/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/rule/prdrRegister.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2012 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __PRDRREGISTER_H #define __PRDRREGISTER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // define needed to enable x86 rule parser code only #define __PRD_RULE_COMPILE #include #include #ifdef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE #include # define htonll(x) htobe64(x) #else #include #endif namespace PRDR_COMPILER { extern Prdr::HashCollisionMap g_regsHashCollision; extern bool g_hadError; struct ResetOrMaskStruct { uint8_t type; uint64_t addr_r; uint64_t addr_w; void output(FILE * l_file) { fwrite(&type, 1, 1, l_file); uint64_t l_tmp64; l_tmp64 = htonll(addr_r); fwrite(&l_tmp64, sizeof (l_tmp64), 1, l_file); l_tmp64 = htonll(addr_w); fwrite(&l_tmp64, sizeof (l_tmp64), 1, l_file); } }; struct CaptureReqStruct { uint8_t type; uint32_t data[2]; std::string str; enum { PRDR_CAPTURE_GROUPID = 'G', PRDR_CAPTURE_CONN = 'C', PRDR_CAPTURE_FUNC = 'f', PRDR_CAPTURE_TYPE = 'T', // Added this for storing a register's type in the capture struct. }; void output(FILE * l_file) { fwrite(&type, 1, 1, l_file); uint32_t l_tmp32; int loopMax = 0; switch (type) { case PRDR_CAPTURE_GROUPID: case PRDR_CAPTURE_TYPE: loopMax = 1; break; case PRDR_CAPTURE_CONN: loopMax = 2; break; case PRDR_CAPTURE_FUNC: loopMax = 0; break; } for (int i = 0; i < loopMax; i++) { l_tmp32 = htonl(data[i]); fwrite(&l_tmp32, 4, 1, l_file); } if (type == PRDR_CAPTURE_FUNC) { if ('"' == (str)[0]) str = str.substr(1, str.size() - 2); fwrite(str.c_str(), str.size() + 1, 1, l_file); } }; }; class Register { public: std::string * cv_sname; std::string * cv_name; uint32_t cv_flags; uint64_t cv_scomaddr; uint16_t cv_scomlen; std::string cv_name_default; std::list cv_resets; std::list cv_masks; std::list cv_captures; Register() : cv_sname(NULL), cv_name(&cv_name_default), cv_flags(0), cv_scomaddr(0), cv_scomlen(0), cv_resets(0), cv_masks(0), cv_captures(0) {}; static void merge(Register * i_l, Register * i_r) { if (NULL != i_r->cv_sname) i_l->cv_sname = i_r->cv_sname; if (&i_r->cv_name_default != i_r->cv_name) i_l->cv_name = i_r->cv_name; if (0 != i_r->cv_flags) i_l->cv_flags = i_r->cv_flags; if (0 != i_r->cv_scomaddr) i_l->cv_scomaddr = i_r->cv_scomaddr; if (0 != i_r->cv_scomlen) i_l->cv_scomlen = i_r->cv_scomlen; if (0 != i_r->cv_resets.size()) { std::copy( i_r->cv_resets.begin(), i_r->cv_resets.end(), std::back_inserter(i_l->cv_resets) ); } if (0 != i_r->cv_masks.size()) { std::copy( i_r->cv_masks.begin(), i_r->cv_masks.end(), std::back_inserter(i_l->cv_masks) ); } if (0 != i_r->cv_captures.size()) { std::copy( i_r->cv_captures.begin(), i_r->cv_captures.end(), std::back_inserter(i_l->cv_captures) ); } }; void print() { using std::cout; using std::endl; cout << "Register " << *cv_sname << ":" << endl; cout << "\tLong Name: " << *cv_name << endl; cout << "\tScom Addr: " << cv_scomaddr << endl; cout << "\tScom Len: " << cv_scomlen << endl; }; int output( FILE * l_file, uint16_t i_sigOff ) { // Check for hash collisions uint16_t hash = PRDF::Util::hashString( cv_sname->c_str() ) ^ i_sigOff; Prdr::HashCollisionMap::iterator i = g_regsHashCollision.find(hash); if ( g_regsHashCollision.end() != i ) { g_hadError = true; // Compile error std::cerr << "Register hash collision '" << *cv_sname << "' " << std::hex << "[0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << hash << "]"; if ( 0 != cv_sname->compare(i->second) ) { std::cerr << ": previous register was '" << i->second << "'"; } std::cerr << std::endl; } g_regsHashCollision[hash] = (*cv_sname); // Setup flags if (0 != cv_resets.size()) cv_flags |= Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_RESETS; if (0 != cv_masks.size()) cv_flags |= Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_MASKS; if (0 != cv_captures.size()) cv_flags |= Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_CAPTURE; // output data uint32_t l_temp; uint16_t l_temp16; l_temp16 = htons(PRDF::Util::hashString( cv_sname->c_str() )); fwrite(&l_temp16, sizeof(l_temp16), 1, l_file); l_temp = htonl(cv_flags); fwrite(&l_temp, sizeof(l_temp), 1, l_file); uint64_t l_temp64 = htonll(cv_scomaddr); fwrite(&l_temp64, sizeof(l_temp64), 1, l_file); if (cv_flags & Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_SCOMLEN) { l_temp16 = htons(cv_scomlen); fwrite(&l_temp16, sizeof(l_temp16), 1, l_file); } if (cv_flags & Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_RESETS) { l_temp16 = htons(cv_resets.size()); fwrite(&l_temp16, sizeof(l_temp16), 1, l_file); std::for_each( cv_resets.begin(), cv_resets.end(), std::bind2nd( std::mem_fun_ref(&ResetOrMaskStruct::output), l_file) ); } if (cv_flags & Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_MASKS) { l_temp16 = htons(cv_masks.size()); fwrite(&l_temp16, sizeof(l_temp16), 1, l_file); std::for_each( cv_masks.begin(), cv_masks.end(), std::bind2nd( std::mem_fun_ref(&ResetOrMaskStruct::output), l_file) ); } if (cv_flags & Prdr::PRDR_REGISTER_CAPTURE) { l_temp16 = htons(cv_captures.size()); fwrite(&l_temp16, sizeof(l_temp16), 1, l_file); std::for_each( cv_captures.begin(), cv_captures.end(), std::bind2nd( std::mem_fun_ref(&CaptureReqStruct::output), l_file) ); } return 0; }; void outputRegisterFile(std::ostream & o_file, uint16_t i_sigOff) { uint16_t hash = PRDF::Util::hashString( cv_sname->c_str() ) ^ i_sigOff; o_file << "\tPRDR_REGISTER_ID ( " << std::hex << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << hash << ", " << *cv_sname << ", " << *cv_name << ", " << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(16) << cv_scomaddr << "ULL )" << std::endl; }; }; typedef std::list RegisterList; } // end namespace PRDR_COMPILER #endif