RC_MSS_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO Attempt to divide by zero DIVISOR DIVIDEND CODE LOW RC_MSS_EMPTY_VECTOR Empty vector conditional failed. RECEIVED FUNCTION TARGET MEDIUM CODE LOW RC_MSS_FAILED_SPD_REVISION_FALLBACK Unable to fall back SPD decoder to the highest decoded revision. Most likely a programming error. FAILED_REVISION FUNCTION_CODE CODE MEDIUM TARGET MEDIUM TARGET RC_MSS_FREQ_CL_EXCEEDS_TAA_MAX Calculated Cas Latency exceeds JEDEC value for TAA Max desired (and DIMM supported) cas_latency * proposed tck from mss freq attributes > jedec taa_max Probably due to MRW/ VPD freqs being too high CAS_LATENCY TCK TAA_MAX COMPARE IS_3DS MC_TYPE CODE HIGH PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM LOW RC_MSS_FREQ_FAILED_TO_FIND_SUPPORTED_CL Desired CAS latency isn't supported in the common CAS latency bin retrieved from SPD. DESIRED_CAS_LATENCY COMMON_CLS TAA TCK MC_TYPE CODE HIGH PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_FREQ_INDEX_TOO_LARGE Error calculating the index into max_freq array INDEX NUM_MAX_FREQS CODE HIGH RC_MSS_FREQ_INVALID_CALCULATED_TCK Invalid value clock period (less than equal 0). Should be code bug and error comparing MRW and VPD SUPPRTED_FREQS Caused by bad MRW values for MSS_MRW_SUPPORTED_FREQ TAAMIN PROPOSED_TCK IS_3DS MC_TYPE CODE HIGH PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM RC_MSS_FREQ_NO_COMMON_SUPPORTED_CL Current Configuration has no common supported CL values. Caused by bad SPD on one of the plugged DIMMS or DIMM configuration is not supported MC_TYPE CL_SUPPORTED PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM HIGH PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_FREQ_SELECTED_FREQ_NOT_SUPPORTED Selected freq based on calculations from the DIMM and VPD is not supported SUPPORTED_FREQ_0 SUPPORTED_FREQ_1 SUPPORTED_FREQ_2 SUPPORTED_FREQ_3 FREQ MC_TYPE CODE HIGH TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM RC_MSS_INVALID_CAST_CALC_NCK Invalid cast or calculation for calc_nck TIMING_PS NCK_NS CORRECTION_FACTOR CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_CLOCK_PERIOD An invalid clock period was passed to clock period to frequency CLOCK_PERIOD CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_DB_MDQ_DRIVE_STRENGTH Bad SPD data for bytes 145 - 147. Reserved settings for data buffer MDQ drive strength received. This could be code problem (decoding) or bad SPD. DATA_RATE CODE MEDIUM TARGET HIGH TARGET RC_MSS_INVALID_DIMM_SPEED Invalid DIMM speed received. Possibly a programming error. DIMM_SPEED CODE MEDIUM TARGET HIGH TARGET RC_MSS_INVALID_DIMM_TYPE Received a DIMM type unsupported by the SPD decoder factory DIMM_TYPE FUNCTION MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM_TARGET LOW DIMM_TARGET CODE MEDIUM RC_MSS_INVALID_DRAM_GEN Received a DRAM gen unsupported by the SPD decoder factory DRAM_GEN FUNCTION MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM_TARGET LOW DIMM_TARGET CODE MEDIUM RC_MSS_INVALID_FREQUENCY An invalid frequency was passed to frequency to clock period FREQ CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_FREQ_LIST_PASSED Wrong size vector passed into frequency scoreboard function SIZE EXPECTED CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_HYBRID_MODULE Received an invalid or unsupported hybrid media (SPD byte 3, bits [6:4]) for a specified hybrid modue (SPD byte 3, bit [7]) HYBRID HYBRID_MEDIA FUNCTION MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH TARGET LOW TARGET CODE MEDIUM RC_MSS_INVALID_PORT_INDEX_PASSED An invalid port index was passed into an MSS function INDEX FUNCTION CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_RANK Invalid rank passed into function FUNCTION RANK PORT_TARGET CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_SPD_PARAMETER_RECEIVED Unable to fall back SPD decoder to the highest decoded revision. Most likely a programming error. SPD_PARAM FUNCTION_CODE CODE MEDIUM TARGET MEDIUM TARGET RC_MSS_INVALID_SPD_RESERVED_BITS Invalid SPD reserved bits received. This could be code problem (decoding) or bad SPD. FUNCTION_CODE CODE MEDIUM TARGET HIGH TARGET RC_MSS_INVALID_TIMING_VALUE Invalid value calculated for timing value based on MTB and FTB from SPD. VALUE FUNCTION DIMM_TARGET HIGH DIMM_TARGET DIMM_TARGET RC_MSS_INVALID_VPD_FREQ_LIST_PASSED Wrong size vector passed into limit_freq_by_vpd function SIZE EXPECTED CODE HIGH RC_MSS_INVALID_VPD_KEYWORD_MAX VPD keyword is too big for space allocated for it. MAX ACTUAL KEYWORD VPD_PART VPD_TARGET HIGH RC_MSS_LOOKUP_FAILED Conditional that tests whether a certain key value is located in a map. KEY DATA FUNCTION TARGET MEDIUM TARGET RC_MSS_MEMDIAGS_NO_MCBIST_SUBTESTS Attempt to run an MCBIST program with no subtests MC_TARGET CODE HIGH RC_MSS_VOLT_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_VOLTAGES Incorrect number of voltages supplied to set_voltage_attributes function VOLT_TARGET SUPPLIED_NUMBER EXPECTED_NUMBER CODE HIGH RC_MSS_VOLT_DDR_TYPE_REQUIRED_VOLTAGE One or more DIMMs do not support required voltage for DDR type. EXPECTED_OPERABLE EXPECTED_ENDURANT ACTUAL_OPERABLE ACTUAL_ENDURANT MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM_TARGET MEDIUM DIMM_TARGET RC_MSS_PORT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_MAJORITY_FREQ When considering the frequencies in the MRW and the max supported frequencies based on DIMM config, the indicated port's DIMM do not support the frequency of the majority of other ports' DIMM, so it will be deconfigured FREQ_TARGET PORT_TARGET FREQUENCY PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM RC_MSS_UNEXPECTED_VALUE_SEEN Invalid value seen versus the expected value wanted TARGET EXPECTED ACTUAL FUNCTION CODE LOW RC_MSS_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_INDEXING Desired index is larger than list (std::vector, array, etc.) size. Likely a programming error. TARGET INDEX LIST_SIZE FUNCTION CODE LOW RC_MSS_CONVERSION_ERROR Overflow or underflow occured converting one integral type to another. This is a programming error. TARGET ORIGINAL_VAL CONVERTED_VAL FUNCTION CODE LOW RC_MSS_FAILED_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK Bad data received. Settings are incorrect for received data. This could be code problem (decoding) or bad data. VALUE BYTE FFDC_CODE CODE MEDIUM TARGET HIGH TARGET RC_MSS_ZERO_FREQ_OR_SIZE An zero memory frequency was passed to calculate min cmd gap FREQ SIZE CODE HIGH RC_MSS_MEMDIAGS_INVALID_PATTERN_INDEX An invalid pattern index was passed to the pattern loader INDEX MC_TYPE CODE HIGH RC_MSS_MCBIST_PROGRAM_TOO_BIG MCBIST program larger than currently supported size PROGRAM_LENGTH TARGET MC_TYPE CODE HIGH RC_MSS_MCBIST_INVALID_ADDRESS_PAIR_INDEX An invalid address pair index INDEX MC_TYPE TARGET CODE HIGH RC_MSS_POWER_INTERCEPT_NOT_SET The attribute ATTR_MSS_TOTAL_POWER_INTERCEPT was not set and equals 0 CODE HIGH RC_MSS_POWER_SLOPE_NOT_SET The attribute ATTR_MSS_TOTAL_POWER_INTERCEPT was not set and equals 0 CODE HIGH RC_MSS_NO_DATABUS_UTILIZATION There are 2 DIMMS on the port but both have 0 databus utilization PORT_DATABUS_UTIL DIMM_COUNT CODE HIGH RC_MSS_CALC_POWER_CURVE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO Denominator equals 0 PORT_DATABUS_UTIL UTIL_CONVERSION IDLE_UTIL RESULT CODE HIGH RC_MSS_NO_PORT_POWER_LIMIT Got 0 when calculating port power limit. Either no dimms or attribute MEM_WATT_TARGET wasn't set COUNT_DIMMS PORT_POWER_LIMIT CODE HIGH RC_MSS_NO_PORT_POWER Got 0 when calculating port power limits using the DIMMs databus utilization COUNT_DIMMS MAX_UTILIZATION_DIMM_0 MAX_UTILIZATION_DIMM_1 CODE HIGH RC_MSS_M_DRAM_CLOCKS_EQUALS_ZERO ATTR_MSS_MRW_MEM_M_DRAM_CLOCKS was not set and equals zero CODE HIGH RC_MSS_MAX_FREQ_ATTR_SIZE_CHANGED Number of entries for MSS_MRW_MAX_FREQ attribute from VPD has changed without updating the code Asserted because direct accesses to array ACTUAL_SIZE SUPPOSED_SIZE PORT_TARGET CODE HIGH RC_MSS_CALC_PORT_POWER_EXCEEDS_MAX The calculated port power from equalizing throttles exceeds the maximum allowed power CALCULATED_PORT_POWER MAX_POWER_ALLOWED PORT_POS CODE HIGH PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_SPD_REV_ENCODING_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED SPD revision on byte 1 (bits 7~4) has a unsupported encoding level that is greater than the largest decoded SPD decoder. There is no backward compatible revision to fallback to. This could be bad SPD or a programming error. ENCODING_LEVEL CODE MEDIUM TARGET MEDIUM TARGET RC_MSS_SPD_TIMING_FAIL Timing SPD parameter failed to meet JEDEC SPD timing bounds. FUNCTION_CODE ffdc field encodes which timing param. FAILED_REVISION FUNCTION_CODE CODE MEDIUM TARGET MEDIUM TARGET RC_MSS_TOO_MANY_DIMMS_ON_PORT There seem to be too many dimms on the port DIMM_COUNT CODE HIGH PORT_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM RC_MSS_SLOT_UTIL_EXCEEDS_PORT The memory throttle per slot (DIMM) exceeds the allowed throttle for the port SLOT_UTIL PORT_UTIL CODE HIGH RC_MSS_OUTPUT_OVERFLOW_CALC_UTIL Type of output variable is not large enough for the calculations RESULT CODE HIGH RC_MSS_POWER_THERMAL_DECODE_ERROR There was no match or value found in decoding the power thermal attributes DIMM_TARGET ATTR CODE HIGH RC_MSS_MRW_SAFEMODE_UTIL_THROTTLE_NOT_SUPPORTED The MRW safemode utilization that is less than the minimum utilization supported. Check ATTR_MSS_MRW_SAFEMODE_DRAM_DATABUS_UTIL. MRW_SAFEMODE_UTIL MIN_UTIL_VALUE CODE HIGH RC_MSS_NO_POWER_THERMAL_ATTR_FOUND There was no match or value found in decoding the power thermal attributes GENERATED_KEY FUNCTION DIMM_TARGET SIZE DRAM_GEN DIMM_TYPE DRAM_WIDTH DRAM_DENSITY STACK_TYPE MFGID MODULE_HEIGHT CODE HIGH RC_MSS_POWER_THERMAL_ENCODE_ERROR There was no match or value found in encoding the power thermal attributes DIMM_TARGET ATTR CODE HIGH RC_MSS_POWER_THERMAL_ATTR_VECTORS_INCORRECT The attributes vectors size is incorrect for find_xxx functions FUNCTION INPUT_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE CODE HIGH RC_MSS_POWER_THERMAL_DIMM_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND The dimm index is out of bound for the port INPUT_SIZE MAX_SIZE CODE HIGH RC_MSS_TOO_MANY_PRIMARY_RANKS_ON_DIMM Too many primary ranks were seen on the dimm according to the call to master_ranks_per_dimm RANK_COUNT DIMM_TARGET HIGH CODE MEDIUM DIMM_TARGET RC_MSS_TOO_MANY_PRIMARY_RANKS_ON_PORT Too many primary ranks were seen on the port according to the call to master_ranks_per_dimm PORT_TARGET HIGH CODE MEDIUM PORT_TARGET RC_MSS_RANK_OUT_OF_RANGE The rank provided to the rank::info constructor exceeded the maximum rank for the MC CODE MEDIUM TARGET RANK