/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/lib/sprintf.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include #include #include #include namespace Util { struct format_options { enum { ALT_FORM = 0x1, ZERO_PAD = 0x2, LEFT_ALIGN = 0x4, EMPTY_SIGN = 0x8, PLUS_SIGN = 0x10 }; int flags; size_t field_width; size_t precision; enum lengths { LEN_INT, LEN_CHAR, LEN_SHORT, LEN_LONG, LEN_LONGLONG, LEN_SIZET, LEN_PTRDIFF, }; lengths length; bool upper; enum types { TYPE_PERCENT, TYPE_SIGNED_DECIMAL, TYPE_DECIMAL, TYPE_OCTAL, TYPE_HEX, TYPE_BINARY, TYPE_CHAR, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_PTR, }; types type; }; void parse_format_options(format_options& opt, const char*& fmt) { opt = format_options(); ++fmt; // increment past first %. if (('\0' == *fmt) || ('%' == *fmt)) { opt.type = opt.TYPE_PERCENT; return; } // Look for 'flag' type options. bool should_continue = true; while(should_continue) { switch(*fmt) { case '#': opt.flags |= opt.ALT_FORM; ++fmt; break; case '0': opt.flags |= opt.ZERO_PAD; ++fmt; break; case '-': opt.flags |= opt.LEFT_ALIGN; ++fmt; break; case ' ': opt.flags |= opt.EMPTY_SIGN; ++fmt; break; case '+': opt.flags |= opt.PLUS_SIGN; ++fmt; break; default: should_continue = false; break; } } // Look for field width options. should_continue = true; while (should_continue) { if(isdigit(*fmt)) { opt.field_width *= 10; opt.field_width += (*fmt) - '0'; ++fmt; } else { should_continue = false; } } // Look for precision options. if ('.' == *fmt) { ++fmt; should_continue = true; while (should_continue) { if(isdigit(*fmt)) { opt.precision *= 10; opt.precision += (*fmt) - '0'; ++fmt; } else { should_continue = false; } } } // Look for length modifiers. should_continue = true; while (should_continue) { switch (*fmt) { case 'h': if ((opt.length == opt.LEN_SHORT) || (opt.length == opt.LEN_CHAR)) { opt.length = opt.LEN_CHAR; } else { opt.length = opt.LEN_SHORT; } ++fmt; break; case 'l': if ((opt.length == opt.LEN_LONG) || (opt.length == opt.LEN_LONGLONG)) { opt.length = opt.LEN_LONGLONG; } else { opt.length = opt.LEN_LONG; } ++fmt; break; case 'z': opt.length = opt.LEN_SIZET; ++fmt; break; case 't': opt.length = opt.LEN_PTRDIFF; ++fmt; break; default: should_continue = false; break; } } // Look for the type specifier switch (*fmt) { case 'd': case 'i': opt.type = opt.TYPE_SIGNED_DECIMAL; break; case 'o': opt.type = opt.TYPE_OCTAL; break; case 'u': opt.type = opt.TYPE_DECIMAL; break; case 'x': opt.type = opt.TYPE_HEX; break; case 'X': opt.type = opt.TYPE_HEX; opt.upper = true; break; case 'b': opt.type = opt.TYPE_BINARY; break; case 'B': opt.type = opt.TYPE_BINARY; opt.upper = true; break; case 'c': opt.type = opt.TYPE_CHAR; break; case 's': opt.type = opt.TYPE_STRING; break; case 'p': opt.type = opt.TYPE_PTR; break; default: opt.type = opt.TYPE_PERCENT; } if ('\0' != *fmt) { ++fmt; } } size_t display_pre_header(ConsoleBufferInterface& func, const format_options& f, size_t size) { size_t count = 0; if (!(f.flags & format_options::LEFT_ALIGN) && f.field_width) { for (size_t i = size; i < f.field_width; i++) { func(' '); ++count; } } return count; } size_t display_post_header(ConsoleBufferInterface& func, const format_options& f, size_t size) { size_t count = 0; if ((f.flags & format_options::LEFT_ALIGN) && f.field_width) { for (size_t i = size; i < f.field_width; i++) { func(' '); ++count; } } return count; } size_t display_string(ConsoleBufferInterface& func, const format_options& f, const char* string) { size_t count = 0; size_t len = strlen(string); count += display_pre_header(func, f, len); for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { func(string[i]); ++count; } count += display_post_header(func, f, len); return count; } size_t display_number(ConsoleBufferInterface& func, const format_options& f, uint64_t number) { static const char* digits = "0123456789abcdef"; size_t count = 0; char output[64]; size_t len = 0; // Determine sign of number. char sign = '\0'; if (f.type == format_options::TYPE_SIGNED_DECIMAL) { if (0 > (int64_t) number) { sign = '-'; number = -1 * (int64_t) number; } else if (f.flags & format_options::PLUS_SIGN) { sign = '+'; } else if (f.flags & format_options::EMPTY_SIGN) { sign = ' '; } } // Determine base. uint64_t base = 0; switch (f.type) { case format_options::TYPE_BINARY: base = 2; break; case format_options::TYPE_OCTAL: base = 8; break; case format_options::TYPE_HEX: case format_options::TYPE_PTR: base = 16; break; case format_options::TYPE_SIGNED_DECIMAL: case format_options::TYPE_DECIMAL: default: base = 10; break; } // Determine alt-form header state. size_t special_len = 0; char special[2]; if ((f.flags & format_options::ALT_FORM) || (f.type == format_options::TYPE_PTR)) { switch (f.type) { case format_options::TYPE_BINARY: special[0] = '0'; special[1] = 'b'; special_len = 2; break; case format_options::TYPE_HEX: case format_options::TYPE_PTR: special[0] = '0'; special[1] = 'x'; special_len = 2; break; case format_options::TYPE_OCTAL: special[0] = '0'; special_len = 1; break; default: break; } } // Convert number to ascii. while(number) { output[len++] = digits[number % base]; number /= base; } if (len == 0) { output[len++] = digits[0]; } // Fix up zero pad. while(len < f.precision) { output[len++] = digits[0]; } // Output pre-header. size_t total_len = len + (sign == '\0' ? 0 : 1) + special_len; if (f.flags & format_options::ZERO_PAD) { while (total_len < f.field_width) { output[len++] = digits[0]; ++total_len; } } else { count += display_pre_header(func, f, total_len); } // Output sign, special. if (sign != '\0') { func(sign); ++count; } if (special_len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < special_len; i++) { func(f.upper ? toupper(special[i]) : special[i]); ++count; } } // Output number. for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { func(f.upper ? toupper(output[len - (i+1)]) : output[len - (i+1)]); ++count; } // Output post-header. if (!(f.flags & format_options::ZERO_PAD)) { count += display_post_header(func, f, total_len); } return count; } size_t vasprintf(ConsoleBufferInterface& func, const char* fmt, va_list& args) { int count = 0; while(*fmt) { if ('%' == *fmt) { format_options f; parse_format_options(f, fmt); switch(f.type) { case format_options::TYPE_PERCENT: func('%'); ++count; break; case format_options::TYPE_PTR: display_number(func, f, (uint64_t) va_arg(args, void*)); break; case format_options::TYPE_CHAR: count += display_pre_header(func, f, 1); func(va_arg(args,int)); ++count; count += display_post_header(func, f, 1); break; case format_options::TYPE_STRING: count += display_string(func, f, va_arg(args,const char*)); break; // All the number cases. default: { uint64_t number = 0; switch (f.length) { case format_options::LEN_INT: case format_options::LEN_CHAR: case format_options::LEN_SHORT: // All of these types are automatically // promoted to 'unsigned int' when passed // through va_arg lists. number = (uint64_t) va_arg(args, unsigned int); break; case format_options::LEN_LONG: case format_options::LEN_LONGLONG: // Hostboot doesn't use 'long long' but FSP // code tends to use %llx for uint64_t. number = (uint64_t) va_arg(args, unsigned long); break; case format_options::LEN_SIZET: number = (uint64_t) va_arg(args, size_t); break; case format_options::LEN_PTRDIFF: number = (uint64_t) va_arg(args, ptrdiff_t); break; } count += display_number(func, f, number); } } } else // Stand-alone character. { func(*fmt++); ++count; } } return count; } };