#!/bin/sh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/hwpf/prcd_compile.tcl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or other- # wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has # been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" # Name: prcd_compile.tcl - Compile a hardware procedure remotely # # Based on if_make.tcl by Doug Gilbert #--------------------------------------------------------- # TBD - No Support Yet #--------------------------------------------------------- proc getPassword { prompt } { exec stty -echo echonl <@stdin # Print the prompt puts -nonewline stdout $prompt flush stdout # Read that password! :^) gets stdin password # Reset the terminal exec stty echo -echonl <@stdin return $password } #--------------------------------------------------------- # TBD - No Support Yet #--------------------------------------------------------- proc mysend { chan val } { #puts "Sending>>>$val<<<<" puts $chan $val } proc telnetResult { telnet } { global telnet_out #puts "Reading $telnet" if { [eof $telnet] || [catch { set dat [read $telnet]}] } { #puts "GOT>>>AT END<<<" set telnet_out {AT END} if { [catch {close $telnet} res] } { puts "Error: $res" } } else { #puts "GOT>>>$dat<<<<" append telnet_out $dat } } # Wait for p to showup in telnet_out # return 1 if timout else returns 0 proc wait_for { p } { global telnet_out while { 1 } { vwait telnet_out if { [string last $p $telnet_out] > -1 } { return 0 } if { [string compare {timeout} $telnet_out] == 0 } { return 1 } } } #--------------------------------------------------------- # TBD - No Support Yet #--------------------------------------------------------- proc get_fsp_info { fspip fsppassword} { global telnet_out set telnet_out {} # Open telnet session if {[catch {set telnet [open "|telnet $fspip" r+]} res]} { puts "Could not telnet to $fspip" return {} } fconfigure $telnet -buffering none -blocking 0 # all output from telnet session captured by telnetResult procedure # put into telnet_out variable fileevent $telnet readable [list telnetResult $telnet] # Set a timeout of 20 seconds set timeoutid [after 20000 { set telnet_out {timeout} close $telnet } ] if {[wait_for {login:}]} { return {} } mysend $telnet {root} if { [wait_for {Password:}]} { return {} } mysend $telnet "$fsppassword" while { 1 } { vwait telnet_out if { [string last {$} $telnet_out] > 0 } { break } if { [string last {Login incorrect} $telnet_out] > 0 } { puts {Login incorrect} close $telnet return {} } if { [string compare $telnet_out {timeout}] == 0 } { return {} } } set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {registry -r fstp/DriverName} if { [wait_for {$}]} { return {} } regexp {registry -r fstp/DriverName.+fips[0-9]+/(.+)\n.+} $telnet_out a driver set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {cat /proc/mounts | grep /nfs} if { [wait_for {$}]} { return {} } regexp {.+\n(.+?):(.+?) +/nfs nfs .+} $telnet_out a companion_ip nfs_dir mysend $telnet {exit} if { [wait_for {AT END}]} { return {} } # Cancel the timout after cancel $timeoutid return "$driver:$companion_ip:$nfs_dir" } proc check_bso { server } { global telnet_out set telnet_out {} #puts "Input server is $server" # Open telnet session if {[catch {set telnet [open "|telnet $server" r+]} res]} { puts "Could not telnet to $server" return {} } fconfigure $telnet -buffering none -blocking 0 # all output from telnet session captured by telnetResult procedure # put into telnet_out variable fileevent $telnet readable [list telnetResult $telnet] # Set a timeout of 3 seconds set timeoutid [after 3000 { set telnet_out {timeout} close $telnet } ] while { 1 } { vwait telnet_out #puts "OUTPUT: $telnet_out" if { [string last {BSO} $telnet_out] > 0 } { puts "BSO Firewall Detected for $server, please authenticate first!" after cancel $timeoutid return 1; } if { [string compare $telnet_out {timeout}] == 0 } { break } } set telnet_out {} return 0 } #--------------------------------------------------------- # TBD - No Support Yet #--------------------------------------------------------- proc start_patch_server_on_fsp { fspip fsppassword } { global telnet_out global telnet global fsp_server_port set telnet_out {} # Open telnet session if {[catch {set telnet [open "|telnet $fspip" r+]} res]} { puts "Could not telnet to $fspip" return 0 } fconfigure $telnet -buffering none -blocking 0 # all output from telnet session captured by telnetResult procedure # put into telnet_out variable fileevent $telnet readable [list telnetResult $telnet] # Set a timeout of 20 seconds set timeoutid [after 20000 { set telnet_out {timeout} close $telnet } ] if { [wait_for {login:}]} { return 0 } mysend $telnet {root} if { [wait_for {Password:}]} { return 0 } mysend $telnet "$fsppassword" while { 1 } { vwait telnet_out if { [string last {$} $telnet_out] > 0 } { break } if { [string last {Login incorrect} $telnet_out] > 0 } { puts {Login incorrect} close $telnet return 0 } if { [string compare $telnet_out {timeout}] == 0 } { return 0 } } set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {mkdir -p /nfs/data/engd} if { [wait_for {$}]} { return 0 } set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {mkdir -p /nfs/data/rtbl} if { [wait_for {$}]} { return 0 } set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {killall cini_patcher} if { [wait_for {$}]} { return 0 } set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet "cini_patcher &" if { [wait_for {Server ready}]} { return 0 } puts $telnet_out set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {} if { [wait_for {$}]} { return 0 } set telnet_out {} mysend $telnet {exit} if { [wait_for {AT END}]} { return 0 } # Cancel the timout after cancel $timeoutid return 1 } # ------------------------ # MAIN # ------------------------ set userid $::env(USER) set home $::env(HOME) set domain [exec hostname -d] set version "1.2" set files [list] set cmds [list] set servers [list gfw160.austin.ibm.com] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse ARGs #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set state flag foreach arg $argv { switch -- $state { flag { switch -glob -- $arg { -quit { set cmds [list quit] } -d { set state driverflag } # NOT SUPPORTED -s { set state fspflag } # NOT SUPPORTED -p { set state portflag } -v { set verbose 1 } -o { set state outputflag } -n { set newfiles 1 } -*h* { puts {prcd_compile.tcl [--help] [-d ] [-o ] [-n] } puts {} puts {Note this tool only supports *.{c,C,h,H,initfile,xml} files in the following directory trees: } puts { src/usr/hwpf/hwp } puts { src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp } puts {} puts {The files can either be in the local current working directory, or in a local sub-directory mirroring the hostboot tree. } puts {} puts {examples } puts {> prcd_compile.tcl -d b0218a_2012_Sprint9 -o ./output fapiTestHwp.C fapiTestHwp.C sample.initfile} puts {> prcd_compile.tcl -d b0218a_2012_Sprint9 -o ./output/ proc_cen_framelock.C } puts {> prcd_compile.tcl -d b0218a_2012_Sprint9 -o output dmi_training/proc_cen_framelock/proc_cen_framelock.H } puts {} puts {Without the -n parameter, the file are assumed to be existing files in the hostboot sandbox.} puts {If they are not found in the sandbox, an error will be returned.} puts {} puts {On success, files from the img/ directory (*.bin *.syms and hbotStringFile) } puts {will be placed in the output directory. } puts {} puts {With the -n parameter, the files are assumed to be for a NEW HWP and will be checked to see} puts {if they compile - no binary image files will be returned.} puts {examples } puts {> prcd_compile.tcl -n mss_l3.C mss_l3.H} puts {} puts {The -d and -o parameters are optional. Default for -d is the master level of code } puts {and default for -o is the current working directory } puts {} puts "Version: $version" puts {} exit } *\.initfile { lappend files $arg } *\.C { lappend files $arg } *\.H { lappend files $arg } *\.h { lappend files $arg } *\.xml { lappend files $arg } default { puts "Unsupported File or Argument: $arg " exit } } } driverflag { #lappend cmds ":DRIVER $arg" set driver $arg set state flag } fspflag { foreach {fspip fsp_port} [split $arg :] break set state flag } portflag { # Set the port the fsp patch server is listening on. # This is not the telnet port used in simics. # defaults to 7779 set fsp_server_port $arg set state flag } outputflag { set output_dir $arg set state flag } } } if {![info exists fsp_server_port]} { set fsp_server_port 7779 } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get fspip if not specified #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TBD - NOT SUPPORTED if { ![info exists fspip] && ![info exists driver] } { # puts -nonewline {Enter telnet address of fsp: } # flush stdout # fconfigure stdin -blocking 1 # foreach {fspip fsp_port} [split [gets stdin] { :}] break # fconfigure stdin -blockin 0 # puts { No driver name input! } # exit } if { [info exists fspip] } { set fsppassword [getPassword "root password for fsp $fspip:"] set res [get_fsp_info "$fspip $fsp_port" $fsppassword] if { $res != "" } { foreach {driver companion_ip nfs_dir} [split $res {:}] break } if { [info exists driver]} { puts "FSP Driver: $driver" } else { puts {FSP login failed!} exit -1 } if { $companion_ip != {} } { puts "Companion: $companion_ip" } else { unset companion_ip } if { $nfs_dir != {} } { puts "nfs_dir: $nfs_dir" } } if { ![info exists driver] } { # default to the master for the driver set driver "master" } if { ![info exists output_dir] } { # default to PWD for output set output_dir "./" } # Make the output directory eval {exec} "mkdir -p $output_dir" lappend cmds ":INFO userid $userid version $version" lappend cmds ":DRIVER $driver" if {[info exists newfiles]} { # NEW HWP file(s) ########################################################## # Generate command to send each input file ########################################################## foreach filen $files { set file_size [file size $filen] set filesource($filen) $filen lappend cmds ":HWP_FILE_NEW $filen $file_size" } ########################################################## # Generate compile and complete directives ########################################################## lappend cmds ":HWP_COMPILE_NEW" lappend cmds ":HWP_DONE" } else { # existing file(s) ########################################################## # Generate command to send each input file ########################################################## foreach filen $files { set file_size [file size $filen] set filesource($filen) $filen lappend cmds ":HWP_FILE $filen $file_size" } ########################################################## # Generate compile, retrieve, and complete directives ########################################################## lappend cmds ":HWP_COMPILE" lappend cmds ":HWP_RETRIEVE" lappend cmds ":HWP_DONE" } set xfer_file_list {} if {[llength $cmds] > 0 } { set result "" ########################################################## # Find a server to run on ########################################################## foreach server $servers { set result "" puts "Trying $server ..." # Check for BSO firewall if {[check_bso $server]} { exit -1 } if {[catch {set sockid [socket $server 7779] } res ] } { set result " $res" puts $result continue } else { break } } ########################################################## # Now send all of the commands we generated sequentially # to the server, waiting for a :DONE between each one. ########################################################## if {$result == ""} { puts "Connected to $server - Starting Compile" foreach cmd $cmds { if {[info exists verbose]} {puts "Send to hw procedure compiler: $cmd"} if {[string compare $cmd {quit}] == 0 } { puts $sockid {quit} break } elseif {[regexp {^:HWP_FILE.* +(.+) +(.+)} $cmd a hwpfilename filesize]} { puts $sockid $cmd set hwpfile [open $filesource($hwpfilename) r] fconfigure $sockid -translation binary fconfigure $hwpfile -translation binary fcopy $hwpfile $sockid -size $filesize close $hwpfile fconfigure $sockid -translation auto } else { puts $sockid $cmd } flush $sockid set line "" while {[string compare $line {:DONE}] != 0} { if {[eof $sockid]} { break } gets $sockid line if {[info exists verbose]} {puts "Received from hw procedure compiler: $line"} if {[regexp {^:OBJ_FILE +(.+) +(.+)\n*} $line a b c] } { fconfigure $sockid -translation binary lappend xfer_file_list $b set fp [open "$output_dir/$b" w] fconfigure $fp -translation binary fcopy $sockid $fp -size $c close $fp fconfigure $sockid -translation auto } elseif {[regexp {.*ERROR:.*} $line ->] } { puts stderr "Error in server script - $line" set error 1 } elseif {[regexp {.*error:.*} $line ->] } { puts stderr "Error in compile - $line" set error 1 } } if {[eof $sockid]} { break } } close $sockid if {[info exists error]} { puts "Compile Failed! See above errors" exit -1 } else { puts "Compile Complete" } } else { # The server must be down puts stderr "All The servers seems to be down" exit -1 } } # telnet back to fsp and start patch server # TBD - Not implemented in this sprint if {[info exists companion_ip]} { if {$companion_ip != {}} { set res [start_patch_server_on_fsp "$fspip $fsp_port" $fsppassword] if { $res } { #puts "fspip $fspip" if {[catch { set sockid [socket $fspip $fsp_server_port] } res ] } { puts $res exit -1 } # call fspipResult when sockid becomes readable fileevent $sockid readable [list fspipResult $sockid] #fconfigure $sockid -buffering line # send files foreach f $xfer_file_list { #puts "file: $f" if {[string match {*.if} $f] || [string match {*.dat} $f] } { set dest_dir {/nfs/data/engd} } else { set dest_dir {/nfs/data/rtbl} } set filesize [file size $f] puts $sockid ":PUT $dest_dir/[file tail $f] $filesize" puts ":FSPPUT $fspip:$dest_dir/[file tail $f] $filesize" set hwpfile [open $f r] fconfigure $sockid -translation binary fconfigure $hwpfile -translation binary #puts "fcopy $hwpfile $sockid -size $filesize" fcopy $hwpfile $sockid -size $filesize close $hwpfile fconfigure $sockid -translation auto } close $sockid } } } # should only see data comming back if there were errors. proc fspipResult { sockid } { gets $sockid line puts $line }