/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/hdat/hdatspsubsys.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** * @file hdatspsubsys.C * * @brief This file contains the implementation of the HdatSpSubsys class. * */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Includes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hdatspsubsys.H" #include "hdathdif.H" #include "hdatutil.H" #include "hdatvpd.H" #include using namespace TARGETING; namespace HDAT { /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Global variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint32_t HdatSpSubsys::cv_actualCnt; vpdData mvpdDataTable[] = { { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::DR }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::VZ }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::CC }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::CE }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::FN }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::PN }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::SN }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::PR }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::HE }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::CT }, { MVPD::VINI, MVPD::HW }, }; const HdatKeywordInfo l_mvpdKeywords[] = { { MVPD::DR, "DR" }, { MVPD::VZ, "VZ" }, { MVPD::CC, "CC" }, { MVPD::CE, "CE" }, { MVPD::FN, "FN" }, { MVPD::PN, "PN" }, { MVPD::SN, "SN" }, { MVPD::PR, "PR" }, { MVPD::HE, "HE" }, { MVPD::CT, "CT" }, { MVPD::HW, "HW" }, }; extern trace_desc_t *g_trac_hdat; /** * @brief This routine fill up the SP I/O path information. * * @pre The o_pathArray must be set to zero. * * @post None * * @param l_pSpTarget - input parameter - Target handle of the SP * @param o_arrayHdr - output parameter - The I/O path array header structure * @param o_pathArray - output parameter - The structure to update with the SP * I/O path information * @return A null error log handle if successful, else the return code pointed * to by errlHndl_t contains one of: * * @retval */ static errlHndl_t hdatGetPathInfo( uint32_t &io_numOfIoPaths, hdatHDIFDataArray_t &o_arrayHdr, hdatSpIoPath_t o_pathArray[]) { HDAT_ENTER(); errlHndl_t l_errlHndl = NULL; // Set the number of Io Paths. // For now, we have only 1, may change in future io_numOfIoPaths = HDAT_NUM_IO_PATHS_FOR_BMC; // Set fields in the array header o_arrayHdr.hdatOffset = sizeof(hdatHDIFDataArray_t); o_arrayHdr.hdatAllocSize = sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t); o_arrayHdr.hdatActSize = sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t); o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt = 0; for( ; o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt < io_numOfIoPaths ; ) { o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt]. hdatPathType = HDAT_LPC_PATH_TYPE; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt]. hdatLinkStatus = HDAT_CURRENT_LINK; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatML2ChipVer = 0x10; // Get the master proc handle. TARGETING::Target* l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle = NULL; (void)TARGETING::targetService().masterProcChipTargetHandle( l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle); if (l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle == NULL) { /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid HDAT::MOD_GET_PATH_INFO * @reasoncode HDAT::RC_MASTER_PROC_TARGET_NULL * @devdesc Master proc target returned is Null * @custdesc Firmware encountered an internal * error while retrieving target handle */ hdatBldErrLog(l_errlHndl, MOD_GET_PATH_INFO, RC_MASTER_PROC_TARGET_NULL, 0,0,0,0); HDAT_ERR("Master proc target handle is Null"); } else { o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatProcChipId = l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle->getAttr(); } o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatLPCHCBarIOAdrSpc = LPC::LPCHC_IO_SPACE; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatLPCHCBarMemAdrSpc = LPC::LPCHC_MEM_SPACE; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatLPCHCBarFwAdrSpc = LPC::LPCHC_FW_SPACE; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatLPCHCBarIntRegSpc = LPC::LPCHC_REG_SPACE; #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE CONSOLE::UartInfo_t l_uartInfo = CONSOLE::getUartInfo(); o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatBarOfUARTDev = l_uartInfo.lpcBaseAddr; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatSizeofUARTAdrSpc = l_uartInfo.lpcSize; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatUARTFreqHz = l_uartInfo.clockFreqHz; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatCurUARTDevBaudRate = l_uartInfo.freqHz; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatUARTInterruptDetails. hdatUARTIntrNum = l_uartInfo.interruptNum; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatUARTInterruptDetails. hdatTriggerType = l_uartInfo.interruptTrigger; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BMC_IPMI IPMI::BmcInfo_t l_bmcInfo = IPMI::getBmcInfo(); o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatBARofBTDevAdrSpc = l_bmcInfo.bulkTransferLpcBaseAddr; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatSizeofBTDevAdrSpc = l_bmcInfo.bulkTransferSize; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatBTInterruptDetails. hdatSMSAttnIntrNum = l_bmcInfo.smsAttnInterrupt; o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatBTInterruptDetails. hdatBMCtoHostRespIntrNum = l_bmcInfo.bmcToHostInterrupt; #endif // LPC link doesn't have any FRU's in the path // except the end points Service Processor and master proc // The Fru's slca index should be populated for this entry by // starting from SP /* TARGETING::Target* l_lpcPathTargetsArray[] = { i_pSpTarget , l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle }; uint32_t l_fruIdx = 0; for ( ; l_fruIdx < LPC_PATH_FRU_CNT_FOR_BMC ; l_fruIdx++) { o_pathArray[o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt].hdatSlcaIdx[l_fruIdx] = l_lpcPathTargetsArray[l_fruIdx]->getAttr(); }*/ o_arrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt++; } HDAT_EXIT(); return l_errlHndl; } /** * @brief This routine Loads SP Sub sys information. * * @param io_msAddr- input parameter - Mainstore address for SP subsys to write * @param o_spSubSysTotalSize - output parameter Total size of sp sub sys * @param o_spSubsysCnt - output parameter - Count of SP Sub sys structures * * @return A null error log handle if successful, else the return code pointed * to by errlHndl_t contains one of: * * @retval */ errlHndl_t HdatLoadSpSubSys(hdatMsAddr_t &io_msAddr, uint32_t &o_spSubSysTotalSize, uint32_t &o_spSubsysCnt) { errlHndl_t l_errlHndl = NULL; hdatMsAddr_t l_msAddr = io_msAddr; HDAT_ENTER(); HdatSpSubsys l_hdatSpSubsys(l_errlHndl, l_msAddr); // Iterate through the SP targets and fill the SP sub sys // structure for each SP /* do{ TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_spFilter(CLASS_CHIP, TYPE_SP, MODEL_BMC); TARGETING::PredicateHwas l_pred; l_pred.present(true); TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr l_presentSp; l_presentSp.push(&l_spFilter).push(&l_pred).And(); TARGETING::TargetRangeFilter l_filter( TARGETING::targetService().begin(), TARGETING::targetService().end(), &l_presentSp); for( ; l_filter ; ++l_filter ) { TARGETING::Target* l_pSpTarget = *l_filter; HdatSpSubsys l_hdatSpSubsys(l_errlHndl, l_msAddr); */ if( l_errlHndl ) { // Break the loop and return the error HDAT_ERR("Got an error while filling sp sub sys" " for sp: 0x%x", o_spSubsysCnt); // break; } else { // Update the count and msaddr before continuing // the loop for next SP. memcpy(&io_msAddr , &l_msAddr , sizeof(hdatMsAddr_t)); o_spSubsysCnt++; o_spSubSysTotalSize += l_hdatSpSubsys.getSpSubSysStructSize();; } //} //}while(0); HDAT_EXIT(); return l_errlHndl; } /** @brief See the prologue in hdatspsubsys.H */ HdatSpSubsys::HdatSpSubsys(errlHndl_t &o_errlHndl, hdatMsAddr_t &io_msAddr ): HdatHdif(o_errlHndl, HDAT_STRUCT_NAME, HDAT_SPSUBSYS_LAST, cv_actualCnt++, HDAT_NO_CHILD, HDAT_SP_SUBSYS_VERSION), iv_kwdSize(0), iv_kwd(NULL),iv_ioPathArray(NULL), iv_spSubsys(NULL),iv_size(0), iv_numOfIoPaths(0) { HDAT_ENTER(); // Copy the input phy address to this object member variable iv_msAddr = ((uint64_t) io_msAddr.hi << 32) | io_msAddr.lo; do{ // Fill the internal data pointers o_errlHndl = this->hdatFillDataPtrs(); if(o_errlHndl) { HDAT_ERR("Error while filling internal data ptrs for SP subsys"); break; } // Size of the SP sub sys structure iv_size = sizeof(hdatHDIF_t) + ( sizeof(hdatHDIFDataHdr_t) * HDAT_SPSUBSYS_NUM_DATA_PTRS)+ sizeof(hdatFruId_t) + iv_kwdSize + sizeof(hdatSpImpl_t) + sizeof(hdatSpMem_t) + sizeof(hdatHDIFDataArray_t) + (sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t) * iv_numOfIoPaths); uint64_t l_base_addr_down = ALIGN_PAGE_DOWN(iv_msAddr); uint8_t *l_virt_addr = (uint8_t *) mm_block_map ( reinterpret_cast(l_base_addr_down), (ALIGN_PAGE(iv_size) + PAGESIZE)); iv_spSubsys = l_virt_addr + (iv_msAddr - ALIGN_PAGE_DOWN(iv_msAddr)); // initializing the space to zero memset(iv_spSubsys ,0x0, iv_size ); iv_spSubsys = this->setHdif(iv_spSubsys); memcpy(iv_spSubsys, &iv_fru, sizeof(hdatFruId_t)); iv_spSubsys += sizeof(hdatFruId_t); memcpy(iv_spSubsys, iv_kwd, iv_kwdSize); iv_spSubsys += iv_kwdSize; memcpy(iv_spSubsys, &iv_impl, sizeof(hdatSpImpl_t)); iv_spSubsys += sizeof(hdatSpImpl_t); memcpy(iv_spSubsys, &iv_mem, sizeof(hdatSpMem_t)); iv_spSubsys += sizeof(hdatSpMem_t); memcpy(iv_spSubsys , &iv_ioPathArrayHdr, sizeof(hdatHDIFDataArray_t)); iv_spSubsys += sizeof(hdatHDIFDataArray_t); memcpy(iv_spSubsys, iv_ioPathArray, sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t) * iv_numOfIoPaths); iv_spSubsys += sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t) * iv_numOfIoPaths; // update the base address for next SP sub sys uint64_t l_msAddrEnd = iv_msAddr + iv_size; memcpy(&io_msAddr, &l_msAddrEnd, sizeof(hdatMsAddr_t)); } while(0); HDAT_EXIT(); return; } errlHndl_t HdatSpSubsys::hdatFillDataPtrs() { errlHndl_t l_errlHndl = NULL; HDAT_ENTER(); do{ // Initialize all the values to zero memset(&iv_impl , 0x0 , sizeof(hdatSpImpl_t)); memset(&iv_fru, 0x0 , sizeof(hdatFruId_t)); memset(&iv_mem, 0x0 , sizeof(hdatSpMem_t)); // Fill the SP impl data iv_impl.hdatHdwVer = 0x0003; iv_impl.hdatSftVer = 0x0002; iv_impl.hdatChipVer = 0x10; iv_impl.hdatStatus = HDAT_SP_INSTALLED; iv_impl.hdatStatus |= HDAT_SP_PRIMARY; iv_impl.hdatStatus |= HDAT_SP_FUNCTIONAL; #if 0 // TODO : RTC 166755 TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_bmcFilter(CLASS_CHIP, TYPE_SP, MODEL_BMC); TARGETING::PredicateHwas l_pred; l_pred.present(true); TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr l_presentSp; l_presentSp.push(&l_bmcFilter).push(&l_pred).And(); TARGETING::TargetRangeFilter l_filter( TARGETING::targetService().begin(), TARGETING::targetService().end(), &l_presentSp); // As of now we are not supporting any other bmc stacks.But there is a scope for // improvement here by using data driven approach. TODO : RTC@166476 if(l_filter) { strcpy( iv_impl.hdatBmcFamily , "ibm,bmc,openbmc"); } else { /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid HDAT::MOD_HDAT_SPSUBSYS_FILL_DATA_PTRS * @reasoncode HDAT::RC_NO_BMC_TARGET_FOUND * @devdesc No BMC target found * @custdesc Firmware encountered an internal * error while retrieving target data */ hdatBldErrLog(l_errlHndl, MOD_HDAT_SPSUBSYS_FILL_DATA_PTRS, RC_NO_BMC_TARGET_FOUND, 0,0,0,0); HDAT_ERR("No BMC found on this machine"); break; } #endif strcpy( iv_impl.hdatBmcFamily , "ibm,ast2500,openbmc"); // Fill the FRU data iv_fru.hdatSlcaIdx = 0; iv_fru.hdatResourceId = 0; // Fill the SP memory info PNOR::SectionInfo_t l_info; l_errlHndl = PNOR::getSectionInfo(PNOR::NVRAM, l_info); if(l_errlHndl) { HDAT_ERR("PNOR::getSectionInfo returns error. Fill the size as 0"); iv_mem.hdatHostRamSize = 0; } else { iv_mem.hdatHostRamSize = l_info.size; } // Fill the SP I/O path information iv_ioPathArray = reinterpret_cast(calloc( HDAT_MAX_NUM_IO_PATHS,sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t))); // No need to check iv_ioPathArray because calloc won't return if out of memory. l_errlHndl = hdatGetPathInfo( iv_numOfIoPaths, iv_ioPathArrayHdr, iv_ioPathArray); HDAT_DBG(" Num of Io Paths returned : %d", iv_numOfIoPaths); if(l_errlHndl) { HDAT_ERR("hdatGetPathInfo returns Error"); break; } // Fill the kwd // As of now there is no VPD present on BMC. // Hence we are filling PROC data to get things moving. // TODO : RTC : 151618 Will relook at this once we get mail from Tom. TARGETING::Target* l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle = NULL; (void)TARGETING::targetService().masterProcChipTargetHandle( l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle); if (l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle == NULL) { /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid HDAT::MOD_HDAT_SP_SUBSYS_CTOR * @reasoncode HDAT::RC_MASTER_PROC_TARGET_NULL * @devdesc Master proc target returned is Null * @custdesc Firmware encountered an internal * error while retrieving target data */ hdatBldErrLog(l_errlHndl, MOD_GET_PATH_INFO, RC_MASTER_PROC_TARGET_NULL, 0,0,0,0); HDAT_ERR("Master proc target handle is Null"); break; } else { uint32_t l_num = sizeof(mvpdDataTable) / sizeof(vpdData); size_t theSize[l_num]; HDAT_DBG(" spsubsys number of vpd : %X", l_num); l_errlHndl = hdatGetAsciiKwd(l_pMasterProcChipTargetHandle, iv_kwdSize, iv_kwd, HDAT::PROC, mvpdDataTable, l_num,theSize); HDAT_DBG(" initial size vpd : %X", iv_kwdSize); if(l_errlHndl) { HDAT_ERR("hdatGetAsciiKwd returns Error"); break; } char *o_fmtKwd; uint32_t o_fmtkwdSize; l_errlHndl = hdatformatAsciiKwd(mvpdDataTable, l_num, theSize, iv_kwd, iv_kwdSize, o_fmtKwd, o_fmtkwdSize, l_mvpdKeywords); if( o_fmtKwd != NULL ) { delete[] iv_kwd; iv_kwd = new char [o_fmtkwdSize + 8]; memcpy(iv_kwd,o_fmtKwd,o_fmtkwdSize); iv_kwdSize = o_fmtkwdSize + 8; delete[] o_fmtKwd; } } // Done with getting all the data. Now its time to Add. if( l_errlHndl == NULL ) { this->addData(HDAT_SPSUBSYS_FRU_ID, sizeof(hdatFruId_t)); this->addData(HDAT_SPSUBSYS_KWD, iv_kwdSize); this->addData(HDAT_SPSUBSYS_IMPL, sizeof(hdatSpImpl_t)); this->addData(HDAT_SPSUBSYS_DEPRECATED, 0); // Still need to account for the deprecated pointer pair this->addData(HDAT_SPSUBSYS_MEMORY, sizeof(hdatSpMem_t)); this->addData(HDAT_SPSUBSYS_IO_PATH, sizeof(hdatHDIFDataArray_t) + sizeof(hdatSpIoPath_t) * iv_ioPathArrayHdr.hdatArrayCnt); this->align(); } }while(0); HDAT_EXIT(); return l_errlHndl; } /** @brief get the sp sub sys structure total size */ uint32_t HdatSpSubsys::getSpSubSysStructSize() { return iv_size; } /** @brief See the prologue in hdathdatspsubsys.H */ HdatSpSubsys::~HdatSpSubsys() { errlHndl_t o_errlHndl=NULL; HDAT_ENTER(); // Free the memory allocated for filling this entry. int rc=0; free(iv_ioPathArray); delete[] iv_kwd; rc = mm_block_unmap(reinterpret_cast( ALIGN_PAGE_DOWN((uint64_t)iv_spSubsys))); if( rc != 0) { /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid HDAT::MOD_HDAT_SP_SUBSYS_DTOR * @reasoncode HDAT::RC_DEV_MAP_FAIL * @devdesc Unmap a mapped region failed * @custdesc Firmware encountered an internal error. */ hdatBldErrLog(o_errlHndl, HDAT::MOD_HDAT_SP_SUBSYS_DTOR, RC_DEV_MAP_FAIL, 0,0,0,0, ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, HDAT_VERSION1, true); } HDAT_EXIT(); return; } } // end namespace