// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/usr/errl/parser/errlparser.C $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END /** * @file errlparser.C * * @brief Builds a program to display committed Hostboot error logs. * Enter errlparser ? (or -? or -h or --help) to print help. * This program can be run standalone using a Simics * L3 memory image and the HB syms file, however it is more likely * spawned as "simcis> hb-errl" from the Hostboot/Simics python * script. * * This program spawns the FSP x86 version of errl and fsp-trace * which may or may not be in your $PATH. Candidates are: * * Classic FSP errl: * /esw/fips730/Builds/b0829a_1130.730/obj/x86.nfp/errl/nfp/tool/errl * * Or this version in Monte's sandbox which is more Hostboot aware: * /gsa/ausgsa/home/c/o/copelanm/public/bin/errl * * Building Blocks version of fsp-trace: * /opt/mcp/shared/fr_DEV-37/opt/fsp/usr/bin/fsp-trace * * Camvan has a solution for PATHing to fsp-trace when in Simics. * TODO Will need a copy of FSP x86 errl too in the near future. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include // userdetail #include // this should be last, otherwise it will not find all the namespaces #include using namespace ERRORLOG; #define USAGE "\ Usage:\n\ \n\ errlparser [-i] [[-s]] [-l|-d[|all]] [-t ]\n\ \n\ Arguments:\n\ data file name\n\ symbols file name\n\ -l summarize all error logs (default)\n\ -d id print detail from specific error log\n\ -i name explicitly name the image file\n\ -s name explicitly name the symbols file\n\ -t name name the hbotStringFile\n\ -v verbose output to stdout\n\ \n\ Sample command lines:\n\ errlparser image.bin hbicore.syms # list logs from a full L3 image\n\ errlparser image.bin hbicore.syms -d 1 # display log 1\n\ errlparser image.bin hbicore.syms -d 1 -t hbotStringFile # display traces\n\ errlparser buffer.bin # list logs from pre-extracted storage buffer\n\ errlparser buffer.bin -d 1 # detail log 1 from pre-extracted storage buffer\n\ \n\ Remarks:\n\ [] If no symbols file name is given, is assumed to be an error\n\ log storage buffer, usually 64KB in size, that has been pre-extracted\n\ from an L3 image.\n\ [] All output written to stdout\n\ [] '-s' is optional if the symbols file name contains 'syms'\n\ [] '-i' can be optional in most cases\n\ \n\ Developer switches:\n\ -p -o Extract all as PEL binaries to output \n\ Contact: Monte Copeland\n\ " //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stop the program with a message. This message is often USAGE. Since // this program will be spawned from traceHB.py, I think we're better // served sending the error message to stdout, not stderr. I don't // think Simics is piping stderr to its console. void halt( const char * msg ) { // stdout out because Simics does not appear to display stderr (?) fprintf( stdout, "%s", msg ); // exit the process with a non-zero process exit level. exit(2); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The file src/include/usr/hbotcompid.H provide a mapping from compId_t // to component name. // that maps comp id to a string label for it. struct _errlcompname { const char * pszName; uint32_t value; }; typedef _errlcompname ERRLCOMPNAME_t; ERRLCOMPNAME_t g_errlcompnames[] = { // comps.C generated at build time by a script // that parses data from src/include/usr/hbotcompid.H. // Refer to src/usr/errl/parser/makefile #include }; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Given a reason code which has a comp id mangled into // it, return a char* to the component name. Return // null if not found, which printf seems to handle // OK by printing (null). const char * FindComp( uint16_t reasoncode ) { const char * pch = NULL; uint32_t id = (reasoncode & 0xFF00 ); int c = sizeof( g_errlcompnames ) / sizeof( g_errlcompnames[0] ); for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if( id == g_errlcompnames[i].value ) { pch = g_errlcompnames[i].pszName; break; } } return pch; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian switch a uint64 uint64_t ntohll( uint64_t i ) { uint64_t hi; uint64_t lo; uint32_t * pword = reinterpret_cast(&i); hi = ntohl( *pword ); lo = ntohl( *(pword+1) ); return (hi<<32)|lo; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian stuff, convert a errl storage marker in place marker_t* ConvertMarker( marker_t* p) { p->offsetNext = ntohl( p->offsetNext ); p->length = ntohl( p->length ); return p; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian stuff, convert the data stored at the beginning of the // errl storage buffer storage_header_t * ConvertStorageHeader( storage_header_t * p ) { p->cbStorage = ntohl( p->cbStorage ); p->cInserted = ntohl( p->cInserted ); p->offsetMarker = ntohl( p->offsetMarker ); p->offsetStart = ntohl( p->offsetStart ); return p; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian stuff,convert in place, return a pointer to what // you passed in. PEL is made up of multiple sections, each // one starting with a header that has these 8 bytes. pelSectionHeader_t * ConvertPELSectionHeader( pelSectionHeader_t * p ) { p->sid = ntohs( p->sid ); p->len = ntohs( p->len ); // byte: p->ver // byte: p->sst p->compId = ntohs( p->compId ); return p; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian stuff, convert in place. This converts the first section // encountered in PEL, the PH section (private header). pelPrivateHeaderSection_t* ConvertPrivateHeader(pelPrivateHeaderSection_t* p) { ConvertPELSectionHeader( &p->sectionheader ); p->creationTime = ntohll( p->creationTime ); p->commitTime = ntohll( p->commitTime ); p->creatorImplementation = ntohll( p->creatorImplementation ); p->plid = ntohl( p->plid ); p->eid = ntohl( p->eid ); return p; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian stuff, convert in place. Convert the 2nd section in PEL, // the UH (user header). pelUserHeaderSection_t * ConvertUserHeader( pelUserHeaderSection_t * p ) { ConvertPELSectionHeader( &p->sectionheader ); // mostly byte sized stuff p->actions = ntohs( p->actions ); return p; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // endian stuff, convert in place. The PS (primary SRC) section // in PEL is the 3rd section. pelSRCSection_t * ConvertSRC( pelSRCSection_t * p ) { ConvertPELSectionHeader( &p->sectionheader ); // mostly byte sized stuff p->srcLength = ntohs( p->srcLength ); p->reserved1 = ntohs( p->reserved1 ); p->word2 = ntohl( p->word2 ); p->word3 = ntohs( p->word3 ); p->word4 = ntohl( p->word4 ); p->word5 = ntohl( p->word5 ); p->word6 = ntohll( p->word6 ); p->word8 = ntohll( p->word8 ); return p; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given the binary image file name, return the errl storage part of the file. // Caller must endian convert anything/everything in the output buffer. // This function will allocate (malloc) the buffer and return a pointer to it. // On fatal error, this function will print a diagnostic and end the process. // Return how many bytes allocated for the buffer in io_cbBuffer. char* ReadStorageBuffer(char* i_Image, uint32_t i_ulAddr, uint32_t &io_cbBuffer) { int fd; int rc; int cb; off_t offsetEnd; char * l_pchBuffer = NULL; // pointer to return storage_header_t header; // open the image file and read the errl log buffer fd = open( i_Image, O_RDONLY ); if ( fd == -1 ) { // write the error to stdout because more likely to be seen in Simics fprintf(stdout, "Unable to open %s for reading.\n", i_Image); fprintf(stdout, "Failed with errno %s\n", strerror(errno) ); exit(2); } offsetEnd = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_END ); if( i_ulAddr >= offsetEnd ) { fprintf( stdout, "Image file %s appears to be truncated. " "Offset 0x%X exceeds size of image file.\n", i_Image, i_ulAddr ); exit(2); } rc = lseek( fd, i_ulAddr, SEEK_SET ); assert( -1 != rc ); // Read just the header for the size of the buffer is // stored in the header. cb = read( fd, &header, sizeof( header )); assert( -1 != cb ); // endian convert this copy of the header ConvertStorageHeader( &header ); // io_cbBuffer is a count of bytes in storage io_cbBuffer = header.cbStorage; if( io_cbBuffer > ( 5 * ERRL_STORAGE_SIZE )) { // Unreasonable fprintf( stdout, "Problem with image file %s\n", i_Image ); fprintf( stdout, "Buffer size %d is unreasonable.\n", io_cbBuffer ); exit(2); } if( ( i_ulAddr + io_cbBuffer ) > offsetEnd ) { fprintf( stdout, "Image file %s appears to be truncated. " "Offset 0x%X exceeds size of image file.\n", i_Image, i_ulAddr+io_cbBuffer ); exit(2); } if( io_cbBuffer == 0 ) { // The committing of the very first error log would have put // data into the storage buffer header. However, the data // is zero, meaning no error log was ever committed. fprintf( stdout, "No error logs to report.\n" ); exit(0); } // re-seek and re-read entire buffer this time. rc = lseek( fd, i_ulAddr, SEEK_SET ); assert( -1 != rc ); l_pchBuffer = static_cast(malloc( io_cbBuffer )); assert( l_pchBuffer ); cb = read( fd, l_pchBuffer, io_cbBuffer ); assert( -1 != cb ); close( fd ); #if 0 { // Write the error log storage buffer to its own file. // Offsets stored in the buffer are relative to the // start of the buffer. When this file is saved in // its own file, the same offsets are relative to the // start of the file. This is convenient when debugging. fd = open( "storagebuffer.bin", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666 ); if( -1 != fd ) { write( fd, l_pchBuffer, io_cbBuffer ); close( fd ); } } #endif return l_pchBuffer; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Open the given symbols file name, a text file, and find the storage address // of error logs given by the symbol in pszSearch. uint32_t FindSymbol( char * pszSymbolFile, const char * pszSearch ) { char * pszAddr = NULL; char * pch; char szWork[ 1024 ]; uint32_t ulAddr = 0; FILE * f; f = fopen( pszSymbolFile, "r" ); if ( !f ) { fprintf(stdout, "Unable to open file %s for reading.\n", pszSymbolFile); fprintf(stdout, "Failed with errno %s\n", strerror(errno) ); exit(2); } while( fgets( szWork, sizeof( szWork ), f )) { pch = strstr( szWork, pszSearch ); if( pch ) { // tease out the address for this symbol pszAddr = szWork + 2; pch = strchr( pszAddr, ',' ); assert( pch ); *pch = 0; break; } } fclose(f); if( NULL == pszAddr ) { fprintf( stdout, "Cannot find %s in syms file.\n", pszSearch ); exit(2); } // Convert ascii hex representation of address to a unsigned long int c = sscanf( pszAddr, "%x", &ulAddr ); if( 1 != c ) { fprintf( stdout, "Error, expecting '%s' to convert to hexidecimal.\n", pszAddr ); exit(2); } return ulAddr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Output a vector of endian-converted PEL sections, without altering the caller's // pchNativePEL input buffer. The vector will have pointers to PEL section // headers, and the user of the vector contents will have to cast according to // pelSectionHeader_t.sid (section id ). bool ParseForPEL( char * i_pchNativePEL, int i_cbPEL, vector &o_vector ) { // use pch to bump along through the PEL sections char * pch = i_pchNativePEL; while( pch < (i_pchNativePEL+i_cbPEL)) { void * pvoid; pelSectionHeader_t sectionHeader; // Convert a copy of just the PEL section header so I can look at the // sid (section id/type) and the overall section length. memcpy( §ionHeader, pch, sizeof( pelSectionHeader_t )); ConvertPELSectionHeader( §ionHeader ); // For each section, allocate space for it, endian convert the // section, then insert into output vector. switch( sectionHeader.sid ) { case ERRL_SID_PRIVATE_HEADER: { pvoid = malloc(sectionHeader.len); pelPrivateHeaderSection_t * p; p = static_cast(pvoid); memcpy( p, pch, sectionHeader.len ); ConvertPrivateHeader( p ); o_vector.push_back( reinterpret_cast(p) ); } break; case ERRL_SID_USER_HEADER: { pvoid = malloc(sectionHeader.len); pelUserHeaderSection_t * p; p = static_cast(pvoid); memcpy( p, pch, sectionHeader.len ); ConvertUserHeader( p ); o_vector.push_back( reinterpret_cast(p) ); } break; case ERRL_SID_PRIMARY_SRC: { pvoid = malloc(sectionHeader.len); pelSRCSection_t * p; p = static_cast(pvoid); memcpy( p, pch, sectionHeader.len ); ConvertSRC( p ); o_vector.push_back( reinterpret_cast(p) ); } break; case ERRL_SID_USER_DEFINED: { pvoid = malloc(sectionHeader.len); pelSectionHeader_t * p; p = static_cast(pvoid); memcpy( p, pch, sectionHeader.len ); // Only converts the PEL section header, but none of the // user-defined content. No way to know what's in there. ConvertPELSectionHeader(p); o_vector.push_back(p); } break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } pch += sectionHeader.len; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scan the vector of endian-converted PEL sections. Locate the target section // and return it. Return NULL if not found. Caller will have to cast // the returned section header pointer to the desired PEL section struct. pelSectionHeader_t * FindPELSection( unsigned int i_target, vector &o_vector ) { pelSectionHeader_t * p = NULL; vector::iterator it; for( it = o_vector.begin(); it != o_vector.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it)->sid == i_target ) { p = *it; break; } } return p; } //------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char * pch; char * pchNativePEL; const char * pszErrlTool = NULL; char * pszImageFile = NULL; char * pszSymbolFile = NULL; char * pszStringFile = NULL; char * pszOutputDir = NULL; char szWork[ 1024 ]; char szTmpFilename[ 1024 ]; char szCommand[ 128 ]; unsigned char * puch; char * pszSearch; char * pszAddr = NULL; char * pchBuffer; uint32_t ulAddr = 0; char szDivider[ 256 ]; uint32_t ulLogId = 0; int c; int cb; int cbSearch; int fd; int i; int k; int item; int fOK; int rc; int exitcode = 0; uint32_t cbBuffer = 0; off_t offset; off_t offsetEnd; int fVerbose = 0; int fList = 1; int fListHead = 0; int fDetail = 0; int fAll = 0; int fFound = 0; int fExtractPEL = 0; void * pvoid; struct stat statbuffer; // build a =========== divider for printfing cb = 78; assert( cb < sizeof( szDivider )); memset( szDivider, '=', sizeof( szDivider )); szDivider[ cb ] = 0; // Examine args. i = 1; while ( i < argc ) { if( 0 == strcmp( "-v", argv[i] )) { fVerbose = 1; } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-d", argv[i] )) { i++; if( i >= argc ) { // nothing after -d fAll = 1; } else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[i], "all" )) { fAll = 1; } else { int c = sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &ulLogId ); if( c != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "Provide -d \n" ); exit( 2 ); } } fList = 0; fDetail = 1; } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-i", argv[i] )) { i++; if( i >= argc ) { fprintf( stdout, "Provide -i \n" ); exit( 2 ); } pszImageFile = strdup( argv[i] ); } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-o", argv[i] )) { i++; if( i >= argc ) { fprintf( stdout, "Provide -o \n" ); exit( 2 ); } pszOutputDir = strdup( argv[i] ); } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-p", argv[i] )) { fExtractPEL = 1; fList = 0; fDetail = 0; } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-t", argv[i] )) { i++; if( i >= argc ) { fprintf( stdout, "Provide -t \n" ); exit( 2 ); } pszStringFile = strdup( argv[i] ); // errl messes up ~ somehow, I thought bash // would substitute this. pch = strchr( pszStringFile, '~' ); if( pch ) { printf( "Don't use ~ for file naming.\n" ); exit(2); } } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-s", argv[i] )) { i++; if( i >= argc ) { fprintf( stdout, "Provide -s \n" ); exit( 2 ); } pszSymbolFile = strdup( argv[i] ); } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-l", argv[i] )) { fList = 1; fDetail = 0; } else if( 0 == strcmp("?", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp("-?", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp("-h", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp("--help", argv[i])) { // help halt( USAGE ); } else if( 0 == strcmp( "-", argv[i] )) { // unrecognized switch halt( USAGE ); } else { // must be a file name pch = strstr( argv[i], "syms" ); if( pch ) { if( pszSymbolFile ) { halt( USAGE ); } pszSymbolFile = strdup( argv[i] ); } else { if( pszImageFile ) { halt( USAGE ); } pszImageFile = strdup( argv[i] ); } } i++; } // Check args. if( !pszImageFile ) { halt( USAGE ); } if(( fExtractPEL ) && ( NULL == pszOutputDir )) { printf( "Provide output dir for PEL extraction.\n" ); exit(1); } // TODO Need to put a copy of FSP x86 errl tool in the simics path. // Try for Monte's sandbox copy, temporary for Sprint 6. pszErrlTool = "/gsa/ausgsa/home/c/o/copelanm/public/bin/errl"; rc = stat( pszErrlTool, &statbuffer ); if( -1 == rc ) { // Not found, so this one should be found for most users. pszErrlTool = "/esw/fips730/Builds/b0829a_1130.730/obj/x86.nfp/errl/nfp/tool/errl"; rc = stat( pszErrlTool, &statbuffer ); if( -1 == rc ) { printf( "Unable to find a copy of errl, including %s.\n", pszErrlTool ); exit(2); } } if( fVerbose ) { printf( "Using errl tool %s\n", pszErrlTool ); } if( pszStringFile ) { int fd = open( pszStringFile, O_RDONLY ); if( -1 == fd ) { printf( "String file %s not found.\n", pszStringFile ); exit(2); } rc = fstat( fd, &statbuffer ); close(fd); if( ( -1 == rc ) || !(S_ISREG(statbuffer.st_mode))) { printf( "String file %s is not valid.\n", pszStringFile ); exit(2); } } if( pszSymbolFile ) { // Given the symbols file, locate the address/offset of the // errl storage buffer. ulAddr = FindSymbol( pszSymbolFile, "g_ErrlStorage" ); if( fVerbose ) { printf( "Error log storage buffer offset: 0x%08x\n", ulAddr ); } } else { // No symbols file name given. // Proceed as though the image file is the 64KB storage buffer, // already extracted for me. This is the case for awan. ulAddr = 0; if( fVerbose ) { printf( "Assuming '%s' is errl storage buffer.\n", pszImageFile ); } } // Given the image file, read the portion that contains the // error log storage buffer. pchBuffer = ReadStorageBuffer( pszImageFile, ulAddr, cbBuffer ); assert( pchBuffer ); assert( cbBuffer ); if( fVerbose ) { printf("Errlog storage buffer size: %d (decimal) bytes\n", cbBuffer ); } // Convert the endianess of the storage header. storage_header_t* pHeader = reinterpret_cast(pchBuffer); ConvertStorageHeader( pHeader ); if( fVerbose ) { printf( "%d error logs were committed.\n", pHeader->cInserted ); printf( "Start offset: 0x%08x\n", pHeader->offsetStart ); printf( "Ending offset: 0x%08x\n", pHeader->offsetMarker ); } /** @brief Convert an offset to a marker_t pointer. */ #define OFFSET2MARKER(offset) (reinterpret_cast(pchBuffer+offset)) /** @brief Convert a marker_t pointer to an offset within the buffer. */ #define MARKER2OFFSET(p) ((reinterpret_cast(p))-pchBuffer) // Count how many error logs found int logcount = 0; // Traverse the list of error logs in the buffer. At this time, the // buffer does not wrap. It is a straight shot from start to finish. // Follow the markers. The start-of-list marker: marker_t* pMarker = ConvertMarker( OFFSET2MARKER(pHeader->offsetStart)); while( 1 ) { if( fVerbose ) { cb = printf( "Marker at 0x%06x: next 0x%06x, length 0x%06x\n", MARKER2OFFSET(pMarker), pMarker->offsetNext, pMarker->length ); } if( pMarker->offsetNext == 0 ) { // This is the list-ending marker. break; } assert( pMarker->length ); logcount++; // Flattened PEL of an error log resides just past marker // for a length of pMarker->length. It is "native" meaning big endian. pchNativePEL = reinterpret_cast(pMarker+1); // Make a copy of PH that I can endian convert without screwing up // the native one. pvoid = malloc( pMarker->length ); pelPrivateHeaderSection_t * pPrivateHdr; pPrivateHdr = static_cast(pvoid); memcpy( pPrivateHdr, pchNativePEL, pMarker->length ); // Convert the PEL private header copy to local endianness. ConvertPrivateHeader( pPrivateHdr ); if( fList ) { // print a simple list of error log IDs if( !fListHead ) { // print a head line printf( "%-16s %8s\n", "Component", "PLID" ); printf( "%s\n", szDivider ); fListHead = 1; } printf( "%-16s %8d\n", FindComp(pPrivateHdr->sectionheader.compId), pPrivateHdr->plid ); } else if(( fDetail ) && (( pPrivateHdr->plid == ulLogId ) || (fAll))) { // Write the native PEL to a temporary file // for x86 errl tool to display. sprintf( szTmpFilename, "/tmp/pel%d.bin", pPrivateHdr->plid ); int fd = open( szTmpFilename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT , 0664 ); if( -1 == fd ) { printf( "Unable to write %s. Exiting.\n", szTmpFilename ); exit(2); } cb = write( fd, pchNativePEL, pMarker->length ); assert( cb == pMarker->length ); close(fd); // Spawn the FSP x86 errl tool to display // the detail for this error log. cb=sprintf(szCommand,"%s -d --file=%s",pszErrlTool,szTmpFilename); if( pszStringFile ) { sprintf( &szCommand[cb], " --trace=%s", pszStringFile ); } // Run errl -d to display the error log. system( szCommand ); // Build a vector containing pointers to each PEL section // in the error log. On return, each section will be endian // converted as much as possible. Do not alter the endianness // of the native pel buffer, however. vector vectorPEL; ParseForPEL( pchNativePEL, pMarker->length, vectorPEL ); assert( vectorPEL.size() ); // Print the tag detail gleaned from the code by // the errl tag parser. That requires getting the reason // code and module ID from the error log. They live in // the Primary SRC section. uint32_t l_reasonCode = 0; // Find the PS section in the vector of PEL sections. pelSectionHeader_t* pPELHead; pPELHead = FindPELSection( ERRL_SID_PRIMARY_SRC, vectorPEL ); assert( pPELHead ); // Cast to Primary SRC section. pelSRCSection_t * pSRCSection; pSRCSection = reinterpret_cast(pPELHead); #if 0 // reasonCode has been "stringified" into the SRC string pch = strchr( pSRCSection->srcString, ' ' ); assert( pch ); *pch = 0; assert( 8 == strlen( pSRCSection->srcString)); sscanf( pSRCSection->srcString + 4, "%X", &l_reasonCode ); #else // I have cheated and put reasonCode here: l_reasonCode = pSRCSection->reserved1; #endif printf( "%-20s%s\n", "Component", FindComp(pPrivateHdr->sectionheader.compId)); // print the Errorlog tags from scanforsrcs.pl printErrorTags( l_reasonCode, pSRCSection->moduleId ); // done with this tmp file unlink( szTmpFilename ); // found at least one fFound = 1; } if( fExtractPEL ) { // Write the native PEL to a temporary file for debug later. sprintf( szTmpFilename, "%s/pel%d.bin", pszOutputDir, pPrivateHdr->plid ); int fd = open( szTmpFilename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT , 0664 ); if( -1 == fd ) { printf( "Unable to write %s. Exiting.\n", szTmpFilename ); exit(2); } cb = write( fd, pchNativePEL, pMarker->length ); assert( cb == pMarker->length ); close(fd); printf( "Saved as %s\n", szTmpFilename ); } // next marker/error log pMarker = ConvertMarker( OFFSET2MARKER(pMarker->offsetNext) ); } if( fVerbose ) { printf( "%d error logs found.\n", logcount ); } if( fDetail && !fFound ) { printf( "Error log %d not found.\n", ulLogId ); exitcode = 2; } return exitcode; }