/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/plat/pegasus/prdfCalloutUtil.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** @file prdfCalloutUtil.C */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TARGETING; namespace PRDF { using namespace PlatServices; namespace CalloutUtil { void defaultError( STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT & i_sc ) { i_sc.service_data->SetCallout( NextLevelSupport_ENUM ); i_sc.service_data->SetCallout( SP_CODE ); i_sc.service_data->SetServiceCall(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void calloutMark( TargetHandle_t i_mba, const CenRank & i_rank, const CenMark & i_mark, STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT & io_sc, PRDpriority i_priority ) { if ( i_mark.getCM().isValid() ) { MemoryMru memmru ( i_mba, i_rank, i_mark.getCM() ); io_sc.service_data->SetCallout( memmru, i_priority ); } if ( i_mark.getSM().isValid() ) { MemoryMru memmru ( i_mba, i_rank, i_mark.getSM() ); io_sc.service_data->SetCallout( memmru, i_priority ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TargetHandleList getConnectedDimms( TargetHandle_t i_mba, const CenRank & i_rank ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[CalloutUtil::getConnectedDimms] " TargetHandleList o_list; if ( TYPE_MBA != getTargetType(i_mba) ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"Invalid target type: HUID=0x%08x", getHuid(i_mba) ); } else { TargetHandleList dimmList = getConnected( i_mba, TYPE_DIMM ); for ( TargetHandleList::iterator dimmIt = dimmList.begin(); dimmIt != dimmList.end(); dimmIt++) { uint8_t dimmSlct; int32_t l_rc = getMbaDimm( *dimmIt, dimmSlct ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"getMbaDimm(0x%08x) failed", getHuid(*dimmIt) ); continue; } if ( dimmSlct == i_rank.getDimmSlct() ) { o_list.push_back( *dimmIt ); } } } return o_list; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TargetHandleList getConnectedDimms( TargetHandle_t i_mba ) { TargetHandleList o_list; if ( TYPE_MBA != getTargetType(i_mba) ) { PRDF_ERR( "[CalloutUtil::getConnectedDimms] Invalid target type: " "HUID=0x%08x", getHuid(i_mba) ); } else o_list = getConnected( i_mba, TYPE_DIMM ); return o_list; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TargetHandleList getConnectedDimms( TargetHandle_t i_mba, const CenRank & i_rank, uint8_t i_port ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[CalloutUtil::getConnectedDimms] " TargetHandleList o_list; TargetHandleList dimmList = getConnectedDimms( i_mba, i_rank ); for ( TargetHandleList::iterator dimmIt = dimmList.begin(); dimmIt != dimmList.end(); dimmIt++) { uint8_t portSlct; int32_t l_rc = getMbaPort( *dimmIt, portSlct ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"getMbaPort(0x%08x) failed", getHuid(*dimmIt) ); continue; } if ( portSlct == i_port ) { o_list.push_back( *dimmIt ); } } return o_list; #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TargetHandleList getConnectedDimms( TargetHandle_t i_mba, uint8_t i_port ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[CalloutUtil::getConnectedDimms] " TargetHandleList o_list; TargetHandleList dimmList = getConnectedDimms( i_mba ); for ( TargetHandleList::iterator dimmIt = dimmList.begin(); dimmIt != dimmList.end(); dimmIt++) { uint8_t portSlct; int32_t l_rc = getMbaPort( *dimmIt, portSlct ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"getMbaPort(0x%08x) failed", getHuid(*dimmIt) ); continue; } if ( portSlct == i_port ) { o_list.push_back( *dimmIt ); } } return o_list; #undef PRDF_FUNC } } // end namespace CalloutUtil } // end namespace PRDF