#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/simics/hb-pnor-vpd-preload.pl $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2015 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; my $DEBUG = 0; my $numProcs; my $numCentPerProc; my $dataPath = "."; my $outputPath = "."; my $machine = "NIMBUS"; my $procConfig = "uninit"; my $centConfig = "uninit"; my $maxProcs = 8; # Create temp file for MVPD my $emptyMVPDfh; my $emptyMVPD; ($emptyMVPDfh, $emptyMVPD) = tempfile(); # Create temp file for SPD my $emptySPDfh; my $emptySPD; ($emptySPDfh, $emptySPD) = tempfile(); # Create temp file for CVPD my $emptyCVPDfh; my $emptyCVPD; ($emptyCVPDfh, $emptyCVPD) = tempfile(); my $mvpdFile = "procmvpd.dat"; my $mvpdFile_ven = "procmvpd_ven.dat"; my $mvpdFile_p9n = "procmvpd_p9n.dat"; my $cvpdFile = "cvpd.dat"; my $spdFile = "dimmspd.dat"; my $sysMVPD = "sysmvpd.dat"; my $sysCVPD = "syscvpd.dat"; my $sysSPD = "sysspd.dat"; my $MAX_CENT_PER_PROC = 8; my $MAX_DIMMS_PER_CENT = 8; my $MAX_MCS = 8; my @mcsArray = ( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ); while( $ARGV = shift ) { if( $ARGV =~ m/--numProcs/ || $ARGV =~ m/-np/ ) { $numProcs = shift; debugMsg( "Num Procs: $numProcs" ); } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--maxProcs/ || $ARGV =~ m/-mp/ ) { $maxProcs = shift; } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--numCentPerProc/ || $ARGV =~ m/-ncpp/ ) { $numCentPerProc = shift; debugMsg( "Num Centaurs Per Proc: $numCentPerProc" ); } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--dataPath/ || $ARGV =~ m/-dp/ ) { $dataPath = shift; debugMsg( "Data Path: $dataPath" ); } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--machine/ || $ARGV =~ m/-m/ ) { $machine = shift; debugMsg( "Machine: $machine" ); } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--outputPath/ || $ARGV =~ m/-op/ ) { $outputPath = shift; } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--forceProc/ || $ARGV =~ m/-fp/ ) { $procConfig = shift; } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--forceCent/ || $ARGV =~ m/-fc/ ) { $centConfig = shift; if(length($centConfig) != $MAX_MCS) { print "\nERROR: --forceCent/-fc arg must define presence for all $MAX_MCS Centaurs\n\n\n"; usage(); } } elsif( $ARGV =~ m/--examples/ || $ARGV =~ m/-e/ ) { examples(); } else { usage(); } } #figure out default procConfig if one was not specified. #if procConfig was specified, validate it's length. if( $procConfig =~ m/uninit/ ) { $procConfig = ""; for( my $proc = 0; $proc < $maxProcs; $proc++ ) { if( $proc < $numProcs ) { $procConfig = $procConfig."1"; } else { $procConfig = $procConfig."0"; } } } elsif(length($procConfig) != $maxProcs) { print "ERROR: forceProc arg must specify presence of same number of procs as indicated by maxProcs($maxProcs)\n"; exit 1; } #if Machine is HABANERO exit out -- HB collects the VPD itself if($machine eq "HABANERO") { print "PNOR VPD Data Build Not needed.\n"; exit 0; } getCentaurConfig(); createMVPDData(); createCVPDData(); createSPDData(); cleanup(); print "PNOR VPD Data Build Complete.\n"; exit 0; ############################################ # End of Main program ############################################ #==================================================================== # Usage Message #==================================================================== sub usage { print "Usage: $0 --numProcs [--numCentPerProc ]\n"; print " [--dataPath ] [-m | --machine ]\n"; print " [-mp | --maxProcs ]\n"; print " [-fp | --forceProc ]\n"; print " [-h | --help]\n"; print "\n"; print " -np --numProcs Number of Processors in the drawer.\n"; print " -mp --maxProcs Max number of Proc records created.\n"; print " -fp --forceProc Force specific procs to be present.\n"; print " -ncpp --numCentPerProc Number of Centaurs per Processor.\n"; print " not required with --forceCent.\n"; print " -fc --forceCent Force specifc Centaurs to be present\n"; print " behind each processor. Must always\n"; print " contain info for 8 Centaurs\n"; print " --numCentPerProc\n"; print " -m --machine Text machine to build data for.\n"; print " Default: MURANO\n"; print " -dp --dataPath Path to VPD data files.\n"; print " -op --outputPath Path where VPD files should end up.\n"; print " Default: ./\n"; print " -h --help Help/Usage.\n"; print " -e --examples List some example use cases.\n"; print "\n\n"; exit 1; } #==================================================================== # Examples Message #==================================================================== sub examples { print "Following are some Examples of common use-cases for this tool\n"; print "\n"; print "Create System Specfic image with standard plugging:\n"; print "$0 --numProcs 2 --numCentPerProc 2 --machine MURANO"; print " --dataPath \n"; print "\n"; print "Create a VPO image with explicit Proc and Centaur plugging\n"; print " This will result in VPD for the first to proc and Centaurs\n"; print " behind MCS0 and MCS1 on each processor\n"; print " NOTE: for VPO, maxProcs must be set to 4\n"; print "$0 --maxProcs 4 --forceProc 1100 --forceCent 11000000"; print " --dataPath \n"; print "\n\n"; exit 1; } #==================================================================== # Print Debug Messages #==================================================================== sub debugMsg { my ($msg) = @_; if( $DEBUG ) { print "DEBUG: $msg\n"; } } #==================================================================== # Cleanup #==================================================================== sub cleanup { print "Cleaning up...\n"; my $cmd = "rm -rf $emptyMVPD $emptySPD"; system( $cmd ) == 0 or die "Failure to cleanup!"; } #==================================================================== # Create the MVPD data for PNOR #==================================================================== sub createMVPDData { print "Creating MVPD Data...\n"; my $cmd; my $result; my $sourceFile; my $sysMVPDFile = "$outputPath/$sysMVPD"; my $sysMVPDFileECC = $sysMVPDFile . ".ecc"; if( -e $sysMVPDFile ) { # Cleanup any existing files system( "rm -rf $sysMVPDFile" ); } # Currently it looks like all processors are populated in the order that # they are numbered. The following logic should work for every platform. # If this ever changes, building the MVPD data and SPD data will need to # be combined to not duplicate the logic for determining which processors # have which DIMMs. # Create empty processor MVPD chunk. $cmd = "echo \"00FFFF: 00\" \| xxd -r \> $emptyMVPD"; system( $cmd ) == 0 or die "Creating $emptyMVPD failed!"; for( my $proc = 0; $proc < $maxProcs; $proc++ ) { if( substr($procConfig,$proc,1) =~ /1/ ) { # Use real data to the full image. if( $machine eq "VENICE" ) { $sourceFile = "$dataPath/$mvpdFile_ven"; } elsif( $machine eq "NIMBUS") { $sourceFile = "$dataPath/$mvpdFile_p9n"; } elsif( $machine eq "ZZTOP") { $sourceFile = "$dataPath/$mvpdFile_p9n"; } else { $sourceFile = "$dataPath/$mvpdFile"; } } else { # No processor, use empty data chunk. $sourceFile = $emptyMVPD; } $result = `dd if=$sourceFile of=$sysMVPDFile conv=notrunc oflag=append 2>&1 1>/dev/null`; if( $? ) { debugMsg( "Failed to create: $sysMVPDFile, using source: $sourceFile" ); die "Error building MVPD file! $proc\n"; } } if( -e $sysMVPDFile ) { system( "chmod 775 $sysMVPDFile" ); system( "ecc --inject $sysMVPDFile --output $sysMVPDFileECC --p8" ); system( "chmod 775 $sysMVPDFileECC" ); } debugMsg( "MVPD Done." ); } #==================================================================== # Create the CVPD data for PNOR #==================================================================== sub createCVPDData { print "Creating CVPD Data...\n"; my $cmd; my $result; my $sourceFile; my $sysCVPDFile = "$outputPath/$sysCVPD"; my $sysCVPDFileECC = $sysCVPDFile . ".ecc"; if( -e $sysCVPDFile ) { # Cleanup any existing files system( "rm -rf $sysCVPDFile" ); } #Centaurs are populated based on populated Processors and special #MCS plugging rules. We can look at $procConfig and $maxProcs #to determine processor config. Centaur plugging is contained #in $mcsArray, populated by getCentaurConfig() # Create empty CVPD data chunk $cmd = " echo \"000FFF: 00\" \| xxd -r \> $emptyCVPD"; system( $cmd ) == 0 or die "Creating $emptyCVPD failed!"; for( my $proc = 0; $proc < $maxProcs; $proc++ ) { for( my $cent = 0; $cent < $MAX_CENT_PER_PROC; $cent++ ) { if( ($mcsArray[$cent] == 1) && substr($procConfig,$proc,1) =~ /1/ ) { debugMsg( "$machine( $proc, $cent): Real File" ); # Use the real data to the full image $sourceFile = "$dataPath/$cvpdFile"; } else { debugMsg( "$machine( $proc, $cent): Empty file" ); # No Centaur, use empty data chunk $sourceFile = $emptyCVPD; } $result = `dd if=$sourceFile of=$sysCVPDFile conv=notrunc oflag=append 2>&1 1>/dev/null`; if( $? ) { die "Error building CVPD file! proc=$proc cent=$cent\n"; } } } if( -e $sysCVPDFile ) { system( "chmod 775 $sysCVPDFile" ); system( "ecc --inject $sysCVPDFile --output $sysCVPDFileECC --p8" ); system( "chmod 775 $sysCVPDFileECC" ); } debugMsg( "CVPD Done." ); } #==================================================================== # Create the SPD data for PNOR #==================================================================== sub createSPDData { print "Creating SPD Data...\n"; my $cmd; my $result; my $sourceFile; my $sysSPDFile = "$outputPath/$sysSPD"; my $sysSPDFileECC = $sysSPDFile . ".ecc"; if( -e $sysSPDFile ) { # Cleanup any existing files system( "rm -rf $sysSPDFile" ); } # Create empty SPD data chunk $cmd = " echo \"0001FF: 00\" \| xxd -r \> $emptySPD"; system( $cmd ) == 0 or die "Creating $emptySPD failed!"; for( my $proc = 0; $proc < $maxProcs; $proc++ ) { for( my $cent = 0; $cent < $MAX_CENT_PER_PROC; $cent++ ) { for( my $dimm = 0; $dimm < $MAX_DIMMS_PER_CENT; $dimm++ ) { if( ($mcsArray[$cent] == 1) && substr($procConfig,$proc,1) =~ /1/ ) { debugMsg( "$machine( $proc, $cent, $dimm ): Real File" ); # Use the real data to the full image $sourceFile = "$dataPath/$spdFile"; } else { debugMsg( "$machine( $proc, $cent, $dimm ): Empty file" ); # No dimm, use empty data chunk $sourceFile = $emptySPD; } $result = `dd if=$sourceFile of=$sysSPDFile conv=notrunc oflag=append 2>&1 1>/dev/null`; if( $? ) { die "Error building SPD file! $proc $cent $dimm\n"; } } } } if( -e $sysSPDFile ) { system( "chmod 775 $sysSPDFile" ); system( "ecc --inject $sysSPDFile --output $sysSPDFileECC --p8" ); system( "chmod 775 $sysSPDFileECC" ); } debugMsg( "SPD Done." ); } sub getCentaurConfig { debugMsg( "getCentaurConfig $machine" ); #First check if explicit Centaur Plugging rules were provided if( $centConfig !~ m/uninit/ ) { for( my $mcs = 0; $mcs < $MAX_MCS; $mcs++ ) { if( substr($centConfig,$mcs,1) =~ /1/ ) { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 1; } else { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 0; } } } else { #use pre-defined Centaur Plugging order for( my $mcs = 0; $mcs < $MAX_MCS; $mcs++ ) { debugMsg( "Mcs: $mcs" ); if( $machine eq "MURANO" || $machine eq "NO_SP") { # Plugging order is: # Processor 0 - 3 # MCS 4 - 7 (1 Centaur/MCS) if( $mcs >= 4 && $mcs <= (4 + ($numCentPerProc - 1)) ) { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 1; } } elsif( $machine eq "VENICE" ) { # Plugging order is: # Processor 0 - 7 # MCS 0 - 7, then 0 - 3 if( $mcs >= 0 && $mcs <= (($numCentPerProc - 1)) ) { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 1; } } elsif( $machine eq "TULETA" ) { # Plugging order is: # Processor 0 - 3 # MCS 4 - 7, then 0 - 3 (1 Centaur/MCS) if( ($numCentPerProc <= 4) && ($mcs >= 4) && ($mcs <= (4 + ($numCentPerProc - 1))) ) { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 1; } elsif( $numCentPerProc > 4 ) { if( $mcs >= 4 && $mcs <= 7 ) { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 1; } elsif( $mcs >= 0 && $mcs < ($numCentPerProc - 4) ) { $mcsArray[$mcs] = 1; } } } elsif( $machine eq "NIMBUS") { #as there are no centaurs within a NIMBUS machine NO configuration #for centaur chips is required } elsif( $machine eq "ZZTOP") { #as there are no centaurs within a NIMBUS machine NO configuration #for centaur chips is required } else { die "Invalid machine ($machine)!!! Cannot preload DIMM VPD data...exiting."; } } } debugMsg( "@mcsArray" ); }