#!/bin/sh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/tools/hb $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or other- # wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has # been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END execute_in_sandbox() { [ -z "${SANDBOXBASE}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXBASE." && exit -1 [ -z "${SANDBOXROOT}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXROOT." && exit -1 [ -z "${SANDBOXNAME}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXNAME." && exit -1 if [ ! -d "${SANDBOXBASE}" ]; then echo "Sandbox does not exist. Create with 'hb simsetup." exit -1 fi SANDBOXRC="${SANDBOXROOT}/hbsandboxrc" WORKON_CMD="workon -rc ${SANDBOXRC} -sb ${SANDBOXNAME} -m ppc " echo $1 > ${SANDBOXBASE}/src/sandbox_execute_cmd chmod 700 ${SANDBOXBASE}/src/sandbox_execute_cmd ${WORKON_CMD} -c ./sandbox_execute_cmd rm ${SANDBOXBASE}/src/sandbox_execute_cmd } hb_helptext() { echo "Hostboot Utility Script" case $1 in workon) echo " Topic 'workon'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb workon" echo echo " Sources necessary environment files for building hostboot" echo " and begins a new shell. The workon may be left via 'exit'." echo echo " Environment Variables:" echo " SHELL: The shell program to launch." echo echo " See also:" echo " customrc" ;; simsetup) echo " Topic 'simsetup'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb simsetup" echo echo " Creates a simics workspace (FSP sandbox) in the directed" echo " location and initializes simics as well as executing any" echo " hostboot specific workarounds." echo echo " FSP backing build and workarounds are chosen as directed" echo " by the CI test files (src/build/citest/etc)." echo echo " Environment Variables:" echo " SANDBOXROOT: Root directory of where the sandboxes" echo " should go." echo " SANDBOXNAME: Desired name of the hostboot sandbox." ;; prime) echo " Topic 'prime'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb prime" echo " hb prime --test" echo echo " Copies hostboot images and simics scripts into the" echo " simics workspace." echo echo " Options:" echo " --test : Copy test images (as opposed to non-test)." echo echo " See also:" echo " simsetup" ;; startsimics) echo " Topic 'startsimics'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb startsimics " echo echo " Enters the simics workspace and starts simics using the" echo " start_simics utility. Any options are passed directly to" echo " the start_simics script." echo echo " Requires the hostboot image to be 'prime'd into the workspace." echo echo " Environment Variables:" echo " MACHINE: Alternate simics machine type (default SALERNO)" echo " SIMICSOPTIONS: Additional options to always pass to the" echo " start simics script, such as '-nre'." echo echo " See also:" echo " simsetup, prime" ;; rsync) echo " Topic 'rsync'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb rsync" echo echo " Synchronizes an entire Hostboot repository with another" echo " directory. This can be useful for creating a backup of" echo " the repository or for pushing it to a remote host, such" echo " as a pool machine where simics is executed." echo echo " Environment Variables:" echo " RSYNCHOST: (optional) remote host to rsync to." echo " RSYNCDIR: Destination directory of the rsync." echo echo " The trailing slash on RSYNCDIR, or lack thereof, has" echo " meaning to rsync. Specifically /.../foo will create a new" echo " directory called 'foo' with the contents of your repository" echo " in it, while /.../foo/ will create a subdirectory within foo" echo " by the name of your repository's directory name." ;; objsizes) echo " Topic 'objsizes'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb objsizes" echo echo " Reads the ELF header information from all of the hostboot" echo " modules and generates a CSV output of the sizes of the text" echo " and data sections of the modules." ;; copyright_check) echo " Topic 'copyright_check'" echo echo " Usage:" echo " hb copyright_check" echo echo " Executes addCopyright.pl in validate mode against the most" echo " recent commit in your repository to ensure the prologs are" echo " all added properly." ;; customrc) echo " Topic 'customrc'" echo echo " Setting up this file in the root of your repository gives a" echo " convienient way to create default environment variables for" echo " the 'hb' script and your hostboot workon environment. Some" echo " of the hb sub-commands require environment variables assigned" echo " and they should be done through this 'customrc' file. You" echo " may also use this as a place to source other files you need" echo " for your environment, such as setting up 'git'." echo echo " The 'customrc' file is in the .gitignore file and should" echo " NEVER be committed to git. These are your own custom " echo " settings." echo echo " The minimal example 'customrc' file is as follows:" echo " #!/bin/sh" echo " export SANDBOXROOT=~/sandboxes" echo " export SANDBOXNAME=hostboot" echo echo " See also:" echo " All other sub-commands." ;; *) echo " Usage:" echo " hb " echo " hb help [|]" echo echo " Available Commands:" echo " workon, simsetup, prime, startsimics, rsync, objsizes," echo " copyright_check" echo echo " Additional Help Topics:" echo " customrc" echo echo " For initial setup:" echo " 1) Create customrc file." echo " 2) hb workon" echo " 3) hb simsetup" echo " 4) Create images (edit code, make, etc.)." echo " 5) hb prime [--test]" echo " 6) hb startsimics" echo " 7) Return to step 4 until satisfied." ;; esac } hb_workon() { if [ -n "${HOSTBOOT_INSIDE_WORKON}" ]; then echo "Already in a workon." exit -1 else export HOSTBOOT_INSIDE_WORKON=1 echo "Setting environment variables..." source ./env.bash echo "Spawning new shell (${SHELL})..." ${SHELL} && exit 0 fi } hb_prime() { if [ -n "${SANDBOXBASE}" ]; then if [ ! -d "${SANDBOXBASE}" ]; then echo "Sandbox does not exist. Create with 'hb simsetup." exit -1 fi cpfiles.pl $* else echo "SANDBOXBASE not set." exit -1 fi } hb_simsetup() { [ -z "${SANDBOXBASE}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXBASE." && exit -1 [ -z "${SANDBOXROOT}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXROOT." && exit -1 [ -z "${SANDBOXNAME}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXNAME." && exit -1 [ -z "${HOSTBOOTROOT}" ] && echo "Missing HOSTBOOTROOT." && exit -1 SANDBOXRC="${SANDBOXROOT}/hbsandboxrc" DRIVER=`cat ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/src/build/citest/etc/bbuild` if [ -d "${SANDBOXBASE}" ]; then echo "Removing old sandbox." mksb -rc ${SANDBOXRC} -dir ${SANDBOXROOT} -undo $SANDBOXNAME fi if [ ! -d "${SANDBOXROOT}" ]; then echo "Creating sandbox root directory." mkdir -p ${SANDBOXROOT} fi echo "Creating new sandbox." mksb -rc ${SANDBOXRC} -dir ${SANDBOXROOT} -back $DRIVER \ -sb ${SANDBOXNAME} -m ppc execute_in_sandbox "start_simics -no_start -machine ${MACHINE:-SALERNO}" echo "Running workarounds." cp ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds ${SANDBOXBASE}/src execute_in_sandbox "export BACKING_BUILD=\$bb && ./workarounds" rm ${SANDBOXBASE}/src/workarounds mkdir ${SANDBOXBASE}/img } hb_startsimics() { [ -z "${SANDBOXBASE}" ] && echo "Missing SANDBOXBASE." && exit -1 [ -z "${HOSTBOOTROOT}" ] && echo "Missing HOSTBOOTROOT." && exit -1 if [ ! -d "${SANDBOXBASE}" ]; then echo "Sandbox does not exist. Create with 'hb simsetup." exit -1 fi SBDRIVER=`cat ${SANDBOXBASE}/rc_files/sb.conf | \ grep "backing_build" | awk '{ print $3 }'` DRIVER=`cat ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/src/build/citest/etc/bbuild` if [ ${SBDRIVER} != ${DRIVER} ]; then echo "Driver mismatch between sandbox and src/build/citest/etc/bbuild." echo "Sandbox at ${SBDRIVER}" echo "Update sandbox with 'hb simsetup'." exit -1 fi execute_in_sandbox \ "start_simics -machine ${MACHINE:-SALERNO} ${SIMICSOPTIONS} $*" } hb_rsync() { [ -z "${HOSTBOOTROOT}" ] && echo "Missing HOSTBOOTROOT." && exit -1 [ -z "${RSYNCDIR}" ] && echo "Missing RSYNCDIR." && exit -1 if [ -z "${RSYNCHOST}" ]; then rsync -av --delete ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/ ${RSYNCDIR} else rsync -zav --delete ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/ ${RSYNCHOST}:${RSYNCDIR} fi } hb_objsizes() { [ -z "${HOSTBOOTROOT}" ] && echo "Missing HOSTBOOTROOT." && exit -1 echo "Object,Text Size,Data Size" objdump -h ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/img/*.elf ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/img/*.so | \ grep -e ".elf" -e ".so:" -e ".text " -e ".data " | \ sed "s/.so:.*/.so/" | \ sed "s/.elf:.*/.elf/" | \ sed 's/.*\.text *\([0-9a-f]*\).*/,0x\1/' | \ sed "s/.*\.data *\([0-9a-f]*\).*/,0x\1/" | \ sed "N ; N ; s/\n//g" | \ xargs -n1 perl -e 'printf "%s,%d,%d\n", map { 0 == hex $_ ? $_ : hex $_ } split /\,/,shift;' | \ sed "s/.*\///" } hb_copyright_check() { git diff HEAD~1 --name-only | xargs addCopyright.pl validate } if [ 0 == $# ]; then hb_helptext exit -1 fi FIRST_PARAM=$1 shift case ${FIRST_PARAM} in workon) hb_workon $* ;; prime) hb_prime $* ;; simsetup) hb_simsetup $* ;; startsimics) hb_startsimics $* ;; rsync) hb_rsync $* ;; objsizes) hb_objsizes $* ;; copyright_check) hb_copyright_check $* ;; *) hb_helptext $* exit -1 ;; esac