], $freqVals[$count - 1][$freqCount - 1]) = split " = ",$freq; # Strip the # off the name and convert to lower case $freqType[$count - 1][$freqCount - 1] =~ tr/\#//d ; $freqValSize[$count - 1] = $freqCount; # Determine if this is the first instance of a particular name # If it is, then store it away in the uniq array. if ($uniqFreqTypeCount == 0) { $uniqFreqType[$uniqFreqTypeCount] = $freqType[$count - 1][$freqCount - 1]; $uniqFreqTypeCount++; } else { my $uniqFreq = 1; for (my $i=0; $i < $uniqFreqTypeCount; $i++) { if ($freqType[$count - 1][$freqCount - 1] eq $uniqFreqType[$i]) { $uniqFreq = 0; } } if ($uniqFreq == 1) { $uniqFreqType[$uniqFreqTypeCount] = $freqType[$count - 1][$freqCount - 1]; $uniqFreqTypeCount++; } } } # Determine the PLL_DATA name and store in an array if ((m/_DATA/) && (m/\#/)) { my ($pllName, $garbage) = split " = ",$_; #Remove the leading # $pllName =~ tr/\#//d; #Remove whitespace at the end. $pllName =~ s/\s+$//; push(@pllDataName,$pllName); # Determine if this is the first instance of a particular name # If it is, then store it away in the uniq array. if ($count == 1) { $uniqAttrs[$count - 1] = $pllName; $uniqAttrCount++; } else { my $uniq = 1; for (my $i=0; $i < $uniqAttrCount; $i++) { if ($pllName eq $uniqAttrs[$i]) { $uniq = 0; } } if ($uniq == 1) { $uniqAttrs[$uniqAttrCount] = $pllName; $uniqAttrCount++; } } } # Determine the PLL_FLUSH name and store in an array if ((m/_FLUSH/) && (m/\#/) && !(m/GEN_FLUSH/)) { my ($pllFlush, $garbage) = split " = ",$_; #Remove # at the beginning $pllFlush =~ tr/\#//d; #Remove whitespace at the end. $pllFlush =~ s/\s+$//; push(@pllFlushName,$pllFlush); # Determine if this is the first instance of a particular name # If it is, then store it away in the uniq array. if ($count == 1) { $uniqFlushAttrs[$count - 1] = $pllFlush; $uniqFlushAttrCount++; } else { my $uniqFlush = 1; for (my $i=0; $i < $uniqFlushAttrCount; $i++) { if ($pllFlush eq $uniqFlushAttrs[$i]) { $uniqFlush = 0; } } if ($uniqFlush == 1) { $uniqFlushAttrs[$uniqFlushAttrCount] = $pllFlush; $uniqFlushAttrCount++; } } } # No flush values exist. Create a blank entry to prevent errors during flush looping output. elsif (m/GEN_FLUSH\=NO/) { my $pllFlush = ""; push(@pllFlushName,$pllFlush); } #Store bit length in an array.. if ($_ =~ m/_LENGTH\s+u\d+\s+(\d+)/) { $pllRingLength[$count - 1] = $1; } #Determine the actual data names and values and store them in arrays. #Also keep track of the size. if ((m/_DATA/) && (m/\[/)) { my $garbage; $dataCount++; chomp $_; ($pllDataArrayNames[$count - 1][$dataCount - 1], $garbage, $pllDataArrayVals[$count - 1][$dataCount - 1]) = split " ",$_; $pllDataSize[$count - 1] = $dataCount; } #Determine the actual flush names and values and store them in arrays. #Also keep track of the size. if ((m/_FLUSH/) && (m/\[/)) { my $garbage; $flushCount++; chomp $_; ($pllFlushArrayNames[$count - 1][$flushCount - 1], $garbage, $pllFlushArrayVals[$count - 1][$flushCount - 1]) = split " ",$_; $pllFlushSize[$count - 1] = $flushCount; } } } close (FILE); #Fill in some other values now that we need for (my $q=0; $q < $uniqAttrCount; $q++) { for (my $r=0; $r < $count; $r++) { if ($uniqAttrs[$q] eq $pllDataName[$r]) { $uniqAttrSize[$q] = $pllDataSize[$r]; last; } } } for (my $q=0; $q < $uniqFlushAttrCount; $q++) { for (my $r=0; $r < $count; $r++) { if ($uniqFlushAttrs[$q] eq $pllFlushName[$r]) { $uniqFlushAttrSize[$q] = $pllFlushSize[$r]; last; } } } #Embed some version info print OUTFILE "/**\n"; print OUTFILE " \@kdbfile $pllFile\n"; print OUTFILE " \@chip $chip\n"; print OUTFILE " \@ec $ec\n"; print OUTFILE "*/\n"; print OUTFILE "\n"; ################################################################################# # First loop over all instances of each uniq attribute within the pll data # Then loop over all HW and SIM instances # Then check the frequency dependencies # Output the attr values # Repeat all of the above for pll flush values. ################################################################################# #First display the HW attr values ### PLL_DATA VALUES ### for (my $x = 0; $x < $uniqAttrCount; $x++) { my %freqHash = (); my $firstAttr = 1; my $simString = "\n"; my $freqString = ""; my $isDefHw = 0; my $isDefSim = 0; my $arrayIndex = 0; my @freqList = (); my $attr_prefix = ""; my $y = 0; if ($uniqAttrs[$x] =~ m"(\S+)_DATA") { $attr_prefix = $1; $y = scalar @{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}}; } print OUTFILE "\n" . "const PLL_RING_ATTR_WITH_" . $y . "_KEYS $capChip" . "_" . $ec . "_" . "$uniqAttrs[$x]_array [] = {\n"; for (my $y=0 ; $y < $count; $y++) { if ($pllDataName[$y] eq $uniqAttrs[$x]) { if ($envType[$y] eq "HW") { #This attribute has HW values. $isDefHw = 1; if ($firstAttr == 1) { print OUTFILE "#ifdef HW\n"; $firstAttr = 0; $arrayIndex = 0; } else { $arrayIndex++; } print OUTFILE " { // Entry $arrayIndex\n"; %freqHash = (); for (my $q=0; $q < $uniqFreqTypeCount; $q++) { $freqHash{$uniqFreqType[$q]} = 0; } for (my $z=0; $z < $freqValSize[$y]; $z++) { $freqHash{$freqType[$y][$z]} = $freqVals[$y][$z]; } # foreach my $freq (sort keys %freqHash) { if ($uniqAttrs[$x] =~ m"(\S+)_DATA") { my $attr_prefix = $1; for (my $freqIdx = 0; $freqIdx <= $#{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}}; $freqIdx++) { # Frequency is supported for this attribute print OUTFILE " $freqHash{$cronusNameToFapi{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx]}}, \t// $attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx] = $cronusNameToFapi{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx]} \n"; } } print OUTFILE " $pllRingLength[$y], \t// $pllDataName[$y] ring length\n"; print OUTFILE " $pllDataSize[$y], \t// $pllDataName[$y] array length\n"; # Add attr values here print OUTFILE " { "; for (my $attr_num = 0; $attr_num < $pllDataSize[$y]-1; $attr_num++) { print OUTFILE "$pllDataArrayVals[$y][$attr_num], "; } print OUTFILE " }, \t// $pllDataName[$y]\n"; if (defined $pllFlushSize[$y]) { print OUTFILE " { "; for (my $attr_num = 0; $attr_num < $pllFlushSize[$y]-1; $attr_num++) { print OUTFILE "$pllFlushArrayVals[$y][$attr_num], "; } print OUTFILE " }, \t// $pllFlushName[$y]\n"; } print OUTFILE " },\n"; } # end envType condition # For SIM values, there are a couple of assumptions: # 1. No frequency values # 2. Only one set of values per attribute elsif ($envType[$y] eq "SIM") { $isDefSim = 1; $simString = " \{ // Entry 0\n"; %freqHash = (); for (my $q=0; $q < $uniqFreqTypeCount; $q++) { $freqHash{$uniqFreqType[$q]} = 0; } # foreach my $freq (sort keys %freqHash) { if ($uniqAttrs[$x] =~ m"(\S+)_DATA") { my $attr_prefix = $1; for (my $freqIdx = 0; $freqIdx <= $#{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}}; $freqIdx++) { # Frequency is supported for this attribute # if ($attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx] eq $cronusNameToFapi{$freq}) { $simString = $simString . " $freqHash{$cronusNameToFapi{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx]}}, \t// $attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx] = $cronusNameToFapi{$attrToFreqs{$attr_prefix}[$freqIdx]} \n"; } } $simString = $simString . " $pllRingLength[$y], \t\t// $pllDataName[$y] ring length\n"; $simString = $simString . " $pllDataSize[$y], \t\t// $pllDataName[$y] array length\n"; $simString = $simString . " { "; for (my $attr_num = 0; $attr_num < $pllDataSize[$y]-1; $attr_num++) { $simString = $simString . "$pllDataArrayVals[$y][$attr_num], "; } # Print final byte $simString = $simString . " }, \t// $pllDataName[$y]\n"; if (defined $pllFlushSize[$y]) { # $simString = $simString . " $pllFlushSize[$y], \t\t// $pllFlushName[$y]_LENGTH\n"; $simString = $simString . " { "; if ( $pllDataName[$y] =~ m"ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_FOR_DCCAL") { print " pllFlushSize[y] = $pllFlushSize[$y] y = $y array size = $#pllFlushSize \n"; } for (my $attr_num = 0; $attr_num < $pllFlushSize[$y]-1; $attr_num++) { if ( $pllDataName[$y] =~ m"ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_FOR_DCCAL") { print " pllFlushSize[y] = $pllFlushSize[$y] y = $y \n"; } $simString = $simString . "$pllFlushArrayVals[$y][$attr_num], "; } # Print final byte $simString = $simString . " }, \t// $pllFlushName[$y]\n"; } $simString = $simString . " },\n"; } # end sim condition else { # We shouldn't be here print "fapicreatePllRingAttrVals.pl:ERROR: Unexpected environment type. Should only be HW or SIM. \n"; exit(1); } } # end pllDataName condition } # end for loop over all attributes #This is where we insert the SIM values. if (($isDefHw == 1) && ($isDefSim == 1)) { $simString = "#else\n" . $simString; } print OUTFILE "$simString\n"; #Only display this if we had HW values. if ($isDefHw == 1) { print OUTFILE "#endif\n"; } print OUTFILE " };\n"; } # end for loop over uniq attributes if ($VERBOSE) { print "Number of sections in file: $count \n"; print "Number of Freqs: @freqValSize \n"; print "Number of Data Vals: @pllDataSize \n"; print "Number of Flush Vals: @pllFlushSize \n"; print "Uniq Freq Types: @uniqFreqType \n"; print "Number of Uniq Freq Types: $uniqFreqTypeCount \n"; print "Uniq Attrs: @uniqAttrs \n"; print "Uniq Attr Size: @uniqAttrSize \n"; print "Uniq Flush Attrs: @uniqFlushAttrs \n"; print "Uniq Flush Attr Size: @uniqFlushAttrSize \n"; print "Number of Uniq Attrs: $uniqAttrCount \n"; print "Number of Uniq Flush Attrs: $uniqFlushAttrCount \n"; print "envType: @envType \n \n"; print "pllDataName: @pllDataName \n \n"; print "pllFlushName: @pllFlushName \n \n"; my $item1, my $item2; print "\nfreqType: \n"; foreach $item1 (@freqType) { foreach $item2 (@{$item1}) { print "$item2 "; } print "\n"; } print "\nfreqVals: \n"; foreach $item1 (@freqVals) { foreach $item2 (@{$item1}) { print "$item2 "; } print "\n"; } } } print OUTFILE "#endif // FAPIPLLRINGATTR_H_\n"; close (OUTFILE); sub help { printf("Usage: fapicreatePllRingAttrVals.pl [ [ ...] [-help|-h]\n"); printf("Generates C header file from KB pll_ring.attributes file(s). \n"); printf(" fapicreatePllRingAttrVals.pl -v\n"); exit(0); } sub parseArgs { #Note that arg 0 MUST be output dir foreach my $argnum (1 .. $#ARGV) { my $infile = $ARGV[$argnum]; if ($Arg =~ m"^-debug" || $Arg =~ m"^-d") { $DEBUG = 1; } elsif ($Arg =~ m"^-verbose" || $Arg =~ m"^-v") { $VERBOSE = 1; } elsif ($Arg =~ m"^-help" || $Arg =~ m"^-h") { &help; exit 1; } else { $fileString = "$fileString " . "$infile"; } } }