// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/include/usr/isteps/istep4list.H $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END #ifndef __ISTEPS_ISTEP4LIST_H #define __ISTEPS_ISTEP4LIST_H /** * @file istep4list.H * * list of functions called by HWAS (ISTEP 4) - "named isteps" * * Please see the note in initsvcstructs.H for description of * the ISTEPNAME macro. * */ #include #include #include namespace INITSERVICE { /** * @note IStep definition for for Hardware Availability Service (HWAS) * * 1. Initialize Target States * 1.POWERED_ON=true * 2.PRESENT=false * 3.FUNCTIONAL=false * 4.CHANGED_SINCE_LAST_IPL * 5.GARD Level (4 bits) * 6.Others? * 2. Call FSI module to "walk the bus" and collect presence information. * 3. Call FSI module interface to collect presence information * 4. Apply presence data: DD framework (Call loaded device drivers) * 5. Apply PR keyword data * 6. Apply Partial Bad data (call Partial Bad module) * 7. Apply GARD data (call GARD module) * */ const TaskInfo g_istep4[] = { { ISTEPNAME(4,0,"init_target_states"), // substep name HWAS::init_target_states, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_1_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4,1,"init_fsi"), // substep name HWAS::init_fsi, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_2_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4,2,"apply_fsi_info"), // substep name HWAS::apply_fsi_info, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_3_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4,3,"apply_dd_presence"), // substep name HWAS::apply_dd_presence, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_5_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4,4,"apply_pr_keyword_data"), // substep name HWAS::apply_pr_keyword_data, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_6_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4,5,"apply_partial_bad"), // substep name HWAS::apply_partial_bad, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_7_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4, 6, "apply_gard"), // substep name HWAS::apply_gard, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_8_ERRL_ID, // module id } }, { ISTEPNAME(4,7,"testHWP"), // substep name HWAS::testHWP, // pointer to fn { START_FN, // task type EXT_IMAGE, // Extended Module HWAS_9_ERRL_ID, // module id } } // END OF LIST! }; // make a struct from the above with the number of items included const ExtTaskInfo g_istep4TaskList = { g_istep4, ( sizeof(g_istep4)/sizeof(TaskInfo) ) }; }; // end namespace #endif