/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/htmgt/occError.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include #include #include "htmgt_utility.H" #include "occError.H" #include "htmgt_occcmd.H" #include #include #include #include namespace HTMGT { // Translate OCC priorty bool elogXlateSrciPriority(const uint8_t i_priority, HWAS::callOutPriority & o_priority) { bool l_found = false; uint8_t l_index = 0x00; // Loop through the occPriorityXlate until we find a priority or // reach the end of the struct. // TODO RTC 124739 - convert to use lower_bound while (l_index < OCC_SRCI_PRIORITY_XLATE_SIZE) { //If the priority matches then return the SRC. if (i_priority == occPriorityXlateTbl[l_index].occPriority) { o_priority = occPriorityXlateTbl[l_index].errlPriority; l_found = true; break; } l_index++; } return l_found; } // Translate component id bool elogGetTranslationData(const uint8_t i_compId, tmgtCompxlateType &o_dataType, uint32_t &o_compData) { bool l_found = false; // TODO RTC 124739 - convert to use lower_bound for (uint16_t l_index = 0 ; l_index < TMGT_MAX_COMP_IDS ; l_index++) { if (i_compId == tmgt_compXlateTable[l_index].compId) { o_dataType = tmgt_compXlateTable[l_index].dataType; o_compData = tmgt_compXlateTable[l_index].data; l_found = true; break; } } return l_found; } // Process elog entry from OCC poll response void Occ::occProcessElog(const uint8_t i_id, const uint32_t i_address, const uint16_t i_length) { errlHndl_t l_errlHndl = NULL; // Read data from SRAM (length must be multiple of 8 bytes) const uint16_t l_length = (i_length) & 0xFFF8; fapi2::variable_buffer l_buffer(l_length*8); //convert to bits // HBOCC is only defined for HTMGT #ifdef CONFIG_HTMGT l_errlHndl = HBOCC::readSRAM( iv_target, i_address, reinterpret_cast(l_buffer.pointer()), l_length ); #endif if (NULL == l_errlHndl) { const occErrlEntry_t * l_occElog= reinterpret_cast (l_buffer.pointer()); TMGT_BIN("OCC ELOG", l_occElog, 256); const uint32_t l_occSrc = OCCC_COMP_ID | l_occElog->reasonCode; ERRORLOG::errlSeverity_t severity = ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL; // Translate Severity const uint8_t l_occSeverity = l_occElog->severity; if (l_occSeverity < OCC_SEV_ACTION_XLATE_SIZE) { severity = occSeverityErrorActionXlate[l_occSeverity].occErrlSeverity; } else { TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: Severity translate failure" " (severity = 0x%02X)", l_occElog->severity); } // Process Actions bool l_occReset = false; elogProcessActions(l_occElog->actions, l_occReset, severity); if (l_occReset == true) { iv_needsReset = true; OccManager::updateSafeModeReason(l_occSrc, iv_instance); } // Create OCC error log // NOTE: word 4 (used by extended reason code) to save off OCC // sub component value which is needed to correctly parse // srcs which have similar uniqueness // NOTE: SRC tags are NOT required here as these logs will get // parsed with the OCC src tags const occErrlUsrDtls_t *l_usrDtls_ptr = (occErrlUsrDtls_t *) ((uint8_t*)l_occElog+sizeof(occErrlEntry_t)+ (l_occElog->maxCallouts * sizeof(occErrlCallout_t)) ); bldErrLog(l_errlHndl, (htmgtModuleId)(l_usrDtls_ptr->modId & 0x00FF), (htmgtReasonCode)l_occSrc, // occ reason code l_usrDtls_ptr->userData1, l_usrDtls_ptr->userData2, l_usrDtls_ptr->userData3, (l_usrDtls_ptr->modId << 16 ) | l_occElog->extendedRC, // extended reason code severity); // Add callout information const uint8_t l_max_callouts = l_occElog->maxCallouts; bool l_bad_fru_data = false; uint8_t numCallouts = 0; uint8_t calloutIndex = 0; while (calloutIndex < l_max_callouts) { const occErrlCallout_t callout = l_occElog->callout[calloutIndex]; if (callout.type != 0) { HWAS::callOutPriority priority; bool l_success = true; l_success = elogXlateSrciPriority(callout.priority, priority); if (l_success == true) { l_success = elogAddCallout(l_errlHndl, priority, callout, numCallouts); if (l_success == false) { l_bad_fru_data = true; } } else { l_bad_fru_data = true; TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: Priority translate" " failure (priority = 0x%02X)", callout.priority); } } else { // make sure all the remaining callout data are zeros, // otherwise mark bad fru data const occErrlCallout_t zeros = { 0 }; while (calloutIndex < l_max_callouts) { if (memcmp(&l_occElog->callout[calloutIndex], &zeros, sizeof(occErrlCallout_t))) { TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: The remaining" " callout data should be all zeros"); l_bad_fru_data = true; break; } ++calloutIndex; } break; } ++calloutIndex; } // Any bad fru data found ? errlHndl_t err2 = NULL; if (l_bad_fru_data == true) { TMGT_BIN("Callout Data", &l_occElog->callout[0], sizeof(occErrlCallout)*ERRL_MAX_CALLOUTS); /*@ * @errortype * @refcode LIC_REFCODE * @subsys EPUB_FIRMWARE_SP * @reasoncode HTMGT_RC_OCC_ERROR_LOG * @moduleid HTMGT_MOD_BAD_FRU_CALLOUTS * @userdata1[0-15] OCC elog id * @userdata1[16-31] Bad callout index * @devdesc Bad FRU data received in OCC error log */ bldErrLog(err2, HTMGT_MOD_BAD_FRU_CALLOUTS, HTMGT_RC_OCC_ERROR_LOG, i_id, calloutIndex, 0, 0, ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL); ERRORLOG::errlCommit(err2, HTMGT_COMP_ID); } // Check callout number and severity if ((numCallouts == 0) && (severity != ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL)) { TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: No FRU callouts found for OCC%d" " elog_id:0x%02X, severity:0x%0X", iv_instance, i_id, severity); /*@ * @errortype * @refcode LIC_REFCODE * @subsys EPUB_FIRMWARE_SP * @reasoncode HTMGT_RC_OCC_ERROR_LOG * @moduleid HTMGT_MOD_MISMATCHING_SEVERITY * @userdata1[0-15] OCC elog id * @userdata1[16-31] OCC severity * @devdesc No FRU callouts found for non-info OCC Error Log */ bldErrLog(err2, HTMGT_MOD_MISMATCHING_SEVERITY, HTMGT_RC_OCC_ERROR_LOG, i_id, severity, 0, 0, ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL); ERRORLOG::errlCommit(err2, HTMGT_COMP_ID); } if (int_flags_set(FLAG_HALT_ON_OCC_SRC)) { // Check if OCC SRC matches our trigger SRC if ((l_occSrc & 0xFF) == (get_int_flags() >> 24)) { TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: OCC%d reported 0x%04X and " "HALT_ON_SRC is set. Resets will be disabled", iv_instance, l_occSrc); set_int_flags(get_int_flags() | FLAG_RESET_DISABLED); } } #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_OCC_COMM char header[64]; sprintf(header, "OCC%d ELOG: (0x%04X bytes)", iv_instance, i_length); dumpToConsole(header, (const uint8_t *)l_occElog, std::min(i_length,(uint16_t)512)); #endif // Add full OCC error log data as a User Details section l_errlHndl->addFFDC(OCCC_COMP_ID, l_occElog, i_length, 1, // version 0); // subsection ERRORLOG::errlCommit(l_errlHndl, HTMGT_COMP_ID); // Clear elog const uint8_t l_cmdData[1] = {i_id}; OccCmd l_cmd(this, OCC_CMD_CLEAR_ERROR_LOG, sizeof(l_cmdData), l_cmdData); l_errlHndl = l_cmd.sendOccCmd(); if (l_errlHndl != NULL) { TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: Failed to clear elog id %d to" " OCC%d (rc=0x%04X)", i_id, iv_instance, l_errlHndl->reasonCode()); ERRORLOG::errlCommit(l_errlHndl, HTMGT_COMP_ID); } } else { TMGT_ERR("occProcessElog: Unable to read elog %d from SRAM" " address (0x%08X) length (0x%04X), rc=0x%04X", i_id, i_address, i_length, l_errlHndl->reasonCode()); ERRORLOG::errlCommit(l_errlHndl, HTMGT_COMP_ID); } } // end Occ::occProcessElog() // Add callout to specified elog bool Occ::elogAddCallout(errlHndl_t & io_errlHndl, HWAS::callOutPriority & i_priority, const occErrlCallout_t i_callout, uint8_t & io_callout_num) { bool l_success = true; TMGT_INF("elogAddCallout: Add callout type:0x%02X, value:0x%016llX," " priority:0x%02X", i_callout.type,i_callout.calloutValue, i_priority); if (i_callout.type == OCC_CALLOUT_TYPE_SENSOR) { const uint32_t sensor = (uint32_t)i_callout.calloutValue; TARGETING::Target * target = TARGETING::UTIL::getSensorTarget(sensor); if (NULL != target) { io_errlHndl->addHwCallout(target, i_priority, HWAS::NO_DECONFIG, HWAS::GARD_NULL); io_callout_num++; } else { TMGT_ERR("elogAddCallout: Unable to find target for " "sensor 0x%04X", sensor); } } else if (i_callout.type == OCC_CALLOUT_TYPE_COMPONENT_ID) { tmgtCompxlateType l_compDataType; uint32_t l_compData = 0; const uint8_t l_compId = (i_callout.calloutValue & 0xFF); if (elogGetTranslationData(l_compId, l_compDataType, l_compData)) { switch(l_compDataType) { case TMGT_COMP_DATA_SYMBOLIC_FRU: TMGT_INF("elogAddCallout: symbolic callout: 0x%08X", l_compData); break; case TMGT_COMP_DATA_PROCEDURE: io_errlHndl->addProcedureCallout( (HWAS::epubProcedureID)l_compData, i_priority); io_callout_num++; break; case TMGT_COMP_DATA_END_OF_TABLE: break; default: TMGT_ERR("elogAddCallout: Invalid component id 0x%02X", l_compId); l_success = false; } } else { TMGT_ERR("elogAddCallout: Component id translate failure" " (id=0x%02X)", l_compId); l_success = false; } } else { TMGT_ERR("elogAddCallout: Invalid callout type (type=%d)", i_callout.type); l_success = false; } return l_success;; } // end Occ::elogAddCallout() void Occ::elogProcessActions(const uint8_t i_actions, bool & o_occReset, ERRORLOG::errlSeverity_t & o_errlSeverity) { if (i_actions & TMGT_ERRL_ACTIONS_RESET_REQUIRED) { o_occReset = true; iv_failed = true; iv_resetReason = OCC_RESET_REASON_OCC_REQUEST; TMGT_INF("elogProcessActions: OCC%d requested reset", iv_instance); } if (i_actions & TMGT_ERRL_ACTIONS_SAFE_MODE_REQUIRED) { o_occReset = true; iv_failed = true; iv_resetReason = OCC_RESET_REASON_CRIT_FAILURE; iv_resetCount = OCC_RESET_COUNT_THRESHOLD; TMGT_INF("elogProcessActions: OCC%d requested safe mode", iv_instance); TMGT_CONSOLE("OCC%d requested system enter safe mode", iv_instance); } } // end Occ::elogProcessActions() } // end namespace