// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: /afs/awd/projects/eclipz/KnowledgeBase/.cvsroot/eclipz/ifcompiler/initSymbols.H,v $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2010 // //UNDEFINED // // Origin: UNDEFINED // // IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #if !defined(INITSYMBOLS_H) #define INITSYMBOLS_H // Change Log ************************************************************************************* // // Flag Track Userid Date Description // ---- -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- // D754106 dgilbert 06/14/10 Create // andrewg 09/19/11 Updates based on review // End Change Log ********************************************************************************* /** * @file initSymbols.H * @brief Definition of the initSymbols class. Handles all symbols for initfiles */ // Definitions: // cini_id is the 32 bit symbol tag value of a CINI initfile literal or variable as defined in ciniIfSymbols.H // rpn_id is an internal representation used by the Rpn class for all numbers, symbols, Spy enums, etc. that is not an operator // bin_id is the 16 bit tag used to represet number, symbols, enums, etc. in the compiled initfile. #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace init { typedef set FILELIST; class Symbols { public: enum { LIT_TYPE = 0x4000, VAR_TYPE = 0x8000, NUM_TYPE = 0xC000, TYPE_MASK = 0xFFFFC000, CINI_LIT_MASK = 0xA0000000, INIT_ANY_LIT = 0x07FFFFFE, INIT_EXPR_VAR = 0x07FFFFFF, }; enum { SYM_ATTR_UINT8_TYPE = 0x00, SYM_ATTR_UINT32_TYPE = 0x01, SYM_ATTR_UINT64_TYPE = 0x02, SYM_ATTR_UINT8_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x03, SYM_ATTR_UINT32_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x04, SYM_ATTR_UINT64_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x05, }; enum { NOT_FOUND = 0x00000000, NOT_USED = 0x00000000, CINI_ID_NOT_FOUND = 0x80000000, }; /** * Build symbol map for list of files * @param List of files to open to build Symbols */ Symbols(FILELIST & i_filenames); /** * Add a Symbol to the "used" symbol table if not already there * @param string Symbols name * @returns Symbols Rpn id * @post marks the id as 'USED' * */ uint32_t use_symbol(string & i_symbol); /** * Lookup the tag id from the rpn_id provided by use_symbol() * @returns tag id * @param prn_id * @pre all the symbols have been marked used (no new symbols) * @post tag table built if not already built. * @note tag bits 0bttxxxxxx xxxxxxxx * tt == 0b01 -> enumerated literal * tt == 0b10 -> Variable name * tt == 0b11 -> Numeric constant * xxxxxx xxxxxxxx assigned tag offset */ uint16_t get_tag(uint32_t i_rpn_id); /** * Find the symbol name associated with an rpn_id * @param uint32_t rpn_id * @returns string Symbol name | "" if not found */ string find_name(uint32_t i_rpn_id); /** * Find the tag for the numeric lit * @param data * @param number of significant bytes in the data [1-8] * @returns Rpn id */ uint32_t find_numeric_lit(uint64_t i_data, int32_t byte_size); /** * Find the tag for the numeric array lit * @param data * @param number of significant bytes in the data [1-8] * @returns Rpn id */ uint32_t find_numeric_array_lit(uint64_t i_data, int32_t byte_size); /** * Convert a numeric literal Rpn tag to an initfile tag * @param Rpn id returned by find_numeric_lit * @return tag * @pre Must not be called until find_numeric_lit() has been called for all numbers * in the initfile. */ uint16_t get_numeric_tag(uint32_t i_rpn_id); /** * Convert a numeric array literal Rpn tag to an initfile tag * @param Rpn id returned by find_numeric_lit * @return tag * @pre Must not be called until find_numeric_array_lit() has been called for all numbers * in the initfile. */ uint16_t get_numeric_array_tag(uint32_t i_rpn_id); /** * Get the literal data value from the Rpn id returned by find_numeric_lit() * @param uint32_t Rpn id * @param uint32_t for returned byte size * @returns uint64_t data */ uint64_t get_numeric_data(uint32_t i_rpn_id, uint32_t & o_size); /** * Store enum name & return rpn_id */ uint32_t use_enum(const string & enumname); uint32_t get_spy_enum_id(uint32_t i_rpn_id, const string & spyname); string get_enum_name(uint32_t i_rpn_id); string get_enumname(uint32_t spy_id); string get_spyname(uint32_t spy_id); /** * Return spy id */ uint32_t get_spy_id(const string & spyname); void add_define(const string * name, const Rpn * rpn); Rpn get_define_rpn(uint32_t rpn_id); void clear_defines() { iv_defines.clear(); } string listing(); ///< listing of used vars & lits uint32_t bin_vars(BINSEQ & blist); ///< binary byte output of used vars. ret # vars uint32_t bin_lits(BINSEQ & blist); ///< binary byte sequence of used lits ret # lits string full_listing(); ///< listing of all vars & lits (debug) string not_found_listing(); ///< listing of all vars searched for, but not found /** * Get the rpn_id from an initfile binary tag */ uint32_t get_rpn_id(uint32_t bin_tag); /** * Restore used symbol lists from binary sequence * @returns number of symbols */ uint32_t restore_var_bseq(BINSEQ::const_iterator & bli); uint32_t restore_lit_bseq(BINSEQ::const_iterator & bli); /** * Test that all spies in this object are a subset of the object provided * @param Symbols object to compare against * @return string will all error messages. Empty string indicates success. */ string spies_are_in(Symbols & i_full_list, const set & i_ignore_spies); static void translate_spyname(string & s) { for(string::iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) if((*i) == '.' || (*i) == '#' || (*i) == '=' || (*i) == '&' || (*i) == '<' || (*i) == '>' || (*i) == '!' || (*i) == '*' || (*i) == '/' || (*i) == '%' || (*i) == '$') *i = '_'; else *i = toupper(*i); } private: // functions string find_text(uint32_t i_cini_id); uint32_t add_undefined(const string & s); uint32_t get_attr_type(const string &i_type, bool i_array); private: //data // map | symbol name | (cini_id, usage flags) | typedef pair MAP_DATA; typedef map SYMBOL_MAP; typedef map SPY_MAP; typedef map SYMBOL_ATTR_TYPE; typedef pair DEF_DATA; typedef map DEF_MAP; typedef pair RPN_DATA; typedef map RPN_MAP; typedef vector SYMBOL_USED; typedef pair LIT_DATA; typedef vector LIT_LIST; SYMBOL_MAP iv_symbols; ///< From ciniIfSymbols.H all vars and enumerated lits SYMBOL_ATTR_TYPE iv_attr_type; SYMBOL_MAP iv_not_found; ///< List of symbols not found RPN_MAP iv_rpn_map; ///< Map rpn_id to symbol name/cini_id of used Symbols SYMBOL_USED iv_used_var; ///< List of cini_ids of used vars ordered by name SYMBOL_USED iv_used_lit; ///< List of cini_ids of used enum lits ordered by name LIT_LIST iv_lits; ///< Numeric literals SPY_MAP iv_spymap; ///< Spies & arrays & enum spies SPY_MAP iv_enums; ///< Spy enums DEF_MAP iv_defines; ///< defines uint32_t iv_used_var_count; uint32_t iv_used_lit_count; uint32_t iv_rpn_id; ///< Current rpn offset assignment }; }; #endif