/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/htmgt/test/htmgt_test.H $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __HTMGTTEST_H #define __HTMGTTEST_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TARGETING; class htmgtTest: public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: // Check for HTMGT library bool verifyModuleLoaded(const char *i_modname) { bool loadedLocally = false; if(!VFS::module_is_loaded(i_modname)) { errlHndl_t l_err = VFS::module_load(i_modname); if( l_err ) { TS_FAIL("Could not load %s module", i_modname); errlCommit(l_err,HTMGT_COMP_ID); } else { loadedLocally = true; } } return loadedLocally; } // Get a target for the first OCC TARGETING::TargetHandle_t getFirstOccTarget() { TARGETING::TargetHandle_t o_occTarget = NULL; // Get all functional processors TARGETING::TargetHandleList pProcs; TARGETING::getChipResources(pProcs, TARGETING::TYPE_PROC, TARGETING::UTIL_FILTER_FUNCTIONAL); if (pProcs.size() > 0) { const uint8_t instance = pProcs[0]->getAttr(); TS_TRACE("buildOccs: PROC%d is functional", instance); // Get functional OCC (one per proc) TARGETING::TargetHandleList pOccs; getChildChiplets(pOccs, pProcs[0], TARGETING::TYPE_OCC); if (pOccs.size() > 0) { // Use first OCC target TS_TRACE("getFirstOccTarget: Found OCC%d", instance); o_occTarget = pOccs[0]; } } if (NULL == o_occTarget) { TS_FAIL("getFirstOccTarget: did not find functional OCC"); } return o_occTarget; } void test_occdataattr(void) { TS_TRACE("entered test_occdataattr"); uint8_t occControlData[256]; TargetHandleList procChips; getAllChips(procChips, TYPE_PROC, true); uint32_t index = 0; for (TargetHandleList::iterator itr = procChips.begin(); itr != procChips.end(); ++itr) { const uint32_t *wordPtr = (uint32_t*)occControlData; itr[index]->tryGetAttr(occControlData); TS_TRACE("test_occdataattr[%d]: 0x%08X ...", index++, *wordPtr); // TODO RTC 109066 } TS_TRACE("exiting test_occdataattr"); } void test_occloadstartfail(void) { TS_TRACE("entered test_occloadstartfail"); const bool locallyLoaded = verifyModuleLoaded("libhtmgt.so"); TARGETING::TargetHandle_t failedOcc = getFirstOccTarget(); HTMGT::processOccStartStatus(false, failedOcc); if (HTMGT::occMgr::instance().getNumOccs() != 0) { TS_FAIL("occloadstartfail: No OCCs should be available"); } if (locallyLoaded) { VFS::module_unload("libhtmgt.so"); } TS_TRACE("exiting test_occloadstartfail"); } void test_occloadstartsuccess(void) { TS_TRACE("entered test_occloadstartsuccess"); const bool locallyLoaded = verifyModuleLoaded("libhtmgt.so"); HTMGT::processOccStartStatus(true); if (HTMGT::occMgr::instance().getNumOccs() == 0) { TS_FAIL("occloadstartsuccess: No OCCs are available"); } if (locallyLoaded) { VFS::module_unload("libhtmgt.so"); } TS_TRACE("exiting test_occloadstartsuccess"); } void test_processoccerror(void) { TS_TRACE("entered test_processoccerror"); const bool locallyLoaded = verifyModuleLoaded("libhtmgt.so"); TARGETING::TargetHandle_t occTarget = getFirstOccTarget(); HTMGT::occMgr::instance().buildOccs(); if (HTMGT::occMgr::instance().getNumOccs() > 0) { HTMGT::processOccError(occTarget); // TODO RTC 109224 } else { TS_FAIL("processoccerror: Couldnt find a functional OCC"); } if (locallyLoaded) { VFS::module_unload("libhtmgt.so"); } TS_TRACE("exiting test_processoccerror"); } void test_processoccreset(void) { TS_TRACE("entered test_processoccreset"); const bool locallyLoaded = verifyModuleLoaded("libhtmgt.so"); TARGETING::TargetHandle_t occTarget = getFirstOccTarget(); HTMGT::occMgr::instance().buildOccs(); if (HTMGT::occMgr::instance().getNumOccs() > 0) { HTMGT::processOccReset(occTarget); // TODO RTC 115296 } else { TS_FAIL("processoccreset: Couldnt find a functional OCC"); } if (locallyLoaded) { VFS::module_unload("libhtmgt.so"); } TS_TRACE("exiting test_processoccreset"); } }; #endif