#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/tools/hbGenConfig $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; use File::Basename; # Usage: hbGenConfig [config files] # Override file may be the string 'default' to indicate no overrides. # # For file format specifications see bottom of this file. # my $override_config = shift; my @config_files = @ARGV; my @entries = (); my %defaults = (); my %default_exprs = (); my %depends = (); my %config_set = (); # Parse config files. foreach my $file (@config_files) { parseFile($file); } # Parse override files. if ($override_config ne "default") { parseOverride($override_config); } # Enable non-override defaults. enableDefaults(); enableDefaultExprs(); # Check dependencies. checkDeps(); # Output config.mk/config.h files. outputResults(); ####### # @sub parseFile # Parse a 'HBconfig' file. # # @param[in] File name to parse. sub parseFile { my $file = shift; open FILE, "< $file" or die "Could not open $file"; my $entry = ""; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/#.*//; # Config title name: 'config FOO' if ($line =~ m/^\s*config\s*(\S*)/) { $entry = $1; push @entries, $1; } # Default value: 'default yes', 'default yes if !BAR' elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*default\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)/) { if ($2 eq "") { if ("y" eq $1) { $defaults{$entry} = 1; } else { $defaults{$entry} = 0; } } else { my $y_or_n = $1; my $expr = $2; $expr =~ s/^if\s*//; $expr = "!($expr)" if ("y" ne $y_or_n); $default_exprs{$entry} = $expr; } } # Dependency values: 'depends on (FOO && !BAR)' elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*depends on\s*(.*)/) { $depends{$entry} = $1; } } close FILE; } # @sub parseOverride # Parse an override file. # # @param[in] Filename of the override file. sub parseOverride { my $file = shift; open FILE, "< $file" or die "Could not open $file"; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/#.*//; if ($line =~ m/^\s*set\s*(\S*)/) { $config_set{$1} = 1; } elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*unset\s*(\S*)/) { $config_set{$1} = 0; } elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*include\s*(\S*)/) { my $subfile = $1; parseOverride(dirname($file)."/$subfile"); } } close FILE; } # @sub enableDefaults # Enables all of the 'default yes', 'default no', or missing default values # for config options which are not currently overridden. sub enableDefaults { foreach my $option (@entries) { if (not defined $config_set{$option} and not defined $default_exprs{$option}) { if (defined $defaults{$option}) { $config_set{$option} = $defaults{$option}; } else { $config_set{$option} = 0; } } } } # @sub enableDefaultExprs # Enable 'default yes if EXPR'-style config options which are not currently # overridden. sub enableDefaultExprs { foreach my $option (@entries) { if (not defined $config_set{$option} and defined $default_exprs{$option}) { $config_set{$option} = evaluateExpr($default_exprs{$option}); } } } # @sub checkDeps # Check the dependency requirements for each config option. sub checkDeps { foreach my $option (@entries) { if (defined $depends{$option} and 1 == $config_set{$option}) { if (0 == evaluateExpr($depends{$option})) { die "Dependencies not fulfilled for $option: $depends{$option}"; } } } } # @sub evaluateExpr # Evaluate an expression for default/depends-on statements. sub evaluateExpr { my $expr = shift; # Search for config names and replace them with a value. while ($expr =~ m/([A-Za-z_]\w*)/) { my $suboption = $1; # If the referenced config name doesn't have a value, recursively # call this function to determine its value. if (not defined $config_set{$suboption} and defined $default_exprs{$suboption}) { $config_set{$suboption} = evaluateExpr($default_exprs{$suboption}); } elsif (not defined $config_set{$suboption}) { $config_set{$suboption} = 0; } # Do the replacement. my $value = $config_set{$suboption}; $expr =~ s/$suboption/$value/; } # Call perl's 'eval' to perform the logical operations. return 1 if eval $expr; return 0; } # @sub outputResults # Create the config.mk / config.h files with the enabled options. sub outputResults { die if not defined $ENV{HOSTBOOTROOT}; open CONFIGMK, "> $ENV{HOSTBOOTROOT}/obj/genfiles/config.mk" or die; open CONFIGH, "> $ENV{HOSTBOOTROOT}/obj/genfiles/config.h" or die; print CONFIGH "#ifndef __HOSTBOOT_CONFIG_H\n"; print CONFIGH "#define __HOSTBOOT_CONFIG_H\n"; foreach my $option (@entries) { if ($config_set{$option}) { print CONFIGMK "CONFIG_$option = yes\n"; print CONFIGH "#define CONFIG_$option 1\n"; } else { print CONFIGMK "#CONFIG_$option = no\n"; print CONFIGH "/* CONFIG_$option = no */\n"; } } print CONFIGH "#endif\n"; close CONFIGMK; close CONFIGH; } __END__ This tool uses config files, as part of the source code, to identify the possible configuration options that can be used to tweak the compiled image's behavior. These config files define the options, their default values, and their relationships (ex. dependencies). The tool also uses override files to override the default behavior of a set of options. This is useful to create a image target for a particular system where you would like a set of config values to be delivered as a set. CONFIG FILES These files are placed anywhere in the source tree with the name 'HBconfig'. A particular config option should be placed in the HBconfig file located in the module directory best "owning" this option. (Ex. an option changing SPD behavior should be placed in the 'src/usr/vpd' directory.) Syntax: config [A-Z0-9_]+ This defines a config option by the name in the regular expression. default [yn] This sets default value for the previously referenced config option. default [yn] if EXPR This sets the default value for the previously referenced config option based on the current setting value of the expression 'EXPR'. depends on EXPR This enables dependency checking to ensure that if the config option is enabled that the expression EXPR also evaluates to true. help (text) A human readable description of the config option. # The start of a comment line. EXPR A logical expression using the following operators: (), !, &&, ||. Example: config EXAMPLE default y help This is an example config option. config EXAMPLE2 default n depends on !EXAMPLE help This is another example config option. config EXAMPLE3 default y if (EXAMPLE || EXAMPLE2) help This is yet another example. OVERRIDE FILES These files can be placed in any location would usually not be part of this codebase. They are enabled by setting the environment variable CONFIG_FILE= prior to calling make. Syntax: set [A-Z0-9_]+ Enable the config option named. unset [A-Z0-9_]+ Disable the config option named. include Recursively include another override file. # The start of a comment line. Example: unset EXAMPLE set EXAMPLE2 include ../foo/override.config USAGE This tool is used to generate a config.mk and a config.h file which can be used both in makefiles and in source. Any config option is given the prefix CONFIG_ (ex. CONFIG_EXAMPLE). In C[++] files you should use: #include #ifdef CONFIG_EXAMPLE ... #endif In makefiles you should use: OBJS += $(if $(CONFIG_EXAMPLE),example.o) OBJS += $(if $(CONFIG_EXAMPLE),,notexample.o)