RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_DRAM_GEN The DIMM called out has an inappropriate DRAM generation (e.g., not DDR4) DRAM_GEN MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM_TARGET MEDIUM DIMM_TARGET DIMM_TARGET RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_DRAM_WIDTH_MIX Two different widths of DIMMs are installed on port DIMM_SLOT_ZERO DIMM_SLOT_ONE MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_STACK_TYPE_MIX Two DIMMs with incompatable stack types are installed on port DIMM_SLOT_ZERO DIMM_SLOT_ONE MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_HYBRID_MIX Two DIMMs with incompatable hybrid types are plugged DIMM_SLOT_ZERO DIMM_SLOT_ONE MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_HYBRID_MEMORY_TYPE_MIX Two DIMMs with incompatable hybrid memory types DIMM_SLOT_ZERO DIMM_SLOT_ONE MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_NVDIMM_PLUG_ERROR An NVDIMM was plugged in a slot where NVDIMM's are not supported DIMM_TARGET DIMM_POS MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_LRDIMM_UNSUPPORTED The DIMM is an LRDIMM and that is currently not supported MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM_TARGET MEDIUM DIMM_TARGET DIMM_TARGET RC_MSS_DEAD_LOAD_ON_PORT A DIMM is deconfigured on a dual-drop port that has two DIMMS installed Need to deconfigure the other DIMM for load reasons MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH FUNCTIONAL_DIMM NONE FUNCTIONAL_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_DIMM_TYPE_MIX Two different types of DIMMs are installed on port DIMM_SLOT_ZERO DIMM_SLOT_ONE MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_RANK_CONFIG The MCA has two DIMMs plugged in with too many master ranks between them RANKS_ON_DIMM0 RANKS_ON_DIMM1 MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM TARGET RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_OVERRIDDEN_RANK_CONFIG The DIMMS called out represent an unsupported rank configuration because it was expressly disallowed in the MRW RANKS_ON_DIMM0 RANKS_ON_DIMM1 MRW_VALUE MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_SINGLE_DIMM_IN_WRONG_SLOT The lone DIMM plugged in to the called out port is in the wrong slot MCA_TARGET MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM_TARGET MEDIUM DIMM_TARGET RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_RANKS_DIMM1 The DIMM called out is in 'slot 1' but contains more ranks than the other DIMM on this port. DIMM which contain the greatest number of master ranks must be in the slot furthest from the controller. RANKS_ON_DIMM0 RANKS_ON_DIMM1 MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH DIMM1_TARGET MEDIUM DIMM1_TARGET RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_INVALID_PRIMARY_RANK_COUNT The port called out has DIMM installed who's master ranks, when totaled, exceeded the number primary ranks allowed on a port TOTAL_RANKS DIMM_ZERO_MASTER_RANKS DIMM_ONE_MASTER_RANKS MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM RC_MSS_PLUG_RULES_DIFFERENT_XLATE Two DIMM with different translation (xlate) configurations are installed on port MASTER_RANKS_ON_DIMM0 MASTER_RANKS_ON_DIMM1 TOTAL_RANKS_ON_DIMM0 TOTAL_RANKS_ON_DIMM1 DRAM_DENSITY_ON_DIMM0 DRAM_DENSITY_ON_DIMM1 DRAM_WIDTH_ON_DIMM0 DRAM_WIDTH_ON_DIMM1 DRAM_GEN_ON_DIMM0 DRAM_GEN_ON_DIMM1 DIMM_TYPE_ON_DIMM0 DIMM_TYPE_ON_DIMM1 ROWS_ON_DIMM0 ROWS_ON_DIMM1 SIZE_ON_DIMM0 SIZE_ON_DIMM1 MEMORY_PLUGGING_ERROR HIGH MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM MEDIUM MCA_TARGET TARGET_TYPE_DIMM