#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" void kernel_execute_decrementer() { cpu_t* c = CpuManager::getCurrentCPU(); Scheduler* s = c->scheduler; TimeManager::checkReleaseTasks(s); s->returnRunnable(); if (CpuManager::isShutdownRequested()) { KernelMisc::shutdown(); } s->setNextRunnable(); } namespace Systemcalls { typedef void(*syscall)(task_t*); void TaskYield(task_t*); void TaskStart(task_t*); void TaskEnd(task_t*); void TaskGettid(task_t*); void MsgQCreate(task_t*); void MsgQDestroy(task_t*); void MsgQRegisterRoot(task_t*); void MsgQResolveRoot(task_t*); void MsgSend(task_t*); void MsgSendRecv(task_t*); void MsgRespond(task_t*); void MsgWait(task_t*); void MmioMap(task_t*); void MmioUnmap(task_t*); void DevMap(task_t*); void DevUnmap(task_t*); void TimeNanosleep(task_t*); void FutexWait(task_t *t); void FutexWake(task_t *t); void Shutdown(task_t *t); void CpuCoreType(task_t *t); void CpuDDLevel(task_t *t); void MmAllocBlock(task_t *t); syscall syscalls[] = { &TaskYield, // TASK_YIELD &TaskStart, // TASK_START &TaskEnd, // TASK_END &MsgQCreate, // MSGQ_CREATE &MsgQDestroy, // MSGQ_DESTROY &MsgQRegisterRoot, // MSGQ_REGISTER_ROOT &MsgQResolveRoot, // MSGQ_RESOLVE_ROOT &MsgSend, // MSG_SEND &MsgSendRecv, // MSG_SENDRECV &MsgRespond, // MSG_RESPOND &MsgWait, // MSG_WAIT &MmioMap, // MMIO_MAP &MmioUnmap, // MMIO_UNMAP &DevMap, // DEV_MAP &DevUnmap, // DEV_UNMAP &TimeNanosleep, // TIME_NANOSLEEP &FutexWait, // FUTEX_WAIT &FutexWake, // FUTEX_WAKE &Shutdown, // MISC_SHUTDOWN &CpuCoreType, // MISC_CPUCORETYPE &CpuDDLevel, // MISC_CPUDDLEVEL &MmAllocBlock, // MM_ALLOC_BLOCK }; }; extern "C" void kernel_execute_system_call() { using namespace Systemcalls; task_t* t = TaskManager::getCurrentTask(); uint64_t syscall = t->context.gprs[3]; if (syscall > SYSCALL_MAX) { // TODO : kill task. printk("Invalid syscall : %ld\n", syscall); while(1); } else { syscalls[syscall](t); } } namespace Systemcalls { void TaskYield(task_t* t) { Scheduler* s = t->cpu->scheduler; s->returnRunnable(); s->setNextRunnable(); } void TaskStart(task_t* t) { task_t* newTask = TaskManager::createTask((TaskManager::task_fn_t)TASK_GETARG0(t), (void*)TASK_GETARG1(t)); newTask->cpu = t->cpu; t->cpu->scheduler->addTask(newTask); TASK_SETRTN(t, newTask->tid); } void TaskEnd(task_t* t) { // Make sure task pointers are updated before we delete this task. t->cpu->scheduler->setNextRunnable(); // TODO: Deal with join. // Clean up task memory. PageManager::freePage(t->context.stack_ptr, TASK_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE); delete t; } void MsgQCreate(task_t* t) { TASK_SETRTN(t, (uint64_t) new MessageQueue()); } void MsgQDestroy(task_t* t) { MessageQueue* mq = (MessageQueue*) TASK_GETARG0(t); if (NULL != mq) delete mq; TASK_SETRTN(t, 0); } static MessageQueue* msgQRoot = NULL; void MsgQRegisterRoot(task_t* t) { msgQRoot = (MessageQueue*) TASK_GETARG0(t); TASK_SETRTN(t, 0); } void MsgQResolveRoot(task_t* t) { TASK_SETRTN(t, (uint64_t) msgQRoot); } void MsgSend(task_t* t) { MessageQueue* mq = (MessageQueue*) TASK_GETARG0(t); msg_t* m = (msg_t*) TASK_GETARG1(t); m->__reserved__async = 0; // set to async msg. if (m->type >= MSG_FIRST_SYS_TYPE) { TASK_SETRTN(t, -EINVAL); return; } mq->lock.lock(); // Get waiting (server) task. task_t* waiter = mq->waiting.remove(); if (NULL == waiter) // None found, add to 'messages' queue. { MessagePending* mp = new MessagePending(); mp->key = m; mp->task = t; mq->messages.insert(mp); } else // Add waiter back to its scheduler. { TASK_SETRTN(waiter, (uint64_t) m); waiter->cpu->scheduler->addTask(waiter); } mq->lock.unlock(); TASK_SETRTN(t, 0); } void MsgSendRecv(task_t* t) { MessageQueue* mq = (MessageQueue*) TASK_GETARG0(t); msg_t* m = (msg_t*) TASK_GETARG1(t); m->__reserved__async = 1; // set to sync msg. if (m->type >= MSG_FIRST_SYS_TYPE) { TASK_SETRTN(t, -EINVAL); return; } // Create pending response object. MessagePending* mp = new MessagePending(); mp->key = m; mp->task = t; mq->lock.lock(); // Get waiting (server) task. task_t* waiter = mq->waiting.remove(); if (NULL == waiter) // None found, add to 'messages' queue. { mq->messages.insert(mp); // Choose next thread to execute, this one is delayed. t->cpu->scheduler->setNextRunnable(); } else // Context switch to waiter. { TASK_SETRTN(waiter, (uint64_t) m); mq->responses.insert(mp); waiter->cpu = t->cpu; TaskManager::setCurrentTask(waiter); } mq->lock.unlock(); } void MsgRespond(task_t* t) { MessageQueue* mq = (MessageQueue*) TASK_GETARG0(t); msg_t* m = (msg_t*) TASK_GETARG1(t); mq->lock.lock(); MessagePending* mp = mq->responses.find(m); if (NULL != mp) { task_t* waiter = mp->task; mq->responses.erase(mp); mq->lock.unlock(); delete mp; if (m->type >= MSG_FIRST_SYS_TYPE) { TASK_SETRTN(t, ((MessageHandler*)waiter)->recvMessage(m)); if (TaskManager::getCurrentTask() != t) { t->cpu->scheduler->addTask(t); } } else { waiter->cpu = t->cpu; TaskManager::setCurrentTask(waiter); TASK_SETRTN(waiter,0); TASK_SETRTN(t,0); t->cpu->scheduler->addTask(t); } } else { TASK_SETRTN(t, -1); mq->lock.unlock(); } } void MsgWait(task_t* t) { MessageQueue* mq = (MessageQueue*) TASK_GETARG0(t); mq->lock.lock(); MessagePending* mp = mq->messages.remove(); if (NULL == mp) { mq->waiting.insert(t); t->cpu->scheduler->setNextRunnable(); } else { msg_t* m = mp->key; if (m->__reserved__async) mq->responses.insert(mp); else delete mp; TASK_SETRTN(t, (uint64_t) m); } mq->lock.unlock(); } void MmioMap(task_t* t) { void* ra = (void*)TASK_GETARG0(t); size_t pages = TASK_GETARG1(t); TASK_SETRTN(t, (uint64_t) VmmManager::mmioMap(ra,pages)); } void MmioUnmap(task_t* t) { void* ea = (void*)TASK_GETARG0(t); size_t pages = TASK_GETARG1(t); TASK_SETRTN(t, VmmManager::mmioUnmap(ea,pages)); } /** * Map a device into virtual memory * @param[in] t: The task used to map a device */ void DevMap(task_t *t) { void *ra = (void*)TASK_GETARG0(t); SEG_DATA_SIZES devDataSize = (SEG_DATA_SIZES)TASK_GETARG1(t); kassert(TASK_SETRTN(t, (uint64_t)VmmManager::devMap(ra,devDataSize)) != NULL); } /** * Unmap a device from virtual memory * @param[in] t: The task used to unmap a device */ void DevUnmap(task_t *t) { void *ea = (void*)TASK_GETARG0(t); TASK_SETRTN(t, VmmManager::devUnmap(ea)); } void TimeNanosleep(task_t* t) { TimeManager::delayTask(t, TASK_GETARG0(t), TASK_GETARG1(t)); TASK_SETRTN(t, 0); Scheduler* s = t->cpu->scheduler; s->setNextRunnable(); } /** * Put task on wait queue based on futex * @param[in] t: The task to block */ void FutexWait(task_t * t) { uint64_t * uaddr = (uint64_t *) TASK_GETARG0(t); uint64_t val = (uint64_t) TASK_GETARG1(t); // Set RC to success initially. TASK_SETRTN(t,0); //TODO translate uaddr from user space to kernel space // Right now they are the same. uint64_t rc = FutexManager::wait(t,uaddr,val); if (rc != 0) // Can only set rc if we still have control of the task, // which is only (for certain) on error rc's. { TASK_SETRTN(t,rc); } } /** * Wake tasks on futex wait queue * @param[in] t: The current task */ void FutexWake(task_t * t) { uint64_t * uaddr = (uint64_t *) TASK_GETARG0(t); uint64_t count = (uint64_t) TASK_GETARG1(t); // TODO translate uaddr from user space to kernel space // Right now they are the same uint64_t started = FutexManager::wake(uaddr,count); TASK_SETRTN(t,started); } /** * Shutdown all CPUs * @param[in] t: The current task */ void Shutdown(task_t * t) { uint64_t status = static_cast(TASK_GETARG0(t)); CpuManager::requestShutdown(status); TASK_SETRTN(t, 0); } /** Read CPU Core type using CpuID interfaces. */ void CpuCoreType(task_t *t) { TASK_SETRTN(t, CpuID::getCpuType()); } /** Read CPU DD level using CpuID interfaces. */ void CpuDDLevel(task_t *t) { TASK_SETRTN(t, CpuID::getCpuDD()); } /** * Allocate a block of virtual memory within the base segment * @param[in] t: The task used to allocate a block in the base segment */ void MmAllocBlock(task_t* t) { MessageQueue* mq = (MessageQueue*)TASK_GETARG0(t); void* va = (void*)TASK_GETARG1(t); uint64_t size = (uint64_t)TASK_GETARG2(t); TASK_SETRTN(t, VmmManager::mmAllocBlock(mq,va,size)); } };