#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/tools/listdeps.pl $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2016 # [+] Google Inc. # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # 1. Create a hash with all library names and function names as the key-pair # value. # 2. Get a list of all undefined functions from the istep modules. # 3. Figure out which libraries are required for each istep using the two lists # above. # # NOTE: The script only checks the first level of dependency for each module. use strict; use File::Find (); use File::Path; use Cwd; # This constant has a corresponding entry in src/include/usr/initservice/initsvcstructs.H. use constant MAX_DEPENDENT_MODULES => 10; # validate the number of input args if( $#ARGV == -1 || $#ARGV > 4 ) { usage(); } # return -1 if we fail validation, otherwise default to success my $rc = 0; # directory where modules (.so's) are located, passed in from cmdline my $image_directory = shift; if( $image_directory eq "-h" || $image_directory eq "--help") { usage(); } # the name of a specific module to check my $module_to_check = ""; my $count = $#ARGV+2; # should we validate against the existing # g_istepDep structure? my $validate_deps = 0; # print out the depedancies for each module my $print_deps = 0; # list all, event resident modules my $list_all = 0; while ( $count ) { $count--; my $arg = shift; next if( $arg eq "" ); if( $arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "--help") { usage(); } if( $arg eq "-v" ) { $validate_deps = 1; } elsif( $arg eq "-p" ) { $print_deps = 1; } elsif( $arg eq "-All" ) { $list_all = 1; } else { $module_to_check = $arg; } } # dont allow a validation for list all option if( $list_all && $validate_deps ) { printf("\nSorry not able to validate non-istep modules please "); printf("remove either the or the -All option and try again.\n\n"); exit; } # go to the image directory passed in chdir "$image_directory"; my $module_name; my $depends; my $FunctionMap = {}; #slurp in all the modules names from the img directory my @module_names = < *[!_][!r][!t].so >; my $PREFIX = $ENV{'CROSS_PREFIX'}; # for each module, grab the defined functions and create a hash # with the key being the function name and the value returned as the # shared library where it is defined. foreach $module_name (@module_names ) { my @output = `${PREFIX}nm -AD --defined-only $module_name`; chomp @output; foreach my $line (@output) { my @values = split(':', $line); my $library = $values[0]; @values = split( ' ' , $line ); my $function = $values[2]; if (not defined $FunctionMap->{ $function }) { $FunctionMap->{ $function } = $library; } } } # if there was a library name passed in use that # otherwise if they asked to list all dependencies # then use the list we already created above, # default is to the list required libs of istep modules my @istep_modules = (); if( $module_to_check ) { @istep_modules = ( $module_to_check ); } elsif ( $list_all ) { @istep_modules = @module_names; } else { @istep_modules = ( "libistep06.so", "libistep07.so", "libistep08.so", "libistep09.so", "libistep10.so", "libistep11.so", "libistep12.so", "libistep13.so", "libistep14.so", "libistep15.so", "libistep16.so", "libistep18.so", "libistep20.so", "libistep21.so", ); } # list of libs which are not unloaded my $resident_modules = { "libtargeting.so" => '1', "libhwas.so" => '1' , "libdevicefw.so" => '1', "liberrl.so" => '1', "libtrace.so" => '1', "libvfs.so" => '1', "libfapi2.so" => '1', "libecmddatabuffer.so" => '1', "libpnor.so" => '1', "libmbox.so" => '1', "libinitservice.so" => '1', "libisteps.so" => '1', "libistepdisp.so" => '1', "libextinitsvc.so" => '1', "libplat.so" => '1', "libhwp.so" => '1', "libbus_training.so" => '1', "libintr.so" => '1', "libprdf.so" => '1', "libmdia.so" => '1', "libattn.so" => '1', "libi2c.so" => '1', "libutil.so" => '1', "libibscom.so" => '1', "libfsiscom.so" => '1', "libfsi.so" => '1', "libscan.so" => '1', "libgpio.so" => '1', "liblpc.so" => '1', "libconsole.so" => '1', "liberrldisplay.so" => '1', "libipmi.so" => '1', "libsbeio.so" => '1', "libvpd.so" => '1', "libsecureboot_trusted.so" => '1', "libsecureboot_base.so" => '1', }; # A list of the dependent libraries in each istep. # These must be included in the istep file as a dependency. my %istepFiles = ( "libistep06.so" => "istep06list.H" , "libistep07.so" => "istep07list.H" , "libistep08.so" => "istep08list.H" , "libistep09.so" => "istep09list.H" , "libistep10.so" => "istep10list.H" , "libistep11.so" => "istep11list.H" , "libistep12.so" => "istep12list.H" , "libistep13.so" => "istep13list.H" , "libistep14.so" => "istep14list.H" , "libistep15.so" => "istep15list.H" , "libistep16.so" => "istep16list.H" , "libistep18.so" => "istep18list.H" , "libistep20.so" => "istep20list.H" , "libistep21.so" => "istep21list.H" , ); # array to hold list of dependent libraries my @Dependencies; # hash to help with unique module names my %seen = (); foreach my $module_name (@istep_modules ) { if( $list_all ) { %seen = (); } else { %seen = $resident_modules; } @Dependencies = (); # the library will have a dependency on itself push(@Dependencies, $module_name); # get an array with all the undefined functions from this module my @output = `${PREFIX}nm --undefined-only $module_name`; chomp @output; foreach my $line (@output) { my @values = split( ' ' , $line ); my $elem = $values[1]; my $lib = $FunctionMap->{ $elem}; # if we have this module in our "seen it" array, just skip it # otherwise we will add it as a new dependency next if $seen{ $lib }++; push @Dependencies, $lib; } # should we validate? if( $validate_deps ) { validate( $module_name, $istepFiles{$module_name} ); } # does user want us to print the dependencies to the screen? if( $print_deps ) { # print out the list of dependencies for this # particular library print ( "$module_name requires => \n"); foreach my $required_lib ( @Dependencies ) { $_ = $required_lib; next if ( m/test/ ); next if ( !m/lib/ ); if( $list_all ) { # just print it for looking.. print "\t\t$required_lib\n"; } else { #format so I can cut and paste print "\t\tDEP_LIB($required_lib),\n"; } } print "\n"; } } exit($rc); #/====================== S U B R O U T I N E S ===============================/ # validate the current dependencies for the passed in module name # NOTE: the @Dependencies array is a global constructed above. sub validate { my @list = (); my ($module, $istepFile ) = @_; my $path = "../src/include/usr/isteps/"; my $file = $path . $istepFile; open FILE, "< $file" or die $!; # read the file one line at a time until we find the # spot we are looking for while() { my $line = $_; next if ( !m/DEP_LIB/ ); chomp($line); $line =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $line =~s/DEP_LIB\(//; $line =~s/\),.*//; #print "$line\n"; push( @list,$line); # we are at the start of the dependencies list # lets go into a new read till we find the closing # bracket of the array; while() { my $line = $_; chomp($line); last if( m/\}/ ); if (!($line =~ m/DEP_LIB/)) { next; } $line =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $line =~s/DEP_LIB\(//; $line =~s/\),//; # print "$line\n"; push( @list, $line ); } if( @list >= MAX_DEPENDENT_MODULES ) { print "\n-- WARNING -- too many dependencies listed (MAX=". (MAX_DEPENDENT_MODULES-1).") in"; print " src/include/usr/isteps/$istepFile\n\n"; } } # ok we have a list of dependencys from the actual istepXXlist.H file # convert array to a hash with the array elements as the hash keys, # the value is not important, so I set them all to 1 my %ListedDeps = map {$_ => 1} @list; foreach my $match ( @Dependencies ) { # check if the there exists a match if ( !(defined $ListedDeps{$match}) && ($match) && !(defined $resident_modules->{ $match } ) ) { print "$module is MISSING DEPENDENCY $match\n"; print "\nplease add \"DEP_LIB($match),\""; print " to src/include/usr/isteps/$istepFile\n\n"; $rc = -1; } } close FILE; } # the help text sub usage { print "Usage:\n"; print "\t$0 [ module to check ]\n\n"; print "Example: to list all istep modules and dependencies.\n"; print "\n\t$0 ~/my-hostboot-repo/img -p \n\n"; print "Example: to validate all istep modules and top level dependencies.\n"; print "\n\t$0 ~/my-hostboot-repo/img -v \n\n"; print "Example: to list the dependencies for a specific module.\n"; print "\n\t$0 ~/my-hostboot-repo/img libslave_sbe.so \n\n"; print "-v will validate existing istep dependencies\n"; print "-p will print dependency requirements\n"; print "-All will print all dependency requirements (not just istep modules)\n"; print "requires the -p option.\n\n"; exit 0; }