/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/htmgt/htmgt_poll.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2015 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include #include #include "htmgt_utility.H" #include "htmgt_activate.H" #include "htmgt_poll.H" #include "htmgt_occcmd.H" #include "htmgt_cfgdata.H" #include "occError.H" #include // Targeting support #include #include #include #include namespace HTMGT { errlHndl_t OccManager::_sendOccPoll(const bool i_flushAllErrors, TARGETING::Target * i_occTarget) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; TMGT_INF("sendOccPoll(flush=%c)", i_flushAllErrors?'y':'n'); for(occList_t::const_iterator occ_itr = iv_occArray.begin(); (occ_itr != iv_occArray.end()) && (NULL == err); ++occ_itr) { Occ * occ = *occ_itr; if(NULL == i_occTarget || occ->iv_target == i_occTarget) { err = occ->pollForErrors(i_flushAllErrors); } } if (occNeedsReset()) { TMGT_ERR("_sendOccPoll(): OCCs need to be reset"); } return err; } errlHndl_t OccManager::sendOccPoll(const bool i_flushAllErrors, TARGETING::Target * i_occTarget) { return Singleton::instance()._sendOccPoll(i_flushAllErrors, i_occTarget); } errlHndl_t Occ::pollForErrors(const bool i_flushAllErrors) { errlHndl_t err = NULL; uint8_t * poll_rsp = NULL; // Only send poll if OCC has not logged an exception if (0 == iv_exceptionLogged) { TMGT_INF("sendOccPoll: Polling OCC%d", iv_instance); bool continuePolling = false; size_t elogCount = 10; do { // create 1 byte buffer for poll command data const uint8_t l_cmdData[1] = { 0x10 /*version*/ }; OccCmd cmd(this, OCC_CMD_POLL, sizeof(l_cmdData), l_cmdData); err = cmd.sendOccCmd(); if (err != NULL) { // Poll failed TMGT_ERR("sendOccPoll: OCC%d poll failed with rc=0x%04X", iv_instance, err->reasonCode()); continuePolling = false; } else { // Poll succeeded, check response uint32_t poll_rsp_size = cmd.getResponseData(poll_rsp); if (poll_rsp_size >= OCC_POLL_DATA_MIN_SIZE) { if (i_flushAllErrors) { const occPollRspStruct_t *currentPollRsp = (occPollRspStruct_t *) poll_rsp; if (currentPollRsp->errorId != 0) { if (--elogCount > 0) { // An error was returned, keep polling OCC continuePolling = true; } else { // Limit number of elogs retrieved so // we do not get stuck in loop TMGT_INF("sendOccPoll: OCC%d still has" "more errors to report.", iv_instance); continuePolling = false; } } else { continuePolling = false; } } pollRspHandler(poll_rsp, poll_rsp_size); } else { TMGT_ERR("sendOccPoll: OCC%d poll command response " "failed with invalid data length %d", iv_instance, poll_rsp_size); /*@ * @errortype * @reasoncode HTMGT_RC_INVALID_LENGTH * @moduleid HTMGT_MOD_OCC_POLL * @userdata1 OCC instance * @devdesc Invalid POLL response length */ bldErrLog(err, HTMGT_MOD_OCC_POLL, HTMGT_RC_INVALID_LENGTH, iv_instance, 0, 0, 0, ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL); continuePolling = false; } } } while (continuePolling); } return err; } // Handle OCC poll response void Occ::pollRspHandler(const uint8_t * i_pollResponse, const uint16_t i_pollResponseSize) { static uint32_t L_elog_retry_count = 0; TMGT_DBG("OCC Poll Response", i_pollResponse, i_pollResponseSize); const occPollRspStruct_t *pollRsp = (occPollRspStruct_t *) i_pollResponse; const occPollRspStruct_t *lastPollRsp = (occPollRspStruct_t *) iv_lastPollResponse; // Trace if any data changed if ((false == iv_lastPollValid) || (memcmp(pollRsp, lastPollRsp, OCC_POLL_DATA_MIN_SIZE) != 0)) { TMGT_INF("OCC%d Poll change: Status:%04X Occs:%02X Cfg:%02X " "State:%02X Error:%06X/%08X", iv_instance, (pollRsp->status << 8) | pollRsp->extStatus, pollRsp->occsPresent, pollRsp->requestedCfg, pollRsp->state, (pollRsp->errorId<<16) | pollRsp->errorLength, pollRsp->errorAddress); #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_OCC_COMM TMGT_CONSOLE("OCC%d Poll change: Status:%04X Occs:%02X Cfg:%02X " "State:%02X Error:%06X/%08X", iv_instance, (pollRsp->status << 8) | pollRsp->extStatus, pollRsp->occsPresent, pollRsp->requestedCfg, pollRsp->state, (pollRsp->errorId<<16) | pollRsp->errorLength, pollRsp->errorAddress); #endif } do { if (false == iv_commEstablished) { // 1st poll response, so comm has been established for this OCC iv_commEstablished = true; TMGT_INF("pollRspHandler: FW Level for OCC%d: %.16s", iv_instance, pollRsp->codeLevel); } // Check for Error Logs if (pollRsp->errorId != 0) { if ((pollRsp->errorId != lastPollRsp->errorId) || (L_elog_retry_count < 3)) { if (pollRsp->errorId == lastPollRsp->errorId) { // Only retry same errorId a few times... L_elog_retry_count++; TMGT_ERR("pollRspHandler: Requesting elog 0x%02X" " (retry %d)", pollRsp->errorId, L_elog_retry_count); } else { L_elog_retry_count = 0; } // Handle a new error log from the OCC occProcessElog(pollRsp->errorId, pollRsp->errorAddress, pollRsp->errorLength); if (iv_needsReset) { // Update state if changed... // (since dropping out of poll rsp handler) if (iv_state != pollRsp->state) { iv_state = (occStateId)pollRsp->state; TMGT_INF("pollRspHandler: updating OCC%d state" " to %s", iv_instance, state_string(iv_state)); } break; } } } if ((OCC_STATE_ACTIVE == pollRsp->state) || (OCC_STATE_OBSERVATION == pollRsp->state)) { errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; // Check role status if (((OCC_ROLE_SLAVE == iv_role) && ((pollRsp->status & OCC_STATUS_MASTER) != 0)) || ((OCC_ROLE_MASTER == iv_role) && ((pollRsp->status & OCC_STATUS_MASTER) == 0))) { TMGT_ERR("pollRspHandler: OCC%d Status role mismatch" " (role:0x%02X, status:0x%02X 0x%02X)", iv_instance, iv_role, pollRsp->status, pollRsp->extStatus); iv_needsReset = true; /*@ * @errortype * @reasoncode HTMGT_RC_INVALID_ROLE * @moduleid HTMGT_MOD_OCC_POLL * @userdata1[0-15] OCC instance * @userdata[16-31] response state * @userdata2[0-15] expected role * @userdata2[16-31] response status byte * @devdesc Invalid role is POLL response */ bldErrLog(l_err, HTMGT_MOD_OCC_POLL, HTMGT_RC_INVALID_ROLE, iv_instance, pollRsp->state, iv_role, pollRsp->status, ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL); ERRORLOG::errlCommit(l_err, HTMGT_COMP_ID); iv_resetReason = OCC_RESET_REASON_ERROR; break; } if (pollRsp->occsPresent != iv_occsPresent) { TMGT_ERR("pollRspHandler: OCC%d present mismatch" " (expected 0x%02X, but received 0x%02X)", iv_instance, iv_occsPresent, pollRsp->occsPresent); iv_needsReset = true; /*@ * @errortype * @reasoncode HTMGT_RC_INVALID_DATA * @moduleid HTMGT_MOD_OCC_POLL * @userdata1[0-15] OCC instance * @userdata1[16-31] response OCC present * @userdata2[0-15] expected OCC present * @userdata2[16-31] response status byte * @devdesc Invalid OCC present data in POLL response */ bldErrLog(l_err, HTMGT_MOD_OCC_POLL, HTMGT_RC_INVALID_DATA, iv_instance, pollRsp->occsPresent, iv_occsPresent, pollRsp->status, ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL); ERRORLOG::errlCommit(l_err, HTMGT_COMP_ID); iv_resetReason = OCC_RESET_REASON_ERROR; } } if (pollRsp->requestedCfg != 0x00) { TMGT_INF("pollRspHandler: OCC%d is requesting cfg format" " 0x%02X", iv_instance, pollRsp->requestedCfg); } // Check for state change if (iv_state != pollRsp->state) { iv_state = (occStateId)pollRsp->state; TMGT_INF("pollRspHandler: updating OCC%d state to %s", iv_instance, state_string(iv_state)); } // Copy rspData to lastPollResponse memcpy(iv_lastPollResponse, pollRsp, OCC_POLL_DATA_MIN_SIZE); iv_lastPollValid = true; } while(0); // NOTE: When breaking out of the above while loop, the new poll // response is NOT copied to lastPollResponse (should only // break when reset required) if (true == iv_needsReset) { // Save full poll response memcpy(iv_lastPollResponse, pollRsp, OCC_POLL_DATA_MIN_SIZE); iv_lastPollValid = true; iv_state = (occStateId)pollRsp->state; } } // end Occ::pollRspHandler() } // end namespace