/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemIplCeStats.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2018 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** @file prdfMemIplCeStats.C * @brief Contains IPL CE related code. */ // Framework includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Mem includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TARGETING; namespace PRDF { using namespace PlatServices; using namespace HWAS; using namespace PARSERUTILS; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void MemIplCeStats::banAnalysis( uint8_t i_dimmSlct, uint8_t i_portSlct ) { PRDF_ASSERT( i_dimmSlct < MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT ); PRDF_ASSERT( i_portSlct < MAX_PORT_PER_MBA ); DimmKey banKey = { i_dimmSlct, i_portSlct }; iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void MemIplCeStats::banAnalysis( uint8_t i_dimmSlct, uint8_t i_portSlct ) { PRDF_ASSERT( i_dimmSlct < MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT ); PRDF_ASSERT( 0 == i_portSlct ); DimmKey banKey = { i_dimmSlct, i_portSlct }; iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void MemIplCeStats::banAnalysis( uint8_t i_dimmSlct ) { // Two DIMMs per DIMM select on MBA. for ( uint8_t ps = 0; ps < MAX_PORT_PER_MBA; ps++ ) { banAnalysis( i_dimmSlct, ps ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void MemIplCeStats::banAnalysis( uint8_t i_dimmSlct ) { // Only one DIMM per DIMM select on MCA. banAnalysis( i_dimmSlct, 0 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template int32_t MemIplCeStats::collectStats( const MemRank & i_stopRank ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemIplCeStats::collectStats] " int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS; do { MemUtils::MaintSymbols symData; MemSymbol junk; o_rc = MemUtils::collectCeStats( iv_chip, i_stopRank, symData, junk ); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "MemUtils::collectCeStats failed. chip:0X%08X", getHuid( iv_chip->getTrgt() ) ); break; } // if size of stats collected is zero, it may mean some symbol // has gone beyond maximum value. But this is only valid for DD1 // and has a very low probability. So ignoring this case. for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < symData.size(); i++ ) { uint8_t dimmSlct = i_stopRank.getDimmSlct(); uint8_t dram = symData[i].symbol.getDram(); uint8_t portSlct = symData[i].symbol.getPortSlct(); // Check if analysis is banned DimmKey banKey = { dimmSlct, portSlct }; if ( iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] ) continue; // Update iv_ceSymbols with the new symbol data. SymbolKey symkey = { symData[i].symbol }; iv_ceSymbols.push_back (symkey ); // Increment the soft CEs per DRAM. DramKey dramKey = { i_stopRank, dram, portSlct }; iv_dramMap[dramKey] += symData[i].count; // Increment the soft CEs per half rank. HalfRankKey rankKey = { i_stopRank, portSlct }; iv_rankMap[rankKey] += symData[i].count; // In case of dimm select, rank select does not matter MemRank dimmRank( dimmSlct << DIMM_SLCT_PER_PORT ); // Increment the soft CEs per half dimm select. HalfRankKey dsKey = { dimmRank, portSlct }; iv_dsMap[dsKey] += symData[i].count; } } while (0); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template bool MemIplCeStats::analyzeStats() { bool tmp1 = calloutCePerDram(); bool tmp2 = calloutCePerRank(); bool tmp3 = calloutCePerDs(); return ( tmp1 || tmp2 || tmp3 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template int32_t MemIplCeStats::calloutHardCes( const MemRank & i_stopRank ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemIplCeStats::calloutHardCes] " TargetHandle_t trgt = iv_chip->getTrgt(); int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS; do { MemUtils::MaintSymbols symData; MemSymbol junk; o_rc = MemUtils::collectCeStats( iv_chip, i_stopRank, symData, junk ); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "MemUtils::collectCeStats() failed.chip:0X%08X", getHuid( iv_chip->getTrgt() ) ); break; } for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < symData.size(); i++ ) { uint8_t portSlct = symData[i].symbol.getPortSlct(); // Check if analysis is banned. DimmKey banKey = { i_stopRank.getDimmSlct(), portSlct }; if ( iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] ) continue; // At this point a hard CE was found, callout the symbol. MemoryMru memMru ( trgt, symData[i].symbol.getRank(), symData[i].symbol ); // We are creating and committing error log here. It is different // from rest of attention flow. We could have set the callout // values in sdc but it would have created confusion in ffdc if // we also get vcm/ue at same time. errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; PRDF_CREATE_ERRL( l_errl, ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE, ERRL_ETYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE, SRCI_ERR_INFO, SRCI_NO_ATTR, PRDF_MNFG_IPL_CE_ANALYSIS, LIC_REFCODE, PRDF_DETECTED_FAIL_HARDWARE, getHuid( trgt ), 0, PRDFSIG_MnfgIplHardCE, 0); addMruAndCommitErrl( memMru, l_errl); iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] = true; // ban this DIMM } } while (0); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template bool MemIplCeStats::calloutCePerDram() { bool o_callOutsMade = false; TargetHandle_t trgt = iv_chip->getTrgt(); for ( typename CePerDramMap::iterator dramIter = iv_dramMap.begin(); dramIter != iv_dramMap.end(); dramIter++ ) { // First, check if this half rank is banned from analysis DimmKey banKey = { dramIter->first.rank.getDimmSlct(), dramIter->first.portSlct }; if ( iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] ) continue; // Get the CEs per DRAM threshold. uint32_t dramTh = 1, junk0, junk1; getMnfgMemCeTh( iv_chip, dramIter->first.rank, dramTh, junk0, junk1); // Now, check if a threshold has been reached. If not, continue to the // next entry in iv_dsMap. if ( dramIter->second <= dramTh ) continue; // At this point a threshold has been reached. Callout a single symbol // found in this dram. for ( typename CESymbols::iterator symIter = iv_ceSymbols.begin(); symIter != iv_ceSymbols.end(); symIter++ ) { if ( (dramIter->first.rank == symIter->symbol.getRank() ) && (dramIter->first.dram == symIter->symbol.getDram() ) ) { MemoryMru memMru ( trgt, symIter->symbol.getRank(), symIter->symbol ); errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; PRDF_CREATE_ERRL( l_errl, ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE, ERRL_ETYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE, SRCI_ERR_INFO, SRCI_NO_ATTR, PRDF_MNFG_IPL_CE_ANALYSIS, LIC_REFCODE, PRDF_DETECTED_FAIL_HARDWARE, getHuid( trgt ), 0, PRDFSIG_MnfgIplDramCTE, 0); addMruAndCommitErrl( memMru, l_errl); iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] = true; // ban this DIMM o_callOutsMade = true; // Only one symbol needs to be called out, so exit on first // occurrence. break; } } } return o_callOutsMade; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template bool MemIplCeStats::calloutCePerRank() { bool o_callOutsMade = false; TargetHandle_t trgt = iv_chip->getTrgt(); for ( typename CePerHalfRankMap::iterator rankIter = iv_rankMap.begin(); rankIter != iv_rankMap.end(); rankIter++ ) { // First, check if this half rank is banned from analysis DimmKey banKey = { rankIter->first.rank.getDimmSlct(), rankIter->first.portSlct }; if ( iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] ) continue; // Get the CEs per rank threshold. uint32_t junk0, rankTh, junk1; getMnfgMemCeTh( iv_chip, rankIter->first.rank, junk0, rankTh, junk1); // Now, check if a threshold has been reached. If not, continue to the // next entry in iv_rankMap. if ( rankIter->second <= rankTh ) continue; // At this point a threshold has been reached. Callout a single symbol // found in this rank. for ( typename CESymbols::iterator symIter = iv_ceSymbols.begin(); symIter != iv_ceSymbols.end(); symIter++ ) { if ( (rankIter->first.rank == symIter->symbol.getRank()) && (rankIter->first.portSlct == symIter->symbol.getPortSlct()) ) { MemoryMru memMru ( trgt, symIter->symbol.getRank(), symIter->symbol ); errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; PRDF_CREATE_ERRL( l_errl, ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE, ERRL_ETYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE, SRCI_ERR_INFO, SRCI_NO_ATTR, PRDF_MNFG_IPL_CE_ANALYSIS, LIC_REFCODE, PRDF_DETECTED_FAIL_HARDWARE, getHuid( trgt ), 0, PRDFSIG_MnfgIplRankCTE, 0); addMruAndCommitErrl( memMru, l_errl); iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] = true; // ban this DIMM o_callOutsMade = true; // Only one symbol needs to be called out, so exit on first // occurrence. break; } } } return o_callOutsMade; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template bool MemIplCeStats::calloutCePerDs() { bool o_callOutsMade = false; TargetHandle_t trgt = iv_chip->getTrgt(); for ( typename CePerHalfDsMap::iterator dsIter = iv_dsMap.begin(); dsIter != iv_dsMap.end(); dsIter++ ) { // First, check if this half fimm select is banned from analysis DimmKey banKey = { dsIter->first.rank.getDimmSlct(), dsIter->first.portSlct }; if ( iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] ) continue; // Get the CEs per dimm select threshold. uint32_t junk0, junk1, dsTh; getMnfgMemCeTh( iv_chip, dsIter->first.rank, junk0, junk1, dsTh ); // Now, check if a threshold has been reached. If not, continue to the // next entry in iv_dsMap. if ( dsIter->second <= dsTh ) continue; // At this point a threshold has been reached. Callout a single symbol // found in this dimm select. for ( typename CESymbols::iterator symIter = iv_ceSymbols.begin(); symIter != iv_ceSymbols.end(); symIter++ ) { if ( (dsIter->first.rank.getDimmSlct() == symIter->symbol.getRank().getDimmSlct()) && (dsIter->first.portSlct == symIter->symbol.getPortSlct()) ) { MemoryMru memMru ( trgt, symIter->symbol.getRank() , symIter->symbol ); errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; PRDF_CREATE_ERRL( l_errl, ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE, ERRL_ETYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE, SRCI_ERR_INFO, SRCI_NO_ATTR, PRDF_MNFG_IPL_CE_ANALYSIS, LIC_REFCODE, PRDF_DETECTED_FAIL_HARDWARE, getHuid(trgt), 0, PRDFSIG_MnfgIplDsCTE, 0); addMruAndCommitErrl( memMru, l_errl); iv_bannedAnalysis[banKey] = true; // ban this DIMM o_callOutsMade = true; // Only one symbol needs to be called out, so exit on first // occurrence. break; } } } return o_callOutsMade; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void MemIplCeStats::addMruAndCommitErrl( const MemoryMru & i_memmru, errlHndl_t i_errl ) { // Add all parts to the error log. TargetHandleList partList = i_memmru.getCalloutList(); for ( auto &it : partList ) { i_errl->addHwCallout( it, SRCI_PRIORITY_HIGH, HWAS::DELAYED_DECONFIG, HWAS::GARD_Predictive ); } // Add the MemoryMru to the capture data. MemCaptureData::addExtMemMruData( i_memmru, i_errl ); // Add traces i_errl->collectTrace( PRDF_COMP_NAME, 512 ); // Commit the error log ERRORLOG::errlCommit( i_errl, PRDF_COMP_ID ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // need these templates to avoid linker errors template class MemIplCeStats; template class MemIplCeStats; } // end namespace PRDF