/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/service/prdfServiceDataCollector.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2019 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** @file prdfServiceDataCollector.C @brief ServiceDataCollector definition */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Includes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // for memcpy #define prdfServiceDataCollector_C #include #include #include #undef prdfServiceDataCollector_C using namespace TARGETING; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // User Types, Constants, macros, prototypes, globals //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Member Function Specifications //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace PRDF { std::list ServiceDataCollector::cv_ruleChipStack; #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE inline void buffer_append(uint8_t *&ptr, uint32_t value) { uint32_t l_tmp32 = htonl(value); memcpy(ptr, &l_tmp32, sizeof(uint32_t)); ptr += sizeof(uint32_t); } inline void buffer_append(uint8_t *&ptr, uint16_t value) { uint16_t l_tmp16 = htons(value); memcpy(ptr, &l_tmp16, sizeof(uint16_t)); ptr += sizeof(uint16_t); } inline void buffer_append(uint8_t *&ptr, uint8_t value) { memcpy(ptr, &value, sizeof(value)); ptr += sizeof(uint8_t); } inline uint32_t buffer_get32(const uint8_t * &ptr) { uint32_t l_tmp32 = 0; memcpy(&l_tmp32, ptr, sizeof(uint32_t)); ptr += sizeof(uint32_t); return ntohl(l_tmp32); } inline uint16_t buffer_get16(const uint8_t * &ptr) { uint16_t l_tmp16 = 0; memcpy(&l_tmp16, ptr, sizeof(uint16_t)); ptr += sizeof(uint16_t); return ntohs(l_tmp16); } inline uint8_t buffer_get8(const uint8_t * &ptr) { uint8_t l_tmp8 = 0; memcpy(&l_tmp8, ptr, sizeof(uint8_t)); ptr += sizeof(uint8_t); return l_tmp8; } inline void buffer_append( uint8_t *&ptr, const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pGivenHandle ) { HUID l_targetHuid = PlatServices::getHuid( i_pGivenHandle ); l_targetHuid = htonl( l_targetHuid ); uint32_t l_size = sizeof( l_targetHuid ); memcpy( ptr, &l_targetHuid, l_size ); ptr += l_size; } inline TARGETING::TargetHandle_t buffer_getTarget( const uint8_t *&ptr ) { HUID l_chipHuid = INVALID_HUID; uint32_t l_size = sizeof( l_chipHuid ); memcpy( &l_chipHuid, ptr, l_size ); l_chipHuid = ntohl( l_chipHuid ); TARGETING::TargetHandle_t l_tempChipHandle = PlatServices::getTarget( l_chipHuid ); ptr += l_size; return l_tempChipHandle; } #endif // ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ServiceDataCollector::SetCallout( PRDcallout mru, PRDpriority priority, GARD_POLICY i_gardState ) { bool found = false; if ( PRDcalloutData::TYPE_TARGET == mru.getType() ) { // Ensuring target is not NULL if ( NULL == mru.getTarget() ) { PRDF_ERR( "[ServiceDataCollector::SetCallout] " "skipping NULL callout" ); return; } } for ( SDC_MRU_LIST::iterator i = xMruList.begin(); i != xMruList.end() && found == false; ++i ) { if ( i->callout == mru ) { found = true; if ( priority > i->priority ) { i->priority = priority; } if( i_gardState > i->gardState ) { i->gardState = i_gardState; } } } if ( found == false ) { xMruList.push_back( SdcCallout(mru, priority, i_gardState) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ServiceDataCollector::clearMruListGard() { for ( SDC_MRU_LIST::iterator i = xMruList.begin(); i != xMruList.end(); ++i ) { i->gardState = NO_GARD; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ServiceDataCollector::clearNvdimmMruListGard() { #define PRDF_FUNC "[ServiceDataCollector::clearNvdimmMruListGard] " #ifdef CONFIG_NVDIMM #ifdef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE // Loop through the MRU list. for ( auto & mru : xMruList ) { PRDcallout callout = mru.callout; PRDcalloutData::MruType mruType = callout.getType(); if ( mruType == PRDcalloutData::TYPE_TARGET ) { TargetHandle_t trgt = callout.getTarget(); // If the callout target is an NVDIMM send a message to // PHYP/Hostboot that a save/restore may work, and if we are at // IPL, clear Gard on the NVDIMM. if ( TYPE_DIMM == PlatServices::getTargetType(trgt) && isNVDIMM(trgt) ) { // Send the message to PHYP/Hostboot uint32_t l_rc = PlatServices::nvdimmNotifyProtChange( trgt, NVDIMM::NVDIMM_RISKY_HW_ERROR ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_TRAC( PRDF_FUNC "nvdimmNotifyProtChange(0x%08x) " "failed.", PlatServices::getHuid(trgt) ); continue; } #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_RUNTIME // IPL, clear Gard mru.gardState = NO_GARD; #endif } } else if ( mruType == PRDcalloutData::TYPE_MEMMRU ) { MemoryMru memMru( callout.flatten() ); TargetHandleList dimmList = memMru.getCalloutList(); for ( auto & dimm : dimmList ) { // If the callout target is an NVDIMM send a message to // PHYP/Hostboot that a save/restore may work, and if we are at // IPL, clear Gard on the NVDIMM. if ( TYPE_DIMM == PlatServices::getTargetType(dimm) && isNVDIMM(dimm) ) { // Send the message to PHYP/Hostboot uint32_t l_rc = PlatServices::nvdimmNotifyProtChange( dimm, NVDIMM::NVDIMM_RISKY_HW_ERROR ); if ( SUCCESS != l_rc ) { PRDF_TRAC( PRDF_FUNC "nvdimmNotifyProtChange(0x%08x) " "failed.", PlatServices::getHuid(dimm) ); continue; } #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_RUNTIME // IPL, clear Gard mru.gardState = NO_GARD; #endif } } } } #endif // __HOSTBOOT_MODULE #endif // CONFIG_NVDIMM #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ServiceDataCollector::isGardRequested() { bool gardRecordExit = false; for ( SDC_MRU_LIST::iterator i = xMruList.begin(); i != xMruList.end(); ++i ) { if( GARD == i->gardState ) { gardRecordExit = true; break; } } return gardRecordExit; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ServiceDataCollector::AddSignatureList( TargetHandle_t i_target, uint32_t i_signature ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[ServiceDataCollector::AddSignatureList] " do { if ( NULL == i_target ) { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Given target is NULL" ); break; } bool found = false; for ( PRDF_SIGNATURES::iterator i = iv_SignatureList.begin(); i != iv_SignatureList.end(); i++ ) { if ( (i->target == i_target) && (i->signature == i_signature) ) { found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { iv_SignatureList.push_back( SignatureList(i_target, i_signature) ); } } while (0); #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ServiceDataCollector::AddSignatureList( ErrorSignature & i_sig ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[ServiceDataCollector::AddSignatureList] " TARGETING::TargetHandle_t tgt = PlatServices::getTarget( i_sig.getChipId()); if ( NULL != tgt ) { AddSignatureList( tgt, i_sig.getSigId() ); } else { PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Failed to get target Handle for " "chip:0x%08X", i_sig.getChipId() ); } #undef PRDF_FUNC } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TARGETING::TargetHandle_t ServiceDataCollector::getTargetAnalyzed( ) { ExtensibleChip * l_pChipAnalyzed = getChipAnalyzed(); TARGETING::TargetHandle_t l_pTargetAnalyzed = NULL; if( NULL != l_pChipAnalyzed ) { l_pTargetAnalyzed = l_pChipAnalyzed->GetChipHandle( ); } return l_pTargetAnalyzed ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE uint32_t ServiceDataCollector::Flatten(uint8_t * i_buffer, uint32_t & io_size) const { uint32_t max_size = io_size; uint32_t rc = SUCCESS; //getting the actual size of SignatureList that gets saved in memory. uint32_t l_sizeSignList = iv_SignatureList.size() * sizeof(SignatureList); uint32_t l_sizeMruList = xMruList.size() * sizeof(SdcCallout); // approximate space needed for essentials. // This estimate is slightly higher than actual const uint32_t MIN_FLAT_SIZE = sizeof(ServiceDataCollector) + sizeof(struct Timer::prdftm_t) + l_sizeMruList + l_sizeSignList; uint8_t * current_ptr = i_buffer; if(max_size > MIN_FLAT_SIZE) { // must have this uint32_t l_huid = error_signature.getChipId(); buffer_append(current_ptr,l_huid); buffer_append(current_ptr,error_signature.getSigId()); // callouts buffer_append(current_ptr,xMruList.size()); for ( SDC_MRU_LIST::const_iterator i = xMruList.begin(); i != xMruList.end(); ++i ) { buffer_append( current_ptr, (uint32_t)i->callout.getType() ); buffer_append( current_ptr, i->callout.flatten() ); buffer_append( current_ptr, (uint32_t)i->priority ); buffer_append( current_ptr, (uint32_t)i->gardState ); } buffer_append(current_ptr, iv_SignatureList.size()); for(PRDF_SIGNATURES::const_iterator i = iv_SignatureList.begin(); i != iv_SignatureList.end(); ++i) { buffer_append( current_ptr, i->target ); buffer_append( current_ptr, i->signature ); } buffer_append(current_ptr,maskId); buffer_append(current_ptr,(uint32_t)attentionType); buffer_append(current_ptr,flags); buffer_append(current_ptr,hitCount); buffer_append(current_ptr,threshold); buffer_append(current_ptr,startingPoint); uint32_t unused = 0; // GARD type no longer used buffer_append(current_ptr, unused); //@ecdf - Removed ivDumpRequestType. buffer_append(current_ptr,ivDumpRequestContent); buffer_append(current_ptr,ivpDumpRequestChipHandle); Timer::prdftm_t l_tm = ivCurrentEventTime.gettm(); const uint32_t PRDFTM_SIZE = sizeof(struct Timer::prdftm_t); memcpy(current_ptr,&l_tm,PRDFTM_SIZE); current_ptr += PRDFTM_SIZE; buffer_append(current_ptr,(uint32_t)causeAttentionType); // Add as much capture data as we have room. uint32_t cap_size = 0; uint8_t * cap_size_ptr = current_ptr; // Place for Capture data size current_ptr += sizeof(cap_size); cap_size = captureData.Copy( current_ptr,max_size - (current_ptr - i_buffer)); current_ptr += cap_size; buffer_append(cap_size_ptr,cap_size); // Add as much TraceArray capture data as we have room. cap_size_ptr = current_ptr; // Place for Capture data size current_ptr += sizeof(cap_size); cap_size = iv_traceArrayData.Copy( current_ptr,max_size - (current_ptr - i_buffer)); current_ptr += cap_size; buffer_append(cap_size_ptr,cap_size); } else // buffer is not big enough to capture the essentials { rc = 2; } io_size = current_ptr - i_buffer; return rc; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ServiceDataCollector & ServiceDataCollector::operator=( const uint8_t * i_flatdata ) { using namespace PRDcalloutData; error_signature.setChipId( buffer_get32(i_flatdata) ); error_signature.setSigId( buffer_get32(i_flatdata) ); ClearCallouts(); uint32_t value = buffer_get32(i_flatdata); // number of callouts for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < value; ++i ) { MruType mt = (MruType) buffer_get32(i_flatdata); uint32_t mru = buffer_get32(i_flatdata); PRDpriority priority = (PRDpriority) buffer_get32(i_flatdata); GARD_POLICY gardState = (GARD_POLICY) buffer_get32(i_flatdata); PRDcallout callout( mru, mt ); xMruList.push_back( SdcCallout(callout, priority, gardState) ); } ClearSignatureList(); value = buffer_get32(i_flatdata); // number of signatures for(uint32_t i = 0; i < value; ++i) { TARGETING::TargetHandle_t l_pChipHandle = buffer_getTarget(i_flatdata); uint32_t l_signature = (uint32_t) buffer_get32(i_flatdata); if(NULL !=l_pChipHandle) { SignatureList l_item(l_pChipHandle, l_signature); iv_SignatureList.push_back(l_item); } } maskId = buffer_get32(i_flatdata); attentionType = (ATTENTION_TYPE)buffer_get32(i_flatdata); flags = buffer_get32(i_flatdata); //mp02 c from buffer_get16 hitCount = buffer_get8(i_flatdata); threshold = buffer_get8(i_flatdata); startingPoint = buffer_getTarget(i_flatdata); buffer_get32(i_flatdata); // GARD type was removed. ivDumpRequestContent = (hwTableContent) buffer_get32(i_flatdata); //@ecdf ivpDumpRequestChipHandle = buffer_getTarget(i_flatdata); Timer::prdftm_t l_tm; const uint32_t PRDFTM_SIZE = sizeof(struct Timer::prdftm_t); memcpy(&l_tm,i_flatdata,PRDFTM_SIZE); i_flatdata += PRDFTM_SIZE; ivCurrentEventTime.settm(l_tm); causeAttentionType = (ATTENTION_TYPE) buffer_get32(i_flatdata); // Capture data - oh joy // do we re-expand the data or change capture date // to hang onto the already flattened data? // lets give it back to the capture data object and let it decide. captureData = i_flatdata; // CaptureData::operator= will take care of unflattening the data iv_traceArrayData = i_flatdata; return *this; } #endif // #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE } // end namespace PRDF