#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/debug/vpo-debug-framework.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @file vpo-debug-framework.pl # @brief Implementation of the common debug framework for running in vpo. # use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Temp ('tempfile'); use File::Basename; use lib dirname (__FILE__); #print __FILE__."\n"; use Hostboot::_DebugFramework; #----------- # Constants #----------- use constant CACHELINESIZE => 128; use constant CACHELINEMASK => 0xFFFFFF80; use constant NUMTHREADS => 8; #------------------------------------------------------------ # Common options for the different tools in VPO environment #------------------------------------------------------------ my %optionInfo = ( "--test" => ["Use the hbicore_test.syms file instead of the default."], "--img-path=" => ["The path to the \"img\" directory where the syms file, etc is located.", "User can also set the env variable HB_IMGDIR to the path of the \"img\"", "directory instead of using this option."], "--out-path=" => ["The path to the directory where the output will be saved."], "--debug" => ["Enable debug tracing."], "--mute" => ["Don't output the 'Data saved ...' message"], "--no-save-states" => ["Don't save thread states..."], "-k#" => ["The cage to act on."], "-n#" => ["The node to act on."], "-s#" => ["The slot to act on."], "-p#" => ["The chip position to act on."], "-c#" => ["The core/chipUnit to act on."], "--realmem" => ["read from real memory instead of L3"], ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $name = "vpo-debug-framework.pl"; my $self = ($0 =~ m/$name/); #flag showing whether script invoked using a different name; i.e symlink my $callmodule = $0; my $tool = ""; my $testImage = 0; my $outPath = ""; my $outFile = ""; my $toolOptions = ""; my $cfgHelp = 0; my $cfgMan = 0; my $toolHelp = 0; my $debug = 0; my $mute = 0; my $nosavestates = 0; my @ecmdOpt = ("-cft"); my @threadState = (); my $l2Flushed = 0; my $fh; my $opt_realmem = 0; # Use HB_VBUTOOLS env if specified my $outDir = getcwd(); my $vbuToolDir = $ENV{'HB_VBUTOOLS'}; if (defined ($vbuToolDir)) { unless ($vbuToolDir ne "") { $vbuToolDir = "/gsa/ausgsa/projects/h/hostboot/vbutools/latest"; } } my $imgPath = ""; my $hbDir = $ENV{'HB_IMGDIR'}; if (defined ($hbDir)) { if ($hbDir ne "") { $imgPath = "$hbDir/"; } } ## we need hbToolsDir for checkContTrace() (vpo only) my $pgmDir = `dirname $0`; chomp( $pgmDir ); my $hbToolsDir = $ENV{'HB_TOOLS'}; if ( ! defined( $hbToolsDir) || ( $hbToolsDir eq "" ) ) { $hbToolsDir = $pgmDir; ## Set to tool directory } Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); if ($self) { GetOptions("tool:s" => \$tool, "tool-options:s" => \$toolOptions, "test" => \$testImage, "img-path:s" => \$imgPath, "out-path:s" => \$outPath, "debug" => \$debug, "mute" => \$mute, "realmem" => \$opt_realmem, "no-save-states" => \$nosavestates, "help" => \$cfgHelp, "toolhelp" => \$toolHelp, "man" => \$cfgMan, "k=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "n=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "s=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "p=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "c=i" => \&processEcmdOpts) || pod2usage(-verbose => 0); pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if ($cfgHelp && $self); pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($cfgMan && $self); pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if (($tool eq "") && $self); if ($toolHelp) { callToolModuleHelp($tool); exit; } } else { Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); GetOptions("test" => \$testImage, "img-path:s" => \$imgPath, "out-path:s" => \$outPath, "debug" => \$debug, "mute" => \$mute, "realmem" => \$opt_realmem, "no-save-states" => \$nosavestates, "help" => \$cfgHelp, "man" => \$cfgMan, "k=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "n=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "s=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "p=i" => \&processEcmdOpts, "c=i" => \&processEcmdOpts); #Determine the tool module. determineToolModule(); if ($cfgHelp || $cfgMan) { displayToolModuleHelp(); exit; } # Determine the options for the tool module determineToolModuleOpts(); } # Determine the full image path. $imgPath = determineImagePath($imgPath); # Determine the output file $outFile = determineOutputFile(); if ($outFile ne "") { unlink $outFile if (-e $outFile); open $fh, ">>$outFile" or die "ERROR: cannot open $outFile"; binmode $fh; } my $flag = "-quiet"; if ($debug) { $flag = ""; } # Save original thread states if (!$nosavestates) { saveThreadStates(); } # Parse tool options and call module. parseToolOpts($toolOptions); callToolModule($tool); # Restore thread states if (!$nosavestates) { restoreThreadStates(); } if (!$mute) { print "\n\nData saved to $outFile\n\n"; } # Close the output file close $fh if ($outFile ne ""); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SUBROUTINES #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { pod2usage(-verbose => 2); } sub processEcmdOpts { my ($opt, $value) = @_; if ($opt eq "c") { #remove default value shift(@ecmdOpt); } push(@ecmdOpt, "-$opt$value"); } # @sub determineOutputFile # # Determine the file to save the output to. # sub determineOutputFile { if ($outPath eq "") { $outPath = "."; } return "$outPath/hb-$tool.output"; } # @sub userDisplay # # Display parameters to the user. # # @param varargs - Items to display to the user. # sub userDisplay { foreach my $value (@_) { print $value; print $fh $value if ($outFile ne ""); } } # Flush the L2 cache # This is needed in order to dump L3 quickly # sub flushL2 { if ($opt_realmem == 0 && 0 == $l2Flushed) { #stop instructions ## @todo problems with the model, just use thread 0 for now ## $$ stopInstructions("all"); stopInstructions("all"); my $command = "$vbuToolDir/proc_l2_flush_wrap.x86 @ecmdOpt $flag"; die "ERROR: cannot flush L2" if (system("$command") != 0); $l2Flushed = 1; } } # @return The blob of data requested. # @sub readData # # Reads a data blob from L3 # # @param integer - Address to read at. # @param size - Size (in bytes) to read. # # @return The blob of data requested. # sub readData { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; $addr = translateHRMOR($addr); #flushL2 flushL2(); #Compute the # of cache lines my $offset = $addr % CACHELINESIZE; my $numCacheLines = ceil($size / CACHELINESIZE); if (($offset + $size) > ($numCacheLines * CACHELINESIZE)) { $numCacheLines += 1; } #Read the cache lines from L3 and save to temp file my (undef, $fname) = tempfile("tmpXXXXX", DIR => "$outDir"); my $command = ""; if ( $opt_realmem ) { ## after winkle, cache-contained is disabled, and the buffers are in ## real memory at the same address. ## use --realmem to read them. ## ## @todo RTC 50233 need to modify all these routines to sense ## cache-contained mode and do the switch automatically $command = sprintf ("getmemdma %x %d -fb $fname -quiet >/dev/null", $addr, $size ); ## not using cachelines, no need to seek to offset. $offset = 0; } else { $command = sprintf ("$vbuToolDir/p8_dump_l3 %x $numCacheLines -f $fname -b @ecmdOpt", $addr); } if ($debug) { print "addr $addr, size $size, offset $offset\n"; print "$command\n"; } die "ERROR: cannot read memory: $command " if (system("$command") != 0); #Extract just the data requested from the cache lines read open FILE, $fname or die "ERROR: $fname not found : $!"; binmode FILE; my $result = ""; seek FILE, $offset, SEEK_SET or die "ERROR: Couldn't seek to $offset in $fname: $!\n"; read FILE, $result, $size; close (FILE); unlink($fname); return $result; } # @sub writeData # @brief write a blob of data to L3 sub writeData { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; my $value = shift; $addr = translateHRMOR($addr); #Compute the # of cache lines my $base = $addr & CACHELINEMASK; my $offset = $addr % CACHELINESIZE; my $numCacheLines = ceil($size / CACHELINESIZE); if (($offset + $size) > ($numCacheLines * CACHELINESIZE)) { $numCacheLines += 1; } if ($debug) { my $value2 = unpack("H*", $value); print "addr $addr, size $size, value $value2\n"; print "base $base, offset $offset, numCacheLines $numCacheLines\n"; } #read the cachelines from L3 & save to temp file my ($fh, $fname) = tempfile("tmpXXXXX", DIR => "$outDir"); binmode $fh; print $fh (readData($base, $numCacheLines * CACHELINESIZE)); if ($debug) { print "data read\n"; system("xxd $fname"); } #modify the cachelines seek $fh, $offset, SEEK_SET or die "ERROR: Couldn't seek to $offset in $fname: $!\n"; print $fh $value; close ($fh); if ($debug) { print "data modify\n"; system("xxd $fname"); } #write the cachelines my $command = sprintf("$vbuToolDir/p8_load_l3 -f $fname -o 0x%x -b @ecmdOpt", $base); die "ERROR: cannot write L3" if (system("$command") != 0); unlink($fname); if ($debug) { ($fh, $fname) = tempfile("tmpXXXXX", DIR => "$outDir"); binmode $fh; print $fh (readData($base, $numCacheLines * CACHELINESIZE)); print "data written\n"; system("xxd $fname"); close ($fh); unlink($fname); } return; } # Stop instructions sub stopInstructions { my $thread = shift; #Stopping all threads my $command = "$vbuToolDir/proc_thread_control_wrap.x86 @ecmdOpt -stop -t$thread $flag"; if ($debug) { print "--- stopInstructions: run $command\n"; } die "ERROR: cannot stop instructions" if (system("$command") != 0); } # Start instructions sub startInstructions { my $thread = shift; ## #Starting all threads my $command = "$vbuToolDir/proc_thread_control_wrap.x86 @ecmdOpt -start -t$thread -warncheck $flag "; if ($debug) { print "--- startInstructions: run $command\n"; } if (system("$command") != 0) { if (0 == getShutdownRequestStatus()) { die "ERROR: cannot start instructions"; } else { if ($debug) { print "Cannot start instructions since Hostboot has shutdown"; } } } #Need to flush L2 the next time we read data from L3 $l2Flushed = 0; } # Query thread state # @brief query whether thread state is quiesced or running sub queryThreadState { my $thread = shift; my $command = "$vbuToolDir/proc_thread_control_wrap.x86 @ecmdOpt -query -quiet -t$thread"; if ($debug) { print STDERR "--- queryThreadState: run $command\n"; } my $result = `$command`; if ($debug) { print"query result:\n $result\n"; } if ($result =~ m/Quiesced/) { return "Quiesced"; } return "Running"; } # Save thread states # @brief Save the thread states sub saveThreadStates { for (my $i = 0; $i < NUMTHREADS; $i++) { push (@threadState, queryThreadState($i)); } } # Restore thread states # @brief Restore the thread states sub restoreThreadStates { for (my $i = 0; $i < NUMTHREADS; $i++) { my $curState = queryThreadState($i); if ($threadState[$i] ne $curState) { if ("Quiesced" eq $curState) { startInstructions($i); } else { stopInstructions($i); } } } } # @sub CheckXstopAttn # @brief Check for a checkstop/special attn # return 1 if checkstop/attn occurs sub CheckXstopAttn { my $result = `getscom pu 000f001a @ecmdOpt -quiet`; my $chkstop = 0; if ($result !~ m/0x[04]000000000000000/) { $chkstop = 1; } return $chkstop; } # @sub FirCheck # @brief Check for FIR sub FirCheck { my $result = `fircheck @ecmdOpt -quiet 2>&1 | head -30`; $result =~ s/error/ERR*R/gi; $result =~ s/FAIL/F*IL/g; $result =~ s/.*00 SIMDISP.*\n//g; $result =~ s/.*CNFG FILE GLOBAL_DEBUG.*\n//g; print "$result\n"; } # @sub getCIA # @brief return CIA sub getCIA { my $cia = `getspy pu EX03.EC.IFU.I.T0_CIA -quiet | paste - -`; return $cia; } # @sub executeInstrCycles # @brief Tell the simulator to run for so many clock cycles sub executeInstrCycles { my $flag = "-quiet"; if ($debug) { $flag = ""; } #start instructions startInstructions("all"); # run clock cycles my $cycles = shift; ## for Istep.pm, the number of cycles should be approximately ## the same between vpo and simics. ## callFunc needs a multiplier of 100. ## Add tweaks for any other module here. if ( !($callmodule =~ m/Istep/) ) { $cycles = $cycles * 100; #increase cycles since VBU takes longer } my $command = "simclock $cycles $flag"; if ($debug) { print "--- executeInstrCycles: run $command\n"; } my $noshow = shift; if (!$noshow) { print "$command\n"; } die "ERROR: cannot run clock cycles" if (system("$command") != 0); } # @sub readyForInstructions # @brief Check whether we can run instructions # @returns 0 - Not ready or 1 - Ready sub readyForInstructions { # always return Ready return 1; } # @sub getShutdownRequestStatus # @brief Check whether shutdown has been requested # @returns 0 - Shutdown not requested or 1 - Shutdown requested sub getShutdownRequestStatus { my ($symAddr, $symSize) = findSymbolAddress("CpuManager::cv_shutdown_requested"); if (not defined $symAddr) { print "Cannot find symbol.\n"; die; } my $result = readData($symAddr, $symSize); $result= hex (unpack('H*',$result)); return $result; } # @sub getImgPath # # Return file-system path to .../img/ subdirectory containing debug files. # sub getImgPath { return $imgPath; } # @sub getIsTest # # Return boolean to determine if tools should look at test debug files or # normal debug files. # sub getIsTest { return $testImage; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following routines are used when this script is invoked using a different # name, i.e. a symlink. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @sub determineToolModule # # Determine the tool module. # sub determineToolModule { if (!$self) { my ($fname, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($0, qr{\..*}); my @list = split('-', $fname); $tool = ucfirst($list[1]); #Make sure first letter is upper case } #print "tool $tool\n"; } # @sub determineToolModuleOpts # # Determine the tool module options. # sub determineToolModuleOpts { my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if (!$self && $numArgs) { foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { $arg =~ s/^-+//; if (($arg =~ m/=/) && ($arg =~ m/ /)) { #put quotes around it my @list = split('=', $arg); $list[1] = "'".$list[1]."'"; $arg = join("=", @list); } $toolOptions .= " $arg"; } } if ($debug) { print "toolOptions $toolOptions\n"; } } # @sub displayToolModuleHelp # # Display usage info for the specific tool plus the common tool options. # sub displayToolModuleHelp { if (!$self) { my %info = callToolModuleHelpInfo($tool); print "\nTool: $tool\n"; for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $info{intro} } ) { print "\t$info{intro}[$i]\n"; } print "\nOptions:\n"; if (defined $info{options}) { for my $key ( keys %{$info{options}} ) { print "\t--$key\n"; for my $i (0 .. $#{ $info{options}{$key} } ) { print "\t\t$info{options}{$key}[$i]\n"; } } } for my $key ( keys %optionInfo ) { print "\t$key\n"; for my $i (0 .. $#{ $optionInfo{$key} } ) { print "\t\t$optionInfo{$key}[$i]\n"; } } if (defined $info{notes}) { print "\n"; for my $i (0 .. $#{ $info{notes} } ) { print "$info{notes}[$i]\n"; } } } } # @sub getEnv # # Return the environment that we are running in, simics or vpo # sub getEnv { return "vpo"; } # @sub translateAddr # # @param[in] - 64-bit scom address # # @return = GET/STK FAC string to apply to VPO sub translateAddr { my $addr = shift; my $vpoaddr = ""; if ( $addr == 0x00050038 ) { ## 50038 is mbox scratch 0 xscom addr $vpoaddr = "GMB2E0"; } elsif ( $addr == 0x00050039 ) { ## 50039 is mbox scratch 1 xscom addr $vpoaddr = "GMB2E4"; } elsif ( $addr == 0x0005003a ) { ## 5003a is mbox scratch 2 xscom addr $vpoaddr = "GMB2E8"; } elsif ( $addr == 0x0005003b ) { ## 5003b is mbox scratch 3 xscom addr $vpoaddr = "GMB2EC"; } else { die "invalid mailbox reg: $addr\n"; } return $vpoaddr; } # @sub readScom # @brief Read a scom address in VPO # Scom size is always 64-bit # # @param[in] scom address to read # # @return hex string containing data read # # @todo: handle littleendian # sub readScom { my $addr = shift; my $vpoaddr = ::translateAddr( $addr ); # Use simGETFAC to speed up VPO my $cmd = "simGETFAC " . "B0.C0.S0.P0.E8.TPC.FSI.FSI_MAILBOX.FSXCOMP." . "FSXLOG.LBUS_MAILBOX.Q_$vpoaddr.NLC.L2 32"; my $result = `$cmd`; if ( $? ) { die "$cmd failed with $? : $!"; } $result =~ s/.*\n0xr(.*)\n.*/$1/g; $result =~ s/\n//g; ## debug #::userDisplay "--- readScom: ", # (sprintf("0x%x-->%s, %s", $addr,$vpoaddr,$result)), "\n"; ## comes in as a 32-bit #, need to shift 32 to match simics my $scomvalue = "0x" . $result; $scomvalue = hex($scomvalue); $scomvalue <<= 32; return ($scomvalue); } # @sub writeScom # @brief Write a scom address in VPO. # # @param[in] - scom address # @param[in] - binary data value. Scom value is aways assumed to be 64bits # # @return none # # @todo: handle littleendian # sub writeScom { my $addr = shift; my $value = shift; my $addrstr = sprintf( "%08x", $addr ); my $valuestr = sprintf( "%016x", $value ); # Use putscom because simPUTFAC doesn't work consistenly system("putscom pu $addrstr $valuestr -cft -quiet"); return; } ## ## Special case: only used in VPO ## Check the continuous trace Scom reg to see if we need to dump ## trace. ## This has to be executed as an external procedure so that it goes to the ## proper output file. ## sub checkContTrace() { my $SCRATCH_MBOX0 = 0x00050038; my $contTrace = ""; $contTrace = ::readScom( $SCRATCH_MBOX0 ); if ( $contTrace != 0 ) { ## activate continuous trace system ("$hbToolsDir/hb-ContTrace --mute > /dev/null" ); system ("cat hb-ContTrace.output >> tracMERG"); ## ContTrace might leave instructions stopped, turn them ## back on here to make sure. ::startInstructions("all"); } } # @sub getHRMOR # # Returns the HRMOR (0 for VPO). # sub getHRMOR { return 0; } __END__ =head1 NAME vpo-debug-framework.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS vpo-debug-framework.pl [options] --tool= =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--tool>=MODULE Identify the tool module to execute. =item B<--tool-options>="OPTIONS" List of arguments to pass to the tool as options. =item B<--toolhelp> Displays the help message for a specific debug tool. =item B<--test> Use the hbicore_test.syms file instead of the default. =item B<--img-path>=PATH The path to the "img" directory where the syms file, etc is located. User can also set the env variable HB_IMGDIR to the path of the "img" directory instead of using this option. =item B<--out-path>=PATH The path to the directory where the output will be saved. =item B<--debug> Enable debug tracing. =item B<-k>=CAGE # The cage to act on. =item B<-n>=NODE # The node to act on. =item B<-s>=SLOT # The slot to act on. =item B<-p>=CHIP # The chip position to act on. =item B<-c>=CORE # The core/chipUnit to act on. =item B<--help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION Executes a debug tool module. =cut