/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * $Source: src/usr/fsi/test/fsiddtest.H $ * * IBM CONFIDENTIAL * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011-2012 * * p1 * * Object Code Only (OCO) source materials * Licensed Internal Code Source Materials * IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code * * The source code for this program is not published or other- * wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has * been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. * * Origin: 30 * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __FSIDDTEST_H #define __FSIDDTEST_H /** * @file fsiddtest.H * * @brief Test cases for FSI Device Driver */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern trace_desc_t* g_trac_fsi; using namespace TARGETING; class FsiDDTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: /** * @brief FSI DD test - Initialization * Test FSI Master/Slave Initialization */ void test_init(void) { #if 0 //istep is calling this now TRACFCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_init> Start" ); uint64_t fails = 0; uint64_t total = 0; errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; total++; l_err = FSI::initializeHardware(); if( l_err ) { fails++; TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_init> Error from device : RC=%X", l_err->reasonCode() ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_init> ERROR : Unexpected error log from initMaster" ); errlCommit(l_err,FSI_COMP_ID); } TRACFCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_init> %d/%d fails", fails, total ); #endif }; //testcode for Simics verification void test_blah(void) { #if 0 return; errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; TARGETING::Target* fsi_target = NULL; // master processor target TARGETING::EntityPath epath(TARGETING::EntityPath::PATH_PHYSICAL); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_SYS,0); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_NODE,0); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_PROC,0); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); uint32_t read_data = 0; size_t op_size = sizeof(read_data); while(1) { nanosleep( 1, 0 ); op_size = sizeof(read_data); l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead( fsi_target, &read_data, op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(0x3418) ); if( l_err ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_blah> Error from device : RC=%X", l_err->reasonCode() ); delete l_err; } } #endif }; /** * @brief FSI DD test - Read/Write * Perform basic read/write operations */ void test_readWrite(void) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> Start" ); uint64_t fails = 0; uint64_t total = 0; errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; // Setup some targets to use enum { PROC0, PROCWRAP, PROC1, PROC2, CENTAUR0, CENTAUR8, SENTINEL, NUM_TARGETS }; TARGETING::Target* fsi_targets[NUM_TARGETS]; for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_TARGETS; x++ ) { fsi_targets[x] = NULL; } TARGETING::Target* fsi_target = NULL; // master processor target TARGETING::EntityPath epath(TARGETING::EntityPath::PATH_PHYSICAL); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_SYS,0); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_NODE,0); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_PROC,0); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); fsi_targets[PROC0] = fsi_target; // other (wrap) processor target (physical:sys-0/node-0/proc-9) epath.removeLast(); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_PROC,9); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); fsi_targets[PROCWRAP] = fsi_target; // other processor target (physical:sys-0/node-0/proc-1) epath.removeLast(); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_PROC,1); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); fsi_targets[PROC1] = fsi_target; // alt-master processor target (physical:sys-0/node-0/proc-2) epath.removeLast(); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_PROC,2); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); fsi_targets[PROC2] = fsi_target; // local centaur target (physical:sys-0/node-0/membuf-0) epath.removeLast(); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF,0); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); fsi_targets[CENTAUR0] = fsi_target; // remote centaur target (physical:sys-0/node-0/membuf-8) epath.removeLast(); epath.addLast(TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF,8); fsi_target = TARGETING::targetService().toTarget(epath); fsi_targets[CENTAUR8] = fsi_target; // scratch data to use struct { int fsitarget; uint64_t addr; uint32_t data; bool writeable; bool present; } test_data[] = { //** Master Control Space // version number { PROC0, 0x003074, 0x91010800, false, true }, //CMFSI MVER { PROC0, 0x003474, 0x92010800, false, true }, //MFSI MVER //** Slave Regs (via absolute address) { PROC0, 0x081000, 0x12345678, true, false }, //DATA_0 from FSI2PIB off MFSI-0 { PROC0, 0x041028, 0x160E9049, false, false }, //CHIPID from SHIFT off cMFSI-0 { PROC0, 0x103074, 0x91010800, false, false }, //CMFSI MVER from Proc off MFSI-2 //** Slave Regs { PROCWRAP, 0x001000, 0x12345678, false, false }, //DATA_0 from FSI2PIB off MFSI-0 { PROCWRAP, 0x001004, 0xA5A5A5A5, true, false }, //DATA_1 from FSI2PIB off MFSI-0 //** Slave Regs { PROC1, 0x001000, 0x88776655, true, false }, //FEL from SHIFT off MFSI-1 //** Slave Regs { PROC2, 0x001000, 0x12345678, true, false }, //FEL from SHIFT off MFSI-2 //** Slave Regs { CENTAUR0, 0x000000, 0xC0010E95, false, false }, //Config Table entry for slave0 off cMFSI-0 { CENTAUR0, 0x001028, 0x160E9049, false, false }, //CHIPID from FSI2PIB off cMFSI-0 { CENTAUR0, 0x000C08, 0x12344321, true, false }, //FEL from SHIFT off cMFSI-0 //** Slave Regs { CENTAUR8, 0x001000, 0x33333333, true, false }, //FEL from SHIFT off cMFSI-0 of MFSI-1 { CENTAUR8, 0x001028, 0x160E9049, false, false }, //CHIPID from FSI2PIB off cMFSI-0 of MFSI-1 }; const uint64_t NUM_ADDRS = sizeof(test_data)/sizeof(test_data[0]); // allocate some space to play with uint32_t read_data[NUM_ADDRS]; size_t op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); // figure out which ports are valid to test in the current config uint64_t patterns_to_run = 0; for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_ADDRS; x++ ) { // direct writes to slave regs if( test_data[x].fsitarget == PROC0 ) { if( ((0xFF0000 & test_data[x].addr) == 0x080000) && (fsi_targets[PROCWRAP] != NULL) && (fsi_targets[PROCWRAP]->getAttr().functional)) { test_data[x].present = true; } else if( ((0xFF0000 & test_data[x].addr) == 0x040000) && (fsi_targets[CENTAUR0] != NULL) && (fsi_targets[CENTAUR0]->getAttr().functional)) { test_data[x].present = true; } else if( ((0xFF0000 & test_data[x].addr) == 0x100000) && (fsi_targets[PROC2] != NULL) && (fsi_targets[PROC2]->getAttr().functional)) { test_data[x].present = true; } } // otherwise only talk to chips that we see else if (( fsi_targets[test_data[x].fsitarget] != NULL) && (fsi_targets[test_data[x].fsitarget]->getAttr().functional)) { test_data[x].present = true; } else { test_data[x].present = false; } if( test_data[x].present ) { patterns_to_run |= (0x8000000000000000 >> x); } } // read address X,Y,Z for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_ADDRS; x++ ) { if( !test_data[x].present ) { continue; } total++; op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead( fsi_targets[test_data[x].fsitarget], &(read_data[x]), op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(test_data[x].addr) ); if( l_err ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> Error from device : [%d] addr=0x%X, RC=%X", x, test_data[x].addr, l_err->reasonCode() ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> ERROR : Unexpected error log from read1" ); fails++; errlCommit(l_err,FSI_COMP_ID); } TRACDCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "READ Reg 0x%X = 0x%X", test_data[x].addr, read_data[x] ); } // write X=A, Y=B, Z=C for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_ADDRS; x++ ) { if( !test_data[x].present ) { continue; } if( test_data[x].writeable ) { total++; op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); l_err = DeviceFW::deviceWrite( fsi_targets[test_data[x].fsitarget], &(test_data[x].data), op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(test_data[x].addr) ); if( l_err ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> Error from device : [%d] addr=0x%X, RC=%X", x, test_data[x].addr, l_err->reasonCode() ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> ERROR : Unexpected error log from write1" ); fails++; errlCommit(l_err,FSI_COMP_ID); } } } // read X,Y,Z for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_ADDRS; x++ ) { if( !test_data[x].present ) { continue; } total++; op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead( fsi_targets[test_data[x].fsitarget], &(read_data[x]), op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(test_data[x].addr) ); if( l_err ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> Error from device : [%d] addr=0x%X, RC=%X", x, test_data[x].addr, l_err->reasonCode() ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> ERROR : Unexpected error log from read2" ); fails++; errlCommit(l_err,FSI_COMP_ID); } } // verify X==A, Y==B, Z==C for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_ADDRS; x++ ) { if( !test_data[x].present ) { continue; } total++; if( read_data[x] != test_data[x].data ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> Data mismatch : [%d] addr=0x%X, exp=0x%X, act=0x%X", x, test_data[x].addr, test_data[x].data, read_data[x] ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> ERROR : Data mismatch" ); fails++; } } #if 0 // put the original data back for( uint64_t x = 0; x < NUM_ADDRS; x++ ) { op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); if( test_data[x].writeable ) { total++; l_err = DeviceFW::deviceWrite( fsi_targets[test_data[x].fsitarget], &(test_data[x].data), op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(test_data[x].addr) ); if( l_err ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> Error from device : addr=0x%X, RC=%X", test_data[x].addr, l_err->reasonCode() ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> ERROR : Unexpected error log from write1" ); fails++; errlCommit(l_err,FSI_COMP_ID); } } } #endif TRACFCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_readWrite> %d/%d fails (patterns=%.16X)", fails, total, patterns_to_run ); }; /** * @brief FSI DD test - bad targets * Verify that we catch bad targets */ void test_badTargets(void) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_badTargets> Start" ); uint64_t fails = 0; uint64_t total = 0; errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; uint32_t regdata = 0; // master sentinel should fail total++; size_t op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead( TARGETING::MASTER_PROCESSOR_CHIP_TARGET_SENTINEL, ®data, op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(0x111111) ); if( l_err && (l_err->reasonCode() == FSI::RC_MASTER_TARGET) ) { delete l_err; } else { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_badTargets> ERROR : Sentinel target did not fail as expected" ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_badTargets> ERROR : Sentinel target did not fail as expected" ); fails++; if( l_err ) { errlCommit(l_err,FSI_COMP_ID); } } // NULL target should fail total++; op_size = sizeof(uint32_t); l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead( NULL, ®data, op_size, DEVICE_FSI_ADDRESS(0x111111) ); if( l_err ) { delete l_err; } else { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_badTargets> ERROR : NULL target did not fail as expected" ); TS_FAIL( "FsiDDTest::test_badTargets> ERROR : NULL target did not fail as expected" ); fails++; } TRACFCOMP( g_trac_fsi, "FsiDDTest::test_badTargets> %d/%d fails", fails, total ); }; }; #endif