/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/test/prdfsimFspSyncSvc.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2014 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace PRDF { /****************************/ // SimFspSyncSvc begin /****************************/ SimFspSyncSvc& getSyncSvc() { return PRDF_GET_SINGLETON(theSyncSvc); } void SimFspSyncSvc::processRequestMsg(msg_t * i_msg) { #define FUNC "[SimFspSyncSvc::processRequestMsg]" PRDF_ENTER(FUNC); PRDF_ASSERT(NULL != i_msg); errlHndl_t pError = NULL; switch(i_msg->type) { case MFG_THRES_SYNC_FROM_FSP: pError = sendMfgThresRespMsg(i_msg); if(NULL != pError) { PRDF_ERR(FUNC" sendMfgThresRespMsg returned error"); PRDF_COMMIT_ERRL(pError, ERRL_ACTION_REPORT); } break; case MFG_TRACE_SYNC_TO_FSP: pError = processMfgTrace(i_msg); if(NULL != pError) { PRDF_ERR(FUNC" processMfgTrace returned error"); PRDF_COMMIT_ERRL(pError, ERRL_ACTION_REPORT); } break; default: PRDF_ERR(FUNC" Invalid Message Type received from HB :" "[0x%08X]", i_msg->type); } PRDF_EXIT(FUNC); #undef FUNC } errlHndl_t SimFspSyncSvc::sendMfgThresRespMsg(msg_t * i_msg) const { #define FUNC "[SimFspSyncSvc::sendMfgThresRespMsg]" PRDF_ENTER(FUNC); errlHndl_t l_errLog = NULL; uint8_t* l_extraData = NULL; do { SimFspMfgThresholdFile l_pMfgThresholdFile; // Override Mfg thresholds l_pMfgThresholdFile.overrideThreshold(); uint32_t l_msgSize = l_pMfgThresholdFile.getThresholdSize(); PRDF_TRAC("l_msgSize=%d", l_msgSize); i_msg->data[0] = 0; i_msg->data[1] = l_msgSize; i_msg->extra_data = NULL; if(0 == l_msgSize) { PRDF_TRAC(FUNC" no override MFG thresholds to send back"); } else { i_msg->extra_data = malloc( l_msgSize ); memset(i_msg->extra_data, 0, l_msgSize); l_extraData = static_cast(i_msg->extra_data); l_pMfgThresholdFile.packThresholdDataIntoBuffer(l_extraData, l_msgSize); } } while(0); PRDF_EXIT(FUNC); return l_errLog; #undef FUNC } errlHndl_t SimFspSyncSvc::processMfgTrace(msg_t *i_msg) const { #define PRDF_FUNC "[SimFspSyncSvc::processMfgTrace]" PRDF_ENTER(PRDF_FUNC); errlHndl_t l_errLog = NULL; uint8_t l_mruListCount = 0; uint8_t *l_extraData = NULL; do { l_extraData = reinterpret_cast (i_msg->extra_data); l_mruListCount = (i_msg->data[1] / sizeof(PfaMruListStruct)); if(l_mruListCount > MruListLIMIT) { PRDF_ERR(PRDF_FUNC "Invalid MRU count: %d received from Hostboot" " max expected count is: %d", l_mruListCount, MruListLIMIT); /*@ * @errortype * @refcode LIC_REFCODE * @subsys EPUB_FIRMWARE_SP * @reasoncode PRDF_INVALID_CONFIG * * @moduleid PRDF_SYNC_SVC * @userdata1 MRU List Count * @userdata2 Max MRU Count * @userdata3 Line number in file * @devdesc Received invalid MRU count in * MnfgTrace message from Hostboot */ PRDF_CREATE_ERRL(l_errLog, ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL, ERRL_ETYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE, SRCI_ERR_INFO, SRCI_NO_ATTR, PRDF_SYNC_SVC, LIC_REFCODE, PRDF_INVALID_CONFIG, l_mruListCount, MruListLIMIT, __LINE__, 0); break; } if(NULL != l_extraData) { free(l_extraData); } }while(0); return l_errLog; #undef PRDF_FUNC } /****************************/ // SimFspSyncSvc end /****************************/ } // end namespace PRDF