// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/usr/errl/errludtarget.C $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END /** * @file errludtarget.C * * @brief Implementation of ErrlUserDetailsTarget */ #include #include #include #include namespace ERRORLOG { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ErrlUserDetailsTarget::ErrlUserDetailsTarget( const TARGETING::Target * i_pTarget) { // Set up ErrlUserDetails instance variables iv_CompId = HBERRL_COMP_ID; iv_Version = 1; iv_SubSection = HBERRL_UDT_TARGET; // override the default of false. //iv_merge = true; // TODO until the errlparser tool is fixed and the errludtarget parse() // function can be fully tested and debugged, we'll leave this as false // so that the records are NOT merged to make it less confusing. iv_merge = false; if (i_pTarget == TARGETING::MASTER_PROCESSOR_CHIP_TARGET_SENTINEL) { uint8_t *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast( reallocUsrBuf(sizeof(uint8_t))); // copy 0x1 to indicate MASTER *pBuffer = 1; } else { uint32_t bufSize = 0; uint8_t *pTargetString = i_pTarget->targetFFDC(bufSize); uint8_t *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast(reallocUsrBuf(bufSize)); memcpy(pBuffer, pTargetString, bufSize); free (pTargetString); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ErrlUserDetailsTarget::~ErrlUserDetailsTarget() { } }