/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/UtilTree.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2012 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include "UtilTree.H" UtilTree::defaultComparator UtilTree::defComparator; UtilTree::defaultCleanup UtilTree::defCleanup; UtilTree::defaultCopier UtilTree::defCopy; void UtilTree::printTree() { this->printTree(0,root); }; UtilTree::UtilTree() : root(NULL), comp(&defComparator), clean(&defCleanup), copy(&defCopy) { }; UtilTree::~UtilTree() { cleanTree(root); root = NULL; }; void UtilTree::empty() { cleanTree(root); }; void UtilTree::cleanTree(Node * root) { if (NULL == root) return; cleanTree(root->left); cleanTree(root->right); (*clean)(root->value); delete root; return; }; void * UtilTree::peek() const { if (NULL == root) return NULL; return root->value; }; void * UtilTree::find(void * v) const { return (NULL != find(v, root) ? (find(v, root)->value) : NULL); }; UtilTree::Node * UtilTree::find(void * v, Node * t) const { if (NULL == t) return NULL; if (0 == (*comp)(v, t->value)) return t; return find(v, (-1 == (*comp)(v, t->value) ? t->left : t->right)); }; void UtilTree::insert(void * v) { insert(v, root); while (NULL != root->parent) root = root->parent; if (Node::RED == root->color) root->color = Node::BLACK; }; void UtilTree::insert(void * v, Node *& t) { if (NULL == t) { t = new Node(v); t->color = Node::RED; } else if (0 == (*comp)(v, t->value)) { (*clean)(t->value); t->value = v; } else { Node *& temp = (-1 == (*comp)(v, t->value) ? t->left : t->right); if (NULL == temp) { insert(v, temp); temp->parent = t; balance_i(temp); } else { insert(v, temp); } } }; void UtilTree::balance_i(Node * t) { if (NULL == t) // Hmm... ; else if (NULL == t->parent) // root node, fix color. t->color = Node::BLACK; else if (Node::BLACK == t->parent->color) // parent black, leave alone. ; else // parent red. { bool parentLeft = t->parent->parent->left == t->parent; bool meLeft = t->parent->left == t; if (parentLeft != meLeft) // rotate LR or RL case (from grandparent). { if (!meLeft) // right of parent. { if (t->left) t->left->parent = t->parent; t->parent->right = t->left; t->left = t->parent; t->parent->parent->left = t; t->parent = t->parent->parent; t->left->parent = t; balance_i(t->left); } else // left of parent. { if (t->right) t->right->parent = t->parent; t->parent->left = t->right; t->right = t->parent; t->parent->parent->right = t; t->parent = t->parent->parent; t->right->parent = t; balance_i(t->right); } } else { bool hasRedUncle = false; if ((parentLeft ? t->parent->parent->right : t->parent->parent->left) != NULL) { if ((parentLeft ? t->parent->parent->right : t->parent->parent->left)->color == Node::RED) { hasRedUncle = true; } } if (hasRedUncle) { t->parent->color = Node::BLACK; (parentLeft ? t->parent->parent->right : t->parent->parent->left)->color = Node::BLACK; t->parent->parent->color = Node::RED; balance_i(t->parent->parent); } else { t = t->parent; if (NULL != t->parent->parent) parentLeft = t->parent->parent->left == t->parent; meLeft = t->parent->left == t; if (meLeft) { if (t->right) t->right->parent = t->parent; t->parent->left = t->right; t->right = t->parent; if (NULL != t->parent->parent) if (parentLeft) t->parent->parent->left = t; else t->parent->parent->right = t; t->parent = t->parent->parent; t->right->parent = t; t->color = Node::BLACK; t->right->color = Node::RED; } else { if (t->left) t->left->parent = t->parent; t->parent->right = t->left; t->left = t->parent; if (NULL != t->parent->parent) if (parentLeft) t->parent->parent->left = t; else t->parent->parent->right = t; t->parent = t->parent->parent; t->left->parent = t; t->color = Node::BLACK; t->left->color = Node::RED; } } } } } UtilTree::UtilTree(const UtilTree & i_copy) { comp = i_copy.comp; clean = i_copy.clean; copy = i_copy.copy; if (NULL == i_copy.root) root = NULL; else { root = new Node(NULL); copyNode(root, i_copy.root, NULL); } }; void UtilTree::copyNode(Node * i_dest, Node * const i_src, Node * i_parent) { i_dest->parent = i_parent; i_dest->color = i_src->color; i_dest->value = (*copy)(i_src->value); if (NULL == i_src->left) i_dest->left = NULL; else { i_dest->left = new Node(NULL); copyNode(i_dest->left, i_src->left, i_dest); } if (NULL == i_src->right) i_dest->right = NULL; else { i_dest->right = new Node(NULL); copyNode(i_dest->right, i_src->right, i_dest); }; }; UtilTree::iterator & UtilTree::iterator::operator++() { if (NULL == _cur) return *(this); if (NULL == _cur->right) { while (_cur != NULL) { if (NULL != _cur->parent) if (_cur == _cur->parent->right) _cur = _cur->parent; else { _cur = _cur->parent; break; } else _cur = _cur->parent; } } else { _cur = _cur->right; while (NULL != _cur->left) _cur = _cur->left; } return *(this); }; UtilTree::iterator & UtilTree::iterator::operator--() { if (NULL == _cur) return *(this); if (NULL == _cur->left) { while (_cur != NULL) { if (NULL != _cur->parent) if (_cur == _cur->parent->left) _cur = _cur->parent; else { _cur = _cur->parent; break; } else _cur = _cur->parent; } } else { _cur = _cur->left; while (NULL != _cur->right) _cur = _cur->right; } return *(this); }; UtilTree::iterator UtilTree::begin() const { if (NULL == root) return end(); Node * tmp = root; while (NULL != tmp->left) tmp = tmp->left; return iterator(tmp, this); }; // Change Log ********************************************************* // // Flag Reason Vers Date Coder Description // ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- ------------------------------- // F494911 f310 03/04/05 iawillia Initial File Creation // // End Change Log *****************************************************