// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/include/kernel/msghandler.H $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END /** @file msghandler.H * @brief Interfaces for messaging from kernel-space to user-space. */ #ifndef __KERNEL_MSGHANDLER_H #define __KERNEL_MSGHANDLER_H #include #include #include #include #include // Forward declaration. namespace Systemcalls { void MsgRespond(task_t*); }; /** @brief Struct used for holding pending message information. */ struct MessageHandler_Pending { typedef void* key_type; /** Key used for duplicative association. */ key_type key; /** (optional) Task deferred by this message. */ task_t* task; // Linked list pointers used by Util::Locked::List. MessageHandler_Pending* prev; MessageHandler_Pending* next; }; /** @class MessageHandler * @brief Class which facilitiates bridging messages between kernel-space and * user space. * * This class provides a 'send message' interface to kernel code to send a * message into user-space. The message is a tuple sent * to the message queue associated with this object. The expected response * from userspace is a tuple. * * The typical use-case of these interfaces is to send a pair to a * user-space resource provider to request a page of memory be read or written. * A parameter to the 'send message' interface is an optional task which is to * be deferred until the response is fully processed. * * The 'send message' interface will attempt to combine duplicate messages * by associating message requests with the same key and only sending a * single message to user-space for the key (while that key is outstanding). * This behavior aids the typical use-case of these interfaces by combining * multiple tasks page-faulting on a single page into a single request to the * resource provider. * * When a response is received, via the user-space msg_respond system call, * the 'recv message' interface will be called to handle the response. This * interface will trigger an overrideable 'handle response' interface for * each outstanding pair. The default behavior is to resume the * task on successful responses and kill the task on error responses. This * behavior can be changed by overriding the 'handle response' interface. * * SMP safety: * The constructor of this class requests the spinlock for the kernel * subsystem associated with this message handling instance. Since the * 'recv message' interface is the entry point into this subsystem, the * spinlock will be obtained prior to handling the message receipt. When * the 'send message' interface is called, the typical use-case is that * the subsystem spinlock is already obtained (since the subsystem is * requesting a message to be sent), so this object does not obtain the * spinlock. This spinlock must be obtained prior to calling 'send * message' in order for the combining of duplicate messages to be * SMP-safe. */ class MessageHandler { public: /** @brief Results of the 'handle response' interface. * * These are used to communicate back to the 'recv message' interface * what to do with the deferred thread. * * A result of UNHANDLED_RC will cause the default behavior of * resuming the task on success and killing the task on error. */ enum HandleResult { /** Response rc (if non-zero) has been successfully handled. */ SUCCESS, /** Do not resume task yet, no matter the rc. */ CONTINUE_DEFER, /** Nothing has been specifically handled for the rc. */ UNHANDLED_RC, }; /** @brief Constructor. * @param[in] i_lock - Subsystem lock for this message handler, such * as VmmManager::lock. * @param[in] i_msgq - Queue used to send messages into userspace. * * @note The ownership of these parameter instances is maintained by * the caller and not cleaned up by this object upon destruction. */ MessageHandler(Spinlock* i_lock, MessageQueue* i_msgq) : iv_lock(i_lock), iv_msgq(i_msgq) {}; /** @brief Destructor. * No behavior required since ownership is maintained elsewhere. */ virtual ~MessageHandler() {}; /** @brief 'Send message' interface. * Used to send a message into userspace. * * @param[in] i_type - Message type (from sys/msg.h). * @param[in] i_key - Key (msg->data[0]) for the message. * @param[in] i_data - Data (msg->data[1]) for the message. * @param[in] i_task - Optional task being deferred due to this * message. * * The result of this message is that a message will be created and * inserted onto a user-space message queue, awaking the waiter if * blocked. The task passed as a parameter, if not NULL, will be * deferred. */ void sendMessage(msg_sys_types_t i_type, void* i_key, void* i_data, task_t* i_task); /** @brief 'Handle response' interface. * Overrideable handling of the response to the 'send message'. * * This is called once per previous 'send message' invocation for * the same key even if duplicate keys were combined into a single * user-space message. * * This class, and specifically this method, should be inherited / * overridden if advanced handling is required for the response * above resuming the deferred task. * * @param[in] i_type - The message type previously sent. * @param[in] i_key - The key value for the received message. * @param[in] i_task - The deferred task. * @param[in] i_rc - The response rc from userspace. * * @return HandleResult - The desired behavior on the 'recv message' * interface for this pair. */ virtual HandleResult handleResponse(msg_sys_types_t i_type, void* i_key, task_t* i_task, int i_rc); protected: /** @brief 'Recv message' interface. * Called by the msg_respond sys-call handler to relay the response * from userspace. * * This interface will call handleResponse for each of the deferred * pairs and then, based on the return of handleResponse, * resume or kill the deferred task. * * @param[in] i_msg - The message responded from user-space. * * @return Return code for msg_respond. */ int recvMessage(msg_t* i_msg); private: /** Pointer to the subsystem lock. */ Spinlock* const iv_lock; /** Message queue to relay messages to. */ MessageQueue* const iv_msgq; /** Queue of pending user-space responses. */ Util::Locked::List iv_pending; // Prevent copies. MessageHandler(const MessageHandler&); MessageHandler& operator=(const MessageHandler&); public: // Allow msg_respond handler to call recvMessage. friend void Systemcalls::MsgRespond(task_t* t); }; #endif