ATTR_IO_OMI_DCCAL_FLAGS TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Flags to indicate if rx / tx dccal has been run. uint8 NONE = 0x0, TX = 0x1, RX = 0x2 ATTR_IO_OMI_DEBUG TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Indicate if debug data should be taken pre / post linktraining. uint8 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_IO_OMI_MFG_CHK TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Indicate if manufcaturing tests should be taken pre / post linktraining. uint8 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_IO_OMI_MFG_MIN_EYE_WIDTH TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Minimum eye width to allow passing through manufacturing. uint8 ATTR_IO_OMI_TX_MARGIN_RATIO TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Value to select amount of margin to be applied. uint8 ATTR_IO_OMI_TX_FFE_PRECURSOR TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Value to select amount of tx ffe precusor to apply. uint8 ATTR_IO_OMI_TX_FFE_POSTCURSOR TARGET_TYPE_OMIC Value to select amount of tx ffe postcusor to apply. uint8 ATTR_IO_OMI_MFG_STRESS_PR_OFFSET_EVEN TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP This attribute provides an a way to stress the SMP Abus Even Lanes in Manufacturing. By applying a phase rotator offset we can further stress the phy. This is a 6-bit 2's complement value that would be right justified in the 8 bit UINT attribute value. uint8 ATTR_IO_OMI_MFG_STRESS_PR_OFFSET_ODD TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP i This attribute provides an a way to stress the SMP Abus Odd Lanes in Manufacturing. By applying a phase rotator offset we can further stress the phy. This is a 6-bit 2's complement value that would be right justified in the 8 bit UINT attribute value. uint8