ATTR_PROC_NPU_REGION_ENABLED TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Boolean indicating accessibilty of NPU logic region uint8 ATTR_CLOCK_PLL_MUX TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP setup clock mux settings uint32 ATTR_CLOCK_PLL_MUX0 TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Clock Mux#0 settings uint8 ATTR_I2C_BUS_DIV_REF TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Ref clock I2C bus divider consumed by code running out of OTPROM uint16 ATTR_EQ_GARD TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Capturing EQ Gard value uint8 ATTR_EC_GARD TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Capturing EC Gard Value uint32 ATTR_ISTEP_MODE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates istep IPL uint8 NON_IPL = 0x0,IPL = 0x1 ATTR_SBE_RUNTIME_MODE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates that SBE should go directly to runtime functionality uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_IS_SP_MODE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates whether we are connected to FSP or not uint8 FSP_LESS = 0x0,FSP = 0x1 ATTR_SBE_FFDC_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates whether SBE should collect FFDC uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_SBE_INTERNAL_FFDC_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates that the SBE should send back internal FFDC on any chipOp failure response uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_NEST_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Select Nest I2C and pll setting from one of the supported frequencies uint8 ATTR_FILTER_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Select Filter PLL bucket uint8 ATTR_MRW_FILTER_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM System specific value for Filter PLL bucket, provided by MRW. If non-zero, this value will directly set ATTR_FILTER_PLL_BUCKET (used by SBE to select bucket). If zero, VPD MK content will set ATTR_FILTER_PLL_BUCKET. uint8 ATTR_OB0_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Select OBUS0 pll setting from one of the supported frequencies uint8 ATTR_OB1_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Select OBUS1 pll setting from one of the supported frequencies uint8 ATTR_OB2_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Select OBUS2 pll setting from one of the supported frequencies uint8 ATTR_OB3_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Select OBUS3 pll setting from one of the supported frequencies uint8 ATTR_BOOT_FREQ_MULT TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP EQ boot frequency multiplier The equation for this setting is BOOT_FREQ(MHz)/(REFCLK/DPLL_DIVIDER) where the DPLL DIVIDER is planned for being set to 8. The value needs to be loaded right justified. The value's right most 11 bits (becoming 0:10) is written as bits 17:27 of PPM DPLL freq ctrl register. Bits 0:7 become DPLL.MULT_INTG(0:7) and bits 8:10 are DPLL.MULT_FRAC(0:2). As an example: 3000MHz / (133MHz/8) = 3000 / 16.667 = ~180 => 0xB4 uint16 ATTR_RISK_LEVEL TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM HWP/Init "risk level" enabled. Used by HB to pass to HB driven HWPs uint8 RL0 = 0x0,RL1 = 0x1,RL2 = 0x2,RL3 = 0x3,RL4 = 0x4, RL5 = 0x5 ATTR_DISABLE_HBBL_VECTORS TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM BootLoader HWP flag to not place 12K exception vectors. This flag is only applicable when security is disabled. uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_BACKUP_SEEPROM_SELECT TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Set with Primary SEEPROM uint8 ATTR_BOOT_FLAGS TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Switch to using a flag to indicate SEEPROM side SBE uint32 ATTR_BOOT_FREQ_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP EQ boot frequency uint32 ATTR_BRANCH_PIBMEM_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_CHIP_REGIONS_TO_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint32 ATTR_DEVICE_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_ECID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP Bits 0 to 63 of the ECID in array entry 0 and bits 64 to 127 in ECID array entry 1 Populated by HWP called during IPL. uint64 2 ATTR_I2C_BUS_DIV_NEST TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP I2C Bus speed based on nest freq, ref clock uint8 ATTR_LEN_OF_SEEPROM_DATA TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_MB_BIT_RATE_DIVISOR_PLL TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_MB_BIT_RATE_DIVISOR_REFCLK TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_MC_SYNC_MODE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP MC mesh to use Nest mesh or not uint8 IN_SYNC = 1, NOT_IN_SYNC = 0 ATTR_PG TARGET_TYPE_PERV Chiplet Partial good info attribute This should be a direct copy of the data from the PG keyword of VPD. uint16 ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_DATA TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Ring image for pb_bndy_dmipll ring creator: platform firmware notes: uint8 ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_FOR_DCCAL_DATA TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Ring image for pb_bndy_dmipll ring for DC cal creator: platform firmware notes: uint8 ATTR_PROC_PERV_BNDY_PLL_DATA TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Ring image for perv_bndy_pll ring containing filter plls and xb_pll,nest_pll creator: platform firmware notes: uint8 ATTR_PROC_SBE_MASTER_CHIP TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if SBE on this chip is serving as hosboot drawer master uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_DEVICE_ADDRESS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint64 ATTR_SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_PORT TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint64 ATTR_START_PIBMEM_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_START_SEEPROM_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_WAIT_N0 TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_WAIT_N1 TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_WAIT_N2 TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_WAIT_N3 TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP FIXME - NEEDS DESCRIPTION uint8 ATTR_SYS_FORCE_ALL_CORES TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Indicate that p9_sbe_select_ex should force selection to ALL good EX chiplets having good cores even if only a single EX chiplet mode is executed. uint8 ATTR_MASTER_CORE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates the master boot core chiplet selected by p9_sbe_select_ex. uint8 ATTR_MASTER_EX TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates the EX targert associated with the master boot core selected by p9_sbe_select_ex. uint8 ATTR_SECURITY_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Holds the state of Security Access Bit (SAB) uint8 ATTR_SECURITY_MODE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM SBE context: If SBE image has ATTR_SECURITY_MODE == 0b1, leave SAB bit as is. Otherwise (ATTR_SECURITY_MODE == 0b0), query mailbox scratch register 3 bit 6 and if set, clear the SAB bit. Non-SBE context: If ATTR_SECURITY_MODE == 0b1, do not attempt to clear the SAB bit via the FSI path. Otherwise (ATTR_SECURITY_MODE == 0b0), attempt to clear the SAB bit via the FSI path. Customer level chips will silently ignore such a request, whereas early lab versions may honor it for debug purposes. uint8 ATTR_PFET_OFF_CONTROLS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP To disable force pfet off control from fuse status uint32 ATTR_OBUS_RATIO_VALUE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Holds Obus ratio value 0b00 Normal speed. 0b01 Half speed. uint8 ATTR_PIBMEM_REPAIR0 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Pibmem repair attribute 0 uint64 ATTR_PIBMEM_REPAIR1 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Pibmem repair attribute 1 uint64 ATTR_PIBMEM_REPAIR2 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Pibmem repair attribute 2 uint64 ATTR_SENSEADJ_STEP TARGET_TYPE_EQ IPL for skew adjust and duty cycle adjust uint8 ATTR_CP_FILTER_BYPASS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP To skip the locking sequence and check for lock of CP filter PLL uint8 ATTR_SS_FILTER_BYPASS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP To skip the locking sequence and check for lock of SS filter PLL uint8 ATTR_IO_FILTER_BYPASS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP To skip the locking sequence and check for lock of IO filter PLL uint8 ATTR_DPLL_BYPASS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Skip locking sequence and check for lock of DPLL uint8 ATTR_NEST_MEM_X_O_PCI_BYPASS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Skip the locking sequence and check for lock of NEST/MEM/XBUS/OBUS/PCI PLLs uint8 ATTR_TARGET_HAS_POWER TARGET_TYPE_PERV Functional Target has power uint8 ATTR_TARGET_HAS_CLOCK TARGET_TYPE_PERV Functional Target has clock uint8 ATTR_TARGET_IS_SCOMMABLE TARGET_TYPE_PERV Functional Target is scommable uint8 ATTR_SBE_SYS_CONFIG TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM System Configurtion information - 1 indicates a chip present uint64 ATTR_CP_REFCLOCK_RCVR_TERM TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Defines system specific value of processor refclock receiver termination NONE = 0, FIFTY_OHM = 1 uint8 ATTR_IO_REFCLOCK_RCVR_TERM TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Defines system specific value of PCI refclock receiver termination NONE = 0, FIFTY_OHM = 1, ONE_HUNDRED_OHM = 3 uint8 ATTR_SECUREBOOT_PROTECT_DECONFIGURED_TPM TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP To deconfigure a TPM in a secure system - 01 to set TDP bit uint8 ATTR_SECTOR_BUFFER_STRENGTH TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Sector buffer strength uint8 ATTR_PULSE_MODE_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM enable the pulse mode uint8 ATTR_PULSE_MODE_VALUE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM value for pulse mode uint8 ATTR_NDL_MESHCTRL_SETUP TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Control NDL training:meshctrl setup uint8 ATTR_START_CBS_FIFO_RESET_SKIP TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Allow skipping fifo reset during p9_start_cbs, to enable systems without cfam access to fifo registers (WAFER/RBI). uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_SYSTEM_CORECACHE_SKEWADJ_DISABLE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM To allow for selective enablement for lab testing To allow skew function to be enabled/disabled. uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_SYSTEM_CORECACHE_DCADJ_DISABLE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM To allow for selective enablement for lab testing To allow dcadj function to be enabled/disabled. uint8 FALSE = 0x0,TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_MC_PLL_BUCKET TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM MC pll bucket selection in async mode for Cumulus uint8 ATTR_PROC_CHIP_MEM_TO_USE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM This attribute denotes where our master proc's memory is located. In the case that the master-proc does not have usable memory, we are going to use another proc's memory to boot. The attribute will be set to the chip and group ID of which proc we want to use. uint8 ATTR_PROC_MEM_TO_USE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP This attribute denotes where our master proc's memory is located. In the case that the master-proc does not have usable memory, we are going to use another proc's memory to boot. The attribute will be set to the chip and group ID of which proc we want to use. uint8 ATTR_ORIG_FIR_SETTINGS_ACTION0 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM This attribute is saving the fir settings for action0. During different points of the IPL we want to turn off unit checkstops. This attribute saves the original value. uint64 ATTR_ORIG_FIR_SETTINGS_ACTION1 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM This attribute is saving the fir settings for action1. During different points of the IPL we want to turn off unit checkstops. This attribute saves the original value. uint64