/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/mdia/mdiasm.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __MDIA_MDIASM_H #define __MDIA_MDIASM_H /** * @file mdiasm.H * @brief mdia state machine definition */ #include #include #include #include "sys/sync.h" #include "mdiafwd.H" namespace MDIA { /** * @brief work flow phases */ enum WorkFlowPhase { START_PATTERN_0 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_0, START_PATTERN_1 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_1, START_PATTERN_2 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_2, START_PATTERN_3 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_3, START_PATTERN_4 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_4, START_PATTERN_5 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_5, START_PATTERN_6 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_6, START_PATTERN_7 = mss_MaintCmd::PATTERN_7, START_RANDOM_PATTERN, DUMMY_SYNC_PHASE, DUMMY_ASYNC_PHASE, RESTORE_DRAM_REPAIRS, START_SCRUB, CLEAR_HW_CHANGED_STATE, ANALYZE_IPL_MNFG_CE_STATS, }; /** * @brief memory diagnostics step state machine */ class StateMachine { public: /** * @brief running State machine in progress indicator. * * @param[out] o_running In progress indicator. */ void running(bool & o_running); /** * @brief used by Maint cmd monitor to notify that * maint cmd timed out - called in monitor thread context * * @param[in] i_monitorIDs Vector of monitorIDs */ virtual void processCommandTimeout( const MonitorIDs & i_monitorIDs); /** * @brief run the state machine to completion * * @param[in] i_list array of target / workFlow associations * * @retval 0 no errors * @retval !0 error occurred */ errlHndl_t run(const WorkFlowAssocMap & i_list); /** * @brief shutdown state machine */ void shutdown(); /** * @brief processMaintCommandEvent process maint command event from prd * * @param[in] i_event the event to be processed * * @retval true a work item was dispatched * @retval false a work item was not dispatched */ bool processMaintCommandEvent(const MaintCommandEvent & i_event); /** * @brief ctor */ StateMachine(); /** * @brief dtor */ virtual ~StateMachine(); protected: /** * @brief serialization mutex */ mutex_t iv_mutex; /** * @brief command monitor */ CommandMonitor * iv_monitor; private: /** * @brief aliases */ typedef std::vector WorkFlowPropertiesList; typedef std::vector::iterator WorkFlowPropertiesIterator; /** * @brief setup load the workflow properties for the provided * target / workflow association(s) * * @param[in] i_list target / workflow association(s) for which * to load the workflow properties */ void setup(const WorkFlowAssocMap & i_list); /** * @brief start start the machine thread pool and start * dispatching work items */ void start(); /** * @brief wait wait for a started state machine to run to * completion */ void wait(); /** * @brief reset internal state */ void reset(); /** * @brief workItemIsAsync test the workflow properties * for an async work item * * @param[in] i_wfp the workflow properties to test for async * * @retval false work item is synch * @retval true work item is async */ static bool workItemIsAsync(WorkFlowProperties & i_wfp); /** * @brief allWorkFlowsComplete check to see if all workflows are * finished * * @retval true all work flows are finished * @retval false all work flows are not finished */ bool allWorkFlowsComplete(); /** * @brief scheduleWorkItem * * @param[in] i_wfp the target for which a work item should be scheduled * * @retval true work item was dispatched * @retval false work item was not dispatched */ bool scheduleWorkItem(WorkFlowProperties & i_wfp); /** * @brief doMaintCommand maint command work item handler * * determine the correct command and issue it * * @param[in] i_wfp the target for which a command should be issued */ virtual errlHndl_t doMaintCommand(WorkFlowProperties & i_wfp); /** * @brief executeWorkItem work item entry point for * pool threads * * @param[in] i_wfp the work item to be executed * * @retval true next work item was dispatched * @retval false next work item was not dispatched */ bool executeWorkItem(WorkFlowProperties * i_wfp); /** * @brief create and start command monitor if not * done already * * @retval command monitor reference */ CommandMonitor & getMonitor(); /** * @brief workFlow properties */ WorkFlowPropertiesList iv_workFlowProperties; /** * @brief overall status condition */ bool iv_done; /** * @brief shutdown indicator */ bool iv_shutdown; /** * @brief thread pool */ Util::ThreadPool * iv_tp; /** * @brief completion condition */ sync_cond_t iv_cond; /** * @brief copy disabled */ StateMachine(const StateMachine &); /** * @brief assignment disabled */ StateMachine & operator=(const StateMachine &); /** * @brief provide internal access to unit test */ friend class ::MdiaSmTest; /** * @brief provide internal access to WorkItem */ friend class WorkItem; }; } #endif