/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/memory/p9_mss_eff_config_thermal.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /// /// @file p9_mss_eff_config_thermal.C /// @brief Perform thermal calculations as part of the effective configuration /// // *HWP HWP Owner: Jacob Harvey // *HWP HWP Backup: Andre Marin // *HWP Team: Memory // *HWP Level: 3 // *HWP Consumed by: FSP:HB #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { /// /// @brief Perform thermal calculations as part of the effective configuration /// @param[in] i_targets an array of MCS targets all on the same VDDR domain /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS iff ok /// @note sets ATTR_MSS_MEM_WATT_TARGET, ATTR_MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLED_N_COMMANDS_PER_PORT and _PER_SLOT, and ATTR_MSS_PORT_MAXPOWER fapi2::ReturnCode p9_mss_eff_config_thermal( const std::vector< fapi2::Target >& i_targets ) { FAPI_INF("Start effective config thermal"); fapi2::ReturnCode l_rc; std::vector< uint64_t > l_slope (mss::power_thermal::SIZE_OF_POWER_CURVES_ATTRS, 0); std::vector< uint64_t > l_intercept (mss::power_thermal::SIZE_OF_POWER_CURVES_ATTRS, 0); std::vector< uint64_t > l_thermal_power_limit (mss::power_thermal::SIZE_OF_THERMAL_ATTR, 0); uint16_t l_vddr_slope [mss::PORTS_PER_MCS][mss::MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT] = {}; uint16_t l_vddr_int [mss::PORTS_PER_MCS][mss::MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT] = {}; uint16_t l_total_slope [mss::PORTS_PER_MCS][mss::MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT] = {}; uint16_t l_total_int [mss::PORTS_PER_MCS][mss::MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT] = {}; uint32_t l_thermal_power [mss::PORTS_PER_MCS][mss::MAX_DIMM_PER_PORT] = {}; FAPI_TRY( mss::mrw_pwr_slope (l_slope.data()), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal"); FAPI_TRY( mss::mrw_pwr_intercept (l_intercept.data()), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal" ); FAPI_TRY( mss::mrw_thermal_memory_power_limit (l_thermal_power_limit.data()), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal" ); FAPI_TRY( mss::power_thermal::set_runtime_m_and_watt_limit (i_targets), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal"); FAPI_INF("Size of vectors are %d %d %d", l_slope.size(), l_intercept.size(), l_thermal_power_limit.size()); //Restore runtime_throttles from safemode setting //Decode and set power curve attributes at the same time for (const auto& l_mcs : i_targets ) { //Not doing any work if there are no dimms installed if (mss::count_dimm(l_mcs) == 0) { FAPI_INF("Skipping eff_config thermal because no dimms %s", mss::c_str(l_mcs)); continue; } FAPI_TRY( mss::power_thermal::get_power_attrs(l_mcs, l_slope, l_intercept, l_thermal_power_limit, l_vddr_slope, l_vddr_int, l_total_slope, l_total_int, l_thermal_power)); //Sets throttles to max_databus_util value FAPI_INF("Restoring throttles"); FAPI_TRY( mss::power_thermal::restore_runtime_throttles(l_mcs), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal"); //Set the power attribute (TOTAL_PWR) to just VDDR for the POWER bulk_pwr_throttles, restore to vddr+vpp later for OCC FAPI_TRY( FAPI_ATTR_SET(fapi2::ATTR_MSS_TOTAL_PWR_SLOPE, l_mcs, l_vddr_slope)); FAPI_TRY( FAPI_ATTR_SET(fapi2::ATTR_MSS_TOTAL_PWR_INTERCEPT, l_mcs, l_vddr_int)); FAPI_TRY( FAPI_ATTR_SET(fapi2::ATTR_MSS_DIMM_THERMAL_LIMIT, l_mcs, l_thermal_power)); } FAPI_INF("Starting bulk_pwr"); //get the thermal limits, done per dimm and set to worst case for the slot and port throttles //Bulk_pwr sets the general, all purpose ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLED_N_COMMANDS_PER_SLOT, _PER_PORT, and MAXPOWER ATTRs FAPI_EXEC_HWP(l_rc, p9_mss_bulk_pwr_throttles, i_targets, mss::throttle_type::POWER); FAPI_TRY(l_rc, "Failed running p9_mss_bulk_pwr_throttles"); //Set runtime throttles to worst case between ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLED_N_COMMANDS_PER_SLOT //and ATTR_MSS_MEM_RUNTIME_THROTTLED_N_COMMANDS_PER_SLOT and the _PORT equivalents also FAPI_INF("Starting update"); FAPI_TRY( mss::power_thermal::update_runtime_throttles (i_targets), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal" ); FAPI_INF("finished update"); //Set VDDR+VPP power curve values for ( const auto& l_mcs : i_targets ) { if (mss::count_dimm(l_mcs) == 0) { continue; } //Zero out the arrays memset(l_vddr_slope, 0, sizeof(l_vddr_slope)); memset(l_vddr_int, 0, sizeof(l_vddr_int)); memset(l_total_slope, 0, sizeof(l_total_slope)); memset(l_total_int, 0, sizeof(l_total_int)); memset(l_thermal_power, 0, sizeof(l_thermal_power)); FAPI_TRY( mss::power_thermal::get_power_attrs(l_mcs, l_slope, l_intercept, l_thermal_power_limit, l_vddr_slope, l_vddr_int, l_total_slope, l_total_int, l_thermal_power)); FAPI_INF( "VDDR+VPP power curve slope is %d, int is %d, thermal_power is %d", l_total_slope[0][0], l_total_int[0][0], l_thermal_power[0][0]); //Set the power curve attributes (TOTAL_PWR) to vpp+vdd power slope and intercept FAPI_TRY( FAPI_ATTR_SET(fapi2::ATTR_MSS_TOTAL_PWR_SLOPE, l_mcs, l_total_slope)); FAPI_TRY( FAPI_ATTR_SET(fapi2::ATTR_MSS_TOTAL_PWR_INTERCEPT, l_mcs, l_total_int)); } //Run thermal throttles with the VDDR+VPP power curves FAPI_EXEC_HWP(l_rc, p9_mss_bulk_pwr_throttles, i_targets, mss::throttle_type::THERMAL); FAPI_TRY(l_rc, "Failed running p9_mss_bulk_pwr_throttles with THERMAL throttling in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal"); //Update everything to worst case FAPI_TRY( mss::power_thermal::update_runtime_throttles (i_targets), "Error in p9_mss_eff_config_thermal" ); //Done FAPI_INF( "End effective config thermal"); fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::current_err; } } //extern C