/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/plat/pegasus/prdfCenMemUtils.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** @file prdfCenMemUtils.C * @brief Utility functions related to Centaur */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE #include // For dynamic memory deallocation support #endif using namespace TARGETING; namespace PRDF { namespace MemUtils { using namespace PlatServices; using namespace PARSERUTILS; using namespace CEN_SYMBOL; const uint8_t CE_REGS_PER_MBA = 9; const uint8_t SYMBOLS_PER_CE_REG = 8; static const char *mbsCeStatReg[][ CE_REGS_PER_MBA ] = { { "MBA0_MBSSYMEC0", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC1","MBA0_MBSSYMEC2", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC3", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC4", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC5", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC6", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC7", "MBA0_MBSSYMEC8" }, { "MBA1_MBSSYMEC0", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC1","MBA1_MBSSYMEC2", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC3", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC4", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC5", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC6", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC7", "MBA1_MBSSYMEC8" } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helper structs for collectCeStats() struct DramCount_t { uint8_t totalCount; uint8_t symbolCount; DramCount_t() : totalCount(0), symbolCount(0) {} }; typedef std::map DramCountMap; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int32_t collectCeStats( ExtensibleChip * i_mbaChip, const CenRank & i_rank, MaintSymbols & o_maintStats, CenSymbol & o_chipMark, uint8_t i_thr ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemUtils::collectCeStats] " int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS; o_chipMark = CenSymbol(); // Initially invalid. do { if ( 0 == i_thr ) // Must be non-zero { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"i_thr %d is invalid", i_thr ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } TargetHandle_t mbaTrgt = i_mbaChip->GetChipHandle(); CenMbaDataBundle * mbadb = getMbaDataBundle( i_mbaChip ); ExtensibleChip * membufChip = mbadb->getMembChip(); if ( NULL == membufChip ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"getMembChip() failed" ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } uint8_t mbaPos = getTargetPosition( mbaTrgt ); if ( MAX_MBA_PER_MEMBUF <= mbaPos ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"mbaPos %d is invalid", mbaPos ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } const bool isX4 = isDramWidthX4(mbaTrgt); // Get the current spares on this rank. CenSymbol sp0, sp1, ecc; o_rc = mssGetSteerMux( mbaTrgt, i_rank, sp0, sp1, ecc ); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"mssGetSteerMux() failed." ); break; } // Use this map to keep track of the total counts per DRAM. DramCountMap dramCounts; const char * reg_str = NULL; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * reg = NULL; for ( uint8_t regIdx = 0; regIdx < CE_REGS_PER_MBA; regIdx++ ) { reg_str = mbsCeStatReg[mbaPos][regIdx]; reg = membufChip->getRegister( reg_str ); o_rc = reg->Read(); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Read() failed on %s", reg_str ); break; } uint8_t baseSymbol = SYMBOLS_PER_CE_REG * regIdx; for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < SYMBOLS_PER_CE_REG; i++ ) { uint8_t count = reg->GetBitFieldJustified( (i*8), 8 ); if ( 0 == count ) continue; // nothing to do uint8_t sym = baseSymbol + i; uint8_t dram = symbol2Dram( sym, isX4 ); // Keep track of the total DRAM counts. dramCounts[dram].totalCount += count; // Add any symbols that have exceeded threshold to the list. if ( i_thr <= count ) { // Keep track of the total number of symbols per DRAM that // have exceeded threshold. dramCounts[dram].symbolCount++; SymbolData symData; symData.symbol = CenSymbol::fromSymbol( mbaTrgt, i_rank, sym, CEN_SYMBOL::BOTH_SYMBOL_DQS ); if ( !symData.symbol.isValid() ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"CenSymbol() failed: symbol=%d", sym ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } else { // Check if this symbol is on any of the spares. if ( ( sp0.isValid() && (sp0.getDram() == symData.symbol.getDram()) ) || ( sp1.isValid() && (sp1.getDram() == symData.symbol.getDram()) ) ) { symData.symbol.setDramSpared(); } if ( ecc.isValid() && (ecc.getDram() == symData.symbol.getDram()) ) { symData.symbol.setEccSpared(); } // Add the symbol to the list. symData.count = count; o_maintStats.push_back( symData ); } } } if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break; } if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break; if ( o_maintStats.empty() ) break; // no need to continue // Sort the list of symbols. std::sort( o_maintStats.begin(), o_maintStats.end(), sortSymDataCount ); // Get the DRAM with the highest count. uint32_t highestDram = 0; uint32_t highestCount = 0; const uint32_t symbolTH = isX4 ? 1 : 2; for ( DramCountMap::iterator it = dramCounts.begin(); it != dramCounts.end(); ++it ) { if ( (symbolTH <= it->second.symbolCount) && (highestCount < it->second.totalCount ) ) { highestDram = it->first; highestCount = it->second.totalCount; } } if ( 0 != highestCount ) { uint8_t sym = dram2Symbol( highestDram, isX4 ); o_chipMark = CenSymbol::fromSymbol( mbaTrgt, i_rank, sym ); // Check if this symbol is on any of the spares. if ( ( sp0.isValid() && (sp0.getDram() == o_chipMark.getDram()) ) || ( sp1.isValid() && (sp1.getDram() == o_chipMark.getDram()) ) ) { o_chipMark.setDramSpared(); } if ( ecc.isValid() && (ecc.getDram() == o_chipMark.getDram()) ) { o_chipMark.setEccSpared(); } } } while(0); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Failed: i_mbaChip=0x%08x i_rank=m%ds%d i_thr=%d", i_mbaChip->GetId(), i_rank.getMaster(), i_rank.getSlave(), i_thr ); } return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int32_t clearPerSymbolCounters( ExtensibleChip * i_membChip, uint32_t i_mbaPos ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemUtils::clearPerSymbolCounters] " int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS; do { if ( MAX_MBA_PER_MEMBUF <= i_mbaPos ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"i_mbaPos %d is invalid", i_mbaPos ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } const char * reg_str = NULL; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * reg = NULL; for ( uint8_t regIdx = 0; regIdx < CE_REGS_PER_MBA; regIdx++ ) { reg_str = mbsCeStatReg[i_mbaPos][regIdx]; reg = i_membChip->getRegister( reg_str ); reg->clearAllBits(); o_rc = reg->Write(); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Write() failed on %s", reg_str ); break; } } if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break; } while(0); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Failed. i_membChip=0x%08x i_mbaPos=%d", i_membChip->GetId(), i_mbaPos ); } return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int32_t getDramSize( ExtensibleChip *i_mbaChip, uint8_t & o_size ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemUtils::getDramSize] " int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS; o_size = SIZE_2GB; do { TargetHandle_t mbaTrgt = i_mbaChip->GetChipHandle(); CenMbaDataBundle * mbadb = getMbaDataBundle( i_mbaChip ); ExtensibleChip * membufChip = mbadb->getMembChip(); if ( NULL == membufChip ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"getMembChip() failed: MBA=0x%08x", getHuid(mbaTrgt) ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } uint32_t pos = getTargetPosition(mbaTrgt); const char * reg_str = (0 == pos) ? "MBA0_MBAXCR" : "MBA1_MBAXCR"; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * reg = membufChip->getRegister( reg_str ); o_rc = reg->Read(); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Read() failed on %s. Target=0x%08x", reg_str, getHuid(mbaTrgt) ); break; } o_size = reg->GetBitFieldJustified( 6, 2 ); } while(0); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } int32_t chnlCsCleanup( ExtensibleChip *i_mbChip, STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT & i_sc ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemUtils::chnlCsCleanup] " int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS; do { if( ( NULL == i_mbChip ) || ( TYPE_MEMBUF != getTargetType( i_mbChip->GetChipHandle() ))) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Invalid parameters" ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } if (( ! i_sc.service_data->IsUnitCS() ) || (CHECK_STOP == i_sc.service_data->GetAttentionType()) ) break; // Set it as SUE generation point. i_sc.service_data->SetFlag( ServiceDataCollector::UERE ); CenMembufDataBundle * mbdb = getMembufDataBundle(i_mbChip); ExtensibleChip * mcsChip = mbdb->getMcsChip(); if ( NULL == mcsChip ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"MCS chip is NULL for Membuf:0x%08X", i_mbChip->GetId() ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } TargetHandle_t mcs = mcsChip->GetChipHandle(); ExtensibleChip * procChip = NULL; uint8_t pos = getTargetPosition( mcs ); TargetHandle_t proc = getParentChip ( mcs ); if ( NULL == proc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Proc is NULL for Mcs:0x%08X", getHuid( mcs ) ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } procChip = (ExtensibleChip *)systemPtr->GetChip( proc ); if( NULL == procChip ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Can not find Proc chip for HUID:0x%08X", getHuid( proc) ); o_rc = FAIL; break; } // This is a cleanup function. If we get any error from scom // operations, we will still continue with cleanup. SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_tpMask = procChip->getRegister("TP_CHIPLET_FIR_MASK"); o_rc |= l_tpMask->Read(); if ( SUCCESS == o_rc ) { // Bits 5-12 maps to attentions from MCS0-MCS7. l_tpMask->SetBit( 5 + pos ); o_rc |= l_tpMask->Write(); } // Mask attentions from the Centaur const char *iomcFirMask = ( pos < 4 )? "IOMCFIR_0_MASK_OR":"IOMCFIR_1_MASK_OR"; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * iomcMask = procChip->getRegister( iomcFirMask); if ( pos >= 4 ) pos -= 4; // 8 bits are reserved for each Centaur in IOMCFIR. // There are total 4 ( for P system ) centaur supported // in MCS. Bits for first centaur starts from bit 8. iomcMask->SetBitFieldJustified( 8+ ( pos*8 ), 8, 0xff); o_rc |= iomcMask->Write(); SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_tpfirmask = NULL; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_nestfirmask = NULL; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_memfirmask = NULL; SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_memspamask = NULL; l_tpfirmask = i_mbChip->getRegister("TP_CHIPLET_FIR_MASK"); l_nestfirmask = i_mbChip->getRegister("NEST_CHIPLET_FIR_MASK"); l_memfirmask = i_mbChip->getRegister("MEM_CHIPLET_FIR_MASK"); l_memspamask = i_mbChip->getRegister("MEM_CHIPLET_SPA_MASK"); l_tpfirmask->setAllBits(); o_rc |= l_tpfirmask->Write(); l_nestfirmask->setAllBits(); o_rc |= l_nestfirmask->Write(); l_memfirmask->setAllBits(); o_rc |= l_memfirmask->Write(); l_memspamask->setAllBits(); o_rc |= l_memspamask->Write(); for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_MBA_PER_MEMBUF; i++ ) { ExtensibleChip * mbaChip = mbdb->getMbaChip( i ); if( NULL != mbaChip ) { TargetHandle_t mba = mbaChip->GetChipHandle(); if ( NULL != mba ) { #ifdef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE // This is very small platform specific code. So not // creating a separate file for this. int32_t l_rc = mdiaSendEventMsg( mba, MDIA::SKIP_MBA ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"mdiaSendEventMsg(0x%08x, SKIP_MBA) " "failed", getHuid( mba ) ); o_rc |= l_rc; } #else int32_t l_rc = DEALLOC::mbaGard( mbaChip ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"mbaGard failed. HUID: 0x%08x", getHuid( mba ) ); o_rc |= l_rc; } #endif // __HOSTBOOT_MODULE } } } }while(0); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int32_t getRawCardType( TargetHandle_t i_mba, WiringType & o_type ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemUtils::getRawCardType] " int32_t o_rc = FAIL; o_type = WIRING_INVALID; uint32_t mbaPos = getTargetPosition( i_mba ); const char * reg_str = ( 0 == mbaPos )? "MBA0_MBAXCR" :"MBA1_MBAXCR"; do { if( TYPE_MBA != getTargetType( i_mba ) ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Invalid Target type 0x%08x ", getTargetType( i_mba ) ); break; } SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * addTransReg = NULL; TargetHandle_t memBufTgt = getParentChip( i_mba ); ExtensibleChip * memBuf = ( ExtensibleChip * ) systemPtr->GetChip( memBufTgt ); addTransReg = memBuf->getRegister( reg_str ); if( SUCCESS != addTransReg->Read() ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC" Read failed: for %s , HUID: 0x%08x ", reg_str, getHuid( i_mba ) ); break; } // card is of type RCA/RCB/RCD. Need to investigate card subtype. if( 1 == addTransReg->GetBitFieldJustified( 0, 4 ) ) { uint32_t l_cardSubType = addTransReg->GetBitFieldJustified( 4, 2 ); switch( l_cardSubType ) { case 0x00: // card type RCA o_type = CEN_TYPE_A; break; case 0x01: // card type RCB o_type = CEN_TYPE_B; break; case 0x03: // card type RCD o_type = CEN_TYPE_D; break; default: PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC" Invalid card sub type 0x%08x ", l_cardSubType ); break; } } if( WIRING_INVALID == o_type ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Invalid card type HUID: 0x%08x, card type " "%d", getHuid( i_mba ), (uint8_t ) addTransReg->GetBitFieldJustified( 0, 4 ) ); break; } o_rc = SUCCESS; // only if we found valid card type and sub type }while(0); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC } } // end namespace MemUtils } // end namespace PRDF