// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/include/usr/ecmddatabuffer/prdfCompressBuffer.H $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END // IMPORTED FROM FIPS340 V1.2 on 11/10/2011 // Change Log ***************************************************************** // // Flag Reason Vers Date Coder Description // ---- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------------------------------------- // F478331 f225 10/07/04 iawillia Initial file creation. // // End Change Log ************************************************************* #ifndef __PRDFCOMPRESSBUFFER_H #define __PRDFCOMPRESSBUFFER_H #include #include #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a, b) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) ) #endif /* * Prdf Compression Algorithm: * The purpose of these compression routines are to compress the register * dumps contained in our error logs. In large systems, we could possibly have * more register data than we could possibly fit in an error log. These * routines will allow us to fit more data into the error logs. In addition, * the algorithms have been designed such that even if the end of the stream * is lost (cut short), we can uncompress all of the data up to that point. We * had proposed using the Zlib compression algorithms, but they required the * CRC to match and we did not want that requirement. * * This compression algorithm is based off the LZ77 compression algorithm. * The algorithm consists of a look-behind buffer of 1024 bytes, and a * look-ahead buffer of 63 bytes. The algorithm attempts to find a match from * the start of the look-ahead buffer located inside the look-behind buffer. * If the longest match is bigger than 2 bytes (2 bytes is the break-even * point), it converts the match into a token (pos in look-behind, length) of * two bytes (12 bits to pos, 6 to length). If no match is found, the first * character is popped from the look-ahead buffer. As matches are found (or * not found) and popped from the look-ahead buffer, they are added to the * end of the look-behind buffer (if the buffer increases over 1024, the start * is shifted forward). * * As the stream (look-ahead buffer) is converted into tokens, they are * bundled into groups of 8. A special token is added to the beginning of the * bundle, recording the size of the following 8 tokens (2 or 1 bytes). Once * the token bundle is complete (or end-of-stream), it is added to the output * buffer. * * To use these routines, #define PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_UNCOMPRESS_FUNCTIONS * or PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_COMPRESS_FUNCTIONS, depending on usage. These reduce * the code footprint, since only the needed functions are compiled in. * */ namespace PrdfCompressBuffer { /* size_t compressedBufferMax(size_t) * Determines the maximum size of the compressed buffer (worst * case) based on an input buffer size. */ #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_COMPRESS_FUNCTIONS size_t compressedBufferMax(size_t i_bufSize) { return 1 + ((i_bufSize * 9) / 8); }; #endif static size_t COMPRESSION_BREAKEVEN = 3; /* class CompressedToken * Internal class for converting (pos,size) tokens to two char. */ class CompressedToken { private: uint8_t token[2]; public: #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_UNCOMPRESS_FUNCTIONS // Default constructor. CompressedToken() {}; #endif #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_COMPRESS_FUNCTIONS /* CompressedToken(size_t, size_t) * Convert position and size to uint8 tokens. */ CompressedToken(size_t i_pos, size_t i_size) { uint16_t l_token = (i_pos << 6) | (i_size - COMPRESSION_BREAKEVEN); token[1] = l_token & 0xFF; token[0] = (l_token >> 8) & 0xFF; }; #endif #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_UNCOMPRESS_FUNCTIONS /* void uncompress(uint8_t *, uint8_t *&, size_t&) * Convert uint8 tokens to pos,size values. Changes * o_pos to be a pointer to the string inside the buffer and sets * o_size to be the size of the string. */ void uncompress(uint8_t * i_buf, uint8_t * &o_pos, size_t &o_size) { uint16_t l_token = (token[0] << 8) | token[1]; o_pos = &i_buf[(l_token & 0xFFC0) >> 6]; o_size = (l_token & 0x3F) + COMPRESSION_BREAKEVEN; return; }; /* void read(uint8_t *) * Read two bytes from the buffer to keep as tokens. * NOTE: Does not modify i_buf. */ void read(uint8_t * i_buf) { token[0] = i_buf[0]; token[1] = i_buf[1]; }; #endif #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_COMPRESS_FUNCTIONS /* void write(uint8_t *) * Copy tokens into the beginning of the buffer. */ void write(uint8_t * o_buf) { memcpy(o_buf, token, 2); }; #endif size_t size() { return 2; }; }; #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_COMPRESS_FUNCTIONS /* void compressBuffer(uint8_t *, size_t, uint8_t *, size_t &) * Compresses i_buf and stores result into o_buf. * * i_buf : pointer to input buffer. * i_size : size of input buffer. * o_buf : pointer to output buffer (supplied by caller). * o_size : max size of output buffer. After function, size of * compressed buffer. * * NOTE: The size of the output buffer should be 1 + ((i_size * 9) / 8) * to guarentee no data is lost (worst case for compression). */ void compressBuffer(uint8_t * i_buf, size_t i_size, uint8_t * o_buf, size_t &o_size) { // Asserts. if ((i_buf == NULL) || (o_buf == NULL)) { o_size = 0; return; } uint8_t * l_lookahead = i_buf; // Pointer to the look-behind buf. size_t l_laSize = 0; // Size of look-behind. size_t l_tokPos = 0; // Number of tokens in the bundle. uint8_t * l_tokC = o_buf++; // Store compress bits and advance ptr. size_t l_outputSize = 1; // start with l_tokC. while((i_size > 0) && (l_outputSize < o_size)) { size_t l_curLen = 1; uint8_t * l_match = NULL; // Find the longest match. (2 is our break-even pt, // but 3 will provide better compression). for (size_t i = 3; i < MIN(i_size, l_laSize) && (i < (64 + COMPRESSION_BREAKEVEN)) ; i++) { uint8_t * l_tmpMatch = NULL; l_tmpMatch = (uint8_t *) memmem(l_lookahead, l_laSize, i_buf, i); if (l_tmpMatch != NULL) // found match. { l_match = l_tmpMatch; l_curLen = i; } else i = i_size + l_laSize; // abort for loop. } // Create token. if (l_match != NULL) { // found match, make sure there is room for the token. if (o_size - l_outputSize >= 2) { CompressedToken l_token(l_match - l_lookahead, l_curLen); l_token.write(o_buf); o_buf += 2; l_outputSize += 2; (*l_tokC) = (*l_tokC << 1) | 0x1; l_tokPos++; i_buf += l_curLen; l_laSize += l_curLen; i_size -= l_curLen; } else { l_outputSize = o_size; } } else { // no match, copy if room in the buffer. if (o_size - l_outputSize >= 1) { o_buf[0] = i_buf[0]; o_buf++; l_outputSize++; (*l_tokC) = (*l_tokC << 1) | 0x0; l_tokPos++; i_buf++; l_laSize++; i_size--; } // else <= 0, so don't mess with l_outputSize. } // flush out lookahead. (keep at 1024 bytes) while(l_laSize >= 1024) { l_laSize--; l_lookahead++; } // check if bundle complete, create new bundle. if (l_tokPos == 8) { l_tokPos = 0; l_tokC = o_buf++; l_outputSize++; } } // end while. // Shift our bundle bits correctly. (the uncompressor doesn't know if // the bundle was complete, so always assumes so. if (l_tokPos != 0) (*l_tokC) = (*l_tokC) << (8 - l_tokPos); // We never _really_ go past our buffer, but sometimes our size says // we did, so fix that up... if (l_outputSize <= o_size) o_size = l_outputSize; return; }; #endif #ifdef PRDF_COMPRESSBUFFER_UNCOMPRESS_FUNCTIONS /* void uncompressBuffer(uint8_t *, size_t, uint8_t *, size_t &) * Uncompresses i_buf and stores result into o_buf. * * i_buf : pointer to input buffer. * i_size : size of input buffer. * o_buf : pointer to output buffer (supplied by caller). * o_size : max size of output buffer. After function, size of * uncompressed buffer. * * NOTE: The size is never stored in an compressed or uncompressed buffer. * The caller needs to keep track of those kind of things and add * whatever kind of header they need. If o_size isn't big enough * you're not going to get the whole stream. These functions will * not overrun the buffer. */ void uncompressBuffer(uint8_t * i_buf, size_t i_size, uint8_t * o_buf, size_t & o_size) { // Asserts. if ((i_buf == NULL) || (o_buf == NULL)) { o_size = 0; return; } uint8_t * l_lookahead = o_buf; // Look-behind buffer. size_t l_laSize = 0; // look-behind size. uint8_t l_tokC = 0; // Bundle bits. uint8_t l_tokPos = 8; // Number of tokens from the bundle // thus far. (start at 8 to get a new // bundle right away). size_t l_outputSize = 0; // Size of output buffer. while ((i_size > 0) & (o_size > 0)) // while we're at the end of a buf. { // Check if we need to get a new bundle. if (l_tokPos == 8) { l_tokPos = 0; l_tokC = i_buf[0]; i_buf++; i_size--; continue; } // Check if token was compressed or not. if ((l_tokC >> (7 - l_tokPos)) & 0x1) { // compressed token... size_t l_matchSize; uint8_t * l_match; CompressedToken l_tok; // read token from stream. l_tok.read(i_buf); i_buf += l_tok.size(); i_size -= l_tok.size(); // get pointer to lookahead buffer, copy into output buffer. l_tok.uncompress(l_lookahead, l_match, l_matchSize); memcpy(o_buf, l_match, MIN(l_matchSize, o_size)); // fix up all our sizes and pointers. l_laSize += l_matchSize; l_outputSize += MIN (l_matchSize, o_size); o_size -= MIN (l_matchSize, o_size); o_buf += l_matchSize; } else { // uncompressed token... just copy the byte. o_buf[0] = i_buf[0]; o_size--; o_buf++; i_buf++; i_size--; l_laSize++; l_outputSize++; } l_tokPos++; // just did a token, so inc the bundle count. // Advance the look-behind buffer as needed. while (l_laSize >= 1024) { l_lookahead++; l_laSize--; } } // fix up o_size (since we've been decrementing it...) o_size = l_outputSize; }; #endif }; // end namespace. #endif