#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/errl/parser/genErrlParsers.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # Purpose: Generates files needed to parse SRC and User Detail Data from # Hostboot error logs. The files are delivered to the FSP and built there # # It scans the hostboot source code for the doxygen like error log tags and # generates a C file for each component containing a function called by the FSP # errl tool to parse the error log SRC, for example: # - hbfwSrcParse1.C (For parsing errlogs generated by comp-id 0x01) # - hbfwSrcParse2.C # - hbfwSrcParse3.C # It generates a file that contains IDs needed by the Hostboot User Detail Data # parsers # - hbfwUdIds.H # It generates a makefile that builds the Hostboot SRC/UserDetailData parsers # - makefile use strict; use Time::localtime; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process Arguments #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $DEBUG = 0; my $base = "."; my $outputDir = "."; while( $ARGV = shift ) { if( $ARGV =~ m/-b/ ) { $base = shift; } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/-o/i ) { $outputDir = shift; } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/-d/i ) { $DEBUG = 1; } else { usage(); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Global variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $compIdFile = $base."/src/include/usr/hbotcompid.H"; my $compPath = $base."/src/usr"; my $compIncPath = $base."/src/include/usr"; my $genFilesPath = $base."/obj/genfiles"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Call subroutines to populate the following arrays: # - @reasonCodeFiles (The list of files to parse through for reason codes) # - @filesToParse (The list of files to parse through for SRC tags) # - @pluginDirsToParse (the list of plugin directories containing User Detail # Data parsers) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my @reasonCodeFiles; my @filesToParse; my @pluginDirsToParse; getReasonCodeFiles($compIncPath); getFilesToParse($compPath); getFilesToParse($compIncPath); getFilesToParse($genFilesPath); getPluginDirsToParse($compPath); if ($DEBUG) { print("---> ReasonCode files to process\n"); foreach my $file(@reasonCodeFiles) { print("RC File: $file\n"); } } if ($DEBUG) { print("---> Files to parse for error log tags\n"); foreach my $file(@filesToParse) { print("File to Parse: $file\n"); } } if ($DEBUG) { print("---> Directories to parse for user detail data\n"); foreach my $dir(@pluginDirsToParse) { print("Plugin Directory to Parse: $dir\n"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process the compIdFile, recording all of the component ID values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %compIdToValueHash; open(COMP_ID_FILE, $compIdFile) or die("Cannot open: $compIdFile: $!"); while (my $line = ) { # An example of the component ID line is: # const compId_t DEVFW_COMP_ID = 0x0200; if ($line =~ /^const compId_t (\w+) = 0x([\dA-Fa-f]+)00/) { my $compId = $1; my $compValue = $2; # Strip off any leading zeroes from the component value $compValue =~ s/^0//g; $compIdToValueHash{$compId} = $compValue; } } close(COMP_ID_FILE); if ($DEBUG) { print("---> Component ID values\n"); foreach my $key (keys %compIdToValueHash) { print ("CompId: $key = $compIdToValueHash{$key},\n"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process the reasonCodeFiles, recording all of the module ids, reason codes # and user detail data sections in hashes: The module ids and reason codes # can be duplicated across components and so the namespace is also stored. # Example hashes: # # %modIdToValueHash = ( # 'PNOR' => { 'MOD_PNORDD_ERASEFLASH' => '1A', # 'MOD_PNORDD_READFLASH' => '12'}, # 'IBSCOM' => { 'IBSCOM_GET_TARG_VIRT_ADDR' => '03', # 'IBSCOM_SANITY_CHECK' => '02'} # ); # # %rcToValueHash = ( # 'PNOR' => { 'RC_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION' => '0607', # 'RC_STARTUP_FAIL' => '0605'}, # 'IBSCOM' => { 'IBSCOM_INVALID_CONFIG' => '1C03', # 'IBSCOM_INVALID_OP_TYPE' => '1C02'} # ); # # %udIdToValueHash = ( # 'HWPF_UDT_HWP_RCVALUE' => '0x01', # 'ERRL_UDT_CALLOUT' => '0x07' # ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %modIdToValueHash; my %rcToValueHash; my %udIdToValueHash; foreach my $file (@reasonCodeFiles) { open(RC_FILE, $file) or die("Cannot open: $file: $!"); my $namespace = "NO_NS"; my $processing = 0; my $processingModIds = 1; my $processingRcs = 2; my $processingUds = 3; my $compId = ""; while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /^\s*namespace\s+(\w+)/) { if ($namespace ne "NO_NS") { print ("$0: Multiple namespaces in '$file'\n"); exit(1); } $namespace = $1; # Check for common code files where the reason codes do not contain # component IDs. Expand this hash as needed to add more components my %namespaceToCompHash = ( "HWAS" => "HWAS_COMP_ID"); if (exists $namespaceToCompHash{$namespace}) { # Reason codes do not contain component IDs $compId = $namespaceToCompHash{$namespace}; } else { # Reason codes contain component IDs $compId = ""; } next; } elsif ($line =~ /enum.+ModuleId/i) { $processing = $processingModIds; next; } elsif ($line =~ /enum.+ReasonCode/i) { $processing = $processingRcs; next; } elsif ($line =~ /enum.+UserDetail/i) { $processing = $processingUds; next; } elsif ($line =~ /}/) { $processing = 0; next; } if ($processing == $processingModIds) { # Example: "MOD_PNORRP_WAITFORMESSAGE = 0x01" if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s+=\s+0x([\dA-Fa-f]+)/) { $modIdToValueHash{$namespace}->{$1} = $2; } } elsif ($processing == $processingRcs) { if ($compId ne "") { # Reason code line does not contain Component ID # Example: "RC_TARGET_NOT_DECONFIGURABLE = 0x01," if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s+=\s+0x([\dA-Fa-f]+)/) { if (! exists $compIdToValueHash{$compId}) { print ("$0: Could not find CompID '$compId'\n"); exit(1); } $rcToValueHash{$namespace}->{$1} = $compIdToValueHash{$compId} . $2; } } else { # Reason code line contains Component ID # Example: "RC_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x01" if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s+=\s+(\w+)\s+\|\s+0x([\dA-Fa-f]+)/) { if (! exists $compIdToValueHash{$2}) { print ("$0: Could not find CompID '$2'\n"); exit(1); } $rcToValueHash{$namespace}->{$1} = $compIdToValueHash{$2} . $3; } } } elsif ($processing == $processingUds) { # Example: "HWPF_UDT_HWP_RCVALUE = 0x01," if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s+=\s+(0x[\dA-Fa-f]+)/) { my $udId = $1; my $udValue = $2; if (exists($udIdToValueHash{$udId})) { print ("$0: duplicate user data section in '$file'\n"); print ("$0: section is '$udId'\n"); exit(1); } $udIdToValueHash{$udId} = $udValue; } } } close(RC_FILE); } if ($DEBUG) { print("---> ModuleId values\n"); foreach my $namespaceKey (keys %modIdToValueHash) { foreach my $modIdKey (keys %{$modIdToValueHash{$namespaceKey}}) { print ("$namespaceKey:$modIdKey:$modIdToValueHash{$namespaceKey}->{$modIdKey}\n"); } } print("---> ReasonCode values\n"); foreach my $namespaceKey (keys %rcToValueHash) { foreach my $rcKey (keys %{$rcToValueHash{$namespaceKey}}) { print ("$namespaceKey:$rcKey:$rcToValueHash{$namespaceKey}->{$rcKey}\n"); } } print("---> User Detail Data Section values\n"); foreach my $udKey (keys %udIdToValueHash) { print ("$udKey:$udIdToValueHash{$udKey}\n"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate the FSP hbfwUdIds.H file that contains the set of Hostboot component # IDs and user detail data IDs. This is used by the user data parsers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $outputFileName = $outputDir . "/hbfwUdIds.H"; open(OFILE, ">", $outputFileName) or die("Cannot open: $outputFileName: $!"); print OFILE "// Automatically generated by Hostboot's $0\n"; print OFILE "// Do not modify this file in the FSP tree, it is provided by\n"; print OFILE "// Hostboot and will be overwritten\n"; print OFILE "//\n\n"; print OFILE "\#ifndef HBFWUDIDS_H\n"; print OFILE "\#define HBFWUDIDS_H\n\n"; print OFILE "// Hostboot component IDs\n"; print OFILE "namespace hbfw\n"; print OFILE "{\n"; print OFILE " enum\n"; print OFILE " {\n"; foreach my $key (keys %compIdToValueHash) { print OFILE " $key = 0x$compIdToValueHash{$key}00,\n"; } print OFILE " };\n"; print OFILE "}\n\n"; print OFILE "// Hostboot User Detail Data IDs\n"; print OFILE "enum\n"; print OFILE "{\n"; foreach my $udKey (keys %udIdToValueHash) { print OFILE " $udKey = $udIdToValueHash{$udKey},\n"; } print OFILE "};\n\n"; print OFILE "#endif\n"; close(OFILE); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process the code files, looking for error log tags, save the parsing for each # in a hash indexed by the component value #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %compValueToParseHash; my %rcModValuesUsed; foreach my $file (@filesToParse) { open(PARSE_FILE, $file) or die("Cannot open: $file: $!"); my @namespaces; push(@namespaces, "NO_NS"); #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example Tag: # /*@ # * @errortype # * @reasoncode I2C_INVALID_OP_TYPE # * @severity ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE # * @moduleid I2C_PERFORM_OP # * @userdata1 i_opType # * @userdata2 addr # * @devdesc Invalid Operation type. # */ # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /namespace\s+(\w+)/) { # Found a namespace, record it to be used when searching for # moduleid and reasoncode values push(@namespaces, $1); next; } if ($line =~ /\/\*\@/) { # Found the start of an error log tag my $modId = ""; my $modIdValue = ""; my $rc = ""; my $rcValue = ""; my @userData; my $desc = ""; # Read the entire error log tag into an array my @tag; while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ /\*\//) { # Found the end of an error log tag last; } push(@tag, $line); } # Process the error log tag my $numLines = scalar (@tag); for (my $lineNum = 0; $lineNum < $numLines; $lineNum++) { $line = $tag[$lineNum]; if ($line =~ /\@moduleid\s+(\S+)/i) { # Found a moduleid, find out the value $modId = $1; if ($modId =~ /(\w+)::(\w+)/) { # The namespace was provided if ((exists $modIdToValueHash{$1}) && (exists ${modIdToValueHash{$1}->{$2}})) { $modIdValue = ${modIdToValueHash{$1}->{$2}}; } } else { # The namespace was not provided, look through all # namespaces mentioned in the file foreach my $namespace(@namespaces) { if ((exists $modIdToValueHash{$namespace}) && (exists ${modIdToValueHash{$namespace}->{$modId}})) { $modIdValue = ${modIdToValueHash{$namespace}->{$modId}}; last; } } } if ($modIdValue eq "") { print ("$0: Error finding moduleid value for '$file:$line'\n"); exit(1); } } elsif ($line =~ /\@reasoncode\s+(\S+)/i) { # Found a reasoncode, figure out the value $rc = $1; if ($rc =~ /(\w+)::(\w+)/) { # The namespace was provided if ((exists $rcToValueHash{$1}) && (exists ${rcToValueHash{$1}->{$2}})) { $rcValue = ${rcToValueHash{$1}->{$2}}; } } else { # The namespace was not provided, look through all # namespaces mentioned in the file foreach my $namespace(@namespaces) { if ((exists $rcToValueHash{$namespace}) && (exists ${rcToValueHash{$namespace}->{$rc}})) { $rcValue = ${rcToValueHash{$namespace}->{$rc}}; last; } } } if ($rcValue eq "") { print ("$0: Error finding reasoncode value for '$file:$line'\n"); exit(1); } } elsif ($line =~ /\@(userdata\S+)\s+(\S+.*)/i) { # Found user data, strip out any double-quotes and trailing # whitespace my $udDesc = $1; my $udText = $2; $udText =~ s/\"//g; $udText =~ s/\s+$//; # Look for follow-on lines for ($lineNum++; $lineNum < $numLines; $lineNum++) { $line = $tag[$lineNum]; if ($line =~ /\@/) { # Found the next element, rewind $lineNum--; last; } # Continuation of user data, strip out any double-quotes # and leading / trailing whitespace $line =~ s/^.+\*\s+//; $line =~ s/\"//g; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ($line ne "") { $udText = $udText . " " . $line; } } my $udString = "\"$udDesc\", \"$udText\""; push(@userData, $udString); } elsif ($line =~ /\@devdesc\s+(\S+.*)/i) { # Found a description, strip out any double-quotes and # trailing whitespace $desc = $1; $desc =~ s/\"//g; $desc =~ s/\s+$//; # Look for follow-on lines for ($lineNum++; $lineNum < $numLines; $lineNum++) { $line = $tag[$lineNum]; if ($line =~ /\@/) { # Found the next element, rewind $lineNum--; last; } # Continuation of description, strip out any double- # quotes and leading / trailing whitespace $line =~ s/^.+\*\s+//; $line =~ s/\"//g; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ($line ne "") { $desc = $desc . " " . $line; } } } } # Check that the required fields were found if ($modId eq "") { print ("$0: moduleid missing from error log tag in '$file'\n"); print ("$0: reasoncode is '$rc'\n"); exit(1); } if ($rc eq "") { print ("$0: reasoncode missing from error log tag in '$file'\n"); print ("$0: moduleid is '$modId'\n"); exit(1); } if ($desc eq "") { print ("$0: description missing from error log tag in '$file'\n"); print ("$0: moduleid is '$modId', reasoncode is '$rc'\n"); exit(1); } # Create the combined returncode/moduleid value that the parser looks for and # ensure that it is not a duplicate of one already found my $rcModValue = $rcValue . $modIdValue; if (exists($rcModValuesUsed{$rcModValue})) { print ("$0: duplicate moduleid/reasoncode error log tag in '$file'\n"); print ("$0: moduleid is '$modId', reasoncode is '$rc'\n"); exit(1); } $rcModValuesUsed{$rcModValue} = 1; # Create the parser code for this error my $parserCode = " case 0x$rcModValue:\n" . " i_parser.PrintString(\"devdesc\", \"$desc\");\n" . " i_parser.PrintString(\"moduleid\", \"$modId\");\n" . " i_parser.PrintString(\"reasoncode\", \"$rc\");\n"; foreach my $udString(@userData) { $parserCode .= " i_parser.PrintString($udString);\n"; } $parserCode .= " break;\n\n"; # The component value is the first two characters of the 4 character rc my $compValue = $rcValue; $compValue =~ s/..$//; # Add the parser code to compValueToParseHash $compValueToParseHash{$compValue} .= $parserCode; } } close(PARSE_FILE); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # For each component value, print a file containing the parse code #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $timestamp = ctime(); my $imageId = getImageId(); foreach my $compValue (keys %compValueToParseHash) { my $outputFileName = $outputDir . "/hbfwSrcParse$compValue.C"; open(OFILE, ">", $outputFileName) or die("Cannot open: $outputFileName: $!"); print OFILE "/*\n"; print OFILE " * Automatically generated by Hostboot's $0\n"; print OFILE " * Do not modify this file in the FSP tree, it is provided by\n"; print OFILE " * Hostboot and will be overwritten\n"; print OFILE " *\n"; print OFILE " * TimeStamp: $timestamp\n"; print OFILE " * Image Id: $imageId\n"; print OFILE " *\n"; print OFILE " */\n\n"; print OFILE "#include \n"; print OFILE "#include \n"; print OFILE "#include \n\n"; print OFILE "static bool SrcDataParse(ErrlUsrParser & i_parser,\n"; print OFILE " const SrciSrc & i_src)\n"; print OFILE "{\n"; print OFILE " uint32_t l_error = (i_src.reasonCode() << 8) + i_src.moduleId();\n"; print OFILE " bool l_success = true;\n\n"; print OFILE " switch(l_error)\n"; print OFILE " {\n"; print OFILE $compValueToParseHash{$compValue}; print OFILE " default:\n"; print OFILE " l_success = false;\n"; print OFILE " break;\n"; print OFILE " };\n"; print OFILE " return l_success;\n"; print OFILE "}\n\n"; print OFILE "static errl::SrcPlugin g_SrcPlugin(0x$compValue"; print OFILE "00, SrcDataParse);\n"; close(OFILE); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Figure out the user detail data files to compile for each component #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %compValToUdFilesHash; foreach my $dir(@pluginDirsToParse) { my $ofiles = ""; my $compId = ""; my $compVal = 0; # Open the directory and read all entries (files) skipping any beginning # with "." my @dirEntries; opendir(DH, $dir) or die("Cannot open $dir directory"); @dirEntries = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DH); closedir(DH); # The plugin directory must contain a _Parse.C file which contains # the user detail data parser for that component foreach my $file(@dirEntries) { if ($file =~ /^(.+).C$/) { # Found a C file add it to the files to compile list $ofiles .= "$1\.o "; if ($file =~ /^(.+COMP_ID)_Parse.C$/) { # Found the main Parse.C file for a component $compId = $1; } } } if ($compId eq "") { print ("$0: Could not find CompID Parser file in $dir\n"); exit(1); } # Find the component ID value if (! exists $compIdToValueHash{"$compId"}) { print ("$0: Could not find CompID $compId while processing $dir\n"); exit(1); } $compVal = $compIdToValueHash{$compId}; $compValToUdFilesHash{$compVal} = $ofiles; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate the FSP makefile that builds the Hostboot error log parsers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $outputFileName = $outputDir . "/makefile"; open(OFILE, ">", $outputFileName) or die("Cannot open: $outputFileName: $!"); print OFILE "\# Automatically generated by Hostboot's $0\n"; print OFILE "\# Do not modify this file in the FSP tree, it is provided by\n"; print OFILE "\# Hostboot and will be overwritten\n"; print OFILE "\#\n"; print OFILE "CFLAGS += -DPARSER\n\n"; print OFILE "EXPLIBS =\n\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OFILE "\# SRC Parsers\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach my $compValue (keys %compValueToParseHash) { print OFILE ".if ( \$(CONTEXT) != \"x86.nfp\" )\n"; print OFILE "\tlibB-$compValue" . "00.so_OFILES = hbfwSrcParse$compValue.o\n"; print OFILE "\tlibB-$compValue" . "00.so_EXTRA_LIBS = libbase.so\n\n"; print OFILE ".else\n"; print OFILE "\tlibB-$compValue" . "00.a_OFILES = hbfwSrcParse$compValue.o\n"; print OFILE ".endif\n"; } print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OFILE "\# User Detail Data Parsers\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach my $compValue (keys %compValToUdFilesHash) { print OFILE ".if ( \$(CONTEXT) != \"x86.nfp\" )\n"; print OFILE "libB-$compValue" . "00.so_OFILES += $compValToUdFilesHash{$compValue}\n"; print OFILE ".else\n"; print OFILE "libB-$compValue" . "00.a_OFILES += $compValToUdFilesHash{$compValue}\n"; print OFILE ".endif\n"; } print OFILE ".if ( \$(CONTEXT) != \"x86.nfp\" )\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OFILE "\# Shared library for each component\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OFILE "SHARED_LIBRARIES = "; foreach my $compValue (keys %compValueToParseHash) { print OFILE "libB-$compValue" . "00.so "; } print OFILE "\n.else\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OFILE "\# x86 mode generate an archive file for each component\n"; print OFILE "\#-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OFILE "LIBRARIES = "; foreach my $compValue (keys %compValueToParseHash) { print OFILE "libB-$compValue" . "00.a "; } print OFILE "\nEXPLIBS = "; foreach my $compValue (keys %compValueToParseHash) { print OFILE "libB-$compValue" . "00.a "; } print OFILE "\n.endif\n"; print OFILE "\n\n.include<\${RULES_MK}>\n"; close(OFILE); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that prints the usage #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub usage { print "Usage: $0 <-b base> <-d> <-o output dir>\"\n"; print "\n"; print "-b: Base directory containing Hostboot src directory (default is pwd)\n"; print "-o: Output directory where files are created (default is pwd)\n"; print "-d Enable Debug messages.\n"; print "\n\n"; exit 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that updates @reasonCodeFiles #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getReasonCodeFiles { # Open the input directory and read all entries (files/directories) # Skipping any beginning with "." my $inputDir = @_[0]; my @dirEntries; opendir(DH, $inputDir) or die("Cannot open $inputDir directory"); @dirEntries = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DH); closedir(DH); foreach my $dirEntry (@dirEntries) { my $dirEntryPath = "$inputDir/$dirEntry"; if (-d $dirEntryPath) { # Recursively call this function getReasonCodeFiles($dirEntryPath); } elsif(($dirEntry =~ /reasoncodes/i) || ($dirEntry =~ /service_codes/i) || ($dirEntry =~ /examplerc/i)) { # Found reason-codes file push(@reasonCodeFiles, $dirEntryPath); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that updates @filesToParse #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getFilesToParse { # Open the input directory and read all entries (files/directories) # Skipping any beginning with "." my $inputDir = @_[0]; my @dirEntries; opendir(DH, $inputDir) or die("Cannot open $inputDir directory"); @dirEntries = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DH); closedir(DH); foreach my $dirEntry (@dirEntries) { my $dirEntryPath = "$inputDir/$dirEntry"; if (-d $dirEntryPath) { # Recursively call this function getFilesToParse($dirEntryPath); } elsif($dirEntry =~ /\.[H|C]$/) { # Found file to parse push(@filesToParse, $dirEntryPath); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that updates @pluginDirsToParse #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getPluginDirsToParse { # Open the input directory and read all entries (files/directories) # Skipping any beginning with "." my $inputDir = @_[0]; my @dirEntries; opendir(DH, $inputDir) or die("Cannot open $inputDir directory"); @dirEntries = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DH); closedir(DH); foreach my $dirEntry (@dirEntries) { my $dirEntryPath = "$inputDir/$dirEntry"; if (-d $dirEntryPath) { if ($dirEntryPath =~ /plugins/) { # Found plugins directory push(@pluginDirsToParse, $dirEntryPath); } else { # Recursively call this function getPluginDirsToParse($dirEntryPath); } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that gets the Image ID #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getImageId { my $imageId = `git describe --dirty || echo Unknown-Image \`git rev-parse --short HEAD\``; chomp $imageId; if (($imageId =~ m/Unknown-Image/) || # Couldn't find git describe tag. ($imageId =~ m/dirty/) || # Find 'dirty' commit. ($imageId =~ m/^.{15}-[1-9]+/)) # Found commits after a tag. { $imageId = $imageId."/".$ENV{"USER"}; } return $imageId; }