#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: hwpf/fapi2/tools/createIfAttrService.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # EKB Project # # COPYRIGHT 2015 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print Command Line Help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $arg_output_dir = undef; # Get the options from the command line - the rest of @ARGV will # be filenames GetOptions("output-dir=s" => \$arg_output_dir); my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if (($numArgs < 2) || ($arg_output_dir eq undef)) { print ("Usage: createIfAttrService.pl --output-dir=\n"); print (" [ ...]\n"); print (" -a [ ...]\n"); print (" This perl script will parse if-attr files (containing the\n"); print (" attributes used by the initfile) and attribute XML files\n"); print (" (containing all HWPF attributes) and create the\n"); print (" getInitFileAttr() function in a file called\n"); print (" fapi2_attribute_service.C. Only the attributes specified in\n"); print (" the if-attr files are supported. If no if-attr files are\n"); print (" specified then all attributes are supported\n"); exit(1); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify perl modules to use #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use XML::Simple; my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; # Uncomment to enable debug output #use Data::Dumper; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open output file for writing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $asFile = $arg_output_dir; $asFile .= "/"; $asFile .= "fapi2_attribute_service.C"; open(ASFILE, ">", $asFile); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print Start of file information to fapi2_attribute_service.C #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print ASFILE "// fapi2_attribute_service.C\n"; print ASFILE "// This file is generated by perl script createIfAttrService.pl\n\n"; print ASFILE "#include \n"; print ASFILE "#include \n"; print ASFILE "#include \n\n"; print ASFILE "namespace fapi2\n"; print ASFILE "{\n\n"; print ASFILE "template< TargetType K >\n"; print ASFILE "ReturnCode getInitFileAttr(const AttributeId i_id,\n"; print ASFILE " const Target& i_pTarget,\n"; print ASFILE " uint64_t & o_val,\n"; print ASFILE " const uint32_t i_arrayIndex1,\n"; print ASFILE " const uint32_t i_arrayIndex2,\n"; print ASFILE " const uint32_t i_arrayIndex3,\n"; print ASFILE " const uint32_t i_arrayIndex4)\n"; print ASFILE "{\n"; print ASFILE " ReturnCode l_rc;\n\n"; my $xmlFiles = 0; my $attCount = 0; my $numIfAttrFiles = 0; my @attrIds; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Element names #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $attribute = 'attribute'; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # For each argument #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ foreach my $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) { my $infile = $ARGV[$argnum]; if ($infile eq '-a') { # Start of attribute XML files $xmlFiles = 1; next; } if ($xmlFiles == 0) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process initfile attr file. This file contains the HWPF attributes # that the initfile uses. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $numIfAttrFiles++; open(ATTRFILE, "<", $infile); # Read each line of the file (each line contains an attribute) while(my $fileAttrId = ) { # Remove newline chomp($fileAttrId); # Store the attribute in @attrIds if it does not already exist my $match = 0; foreach my $attrId (@attrIds) { if ($fileAttrId eq $attrId) { $match = 1; last; } } if (!($match)) { push(@attrIds, $fileAttrId); } } close(ATTRFILE); } else { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process XML file. The ForceArray option ensures that there is an # array of attributes even if there is only one attribute in the file #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $attributes = $xml->XMLin($infile, ForceArray => [$attribute]); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each Attribute #---------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $attr (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check that the AttributeId exists #------------------------------------------------------------------ if (! exists $attr->{id}) { print ("createIfAttrService.pl ERROR. Att 'id' missing\n"); exit(1); } #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find if the attribute is used by any initfile. If no if-attr # files were specified then support all attributes #------------------------------------------------------------------ my $match = 0; if ($numIfAttrFiles) { foreach my $attrId (@attrIds) { if ($attr->{id} eq $attrId) { $match = 1; last; } } } else { $match = 1; } if (!($match)) { # Look at the next attribute in the XML file next; } #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Figure out the number of attribute array dimensions #------------------------------------------------------------------ my $numArrayDimensions = 0; if ($attr->{array}) { # Remove leading whitespace my $dimText = $attr->{array}; $dimText =~ s/^\s+//; # Split on commas or whitespace my @vals = split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/, $dimText); $numArrayDimensions=@vals; } #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print the attribute get code to fapi2_attribute_service.C #------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($attCount > 0) { print ASFILE " else "; } else { print ASFILE " "; } $attCount++; print ASFILE "if (i_id == $attr->{id})\n"; print ASFILE " {\n"; print ASFILE " $attr->{id}_Type l_attr;\n"; if (exists $attr->{privileged}) { print ASFILE " l_rc = FAPI2_ATTR_GET_PRIVILEGED(fapi2::$attr->{id}, i_pTarget, l_attr);\n"; } else { print ASFILE " l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(fapi2::$attr->{id}, i_pTarget, l_attr);\n"; } print ASFILE " o_val = l_attr"; if ($numArrayDimensions >= 5) { print ("createIfAttrService.pl ERROR. More than 4 array dimensions!!\n"); exit(1); } else { for (my $i = 0; $i < $numArrayDimensions; $i++) { print ASFILE "[i_arrayIndex"; print ASFILE $i+1; print ASFILE "]"; } } print ASFILE ";\n"; print ASFILE " }\n"; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print End of file information to fapi2_attribute_service.C #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($attCount > 0) { print ASFILE " else\n"; } print ASFILE " {\n"; print ASFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"getInitFileAttr: Unrecognized attr ID: 0x%x\", i_id);\n"; print ASFILE " }\n\n"; print ASFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print ASFILE " {\n"; print ASFILE " if (i_pTarget)\n"; print ASFILE " {\n"; print ASFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"getInitFileAttr: Error getting attr ID 0x%x from targType 0x%x\",\n"; print ASFILE " i_id, i_pTarget->getType());\n"; print ASFILE " }\n"; print ASFILE " else\n"; print ASFILE " {\n"; print ASFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"getInitFileAttr: Error getting attr ID 0x%x from system target\",\n"; print ASFILE " i_id);\n"; print ASFILE " }\n"; print ASFILE " }\n\n"; print ASFILE " return l_rc;\n"; print ASFILE "}\n\n"; print ASFILE "}\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Close output file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ close(ASFILE);