#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/tools/builddriver $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2014 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # This script builds and publishes drivers. # It does: # 1) creates a git repository # 2) checks out from the powerhal repository # 3) builds # 4) tags the driver # # This assumes: # 1) you have current GSA credentials # 2) you are in powerhal/writers GSA group # 3) git is in your path # 4) you are running this on gfwr801 or other suitable build machine use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; my $POWERHAL_HOME = "/gsa/rchgsa/projects/p/powerhal"; my $POWERHAL_REPO = $POWERHAL_HOME."/git"; my $DEFAULT_DRIVERS_HOME = $POWERHAL_HOME."/drivers"; my $DEFAULT_PUBLISH_HOME = $POWERHAL_HOME."/builds"; my $BUILD_SCRIPT = "src/build/tools/build"; my $FIRST_SPIN_NAME = "a"; my $DEFAULT_RELEASE ="110"; my $DEFAULT_BRANCH = "devel"; # Constructs a build name in the format bMMDDx_YYWW.rrr # Example: b0126a_1104.110 sub constructBuildName { my ($spin, $release) = @_; # TODO Rewrite this to avoid the date call and build it in perl? my $dateCmd = "/bin/date +b%m%d".$spin."_%y%W.".$release; my $buildName = `$dateCmd`; chomp $buildName; return $buildName; } # Return the build name to use # This looks in the $driverHome for existing spins on this date and updates the spin name accordingly sub getBuildName { my ($driverHome, $release) = @_; my $driverNamePattern = constructBuildName(".", $release); my $dir; opendir ($dir, $driverHome) or die "Cannot open $driverHome."; my @matches = sort grep { /^$driverNamePattern/ } readdir ($dir); closedir ($dir); my $buildName; if (scalar(@matches) > 0) { print "Existing spins for this build date and release:\n"; foreach (@matches) { print "\t".$_."\n"; } my $lastSpin = $matches[-1]; print "Last spin was $lastSpin\n"; $lastSpin =~ /^b\d\d\d\d([a-z])/ or die "Found driver matches, but spin name match failed."; $lastSpin = $1; die "Too many spins today!!!" if ($lastSpin eq "z"); $lastSpin++; $buildName = constructBuildName($lastSpin, $release); } else { print "First spin for this build date and release.\n"; $buildName = constructBuildName($FIRST_SPIN_NAME, $release); } print "This build will be: $buildName\n"; return $buildName; } # Creates a directory with the $dir name # Creates a git repository # Adds $remoteRepository as the remote repository # Checks out $branch # Creates a tag $tag # Pushes the tag to the remote repository sub createRepo { my ($dir, $remoteRepository, $branch, $tag) = @_; die "createRepo: dir is required" unless (defined $dir); die "createRepo: remoteRepository is required" unless (defined $remoteRepository); die "createRepo: branch is required" unless (defined $branch); die "createRepo: tag is required" unless (defined $tag); mkdir $dir or die "Cannot mkdir $dir"; chdir $dir or die "Cannot chdir to $dir"; my $cmd = "git init"; system "$cmd"; my $rc = $?; die "Failed running '$cmd' with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); $cmd = "git remote add origin ".$remoteRepository; system "$cmd"; $rc = $?; die "Failed running '$cmd' with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); $cmd = "git fetch origin"; system "$cmd"; $rc = $?; die "Failed running '$cmd' with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); $cmd = "git checkout -b ".$branch." origin/".$branch; system "$cmd"; $rc = $?; die "Failed running '$cmd' with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); $cmd = "git tag -a -m \"Build ".$tag."\" ".$tag; system "$cmd"; $rc = $?; die "Failed running '$cmd' with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); $cmd = "git push --tags origin"; system "$cmd"; $rc = $?; die "Failed running '$cmd' with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); } # Builds the driver # Assumes the current working directory is the root of the git repository sub build { die "Cannot find build script \"$BUILD_SCRIPT\"" unless (-e $BUILD_SCRIPT); system "$BUILD_SCRIPT | /usr/bin/tee build.log"; my $rc = $?; print "Compile output in ".cwd()."/build.log\n"; die "Compile failed with rc $rc" unless ($rc == 0); } sub publish { my ($dir) = @_; die "publish: dir is required" unless (defined $dir); mkdir $dir or die "Cannot mkdir $dir"; system "cp -p img/*.lid img/*.ruhx img/*.lidhdr $dir"; my $rc = $?; die "Could not copy lids to $dir" unless ($rc == 0); mkdir $dir."/include" or die "Cannot mkdir include"; mkdir $dir."/include/hal" or die "Cannot mkdir include/hal"; system "cp -p src/include/hal/hal.h obj/doxygen/html/hal_8h.html obj/doxygen/html/*.css $dir"."/include/hal/"; $rc = $?; die "Could not copy hal.h and doxygen files" unless ($rc == 0); } # main my $startTime = time(); my $currentTime = localtime(); print "Build starting at $currentTime.\n"; my $driversHome = $DEFAULT_DRIVERS_HOME; my $release = $DEFAULT_RELEASE; my $remoteRepository = $POWERHAL_REPO; my $branch = $DEFAULT_BRANCH; my $tag; # Default tag is the build name my $publishHome = $DEFAULT_PUBLISH_HOME; GetOptions("home=s" => \$driversHome, "release=s" => \$release, "remote=s" => \$remoteRepository, "branch=s" => \$branch, "tag=s" => \$tag, "publishhome=s" => \$publishHome); die "Unsupported parameters: @ARGV" unless (scalar(@ARGV) == 0); print "Drivers home = $driversHome\n"; print "Release = $release\n"; print "Remote repository = $remoteRepository\n"; print "Branch = $branch\n"; my $buildName = getBuildName($driversHome, $release); print "Build name = $buildName\n"; $tag = (defined $tag) ? $tag : $buildName; print "Tag = $tag\n"; print "Publish home = $publishHome\n"; # This changes the current working directory to the new repository createRepo($driversHome."/".$buildName, $remoteRepository, $branch, $tag); build(); publish($publishHome."/".$buildName); $currentTime = localtime(); print "Build $buildName completed successfully at $currentTime.\n"; print "Duration: ".(time() - $startTime)." seconds\n";